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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Waterboarder' timestamp='1396380426' post='2412985'] Would you be interested in swapping for a Fender USA Precision pickup in black? [/quote] Thanks, but I'm after the Model P only
  2. and here it is! only got to try it at low volume at home, frustrating... I want to unleash the beast!
  3. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1396149045' post='2410452'] Nope, nothing yet... [/quote] ... and it arrived today! edit: but mine is a Big Baby 2 (serial B48).
  4. ... just working on the artwork for my "Raging Bull", based on the Darklighter.
  5. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1396264164' post='2411453'] We're all lined up in order if it goes wrong [/quote] I should have auctioned here, live... "and the gentleman over there bids a pint of Innis & Gunn... can I hear Caesar Augustus? can I? Yes!!! Caesar Augustus from the man with the white shoes!" Hmmm, beer.
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1396302074' post='2412179'] How about just buying these? [url="http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=271355771090"]http://pages.ebay.co...id=271355771090[/url] [/quote] ah, if only it were that simple! These pickups are all glued up:
  7. £65 including delivery Like the Big Muff, but with extra controls (especially a clean blend!) and DI... Pictures coming soon.
  8. I have a cream Model P, but I'd prefer a black one. If you'd like to do a straight swap, let me know. Lots of cable left on mine! I'll take a picture and post it later. Please note this is strictly for trade, not selling.
  9. Hmmm, this arrived this morning: I wonder what it is?
  10. it's currently on hold, pending payment.
  11. all PMs replied. I didn't realise this octaver was so popular!!!
  12. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1395872889' post='2407585'] Too right! I wouldn't pay anymore than a hundred for a second hand Squire [/quote] I don't know, Squires are pretty rare. Not to be confused with the more common Squiers, 'though.
  13. 80s Pearl OC-7 octaver, two octave down knobs and one octave up. £60 including 1st class recorded delivery.
  14. £55 including 1st class recorded delivery for a classic bass wah.
  15. I have one of these preamps I bought used a while ago by mistake (I wanted the 3 knob version)... and I'm not going to use it, so here it is up for grabs... I'll upload a few pics later.
  16. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1396104846' post='2409987'] How good is at achieving ratm sounds in particular? I've been considering the vt bass to be able to get that sound - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ONEaEg5JI[/media] - but do you think the basstard could do a better job? [/quote] I used to use the OKKO Basstard in my RATM tribute band. It was a cool pedal, but I now have two VT-Bass pedals instead set at two different sounds. They're pretty good for RATM. I also used to have a Darkglass Vintage... didn't really get along with it.
  17. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1396117747' post='2410155'] Heard anything? [/quote] Nope, nothing yet...
  18. [quote name='fendurt' timestamp='1396004427' post='2408847'] Does any of you people know if the 55-02 MM-p'up is wired in series or parallel? And how to rewire to series or parallel? [/quote] it sounds like series to me.
  19. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1395833363' post='2406789'] Honestly, I'm not a fan. Looks too "stingrayesque" and I'd want to do something more out there and want it to be my own Just IMO ofcourse [/quote] I hear you. The problem is that every design I tried that was not Stingrayesque was pretty... ugly. BUt that's just a reflection of my imagination/taste, I suppose. The Stingray-derived plate was a "safe" one. As it's a look I already like, as you may have guessed I was going initialy for a Sabre-like design, as I also like metal plates, but I could not find a metal plate I liked enough, and it involved more of a permanent conversion. Essentially, everything else I tried looked ugly or was a direct derivation of something else.
  20. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1395785680' post='2406403'] Here's my L1000 with added pickguard. I've added some fake screws since the photo was taken (and the correct knobs). [url="http://s139.photobucket.com/user/optical_I/media/wunkay4.jpg.html"][/url] I had it made to my template at Sims custom shop. [/quote] that's a cool bass!
  21. pearloid? tortoiseshell? black pearloid I could stomach... but even that's a bit too "bling".
  22. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1395784871' post='2406388'] Second one, but the teardrop should be completed by the last fret, not the base of the neck. Looks like a plan! [/quote] That's a little high (for my liking)... It does not finish at the base 'though, it looks like this really:
  23. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1395698085' post='2405330'] I was playing fretless along to a few tracks and it just wasn't sounding right. Tuner showed bass and in tune and correctly adjusted for intonation - is [i]my[/i] intonation that bad? Checked and re-checked. Then I thought 'hang on a mo' - at some point I'd accidentally pressed the CALIB button on my Pitchblack, so I was tuned to A=441Hz. I reset it, and sure enough all 4 strings now showed sharp/ Re-tuned and all is well. I was even thinking about jacking in my risible attempts on fretless! Also it was worse when I was trying to play on the lines - I seem to be far better off following my ears now. [/quote] Ha ha! I've been a victim too. Worst was when the THREE guitarists in my band shared a tuner that was calibrated to either 439 or 441. I could not believe all three of them were wrong, I mean, they sounded ok together... but... I was supposed to be in tune... was my bass' intonation so far out suddenly?
  24. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1395528816' post='2403495'] That's very cool, there's 2 string players in the flat downstairs and they occasionally have other players round for practice. They usually practice short sections but when they play full pieces, alone or as a group they're incredibly good. I sometimes just put a wildlife documentary on TV, mute it and listen to them play. Makes me embarrassed to play my trumpet in my room as I'm terrible! [/quote] You should switch to trombone. That way your neighbours will just think you have an elephant as a pet. My neighbours think I have one, and that I torture it. I expect RSPCA to show up any day.
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