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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1400829255' post='2457268'] What I liked was the sound as soon as you pick it up, no nonsense basses. [/quote] Same here. I keep messing about with other basses, Jazz in particular although lately Precision too... but I always go back to a Stingray in one form or another. It just works for me, sound and feel-wise. Of course, other people feel the same about other types of bass, and that's ok. There's no universally "best" bass for anything.
  2. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1400433537' post='2453810'] No-one else has mentioned this - when I tried out a Ray, I found that you get the same sound whether you play soft or really dig in. I can see how this would be useful, but I didnt get on with it, I like to vary my sound by varying technique, which the Ray didnt respond to. [/quote] That's... surprising to me.
  3. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1400849179' post='2457500'] I know there have been threads on this subject before but I'd value members comments A friend's recent comment on Farcebook to the effect that he'd "broken another string" got me thinking. In more than 30 years playing, I've never broken a string. I've never had a bass let me down either. I tend to go for passive basses so there's less to go wrong. On a couple of gigs, I've taken a back-up but never used it. Sometimes it sits on a stand all night or, if space is tight, it'll go back in it's case and get put in whichever room/store cupboard the venue owner has given us to store gear for the night. I'm starting to question whether I need to take a back-up or even keep a back-up. There's no question of 'rotating' my basses. My BB414 does the job perfectly and the back-up, though a great bass, just doesn't do the job as well as far as my current band is concerned. Does anyone else just take one bass to a gig or even own just one bass, leaving no option [/quote] it depends. I ask myself "what would happen if I break a string? Can I get away with replacing it on the spot?". Typically, the answer is yes, so I don't take a back up. Sometimes I don't want to risk it, either through string breakage or other unforeseen issue, and in that case I take two basses if feasible. But that's very rare. It may bite me in the ass one day, but I'm a firm believer of maintenance and keeping your instrument healthy, and that seems to eliminate 95% of the issues people report (exculding string breakage, which is a very minor issue)...
  4. tiny! compare it to the body of the bass
  5. [quote name='ThePapabull' timestamp='1397175850' post='2421571'] Hi all Can anyone give me some advice/help regarding the best soloution for portable busking ie without access to a mains supply. I've been told that using an inverter with a car battery is ok but am unsure how thus would work also how long I could get out if it using a small combo, and lpedal looper. Also unsure how many charges a car battery could take using it this way before it got knackered !!! If an inverter is the way to go what one / type would be best? Any help gratefully received Cheers all PB [/quote] I was weighing options last year, and I was very tempted by one of the several options that revolve around a battery plus inverter, so that I could use any amp. In particular my small MarkBass combo. However, I got tempted by one of these: QTX QR10PA, from Amazon, at just under £150. Small, light... it claims it lasts several hours... so I pulled the trigger, and I am VERY happy with it. Is it the bass sound against all bass amps should be measured against? No, it isn't. But it is not bad at all. It is a lot louder than I have ever needed [1] and the battery does seem to last for several hours without problems. It is light, smaller than the picture suggests, and easy to carry around (forget about the wheels, just lift it and carry it). They make a version with a 12" speaker at only about £20 more, which may be interesting too, but for busking I am very very happy with this. There is a bit of hiss coming through mine, but only noticeable at home by myself, not on the street. The tonal shaping options are very limited, so adding an EQ pedal (or using a bass with a preamp and active EQ) might be a good idea, but I used it by itself with a Precision and it was good too. I bought a Zoom MS-60B that gives me a tuner and EQ all in one (plus a lot more), but the batteries do not last long so I stopped using that. [1] I used it busking with a band that consisted of: 3 guitarists (typically each with a Roland microcube each, i.e.: louder than acoustic guitars) 1 vocalist (through a separate amp, or sometimes one of the microcubes, although those distort) trumpet saxophone drummer playing a reduced kit: hi-hats, snare and little else. When we played by the beach on a busy afternoon in the beach walk in Portobello, the microcubes ran out of juice and I was still going. I could have been a lot louder than I was, if I wanted to overpower everyone. It works. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Qtx-178-840UK-QR10PA-portable-PA/dp/B009L4KZ8I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1400873795&sr=8-3&keywords=QTX"]http://www.amazon.co...-3&keywords=QTX[/url] Although I put emphasis on it being able to be loud... remember it has a volume knob At many locations you cannot play too loud, as you'll get complaints, so be sensible. But I'd rather be able to play louder and hold back, than wanting louder and having to push something else into distortion and sound bad. I have played with this thing many times where volume was not an issue: the above beach busking session (it was an organised thing, where noise was ok), several pub "acoustic" sessions, etc. On Sunday my band will be playing at the Knockengorroch festival, in SouthWest Scotland. In the afternoon there is a tent for "acoustic sessions" where we have secured a slot. The little QR10PA will allow me to play there easily, with my usual bass. You can take it anywhere, and it will additionally play tracks from a USB stick with separate volume control or using an AUX input. There is actually a second input, but one single volume. If you want to use it for two instruments, best to use an external pedal to adjust the signal (like an EQ pedal). It does come with a crappy wireless mic... ignore it
  6. I just discovered that a BB2 and a MarkBass CMD121P combo fit perfectly in the boot of a VW Golf. I don't like to leave things visible in the car, in case it attracts the attention of the wrong kind of people... but it turns out I can use these two together (which is a very nice pairing, pretty compact and not as loud as with a BF Compact but it's still pretty good), and leave the backseat free. I like the BB2 more every day... Maybe I'll start a new thread about it, just to annoy someone (you know who you are )
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400251076' post='2452306'] Unfortunately not. When the LM3/LM800/LMT/LMT800 came out I went to try them all at the Bass Merchant. The LMT sounded very similar to the LM3, but the 800 watt versions have a different tone overall...which I'm guessing is due to how the 800 watt Class D reacts with the pre, or an inherent part of the tone of the power section, or even just the voicing Markbass wanted. The LM2/3 is a classic. [/quote] I see. The name is misleading then. Thanks!
