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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1405590599' post='2503280'] £10.94 including delivery from CPC Farnell. Just do it. [/quote] erm... I already have one in my drawer! I've just been too scared to try it. I meant to simply disconnect the original, as I hear enough to make me a little scared of replacing it... But I did buy one, and it's sitting in my drawer.
  2. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1405589057' post='2503261'] I have replaced the stock tweeter with an HT 30 and it's killed that annoying hiss and doesn't spit and ring like the original. Sounds much much better. The top end is now the same as my other horn fitted MB cabs. Best £11 upgrade you can make on a £600 combo IMO. [/quote] Hmmmm, you're going to make me do it!
  3. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1405170905' post='2499378'] Before we decide whether this is going to get you banned, may we enquire as to whether you meant "collector of Jazz Basses" or the unnamable alternative? Honest replies appreciated, honoured and possibly lavishly rewarded. [/quote]
  4. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1405177171' post='2499442'] Is the bass playing slot job meeting Gender Equality rules each time there is an opening in that band ? [/quote] not a serious question, right?
  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1405148437' post='2499125'] Without necessarily understanding the question correctly, I'll try: In a tone, first you have an attack "phase" with probably reduced harmonic content, and, depending on the instrument and the way it's played, this attack can be pretty useless for picking up the first harmonic of the tone. Often possibly 10 to 30 ms in length, but I'd not be surprised if we're talking 50 to 100 ms in some cases. Then, when the tone settles, and the first harmonic can be sampled in one way or another, the time needed by the nature of things normally goes up with the wavelength. One way around this is picking up the second or fourth harmonic, and another way is a form of smart prediction (of which I have not heard later developments - for all I know it may have been a dead end). From what I understand both of these ways around require more advanced electronics, as well as processes that risk needing too much time anyway. Finally, there's the speed of the electronics in either case at any rate, which was a major drawback in the early days of octavers, but I'd guess it's less of a problem now. I'll be happily corrected and updated on this. [/quote] what I meant and phrased very poorly was: if a guitar's low E can be detected ok, and a bass' low E cannot because of the lower frequency... what would happen if I passed the bass signal through a... [* penny drops] forget it. It was late last night. I was talking about something that might work on a pre-recorded signal, where you can speed it up to transpose everything one octave, or two, so that the note is detected more quickly, and use that to process the signal. Of course, live, you don't have the ability to "play back faster" , so you can only use a standard pitch-shifter, which has to detect the pitch in the first place, and we're hitting the original problem, again. Kids, remember: tired brains spout even more silly things than a rested one.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404807551' post='2495795'] Yes. A 'For Sale' post with no pics or 'pics to come later' confuses and infuriates me - and I won't have anything to do with it. [/quote] I'll type a proper response later.
  7. [quote name='Hot Rod (Wizard) Pickups' timestamp='1405076461' post='2498562'] Please check out our first of many bass pickup demos to come: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GauV3Y2HpiE[/media] Hot Rod Pickups www.hot-rodpickups.com [/quote] Is that the 64 or 84? Both are mentioned... I suspect it's 64 but...
  8. Dragonforce... I'm enjoying this, surprisingly.
  9. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1368357114' post='2075986'] Yeah thats kind of inevitable ,the problem is the amount of time it takes to recognise the original pitch so that you know how much to shift it by - a complete waveform cycle of a bottom E is nearly 25ms. [/quote] Could the input be transposed internally an octave or two for pitch detection then? Is that really the reason for the delay in pitch recognition on low notes?
  10. [quote name='bridge' timestamp='1404634422' post='2494228'] Pete, Little bit of relief, just about a eighth of turn, job done, back normal, thanks for advice guys. [/quote] ah, got late to the party... glad it worked
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1404047228' post='2488738'] Dont touch the saddles!!! Saddle heights dont change between the seasons, all you want to do is get the neck back where it was when it played well before by letting a little relief back into the neck. Unless you are doing a full set up, changing string type/gauge or adjusting to your own taste then the truss rod is all you should ever need to adjust as the seasons/climate changes [/quote] this! sounds like all you probably need to get it the way it was is turning the truss rod nut clockwise a little bit. Maybe half a turn. Try that, without touching anything else, and see how it goes
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1403953933' post='2487990'] I've got these handles on my 2x12", and the hole spacing measures the same as Fionn posted (I've just measured mine). There might be more comfortable handles out there, but these have been sturdy enough and have pressed steel rather than plastic ends. [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=ADH3423&browsemode=category"]http://www.bluearan....semode=category[/url] [/quote] Arrived, and they're perfect! Once again, thank you!
