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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1406678158' post='2513746'] What do you mean, it's not discontinued. It's on their website. [/quote] so it is!!!!!!!!! I was convinced they stopped making it a while ago! Glad it's back. It's a good one.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1406703284' post='2513810'] The damping is easy if you play the F on the D string. [/quote] of course there are ways around it but... it's sooo easy to detune the E string and sooo easy to play that riff and similar others using a pedal low D note... I've been playing my 5-string Lakland more recently, and soem things I'd normally detune the E string for can be played standard on the 5er, no doubt... but some are just awkward and/or just don't sound "right" when not using the open string. So I'd use a 5er standard if I had to, but given any opportunity, I'd even detune the E on the 5er for those songs. Call me lazy but I think i...
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1406530465' post='2512077'] how long does it take to tune one string? [/quote] no time at all with a Hipshot Bass X-tender I regularly have to switch between D and E and a Hipshot thingy is just tremendously useful.
  4. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1406461697' post='2511597'] And the EBMM forum is full of psychos. [/quote] not arguing with you there... but that only means "stay away from the forum".
  5. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1406461549' post='2511593'] So … try them both and pick the one that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. For me, the Ray always wins in this test - and I say this as someone who owns a Sandberg (a JM4, not a Basic) and loves it. The Sandberg looks great, plays great and sounds great, but every time I plug in the Ray I get the same "[i]Whoah,[/i] [i]f**k yeah[/i]!' thrill that no other bass seems to be able to deliver. [/quote] ha! indeed! I take a break from time to time, and whenever I go back to the Stingray I get that "[i]Whoah,[/i] [i]f**k yeah[/i]!" feeling
  6. I have been trying a bunch of envelope filters over the past couple of years, and the Aguilar has resisted... until today. I have owned a few of the usual suspects: DOD FX25, 3Leaf Proton, MXR BOD, Source Audio BEF and BEF Pro, various Boss and others. Some better than others, in my opinion. Except for the MXR, I think I liked every other pedal a little bit. But Lately I only had the Source Audio BEF, all others were gone. Now, a Filter Twin appeared for sale, and I went for it... and I'm liking it a LOT. It's the first Aguilar pedal I really like too I didn't get along with their Agro and Octamizer pedals, but this one is just simple and it sounds good no matter what I do. The sweep perhaps could be a bit more pronounced, but whatever, it sounds really really good. I like what adding the second down filter does to the sound... Why did I wait so long? I love the BEF, but the large footprint makes it a bit of a pain sometimes. The Filter Twin will do the job nicely in a smaller package. And it plays really well with overdrive/fuzz... Now I want a Jazz bass in the same colour as the pedal
  7. It's a very nice inexpensive wah, I can't imagine why Ibanez would discontinue it.
  8. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1406411626' post='2511366'] Anyone have any experience with this bad boy? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/amt_wh_1b_bass_wah_wah.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ass_wah_wah.htm[/url] Looks good but does it sound good? [/quote] I also had one of them (I told you I have been around the wah block ) Sound-wise wasn't bad at all, although I struggled to get the right range for things like "Fistful of Steel". The small size was attractive for my pedalboard... but it was hard to use: a full size pedal is much easier to use live. Mine made a "pop" sound sometimes when turning it on, so I got into the habit of clicking it in time with the snare but it was not ideal. In the end, the small size made it not as comfortable to use as I wished, and the sound wasn't exactly what I wanted, so I sold it. I wanted to like it, but a full size pedal is much nicer, in my opinion. This was the last wah I owned before the G-Labs one.
