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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='mojobass' timestamp='1396819887' post='2417755'] Big pup route and channel bbetween control cavity and pup route so cant use without pickguard [/quote] Thanks. Pity, 'though.
  2. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1396815997' post='2417688'] Nothing like a Jazz neck though! [/quote] True, I missed that, I figured that being a Stingray player with a Precision backup slim necks were not a priority.
  3. OR... How about a USA made EB MusicMan SUB? It's essentially another Stingray with a different finish/look, and well within your budget.
  4. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1396425206' post='2413302'] My current backup is a Squier Affinity P, which while sounding pretty good is beginning to wear and feels flimsy. It also couldn't be more different to my regular gigging bass (an SR!) so its being relegated to a studio workhorse now! The kind of thing I'm looking for is this: Preferably active (I prefer a modern tone to a classic Fender tone - particularly Jazz) Jazz style neck - nut no wider than 40mm, preferably 38 Under £400 - not fussed if new or second hand To sum up, I like the feel of a Jazz and the sound of a StingRay, and don't have much cash! I had thought a second hand Warwick would fit the bill nicely but, and this will make me sound like a fool, I'm not sure I could get used to having no dots on the neck! The Squier Troy Sanders Mustang looks like a nice bit of kit, but I haven't heard/played one, but I'm not wild about single coils... As ever, the wisdom and generosity of the Basschat community is always appreciated! [/quote] Find a nice used Jazz bass, and install a John East J-Retro preamp (often found for sale here for around £100). I'm not crazy about the Warwick Corvette. I owned two, a standard (two J pickups) and a $$. The $$ was pretty cool, the neck felt too long and chunky too, and seriously, a Jazz with a J-Retro will give you a really cool fat growl from the bridge pickup.
  5. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1396784636' post='2417236'] Stil can´t see it.... Bahhhhh [/quote] Like others said above: it may not appear in Your Content due to what looks like software issues that won't get resolved until the next update. But you can always find your own ads if you go to the section you posted them in and use the search function.
  6. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1396649307' post='2416197'] I see some gorgeous basses some that like the schack carbon basses ( dreamt of owning one like Kai Ekhardts one for years!) , overwater 5 ers and 6 ers, Dingwalls....all with 35" + scale lengths....I mean FFS !! I know all about the reasons...but some over waters seem to go for really reasonable prices secondhand...then I read 35/36" scale length AAAAARRRGGGHHH!! [/quote] I cannot really tell between 34" and 35", to be honest. My Lakland 5502 is a 35" and if I didn't know I would think it was a 34". Never tried a 36", but I bet the difference is easy to adjust to.
  7. [quote name='BOD2' timestamp='1396533839' post='2414778'] The placement of the speaker cab can have an effect on this. Avoid placing the speaker cab right back against a wall or in a corner as both of these positions can give a "bass boost" under certain conditions (called "bass coupling"). Lifting the speaker cab off the floor (by putting something between cab and floor) may also help. [url="http://www.fender.com/news/controlling-sonic-boom/"]http://www.fender.co...ing-sonic-boom/[/url] [/quote] This. Experiment by lifting the cab from the floor: a bit, a bit more, a lot more... and see what it does to the sound. Similarly with placement relative to walls... It's amazing how much bass can be affected by speaker placement.