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400243609' post='2452203'] The LM3 tone is, as you will know, that classic Markbass warm/clear/almost tube like tone, but quite 'flat'. I've tried the LMTube 800, and I think I also tried the LM800 on the same day. It just seems to have a MUCH deeper wider low end, quite ice-picky highs...something isn't quite as nice IMO. There are some discussions on Talkbass about it as well. All personal preference I guess [/quote] Ah, I've seen a lot about the LM Tube 800, not so much about the LM800... I guess it's hard to pick apart. Hmm, deeper wider low end is not something I would particularly want.
  9. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400237812' post='2452115'] Nah, unfortunately I'm not keen on the MB 800 watt tone...its different to the 500W offerings. [/quote] Really? I thought it was essentially an LM2/LM3 with a different power module to bring it up to 800W... How is it different? I have never seen one in the flesh, or heard it.
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400236544' post='2452087'] +1....i'd rather pay more if they kept it as it was and made a new LM4/F500 with more wattage. [/quote] for LM4... you mean something like the LM 800? [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=98"]http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=98[/url]
  11. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1400184025' post='2451658'] Thats a real beauty Love it. Now what you need on that my son is a nice dark wood veneer scratch plate A Jazz - you know it makes sense A [/quote] if I follow your advice I'd end up with a gold-plated bling-master Jazz... erm, no, thanks! I'm not man enough to pull that one off
  12. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1400059107' post='2450222'] I like the sound of active basses, but I also like the look of a trad jazz bass with just the 3 knobs. Is there any way to get onboard active sound without the necessity of a bunch of stacked knobs? I have simple tastes, I'm not really one for endless sound sculpting possibilities. [/quote] I have a J-Retro here. Still looks reasonably "traditional" despite its three stacked knobs. The knobs are simple really: 1: volume and pickup pan (selector) 2: bass and treble 3: mids module: one for cut/boost the other to select the centre frequency.
  13. [quote name='fun size nick' timestamp='1400145600' post='2451100'] Mcnach, thanks for the comprehensive look at the F1! It looks like an amazing bag, and I think it might be just what I'm looking for. I've got a couple of questions about it for you or anyone else who has one. Firstly, how is the hip belt for carrying it long distances? I'd love to have a bag that can transfer some of that weight off my shoulders, and I haven't seen anything like it since incase stopped making their bass bag. Secondly, you mentioned that the pocket could probably fit a Shuttle head in it. How about something slightly deeper, like a Tone Hammer 350/500 or even an Acoustic Image Clarus? I know that Fusion have the extra bags that can clip onto the F1, but I'd be interested to know if the inbuilt pockets are big enough on their own. Thanks! [/quote] I think a deeper head would probably be ok, as long as it's not (much) taller. I carry my heads in a separate case, anyway. The hip belt is good, as on a decent rucksack. I don't normally use it because I don't walk any long distance with it really, but I did test it when I got it and it felt very comfortable with and without the belt on, but clearly the belt makes it a lot nicer to carry, especially if you start stuffing the pockets with things (which is the temptation when you have so much storage space! )
  14. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1400061087' post='2450258'] Are you a little bit tempted to swap the necks over ? I got bitten by the jazz bug after thinking I needed a P bass and selling a delicious DJ4 Lakland. I put the Model J's into the next jazz I got and loved the sound. I'm currently on a P/J with Fralin's for the 'best of both' but wouldn't mind another Jazz for balance All natural with maple and white blocks would have to be the one - a Lakland ACDJ4 would be the ticket [/quote] The thought crossed my mind...