  9. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1406371875' post='2510975'] I know this has been covered and I've done some internet searches but I wasn't 100% with what I found. I'm after a good bass wah that really screams and has a good range, I used to have a cry baby bass 105q years ago but I sold it on as I wasn't using it. I've recently picked up a Morley Dual Bass wah for cheap and tbh it really doesn't seem to have much of a sweep which I'm looking for. The sounds I have in my head are Cliff Burton and RATM on calm like a bomb. What would suit what I'm after? Tbh I can't really remember much of the cry baby but it definitely had more of a sweep than the Dual bass wah. Oh and I'm using an EHX bass big muff, Thanks [/quote] Do you want good or cheap? If cost is a concern, the Ibanez Weeping Demon is pretty cool. I had the 105Q and a Weeping Demon and I only let the WD go because of its size. The 105Q can do the RATM stuff very well (I've used one for about 3 years in a RATM tribute band), and the "auto on" was subtler than in the WD, although I did prefer the WD's sound, marginally. Now, my absolute favourite is the G-Labs wowee wah. Yes, it's more expensive, but after trying I don't know how many wahs, I finally found what I wanted in the G-Labs one. Auto-on operation is flawless, and it's teh best sounding wah I've tried. It's fantastic for RATM. We played a gig recently where a guy came to see me afterwards saying that my sound in Calm like a Bomb especifically was "... soooo motherf***ing filthy and awesome!"... The VT-Bass with the G-Labs wah sounds amazing
  10. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1406620018' post='2512976'] You are half way there by trimming the plastic on one corner of the tweeter. The hole does need enlarged in a couple of places, but we are only talking about fililng rather than sawing chunks out of the cab and the old tweeter should still fit afterwards if you wish. I did this a while ago, and so far all is good and I have not had any issues, or been arrested by the impedance/crossover police. [/quote] I'll probably give it another go at some point... It was one of those 10 minute bouts of extraordinary activity, and it wasn't enough to get to filing anything. You're right, it feels like it just needs a tiny bit of filing.
  11. I tried to replace the piezo with the HT30 last night. It's a little too large. I could not make it fit. I cut some of the surrounding plastic, similar to the original, but the magnet/terminals just did not fit. I don't want to start messing about with enlarging the original hole... so back I mounted the original and it'll stay that way. Ah well. This is the original one:
  12. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1406298036' post='2510347'] Now that looks good! Bit worried that the blurb continually refers to overdrive, hopefully it can be used simply a a volume boost... GAK also suggested the Behringer PB 100 - even cheaper - but the tone knobs look like unnecessary extras. [/quote] I used to have the PB-100... it worked beautifully and it's dirt cheap. I bet the EHX will work just as well, but it's probably better made. I'd be tempted to get that one, it's only a little more expensive than the Behringer,if you don't care about the extra tone control. BUT, I'd really be tempted about an EQ pedal: it's a lot more versatile, should you ever want to have a switchable EQ change.
  13. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1405948301' post='2506796'] Wow Jose, Mecano!...I can't even remember last time I listen to their music Lovely bass tone indeed [/quote] Ha ha, blast from the past, eh? I had nearly forgotten all about them, but the first two albums have a few interesting basslines and a beautiful tone. I only realised that recently!
  14. [quote name='freelancesam' timestamp='1405948233' post='2506795'] Read this [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/genz-benz-head-blown-any-electronics-savvy-people-got-a-spare-minute.1077847"]http://www.talkbass....-minute.1077847[/url] I blew mine the other week because nobody told me about this. Other than that, it's an incredible amp. [/quote] I read already a couple of those recently. I checked and the switch is not too hard, I wish it were the kind of switch that you'd need to apply a lot of strength to switch it... It's not so easy to switch it to the wrong voltage by mistake, but it can happen, clearly. I'm covering mine with tape, just in case.
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1405923800' post='2506433'] Send ebay a copy of his correspondence and leave him negative. I realise that he may be a BCer and read this but it isn't any advice I wouldn't give whether he was or not. ebay may give him a warning for attempting to circumvent their fees or if this has happened before (how will they know if people don't report it) then he may get blocked from ebay; your negative feedback would be justified so long as you keep it appropriate and factual... then move on! [/quote] exactly, being a BC member has no relevance, really.
  16. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1405875905' post='2506053'] I don't see a link at all? [/quote] what browser do you use? the link is embedded and shows as a little black media player strip thingy, with a play button etc. right at the end of the message. Looking ok on Firefox.
  17. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1405852301' post='2505721'] Sounds empty. . Lol [/quote] ? It works for me. Maybe it had not uploaded yet.
