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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. It's a perfect candidate for a John East U-Retro... which is what I am going to do with my GB74, incidentally.
  2. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1399581454' post='2445681'] Cheers guys for your thoughts and suggestions. The brain storming has given me the answer. Took off the strings, removed the pickup cover and packed the inside with some strips of rubber cut to fit in the corners, whole job took less than half an hour. Gig tomorrow night will prove if 100% effective. You maybe interested to know that I posted the same question on the Ernie Ball Musicman Forum. An idiot tried to tell me to change my technique, and that he had never heard the problem before. I explained that I had been playing both semi-pro and pro for over 40 years and that even if my technique was bad it's a bit late to change. He even suggested I tried a pick. All this kind advice without a word about if my proposed idea could work. [/quote] that's the EBMM forum for you... any modification to an EBMM instrument is to be avoided at all costs, and in some cases you could be declared a traitor and a reward offered for your head, watch out!
  3. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1399564910' post='2445424'] Could you take a file and smooth off the edges of the polepieces? [/quote] don't! a bit of cardboard inside the cover will do the trick, as suggested.
  4. Hmmm, it looks like Strings & Things do sell parts now, like preamps... but not pickups, as far as I can tell. [url="http://www.ernieball.co.uk/c/music-man-spares?pp=8&pg=6"]http://www.ernieball.co.uk/c/music-man-spares?pp=8&pg=6[/url]
  5. The thing is that, in the end, somebody's hatred for BF (whether from experience or just joining a mob) does not stop me from enjoying what I like about the ones I have [1], just like other people hate Stingrays etc etc. So it's a two way thing. I know there are attackers that get a bit ridiculous (I'm missing a particular one from this thread, guess who it is? ) but also over-reactions from BF-philes. It's just a speaker cab! When I search for comments on gear, I do like to read both positive and negatives, in fact the negatives tend to be more informative. I see where JTUK is coming from, and I think it's a good thing. It's the incessant chiming in of some other BF-phobes that get tiring, but at the same time if the BF-philes don't bit their bait, they would not make quite as much noise. So it's a bit of a two-way thing. [1] I'd side with the BF-phile camp, even if I don't love one of the two cabs I have (the other one I do love, lots). I like what BF is doing, and I'm very happy overall.
  6. Earlier today I unscrewed the battery compartment, and pushed the bent metal contacts that act as springs in, to push better against the battery (they were nearly flat!). Took two minutes. The battery makes better contact now and it seems it's done the trick. I hope the OP's is the same.
  7. I have a set of Fender Jazz pickups from a MIJ 75RI Jazz for sale here... They come with screws (not shown in the picture, but I have them). £30 including delivery.
  8. Jazz bass sized neck pickup, big polepieces resembling MM types. It comes with screws as shown. £12 including delivery.
  9. Clearing up last night I came across a few things I am unlikely to need anymore, like these pickups. They were on a red '94 Korean Squier I bought a while ago... Cheap bass, but had one of the nicest necks I have tried, and ended up upgrading it with DiMarzio pickups and a J-Retro... Some say it's crazy, but I like it Yours for £10 including delivery. They are both the same size: like a standard neck pickup (a bit shorter than the bridge one in most [u]but not all [/u]Jazz basses). They are pretty hot pickups and sound ok, but I prefer the DiMarzios.
  10. I bought a genuine brand new, unused, EBMM Stingray set of mutes thinking of modifying my OLP to use them, but it's just not going to happen, so if someone wants them... £18 including delivery
  11. Hello, my name is mcnach and I am a bassholic. I've been without a bass purchase for all of 6 days. But this time it's a little more special. When it comes to looks, I am a big fan of natural bodies (ash, in particular), and maple fingerboards. When it comes to Jazz basses, I quite like them pickguard-less. A couple of years ago I bought a CIJ Fender Jazz 75RI in this forum. It has white binding and white pearloid blocks as markers, which I vastly prefer over black... and I wish there were no binding at all, but there you go. It was a very nice bass. It had Nordstrands on and it sounded immense. The grain was not as pretty as in other examples I have seen, so I actually prefer this one with a pickguard on, but it was a great bass. Then the neck pickup died. I got a replacement, and I have a J-Retro for it, mounted on a black plate... but I have not even installed it yet. Busy life, laziness, and having other Jazz basses in working condition just meant I've been putting it off. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I saw a more recent (2009, by the looks of the paperwork) 75RI style bass, MIJ... This one with black binding and blocks (pity), but I don't let that affect me too much... the bass looked beautiful in every way, and it had the 70s pickup spacing that I remember liking quite a bit when I tried one before. The other bass, CIJ, had a standard 60s spacing. And it was reasonably local. So I thought about it, slept on it, thought about it some more, contacted the seller... and last Monday, bank holiday, I went to meet him and the bass at his band's rehearsal place. He also had a Barefaced BB2 cab, so I brought mine along and we tried both together. Here's the beast with the seller ('Me And My Bass'). Or should it be the other way around? and this is yours truly with a pose that I don't really know where it came from... And below are a few more pics of the bass, compared to the older one: The bass was initially strung with flats (Black Diamond, I believe?) and they were nice, but I like the zing of rounds, so I put some Ernie Ball ones, Nickel 45-65-80-100. The bass is just lovely to play, but I'm not sure about the EMGs. I want to wait until the strings have a bit more "funk" in them before deciding what to do. It sounds very "clean" and clear. Almost too much, and I know it's not all down to the new strings. It's hard to explain... However, they do sound good live. The bridge pickup alone sounds huge, I just roll down the tone a tiny bit, and it's a lovely fat funk tone. The neck pickup sounds really good too, and very even across strings. With Jazz neck pickups I often find them a bit wild, but this one is very "civilised". However, it lacks the Jazz character and I am missing that. Hmmm... not sure, we will see. I also enjoy how quiet they are... Hmmm. I played my first gig with the bass on Friday and it's a venue where I usually get a bit of hum, but none at all this time. I'll give it a couple of weeks for the strings to lose the extra zing and then maybe start experimenting with other pickups. I have a few sets of Jazz pickups in my drawer, US Fender, DiMarzio Model J, the Nordstrands from the other Fender Jazz... I like a traditional look on these basses, so probably the Fender or Nordstrands will be the ones. The Nordstrands are humbuckers too. They did not exactly sound like a traditional Jazz, but they kept a lot of the vibe while sounding bigger and fatter in a way I really like. Ah, what a crap review this is... Yeah, I still don't know what this bass is really like! It plays really nice, and looks great, so I think it's just a matter of getting the right pickups in. The 70s vs 60s spacing... well, it is hard to say. I remember noticing a difference that I really liked, years ago. Now, not sure. But the EMG is such a different pickup, that I am not sure I can compare them to the other Jazz basses I own. With both pickups on, the characteristic nasal tone is there, but not the way I remember it (with standard single coil passive pickups)... I also remember finding the bridge pickup soloed a bit thin for my taste, which this one isn't... but that's probably down to the EMGs. The Nordstrands (NJ4SE) are pretty hefty sounding, while sounding "Jazzy", so they may be a good choice. Or maybe even the Model Js, if I find chrome colour polepieces, that's very "70s"... Also, I intended to keep this bass passive... but I have a J-Retro with "Jazz-looking" knobs on a lovely Korean Squier, and I may just cannibalise it. Ah, so many choices!!! Not going to be a boring summer, this one
  12. [quote name='Romeo2' timestamp='1399761446' post='2447487'] Good news though - expect it at a b-stock price at that rather well-known German online retailer soon! [/quote] They really are good, everytime I had to deal with them. I hope the next bass is as nice. Love those M2000!
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1399754309' post='2447404'] Well, drifting off-topic, I liked playing through your BB2/Gen 2 Compact combination at the gig last night! It seems like the BB2 is really clear and even in the upper mids/treble region - it's all there without giving the impression of having gaps or peaks in the response. Also, with just a small tweak of the Markbass VLE knob, I was happy with the sound of my fuzz, which is rare for a tweetered cab. Although I don't know how you had the attenuator set - maybe it was switched off? [/quote] The tweeter attenuator was set about half way... To be honest, it could probably be set at minimum and it would still not sound harsh at all. I am a bit of a tweeter-sceptic, but this one seems very smooth. It was a bit overkill last night as it was only needed as a stage monitor, but I like how it sounds and I'm trying to give it enough use so that it breaks in. I carried both back to my car one on each hand without it being awkward. I like that too.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1399727094' post='2447067'] I tried an early Compact and yes, I'd need a tweeter or mid driver for some more clarity. Even though I have an Orange OBC115 which seemed to have more bite than the Compact. I wanted it as a one cab solution for certain gigs. I realise times have moved on and I am genuinely interested to know what the BB2 sounds like. All previous expectations are now in the past so is start fresh. As long as there is enough bite and the build is better the BB2 might be a good cab for me. [/quote] I have a Gen2 Compact and felt a bit like you. I liked the volume, the size, the weight... it was a great portable solution, but it needed "help". On its own I never really fully enjoyed it (others do, but I want a more top/midrange sound). It worked well to supplement other cabs that could to the midrange better, but I personally would not really use it on its own. I recently got a BB2, and that was a much better cab for the sound I am after. It may not have as much bottom end (but then you can boost bass a bit and it seems the cab can cope with it), but sounds a lot clearer and it has a very pleasant sound, a lot more open. I have used it with the Compact a few times now, and they work well together... but I also used the BB2 alone a few times, and it seems like a very good all round cab. Very happy with it. The Compact Gen2 was ok, the BB2 is really nice, full stop. Try one if you get the chance, but at high volumes (reheasal or gig), as I never feel it sounds all that great at low volumes, but it shines once you turn it up.