  15. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1400067515' post='2450358'] Personally, and I think I've already said this one in this thread, I think the fit and finish on the cabs has come a long way since previous generations, and frankly no-one in the audience gives a rats ass if it looks good up close because they can't tell. Again personally, I think my current rig looks the dogs dangly doodles and sounds even better. My band all agree 100%, plus they love the light weight JTUK, I think the old Compact was certainly never going to be a cab you could like based on what I have gleaned about your sonic goals, howveer I really do think a BB" or Super Compact may surprise you so try one one day if you can. Preferably at a gig, with your bass and amp because, as you will be the first to admit, your last experience seems to have been a bit duff because of the bass and amp as well as the cab... [/quote] Agreed about the old Compact vs BB2. The Compact is a good cab, in my opinion, but if it weren't as light/compact as it is, I would not have kept it. The BB2, however, is another matter entirely. As for the finish... it could certainly be better. I think they look good, but those metal corners are oversized for the thin walls BF uses. As a result, there's a sharp edge in all the front corners. It's a small detail, but you've got to bear it in mind: it can catch and snag fabric, or a wandering finger. Easy to avoid, but I'm surprised those corners haven't been replaced for something that fits better. I have other small criticisms, but in the end, it works for me and I made my choice with eyes open. Does anybody know if the finish has changed in any way -composition or application- between Gen2 and Gen3 cabs? I'm talking about the black stuff. I've had the Gen2 Compact since last summer, and the Gen3 BB2 for maybe 2 months now. The Compact has travelled more, yet there is only a tiny mark on it. The BB2 already has three noticeable chips. They are easily touched up, but I have not really mistreated it, and in two of them you can see the underlying wood, as if the finish were more easily flaked off upon impact or something. Just curious.
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1400061309' post='2450262'] I'd avoid tapping polepieces up or down too. It's safe enough on pickups wound on plastic bobbins, but I think most MM pickups use fibre flatwork with the coil wound straight on to the poles (I'm not a MM player, so correct me if I'm wrong here). While you might be lucky and get away with it, you could easily break a turn on the inside of the coil and kill the pickup. [/quote] Could be, I don't know. I know many tried successfully (check out threads about Stingray weak G syndrome ) but I would be a bit worried to try. Lifting the cover a bit using a thin insert seems like a simpler and harmless method for the OP's problem. As for the weak G, it does not exist, just ask at the EBMM forum
  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1400059940' post='2450241'] If we manage to arrange going for a beer sometime I should bring my wife, you make me look great [/quote] It's my mediterranean good looks. You sure you want to do that?
  18. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1400044478' post='2450102'] So, did you buy it then? I have a very nice Jazz in natural, maple........... nah not really. [/quote]
  19. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1400053838' post='2450157'] If you decide you don't like the EMGs after all, I'll buy them from you! My old Geddy Lee had EMGs in it and I loved its tone. My new(er) one has the original Fender US vintages in and I'm not so keen on the sound... Fickle buggers ain't we? [/quote] I'll keep that in mind. But yesterday was a revelation. Once I got over the "hmm, it does not sound like a typical Jazz" and let myself enjoy the "this sounds pretty good regardless", I started to really like it. Like I said, I need to wait until the strings are "tamed", I hate the initial extra brightness, once they settle, we will see. It's not like I don't have other Jazz basses for a "traditional" sound
  20. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1400010246' post='2449930'] Why not? Just rounding off the edge won't even take off a 1mm slant. The fact that MM does it to their own polepieces now says enough. It's not going to remove so much material as to reduce the strength of the magnetic field. The cardboard will work too though [/quote] oh, not saying it would not work, just that it seemed much more complex than other methods. Filing a magnet also will get you lots of fine magnetic dust that's going to be really hard to remove. If you wanted to, you could tap the polepieces down a bit, preserving the profile. That will also be a solution, and less messy. A lot of people do that trying to get a more even response between strings although I have never tried myself.
  21. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1399980460' post='2449512'] Nice bass. Personally (what else?!) I like EMGs on a Jazz. Actually, I like EMGs on most anything -they're excellent pickiups - articulate, clear, full range and noise free. I once had one of the early AVRI Jazzes from the Fullerton era and I only managed two gigs with it before the electronics were replaced by an EMG setup. It was the noise and buzzing which got to me. I suspect that if you're used to it, it's less of an issue but it still bugs me. So I vote for keeping the EMGs. That means you could sell me your DiMarzios for my Aria rescue project here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234069-1977-aria-rescue/"]http://basschat.co.u...77-aria-rescue/[/url] Enjoy the new bass! Cheers Ed [/quote] Well, the EMGs may be growing on me! I had a rehearsal tonight and it was pretty loose, lots of time to mess about, and mess about I did. As the initial zing of the strings starts to fade, the resulting sound is much more to my liking. Not as Jazzy, but... it's a good sound. And I love how silent they are... Hmmm. Will I convert in the end?
  22. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1400000948' post='2449793'] Nice work. How many jazzes is that now?? [/quote] Sssssh!
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