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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1395779417' post='2406276'] just as i hit the post button you put the black option on [/quote] just for you, baby No, there really is no option, it's going to be black. 3-ply: black/white/black. The original pictures are only white because I printed on white paper
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395778885' post='2406259'] Number two! Black/White/Black, obviously. ...though White/Black/White would also be acceptable... Think I prefer White/Black/White now, to be honest. Show off the pickups. [/quote] 3-ply black/white/black, of course! I considered white, but what I like about the black is how the pickups are "disguised" in it. When looking at the original pictures, in white, I lean heavily towards #3. However, after I see it in black... #2 is a strong contender too.
  3. and a quick mock in black, so this is closer to what they could look like:
  4. I have a natural/maple L2000 Tribute series G&L which, visually, I think will benefit from a black pickguard. L2000 purists look away now: I have also removed the original preamp and installed a John East MMSR 3-band. I actually intend to fit a U-Retro instead, with its two switches. I will cover the third hole with the pickguard (which will be attached with double sided sticky tape, no drilling). I've been designing the pickguard in Illustrator, printing and cutting the results on paper to ensure it all fits etc (special thanks to machinehead, who sent me his template... I did not use his design but it gave me a perfect template for the pickup cutouts ) So, I think I've made up my mind, but I wonder what you think. The three final designs are all MusicMan-inspired (what a surprise! ) The first one is tear-drop shaped, based on the pickguards mounted on OLPs: That's actually not the very final design, as I extended the pickguard where it meets the neck on the final version, but it's nearly there. The second one is also tear-drop shaped, but more round at the bottom and more "tear-dropesque": and finally, the number three is more oval, slighly more similar to a Stingray's: So, what do you think? Sacrilege? Ok, but all three are rubbish and you have a better idea?
  5. F U G L Y!!! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Fender-Precision-Bass-1979-USA-Olympic-White-Hard-case-P-X-Jazz-/181339280962?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a38a9d642"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Fender-Precision-Bass-1979-USA-Olympic-White-Hard-case-P-X-Jazz-/181339280962?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a38a9d642[/url] ... on the other hand, if the routing for the second pickup was clean, it could be nice.
  6. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1395759694' post='2405888'] I do seem to remember being here before. Weren't you going for a custom P some time ago? I to have had those P moments. We've often commented about it. I particularly remember your CV even with the old style pickup. Damn that was nice! If the SR does it for you then you do need to get a 'proper one'. My blinged SR with the Wizard trad has a lovely sound that only a P can do. Even my short scale Satellite with some £2 pickup in it has a wonderful warm thump. Ill still go back to my J's though. Keep us posted. Im intrigued to see what your going to plump for. As for me, Ive got my eye on a 6er A [/quote] 6er? I have a couple of Stratocasters and a Les Paul. That's the sort of 6er you mean, surely... not... the other... kind... The idea of a "custom P" was not really a P. It was going to have a single P pickup, but a lot closer to the bridge, therefore removing it's "P-ness". I'm still going to do it, just building it from the bits of the 3rd SR Precision that I have in my room: maple fingerboard neck, half-stripped body (will just be oiled natural, perhaps dyed a bit). I'll just be looking at maple neck Precisions and hopefully trying a bunch, until I find "the one". Not in a hurry. Fortunately, it's a bass model that's extremely common
  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1395746248' post='2405671'] Knowing your love of bridge pickups you should try a BB series Yamaha. Its not quite *the* P sound but I think you might like it. You're welcome to a go on my 414 if you fancy [/quote] Funny you say that, I have been looking at BB series Yamahas too... Would love to try yours!
  8. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1395732337' post='2405508'] Are you serious? A [/quote] Incredible, eh? Considering it's the style of bass I have owned longest and owned the larger number of (mostly because I went "meh, I don't like this" ) it's a surprising revelation. It's also given me a new sense of purpose: I do want a decent P now. It means maple fingerboard (of course), with a very nice neck (wide and chunky, but "just so"), and that has that "thump" in it (which means trying a bunch...). One day. The P certainly has its place beside the Stingray and Jazz. I have generally used a Jazz neck pickup to mimic a P, which it does to some extent, but there's something missing that even a lowly SR Precision has.
  9. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1395705797' post='2405448'] I have a Frankenfender P bass with a 1980's, Mighty Mite pickup, stuck in a Squier body, attached to an old P bass neck. I've not been able to put it down since I put it together a few months ago. I play it in my Ska band and it sounds epic. It also sounds great recorded. I thought I hated Precisions, what happened? [/quote] It's a disturbing feeling, isn't it?
