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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1397386935' post='2423376'] The Doc sopplied a perfect plate in Red Pearl! [/quote] That means nothing without pictures, you know?
  2. ... and a John East U-Retro preamp ordered for this bass. This is the bass I would never have as my absolute favourite, but it's still the bass I can't think I'd ever sell. It's a beast! In a good way.
  3. ... and how long has it been now? I still haven't changed the strings. They get better as they get older! So, those of you who removed them because they hated them... I'd happily give you a beer token or two for yours One thing I'm doing is change the pickups. I do like their sound, and I was reluctant to replace them, but they are a bit too "coarse" (hard to describe sounds, eh?). I get beautiful fingerstyle sounds, but when I alternate with slap it's just not nice at all. Some of you will argue "that's the problem right there, don't slap!" but I'll just stick my tongue out at them So I have a set of black DiMarzio Model J coming that I will try and see how it goes. I did not want something too "vintagey" and I have other basses that do that, and the Model J, from my recollection, have the right amount of girth and "darkness", which I think would be good on this bass... We will see.
  4. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1397256944' post='2422371'] I'm glad your happy, but I wouldn't have covered that lovely finish. But it's different strokes for different folks as always, enjoy your bass. [/quote] it's like the body of a beautiful woman... there are times when you want to admire it naked, but it's nice to cover just enough and hint at what's underneath
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397252311' post='2422344'] Good job, looks just like it was made for the bass! [/quote] odd that, eh?
  6. There's no tape holding it yet, the fit was nearly perfect (and whatever inaccuracy there is, it's my fault and my template's not the Bass Doc's, just to be clear!). There is a bit of a gap, tiny, on the bridge pickup and neck pickup, as it is, but I can centre it really well once I put some sticky tape underneath. Better fit than many "original parts" for MusicMan and Fender basses!
  7. Tim bought my EHX Bass Big Muff deluxe. Very pleasant communications and smooth as it can be. Nice guy! Thanks Tim, I hope you enjoy your pedal!
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1397073303' post='2420466'] Wow, that's three NUF bassists on basschat, as LawrenceH was in the band too. I'm playing guitar, but I guess it would have been Farhad while you were there. It's a fun band musically, nice and eclectic. Regarding the political angle, I toyed with the idea of getting one of these t-shirts for gigging. It's perhaps a good thing that I didn't... [/quote] I so want one!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1397067720' post='2420376'] Didn't realise New Urban Frontier were still on the go. Gigged with them a bit when I was in college. Seemed a bit more politically intense than I was up for at the time, but the music was interesting. Good luck with the hunt. [/quote] The lyrics are definitely politically intense but I'm not particularly political (I hate all humans equally, regardless which system of government they prefer ) and it was not a problem I have only been with them since June last year, but yes, they've recently celebrated the 5th anniversary of the band. If I could clone myself, or found a way to extend the day to have 3-4 extra hours, I'd definitely stay with the band.
  10. No, the mids module is essentially an add-on to the 2EQ module. With the mids knob at the centre detent it does nothing, leaving you with the classic 2EQ. I should upload a picture or two...
  11. Here's the thing: I own a Barefaced BigBaby2 and a Compact (2nd Gen). I'd love to compare it to two BB2 together. If you own a BB2 and would also like to check two together, or a BB2 plus a Compact, and are reasonable near Edinburgh, send me a PM and we can sort something out. There must be someone
  12. I am having to give up my dear New Urban Frontier, and although I'm still around and I'm willing play the next few gigs, it would be good to get a replacement asap. To listen to what NUF sounds like: [url="https://soundcloud.com/newurbanfrontier"]https://soundcloud.com/newurbanfrontier[/url]
  13. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1396865421' post='2418015'] Aye I do have two pretty fat necked basses at the moment! Looking for something a bit different on the neck profile more akin to a jazz, so I can get around the board a bit quicker and so its less taxing to play - after a 90 minute set on the SR you can really feel it! Someone did mention a US EBMM sub, but aren't they quite rare now? [/quote] The US SUB is rare (it's not being made anymore) but not that rare. You still see them fairly regularly for sale here and on eBay. I waited a bit to get my white one, because I wanted a white one specifically. Then another two appeared the following month Someone mentioned Cort... The Cort GB74 is a bit like a "super Jazz". A MM pickup at the bridge (but at the Jazz position, more or less) and a J at the bridge. Active. Slim neck. Mine cost me only £150 used. Well worth checking out. I find the pickups a bit "polite" but sound good enough, and can always be replaced...
  14. Highs missing from the BB2? That's one thing I can't imagine saying about it. Or our definition of highs is very different. I feel my BB2 has a LOT of top end, should I want it. Or tehre's something wrong with yours? Can you get those highs you seek from your amp using a different cab? I used to have a RH450 and it just did not have the highs, so no cab would give those to me and I ended up letting it go (for other reasons, but this was a factor). I have not tried the Streamliner, but I hear it's very "old school", so I wonder if it's not the amp that's just not designed for the sound you're after. I chose the Shuttle 9.2 over the Streamliner, without hearing either "in person", just on videos, precisely because it seemed a bit on the dark side for my taste, from all descriptions. As for the horn control... it is a funny one. I have experienced two BB2s, mine and somebody else's prior to buying mine. The effect is subtle. The 12" driver gets fed all of the signal when the horn is turned off, and it seems quite capable to reproduce a significant amount of high frequencies. As you turn the horn on, the voicing changes, and you get some more highs, but the effect I hear is more of a voicing change rather than a clear increase in top end. The guy who let me try his first also was surprised by it and at first he thought it was faulty, until he started testing it and realised what it was doing. I recall he said Alex told him that it's like a dynamic crossover, so as you turn down the horn, more high frequency content is fed onto the main driver... and as it's capable of reproducing quite a bit of top end, you don't cut the top end as you do in some other cabs. Of course, if the top end is not there in the first place, the horn will have absolutely no effect... I suspect I would not hear much of a difference, if at all, with my old RH450, as it just did not have much top end at all, regardless of what settings I used. If the Streamliner is voiced similarly, that could explain what you hear (or don't hear). What cab were you using before with the Streamliner that you were satisfied with, regarding the top end? edit: sorry, you already mentioned it, the Epifani UL2 112. I have no experience of that cab, so I can't say anything. But I would consider the BB2 to be rather bright (not necessarily the brightest, but the first thing that struck me was its clarity and top end)... Maybe it's wrong, or maybe it's not what you want. Is there anybody close to where you are with another BB2 that you can test? I suspect in your situation, I'd probably just return it... no point keeping it if you don't like it, but I'd try to talk to Alex first in case there's something wrong. If the cab is ok and you just don't like it, I don't think you'd have much trouble selling it later with a relatively minimal loss, as people are often happy to pay a bit over the odds for a used cab, and not have to wait 2-3 months for a brand new one (if in good condition)
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