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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1407684933' post='2522980'] How well does it cope with lower tuning? [/quote] it works with my 5-string, if that's what you're asking
  2. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1407355586' post='2519807'] I asked him if it was a Harley, and got this response: "[color=#000][font=arial,sans-serif][size=2]Hi and thanks for the inquiry . I am a guitarist really not a bass player. all the information you need about the bass is in my listing. the headstock is round but not exactly a fender shape,,,a friend of mine who plays bass professionally set it up for me there is No logo on.. Im no expert on these things but my friend valuabley informs me that the vast majority of guitars nowadays are all made in China. as are fender squires. so basically you are paying for a guitar made in china with a fender logo on.The majoraty of shops now import guitars from china and put thier own brand on. it dosnt interest me where a guitar is made as long as it plays good personally. There are literally hundreds of shops on ebay selling guitars made in china for 3 times what you could buy them for... theres a guy who sells Gibson replicas imported from china with the logo on for £400.Cash generator regularly sell replica guitars ect I was in there yesterday and they had a Fender precision bass exact replica for £300 apparently they have started importing them. as a collector and player I have a few real fenders myself .the squire one made in china plays better than my usa strat go figure eh...but wouldn't pay that much again personally.each to their own i suppose. If you can find a good guitar cheap then I suggest you just buy it and not the bass I'm selling its that simple. or maybe buy yourself a Fender jazz if you can afford one."[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] I was not looking to buy it, but if I were that would be enough for me not to bother. What a cock.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407499033' post='2521162'] They are ok but there is no way I'd pay £700 for a new one when you can pick from loads of used ebmm ones for less money that won't be worth less than £400 as soon as you walk out of the shop with it! [/quote] +1 it seems a crazy price... I paid £700 for the Stingray in my avatar, immaculate, not a single mark on it, including the EBMM hardcase, 4 years ago. I see that s/h prices have not changed all that much.
  4. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1407440908' post='2520645'] Here are my 3 beauties, now on the wall [/quote] I don't really like cherry/honey sunburst. I don't really like rosewood. The combination of both should be a no-no for me. Yet, I'm transfixed admiring your Stingray in that configuration. That is absolutely lovely!
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1407496934' post='2521122'] They really need to re-think these. They are more often than not installed in a stupid place, badly calibrated and the microphones in them seem to respond to certain frequencies over others. the best way I saw of one being used was that it was hooked up to the lights only. Amp/PA power came from elsewhere... So if you hit the red for 2 seconds or more the lights went out on stage, the music continued, and the band quickly got the message that they needed to turn down a bit (as they were in darkness). The ents manager there understood the stupidity of the thing, but said they had to keep the volume reasonable, so this was his compromise. This way, the message was clear, but it didn't kill the vibe dead if a rogue snare drum tripped it. Not sure it was 100% legal, but certainly a more sane approach! [/quote] If you're going to use a limiter, that seems a really good approach!
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1407340759' post='2519613'] They certainly do. My old band got told we`d have to turn down once, whilst we were wheeling our 412s across to the stage at an outdoors gig in a field facing nothing but more field. They thought we were going to be loud just due to the cabs we used. [/quote] A few times sound guys have expressed concern about volume when I was still setting up my gear (typically in a situation where bass is backline only and perhaps another band would have just used a crappy tiny weeny bass combo on the floor, and I chose to bring two cabs to stack one upon the other... this sometimes was a 2x10 and 2x12 (TC cabs) or more recently a BF Compact plus a small 12" on top). I can understand that if they don't want things to get too loud, they have to let the bands know. That's ok. I actually prefer it when we're not crazy loud, as I can hear everything better! But when someone keeps going on about it... it gets annoying. Last guy I asked to come over, and showed him my volume knob "look, you see? I've got one of these too! So you're in charge, if it's too loud, let me know and I'll turn down"... he got a bit offended at my tone of voice, but come on, I heard him already the third time he told me. I love having two cabs stacked, I just hear myself better and it sounds better, without having to play loud at all. My legs don't have ears.
  7. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1407342311' post='2519631'] [/b] [b]Why ? do you often foget what day it is ?[/b] [/quote] ... and that's when I'm having a good day!
  8. I used to own one... really nice! I don't need one, but I'm tempted all teh same!
  9. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1407326014' post='2519427'] [size=4]I was sort of thinking of the [/size]psychological[size=4] step of turning it off, it being a bit like saying "for the next 3 hours the gig comes above everything else".[/size] [/quote] I can still focus on something while having my phone with me I am very good at ignoring phone calls too, I don't subscribe to the belief that all phone calls must be answered and answered immediately. It's a tool. Use it, don't be used by it.
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1407166794' post='2517973'] Jose the guitarist in my band may be after one of these. I'll get in touch with him and let you know. [/quote] Cool!
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1407180779' post='2518148'] Why bother turning it off when flight mode does essentially the same thing but quicker? [/quote] plus you can still use it as a watch, and take pictures, check calendar...