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1395737187' post='2405551'] When you need a P, there's no point in fighting it ... [/quote]
  11. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1395673768' post='2404893'] Anchorman reference... Clearly didn't come across like that. Apologies! [media]http://youtu.be/gId6nrMDmUU[/media] [/quote] sorry, I have not watched Anchorman!
  12. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1395671627' post='2404864'] Are you just looking at basses and saying you love them?... Do you really love P bass, or are you just saying that because you saw it? [/quote] are you serious?
  13. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1395650557' post='2404597'] These things can be easily rectified ! [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/bitsa-main.html"][/url] [/quote] Nice! I have another SR P bass in pieces, and I intend to put a single P, but at the pace more or less where you put your second one (approx. Stingray location), or a bit closer to the neck perhaps. P type pickups sound great there!
  14. [quote name='frankyex' timestamp='1395642293' post='2404553'] some people sort this usb issue with cf card conversion,which cost £3.99 +CF card... [url="http://zoomforum.us/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=16020"]http://zoomforum.us/...hp?f=11&t=16020[/url] [/quote] it's not something I feel comfortable doing, but I'm glad to see there are options for those braver than I! I have some experience with other MRS machines, and for someone who does not mind using CDs to back up, or remove the drive, this is an awesome machine, great price too. I'm sure it won't be here long!
  15. Boss LS2. It'll also allow you to mix a clean signal with it if you want to.
  16. [quote name='frankyex' timestamp='1395594010' post='2404119'] no mate...with it ill be selling it for much much more...just this card at ebay around £200 and up....lol...which is joke....more cheaper is burn it on cd and then copy tracks to PC...or take Hdd out(just couple screws and attach it on PC(regular IDE HDD inside) [/quote] ouch, I checked and those usb cards are pretty expensive! Why couldn't they use a simple PCI, eh? Transferring via CD is a pain (I used to have a machine like that), but removing the drive is an option, and mounting it on an external drive enclosure for transfer. Hmmm, I'm going to have to think about it. Cheers!
  17. I have owned P basses on and off over the years, but never grew on me enough. Yesterday I took one of my Sue Ryder P basses, which was strung with Status flats and had a Wizard Thumper pickup on, and I put on a set of roundwounds (Rotosounds swing 66). The action was never optimal because the neck needed a shim... so I did that too. Wow. I already had a "revelation" last summer with my Squier 'Mike Dirnt' Precision... but I forgot about it, and that bass just feels "flimsier" than the SR. It's not going to replace my Stingray of Jazz... but I'm definitely going to stop looking down at Precisions. (yes, I did, )
  18. Hi, does this allow USB connection to a PC for backing up data?
  19. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1395489288' post='2402958'] [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/basketball-hoop-wall-mounted/1053557945"]http://www.gumtree.c...nted/1053557945[/url] [/quote] Clearly someone who's never played basketball in their lives!
  20. I don't know, guys... That one does look like one of the later period OLPs to me. The headstock looks ok (the picture angle does not help, 'though), the bridge is typical of the last couple of versions of OLPs, with the studs and all, the logo is fine... behind the headstock it appears it has the usual "headstock design trademark licensed by Ernie Ball Inc" etc (no, I cannot read it but the layout and position looks right), and the horns also look typical of the later periods OLPs, although again the pics don't help. The pickguard is definitely the OLP design too. In short, I see no evidence whatsoever that this is a fake. I cannot imagine faking an OLP either, why would anyone do that? It's not like OLPs are sold for more than other Stingray-inspired designs. My opinion, being a long time OLP "admirer", is that this one is indeed a later period OLP MM2.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395249618' post='2400233'] [size=4]Are you in a band? I found early on that joining a band really pushes you and makes you a better player much more quickly than any amount of tuition will - and is very inspiring too.[/size] [/quote] Indeed. And patience is necessary... I often feel I haven't learnt anything and thoroughly suck and get a bit depressed about it... Then I look back at where I was a year or two before, and I can see the progress. Sometimes it's just hard to see it on a day to day basis. Joining bands did wonders to me and my confidence. And my enjoyment. The first two years I only played at home. I did not progress that much. Then I joined my first band... and the pressure helped a lot. Find the best band that will have you, and I bet your outlook will change.
  22. [quote name='michinho' timestamp='1395311766' post='2400911'] I went ahead and ordered a Mono M80. Should be with me later today when I get home from work. Will take it with me to practice tonight! I'll let everyone know how I get on! I plan on buying a Vertigo at some point as well, and maybe a Reunion Blues Aero. [/quote] Please report back when you get it (pictures would be welcome too )
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