  8. [quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1395793895' post='2406511'] I've been in a band with my brother since I started playing bass about eight years ago. It was my first band and that was the reason for me picking up a bass.. For the past year or more, I lost the inspiration to pick up my bass outside of band practice every tuesday, the main reason being we ended up going round in circles, drop tracks, and then end up playing them anyway, we'd make lists of new covers to learn, but I was the only person that ended up learning them, then we never done them anyway and it all became very frustrating. Then there's the usual band brother arguments and it seems to of ended up that I can't make any constructive criticism in the band with out it ending with us falling out.. This has happened again in the past couple of weeks, except this time I've left the band.. Now I'm struggling to inspire myself to pick it up again and debating selling my gear and giving up. BUT it almost feels like I'm cutting my arm off, it's become a big part of me I really don't want to loose.. One option I thought of, is sell it, and buy different gear? Another option is start a better band? Join an existing band is another option? Or just give up and keep the money in the bank... Just thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone has been through the same, what did you do to recreate the spark and passion? Sorry if I'm wittering on :-) [/quote] Bands are temporary, the way I see it. Some just last a lot longer than others... It sounds to me like the love for playing music is still there... I would try to join an existing band. Starting one can be very satisfying, but it's hard hard work and it will take a long time to give fruit. I'd start by joining another band. Even two. And not being afraid to walk if they turn out to not be to my taste, and look for something else... until you find something you really like. Then... enjoy it while it lasts. It could be 2 months, 2 years, or 20!
  9. alternatively: keep this band for a while longer while you try to stir it towards more focus practice and gigs. If you think you have enough songs for a reasonable set, why not book a gig a month or a couple of months from now? Having a deadline like that helps focus a band like nothing else! When my now main band was only playing 45min sets, we bacame a bit stagnant for a bit. There had been changes in personnel so we got stuck with a set list and getting new members to play them well... and we got stuck there. We had many other songs in various stages of writing, and songs we used to play but forgot about. Then we got a 2h gig offer and we said "sure, we've got material, we'll do it"... and ran to the rehearsal room thinking "sh*t, we need to come up with material in 3 weeks". We worked fast, focused, and made it. Sure, some were not great, but the next few months were spent improving our 90-120min set repertoire, throwing songs away that didn't work, or modifying them, and writing new ones... Then, while you're doing that, you may also look for another band. Being in two bands is perfectly possible for most people. If your first one does not gig, there will not be any date clashes, so there's nothing to lose, and you learn a lot by playing with different people. Maybe that way you can keep your band of friends and at the same time have an outlet for your desire to play live?
  10. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1396392227' post='2413182'] Hello fellow bassists! Please help with my predicament.... .............. I've been in this covers band now for what will be a year next month. We've not gigged, and a few members don't seem to learn new songs and like throwing out others we've done and perfected. So we've got absolutely nowhere in a year and there's little to no progress happening. Now normally I don't waste time and would of left by now, but the guys I play with are great people, and the lead guitarist and I really get on, and we regularly go see bands together. Its just musically it really isn't happening for me. I'm in fear that if I leave I will lose these great people I've met but I've really had enough of not going anywhere with it and have told them this. But still I find myself frustrated coming home from practice rehearsing the same songs over and over again that we perfected 10 months ago. Do I leave for musical reasons and risk losing some good friends? Or put up with it? [/quote] I would not have waited that long: it's not happening, move along. But I totally understand it's hard to do, especially if you liked the people. I have very recently handed in my "resignation letter" to a band I've been with for about 9 months now. In this case we have gigged (although less than I would have liked) and they're a great bunch... but I'm struggling to find the time at the moment for my main band and the other projects, so it was starting to be frustrating. Different reasons from yours, but similar end result: it was not fun. If I tried to keep it going, I'm sure eventually they would notice I was not there 100%, and similarly, if you are not enjoying your band, that can be picked up by the others, and it's not a nice vibe to give off. Best to quit before things get too much and your frustration becomes anger. Quit in good terms, especially as you may come across them in the future and you may even play together again... and stay in touch if you like them as people, because networking is very important. Move on, and find something you enjoy. It exists out there, but you won't find it if you just "put up with it". You don't have to lose friends just because you leave the band. If someone decides they can't talk to you anymore because you quit, then they were never really your friends, so it's good you found out now. But seriously, I have left quite a few bands, and only one I never want to see them again (but still did it in a civilised manner and I'd smile if I see them and say hi )
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396785576' post='2417247'] Thanks very much... so not long, then! Hmm. What to do... [/quote] I think you know what you want to do... but I'm not going to say it
  12. Mokoomba [url="http://youtu.be/uqZdaVNOHj0"]http://youtu.be/uqZdaVNOHj0[/url]
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396783884' post='2417225'] Good to know. Having recently considered myself GAS-free, I'm now looking at a BB2. How long did you wait from deposit to delivery? [/quote] Order placed and deposit paid on the 25th of January Balance paid on the 27th of February BB2 received 31st of March. So just 2 months.