  18. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1405851763' post='2505708'] Is this the same tweeter as in the op? http://cpc.farnell.com/_/ht-30/tweeter-8ohm-horn-100w/dp/LS00130 Mcnach, have you taken the plunge yet and fitted yours? I'm about to buy one of these... [/quote] Looks like mine. I haven't had yet the combination of time/will to do it yet, no
  19. Now, this is not a tone I would consider to be my favourite, or even one that I would use much in my band, but it's a tone that I find delicious. This is a track from a Spanish pop band from the 80s-90s, this is from the first album selftitled "Mecano", from 1981. At the time I didn't notice, but in the past few years I came to notice the bass on their first two albums. I like the basslines a lot, and the bass sounds thick and I could not really replicate the sound with any of my dirt pedals. It sounded like it had some mild overdrive and a lot of compression. I have just got a GB Streamliner 900 and I was playing a little with it, along to a few tracks, while waiting for girls to get ready to go and get some breakfast (so plenty of time ) and this track came on, called "254 13 26" (a phone number). And with the gain switch on, turning up the gain, and my 75RI Jazz on the bridge pickup (EMGs) it sounded not just very close to it: I could make it sound even better! This amp is fantastic. I'm in love Here's the track in question: [media]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38169404/10-2541326_192_lame_cbr_ex.mp3[/media] and for those with browsers that don't display the player/link above... maybe you can try this, if you still want to hear it [b]COPYPASTETHIS=>[/b]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38169404/10-2541326_192_lame_cbr_ex.mp3X [b]<=COPYPASTETHIS[/b], and remove the "X" from the extension mp3X (I had to do that to prevent the BC software to autiomatically recognice it as a media link and insert the media player thingy
  20. They are well built, look much more solid than the Shuttle 9.2, and they have proper rubber feet, not the plastic ones that slide on your desk (or BF cabs) - I had to replace the feet in my Shuttle as it's so light it was too easy to push it around and was afraid of dropping it. Anyway, on the sound side of things... Yesterday I was probably the happiest I've been with my sound in years! I have liked many amps, but this one seems "special". I could get a thick hefty tone that still had plenty of definition and top end. The midrange never got too boxy or brittle or gnarly... Fingerstyle felt tight and powerful, and slap was fullbodied... (I use an EBS multicomp before the amp, that's all). I was just using the Streamliner into the BF BB2 cab on top of a 4x10 that was merely a stand for my BB2. As it's there just for stage sound, I like it closer to my ears so that I can hear it clearly without cranking up the volume too much. I could hear it very clearly, and it felt full, it felt powerful without being loud... I was very happy playing last night I won't be able to play a gig without PA support until the first weekend in August, I think. Looking forward to hearing how it behaves in that situation. I had the "gain" switch on, but I didn't crank the gain too high, so there was no clear distortion, just... a very nice thick tone. I love the Shuttle 9.2, but the Streamliner 900 is more the kind of amp I wanted. I feel I have arrived. What a great little amp!
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1405771899' post='2505114'] I had the 50 watt head and that was the same weight as a small planet, can`t imagine what the combo must be like (well maybe a large planet). [/quote] When I ordered my Laney VC50, it arrived by UPS. At the time I lived in an old block of apartments, no lift, narrow steep staircase, on a third floor that was like a fourth floor as the ceilings were high. The UPS guy refused to take it upstairs. He showed me the package and said "I'm not taking it up there. I can take it away and you collect it from the depot at your convenience, or I can leave it here with you here on the floor, but I won't take it up there". I wanted my amp, I was not going to let it go. So he unloaded it and away he went. Now, those of you who have met me know I am not a big guy. But I lifted it onto my shoulder, and took it all the way up to my flat. Then I decided that this amp had to stay in the rehearsal place, because I could not face doing that everytime I wanted to use my amp. Heavy beasts!
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1405666069' post='2504085'] Yes, we have a Laney VC50, too..! [/quote] I had one of those! Ouch! beautiful sound though.
  23. I just received this afternoon a white box with a pretty little amp. I tried it briefly at home through my little Schroeder cab, and I'm liking what it does, and the sweet little nothings it whispers in my ear, promises of what the future might be if I allow it to become louder... So I'm taking it to my gig tonight, and see how it goes But I'm already smiling, and that has rarely happened with any amp that I tried at apartment-friendly volumes in only 10 minutes. There were many sounds there, and none bad. Not a single one. Every knob did something intuitive and there aren't many of them. Let's fire it up!
  24. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1405586083' post='2503210'] So, this tune popped onto the radio this morning. Now I've never been a fan of the Byrds by any stretch, and so I'm fairly unfamiliar with much of their catalogue... but when it reached 1:43 and the 'guitar solo' started, I was transfixed and not in a good way. I mean, whose idea was it to keep it? Did nobody think to say "actually Rog, could you do another take mate, I'm errm not sure about that one"? Or were they all too stoned to care? Have a listen if you can stand it. 1:43 to 2:20, and then remarkably he has another go at around 2:58 with similarly stunning results. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J74ttSR8lEg[/media] Does anybody know of a worse guitar solo? And I don't mean just one you don't like in an "anything by Yngwie, I can't stand him" way, I mean something that is truly awful, dreadful by anyone's yardstick. Real car crash stuff. ps. for some reason I can't get this video to embed. [/quote] So I'm not alone in detesting that "solo"... I never got it. Why spoil a perfectly good song with... with THAT?
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