  13. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404491593' post='2493209'] Erm... It wasn't really meant to be that valuable. [/quote] Cool! Then I'm happy to inform you that you succeeded
  14. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1404248077' post='2490847'] Thanks for the heads up guys, im guna have to go n try one when Absolute get there stock in. Rang them today and they are expecting 20 to come into stock. they seemed a bit surprised when I told them that hot rox had it in stock. [/quote] I was surprised too, everywhere else quoted 4th July as the earliest they expected to have them, so I thought Hot Rox might just be "preordering". But it seems they did have them in stock after all. It's the proper UK version, with the UK power supply included etc.
  15. Well, I had a go earlier... and yup, it works! I tried it with a high output Jazz with a J-Retro preamp. Only the lowest notes had a bit of warbling going on if left sustained, but mostly it works pretty well. Perhaps a tiny bit of latency? Not bothersome, however. Single notes track pretty well and you can sustain much longer than I had expected without the note decaying... it just rings until it crosses a threshold and then fades quickly, so long chords are not impossible. Where it really shines is playing chords. I'm not that good when it comes to chords on bass. I play a lot of double stops, which sound nice and big, but fuller chords sound... fuller. So I switched to my old stratocaster... And there I liked it a lot more. The tracking is absolutely no problem whatsoever, and bigger chords are really filling. On guitar I also find it a lot easier to play a chord and change a note or two and the pedal makes it sound quite believably like an organ. Then I added an overdrive pedal. After the B9 it was great to add a little grit and I could just not help playing a few classic Deep Purple riffs... Pity it did not have an expression pedal assigned to the "mod" control! So... I still don't know what I might use this for but I can imagine it can be a pretty cool effect for a song, to add a bit of organ here and there: it would not be a substitute for a keyboard player, but for a band who just wants to add some touches in a song or two, it can be pretty cool. On bass, playing single notes, you can get some really interesting tones by turning the dry sound up and letting the "organ" sound just add a little edge on some awesome riffage. I need to investigate more and play around with it to see what practical uses I can find for it. The limitations are mostly my own, the pedal tracks very well (the higher the register the better, but even on bass it tracks better than just about any octave pedal I can think off, except the MarkBass one perhaps) and it sounds great... you just have to know what to play!
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1404230646' post='2490567'] I bet that's McNach's desk at work without a bass in sight and he'll be feeling just as impatient as you lot! [/quote] indeed!!! and I doubt I'll get more than about 20 minutes play tonight... unlikely I'll record anything, but I'll definitely try it on bass a bit.
  17. And it has just arrived!!! Upon opening a box labelled "Organ Machine" at work, a colleague asked "is that what you call your penis?"
  18. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1404158534' post='2489917'] Best laugh on here for ages. Didn't read all the posts because i have a life but it did remind my why i don't bother with BC much anymore. [/quote] Erm... Thank you for your valuable insight.
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1403970017' post='2488212'] Just ordered mine from HotRox - they have 21 left in stock if you're quick! [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/electro-harmonix-the-b9-organ-machine.html"]http://www.hotroxuk....an-machine.html[/url] [/quote] and same here...
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1403953933' post='2487990'] I've got these handles on my 2x12", and the hole spacing measures the same as Fionn posted (I've just measured mine). There might be more comfortable handles out there, but these have been sturdy enough and have pressed steel rather than plastic ends. [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=ADH3423&browsemode=category"]http://www.bluearan....semode=category[/url] [/quote] That looks perfect, thank you!
  21. I contacted MarkBass, who immediately offered to send me another handle, free of charge. I just got an email confirming it's been posted, with tracking number etc. Can't fault that, they didn't even ask me anything. I guess a handle is not worth the hassle for them. I would still like to find a more solid handle, as it's bound to happen again, due to the design.
  22. who will be the first to try and post a video of one being used on bass? eh? eh?
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