  14. [quote name='TimAl' timestamp='1396624706' post='2415805'] Hello there mcnach - is your Big Muff still up for grabs? Ooh err . . [/quote] yes, it is...
  15. I got the Big Baby 2 out last night, for the first time. Just the BB2, with the Shuttle 9.2. We were playing at Studio 24 in Edinburgh (for those of you who are local and know the place). It's hard to hear well on that stage. It's very boomy and the echo in that place is amazing (although that changes with human flesh come show time, and last night it was packed ). I have played there many times and it was never too good. I have used my old RH450 with a RS210, I have used the Markbass CMD121P combo both on the ground, tilted, and on a stool... Last night the BB2 with the Shuttle, with a Gramma pad between the cab and the stage floor was a very different experience. I could hear myself very well (it's a busy band, we're normally an 8 piece and last night we were 9) and I did not have to resort to boosting mids ridiculously. It still sounded clear but with enough girth onstage. In short: it's looking GOOD! The bad (if you can call it that, it's nothing to do with the speaker itself): I would not be able to fit two BB2 in the boot of my Golf... the boot is about 3-4cm not deep enough. So if the Compact works well with the BB2 I would not feel the urge to get another BB2. Let's see how the BB2 sounds as it breaks in, but it already sounds very good, very clear and it is able to put a very reasonable amount of lows at volume. Thumbs up for the BB2.
  16. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1396550006' post='2415040'] Yes I do mean the other kind but not the dad kind, more like the mum kind if you call strats and les paul types the baby kind. And Im not talking porridge............... or am I! So basically your going to try and make a P sound a bit like a ray? Yep your going to have plenty to play with. Common as muck. Id have a good search for a non fender/squier but still P shaped one. Might find something interesting. Its all in the pickup anyway A [/quote] I like porridge. Ha ha, yes, pretty much that, a Ray with a P pickup instead. Almost. There's something about that pickup location, and the P pickup makes it sound a bit different. The final location is probably going to be not exactly Ray, but won't be far. The objective is not to recreate a Ray, but since I favour bridge pickups, it won't be far from it.
  17. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1396430455' post='2413379'] By 'amp giving in' I think Alex meant the cab is drawing more power than the amp can supply. [/quote] what?
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396391862' post='2413180'] Sounds like it will be a good matching. I had a Compact & Midget set-up and the pair really worked well together, the smoothness of the Compact perfectly complimented by the bite of the Midget. From the description above I reckon your in for a treat with both. [/quote] That was the idea behind this particular pairing
  19. and this pedal has been officially sold now to Mr GazWills
  20. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1396389715' post='2413153'] Oooh! Let me know how you get on with the Shuttle/BB2/ Compact combo will you please? I am thinking of moving on my Big One and replacing it with a Compact - it'll be the same rig as you have then. [/quote] copycat!!! I'm not sure when it'll be the first gig I can use the full rig, to be honest. Most times I only need a stage monitor, so it's a one cab affair, or using the Markbass combo. I have a gig on the 2nd of May that *will* see the rig in the picture in action, but I'm not sure if I'll have an opportunity before then. I am not sure how the BB2 and Compact will work together, the Compact has more depth compared to the BB2, and the BB2 has clearly a lot more top end, even without the tweeter... it could be a great match, or terrible... we'll see! One thing is sure, the Shuttle is not bass-shy through this. I had the windows rattling yesterday at settings that sounded a lot quieter with other cab combinations. I think two BB2 might be a better combination, and a bit smaller too, which might be perfect for the boot of my Golf. I must check.
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