  15. [quote name='Romeo2' timestamp='1399637177' post='2446123'] [size=4][font=Arial, sans-serif]Must. Seek. Help. ...[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]However, I noticed a certain imperfection on the back of the neck, around 5-6 fret. I started staring at it and it grew into a size of a crater in my head, in reality being a 15mm thin strip of a rough area on a pleasantly smooth neck. Then I also noticed a small (maybe even tiny ...) scratch also on the neck around the 4th fret.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]And while these things do not affect playability at all, I reckoned that this being the most expensive bass I bought to date and brand new it is reasonable to expect mint, perfect, spotless condition... Right??[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif](Looking through the classifieds here this would probably go down as 'a ding' or 'a scratch' or something along the lines of 'almost perfect (but not quite..)'. I can't say I feel comfortable saying I bought a brand new bass that is ALMOST perfect in terms of finish. I would definitely not leave a shop with it if I spotted it, and you can't miss it since it is in the “money making” area of the neck.)[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]So... I emailed the customer service, they offered a 50 euro off of the original price, or I can send it back for a replacement. Decided I want a replacement as I think its resale value is lowered by this imperfection in the finish by more than that.[/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif]Or am I being a little bit too fussy, perhaps?[/font][/size] [/quote] I would have pocketed the 50 euro. It's such a tiny imperfection, it will have negligible impact on resale (I mean, it's going to be a USED bass, I would not care), and it's the kind of thing it's likely to acquire by itself in normal use anyway. I
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399671629' post='2446650'] It is just a question of balance. If you were pretty new to the site and you read a few threads you might get the impression that they were the only cab to have. It is just that there are as many people here who really don't know why there is any fuss at all about them, but they aren't the most vocal. [/quote] I think it goes in cycles. I was surprised to find quite a few BF threads recently, but I think it's that the new Gen3 of products have recently come out and people are starting to buy them in larger amounts. After a while it will probably subside and go back to what it was like pre-summer 2013. Although I do get the impression that the Gen3 cabs are generally significantly "nicer", and if that were the case, it will contribute to getting a few more than just because it's a new series of cabs. Prior to this recent influx, I had not noticed too many threads about BF, which is why I had to use the search function to lookk for reviews and comments before.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1399635598' post='2446097'] yep... and the amps and cabs section updates can be dominated with their NCD etc threads and posts. So, just what we need... another thread about them. I am down to 4 forums I regularly check through.... I rather it not be 3.. [/quote] Clearly labelled threads so those who are not interested can skip them easily. Skipping threads: yes, we're allowed.
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1399628778' post='2445962'] ...or conversely, getting the most out of your amp? Would you get in your Ferrari and only press the throttle half way? [/quote] no, but I suppose you get more out of the extra speakers than a few extra watts into fewer speakers.. and if the objective is to allow a modular 6x10 rig (which seems to me the case from reading the blurb), then I think it works nicely. You can use 2 rather than 3 2x10 if space/transport is limited and you don't lose too much of the available power. But, who uses their amp to the max? If to achieve volume X you need to turn up the amp a bit higher when using 2 of those 12ohm cabs, then do that... the cabs can take it (supposedly). I think it's clear the objective is a modular 6x10, where you can use various other combinations in a reasonable manner with the existing amps. Whether enough people find that appealing or not is another matter entirely.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1399583763' post='2445711'] I don't understand why it has to be 12 ohms??? Wouldn't it be more 'popular' just to make a simple lightweight 2x10??? [/quote] I think the idea is that you can use three together for maximum "oomph", at a resulting impedance that works for most amps out there. Alternative "standard" impedance small lightweight cabs, he already makes a few
  20. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1399580594' post='2445670'] 12ohms? Not a problem. Impedances are nominal, for which read 'approximate, rough-and-ready, rule of thumb'. With a valve amp you can safely go up or down by a factor of 2 in nominal impedance, so an 8 ohm output can be used into a load between 4 and 16 ohms. It may not sound as good or as loud, but it won't kill the amp. I have seen and heard this demonstrated by a guy who is a certified valve geek! [/quote] Exactly
  21. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1399561152' post='2445352'] Put off by the 12ohms thing, I wouldn't wanna take a chance [/quote] Yeah, he could have done the TC Electronic thing and call them 8ohm A single number to describe the impedance of a speaker is a pretty simplistic way to describe a speaker. I guess it's useful in that speakers probably follow a relatively similar impedance/frequency curve, so when one speaker rated at X works with an amp, you can be satisfied that other speakers rated at the same will work too. But that's not the full story, as Alex points out in the blurb.
  22. What year is the Stingray and what is the battery compartment like? Mine (2002) is starting to misbehave. It can cut out, and it can make a hum noise... in my case, it's the battery compartment not making a good contact. I can cure it temporarily simply by opening it and closing it hard again. But it'll eventually give me trouble again. Does it make a scratch noise if you touch and push on the battery cover (while plugged in with the volume up, of course)? If so, it's probably the same as mine. I've heard it this happening on some Stingrays. I suspect I can cure mine by cleaning the contacts and pushing the springs up so that the battery is held more tightly. If that doesn't do it I might just change the connector type. I hope yours is something similarly simple.
  23. what's that pose about!!!???
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