  12. [quote name='Stroopy121' timestamp='1407159155' post='2517856'] PMd xx [/quote] and PMd back
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1405354150' post='2501140'] Not working and battery getting hot sounds like a dead short to me. My first guess would be the PSU socket being faulty. [/quote] This! But probably not the PSU socket, but the battery terminals themselves, they may be touching metal, or eachother. But yes, that looks like a short affecting your battery. edit: ah, arriving late to the party!
  14. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1406731270' post='2514164'] I have a Kent Armstrong P-bass pickup with a single microphonic polepiece! The reason I notice is because it is the one on the outside of the E string, so my thumbnail occasionally knocks it, putting out noise, or rests against it whilst plucking- I thought I might have a dodgy A string at first, as the noise produced was perfectly aligned with the attack of the note! The simple, and most probable, solution is just to turn the pickup so that the pole is out of the way of any digits which might come into contact with it, as the pickup sounds great, and doesn't have any other other performance issues. However, I'm interested in the whys and wherefores, and other possible ways to deal with it. Presumably the potting has failed around that pole, and should be re-melted. However, I'm not sure I have the equipment or experience to do it with the required precision. And for the cost of the pickup, I'm not sure it is worth the price of a re-pot. A new pickup would likely be a few quid more, and less hassle. I think I may be answering my own queries here, and more's the point, making a mountain out of the molehill that is two wood screws and the loosening of a couple of strings. Regardless, any pointers or tips? Cheers! [/quote] when you say that it puts out noise when you touch it... you mean a "thump" or buzz? A thump would me indeed microphonic. If buzz... it just means the polepiece is not earthed. You could earth it or use a thin film of colorless nail varnish... that way you will not get buzz when touching it. If it's really microphonic... then ignore me But it's unusual that it's microphonic only touching a polepiece, as in my experience microphonic pickups can pick pu noise by hitting the pickup anywhere, or even the body of the bass.
  15. mcnach


    [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1406996963' post='2516559'] Haven't tried that many, but of the ones I've heard the Aguilar Agro is the one I like the sound of best. Just another one to throw into the mix. Owned a B3K, B7K and VMT, but none of them did anything for me. There's something in the upper mids of all 3 that I didn't like. [/quote] +1 on the upper-mids comment. As for the Agro... I also sold mine. You can get some really really good sounds, but I found it a bit hard to operate, the controls are too interactive, and I felt I was losing bottom end, surprisingly.
  16. mcnach


    [quote name='adamlunt' timestamp='1406995223' post='2516535'] So I've recently sold a few pedals and I'm looking to get a nice bass overdrive with a clean blend. I am just stuck on which one to get... I'm thinking either the MXR Bass Overdrive or the Darkglass B3K. I've tried the MXR and really liked it, but a lot of people are raving about the Darkglass stuff. Has anyone tried the two? Are there any differences tone wise? Is the Darkglass worth the extra dosh? Or should I just get a Sansamp? [/quote] I could not get along with the Darkglass, either the B3K or the Vintage... I'd go with the MXR, I tried one and it's a really cool overdrive.
  17. [quote name='isteen' timestamp='1406983836' post='2516430'] The Zoom b3 looks neat, and also have rythm patterns build in, but I've head it really don't sound good enough for using with a band or on stage. [/quote] who said that? I've seen a few bands using a B3/MS-60 and sounding great! The thing about multiFX is that they're convenient, having everything neatly available in one box, easy to program in various combinations etc into separate patches... While every single effect may be perfectly useable, chances are that your favourite chorus, or overdrive, or envelope filter or octaver are not any of the ones in the multiFX, but something else. It's for that reason I use separate pedals: I just combine what I like best and I may go through a few of the same type until I find the one I want etc... But then again, I don't use a LOT of effects, alone or in combination, so separate pedals are a good option for me.
  18. very different boxes. It's hard to put it in words... The LMB-3 does a decent job as a limiter without affecting (much) the sound of your bass (I would not bother with the Enhance knob, it doesn't do anything I like enough to put up with the added hiss). The MultiComp is my favourite compressor (I own two!). It's not the most transparent, but it's really easy to set up and adjust so that it tightens up the sound (I use it primarily to reduce the disparity in volume between finger-style and slap, but also because it just makes slap sound nicer and "rounder"). If you like the inherent sound of the Multicomp, it's hard to beat. I use mostly the dual-band setting (MB), but the "Tubesim" setting has a little less coloration and fattens up the sound more... Pretty cool box. Both are good at something different... I'd go with the Multicomp everytime, 'though.
  19. [quote name='harrypatrickgolding' timestamp='1406962730' post='2516194'] I just tried it and it looks stunning but I noticed scratches on the pickguard and I hold the pickguard when plucking the E, so for me back on it went. And pickguard does make it look better. [/quote] That is oh-so-beautiful!
  20. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1406790527' post='2514671'] Perhaps Barefaced should add dummy cabs to the range as cabinet stands. I am not sure wheterI am joking or not! [/quote] a foldable one!
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