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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1395139149' post='2399012'] Had a Cort GB75 am absolutely loved it except for one very personal thing - way too many controls. I now have a passive 5 string P and am much happier, but the Cort was a great bass, excellent build quality, lovely neck (I even had the neck replicated for the build of the P). So if you are happy with playing around with a wide range of sounds (mid boost switch, push pull, blend, active bass & mid) then highly recommended. [/quote] ... or you could just ignore the switches It's what I do on my GB74
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1395093729' post='2398697'] was his opening line "what's the best price you can do?" - makes my blood boil that one - like if we're going to haggle over the price lets do it properly. Right idiot that guy [/quote] when they ask that, give them a price that's higher than the asking price. "well, that's absolutely best... for me!"
  3. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1395085346' post='2398538'] He's worried about things like this happening. [url="http://www.neontommy.com/news/2013/11/arrests-made-south-los-angeles-murder"]http://www.neontommy...-angeles-murder[/url] [/quote] wow!
  4. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1395096186' post='2398769'] So, Got the Gold anodised 'guard through and have fitted it just to have a look! [/quote] I didn't think it would work (I voted black) but... it looks great!
  5. [quote name='permafunk' timestamp='1394891143' post='2396348'] I'm selling an amp on Gumtree and obviously potential buyers want to try it out first. I hadn't considered this issue, but it turns out I'm not comfortable with having strangers at my home. First I thought I could ask one of the local stores, as I've sold basses after having buyers try them out there before. But then I realised it'd be downright rude considering they sell the same type of equipment there. Any suggestions on how to deal with this? Am I being unreasonably paranoid? [/quote] I am cautious when letting people I don't know in, of course. Usually I might set up what I'm selling in the livingroom, or in one of my small rooms, and that's it, I'm not exactly giving them a tour But I'm not particularly worried. If I were, I'd consider booking a rehearsal room somewhere in town, particularly if you play in a band. Otherwise, I think that you might just have to offer taking the amp to them, which they may wholeheartedly embrace... If I want to buy something and the seller offers to come round and bring it to me, I'd be happy. Of course, if the seller is also worried about letting people in... you're stuck again. But there's always eBay. What is it that worries you? Being alone at your home with strangers? Allowing them to see what you have at home?
  6. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1394989119' post='2397434'] There are a couple of ways of wearing it though if you read the full project/images. True, it will not spread the weight as evenly, but I think it is potentially much more convenient than having the thing stuck on your back, I'v hovered over investing a few times and it is only the shipping cost that has turned me off. [/quote] Yes, there is one picture showing you can slide it around your back, but it seems to hang very low then... your legs will keep on hitting it as you walk... I find the idea intriguing, and the things I don't like about it (other than the weight distribution, which may be a killer on its own) are things that I cannot imagine they would not think of, so perhaps it works ok? But it's a concern and I'd definitely want to try one before investing. Interesting idea, 'though... Rather than redesigning an entirely new case, I think I'd like to see some of its key features incorporated into a more "standard" design, giving you the choice. I don't think it would be too hard, and it would appeal to me a lot more, knowing that I can still carry it the usual way with equal shoulder distribution etc, comfortably, when the "new way" doesn't suit.
  7. [quote name='spaz91' timestamp='1394978820' post='2397249'] So the Markbass is still the best option, just the most expensive. [/quote] No, the most expensive is getting something else, and then selling it to buy the Markbass when you realise that it wasn't what you really wanted. Got my CMD121P last year and it's been awesome. I wish I had bought one years ago.
  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1394962593' post='2397037'] This looks interesting [url="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gruvgear/gigblade-a-revolutionary-side-carry-hybrid-guitar"]https://www.kickstar...y-hybrid-guitar[/url] [/quote] interesting... but I would not choose something that's carried only on one shoulder over something that allows me to carry the bass distributing the weight on both shoulders and gives me complete hands free operation... Hmmm. And that's without getting into the possibility of it sliding off your shoulder, that can get pretty annoying even over a short distance.
  9. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1394930782' post='2396919'] That's one thing the Mono seems to be better at than the other contenders, but that's not the say the F1 does not offer protection. The padding is very substantial, and there's an additional protective strip at the bottom. I'll see if I can post a couple of extra pictures. As it is, it does not concern me, but it's perhaps the only one point where the Mono is (slightly) better, in my opinion. In the end, the lack of storage and comfort made me go for the F1. I have not noticed any issues with the finish of the basses, but I have not carried out any extensive tests. My Stingray tends to live in the case, ready to be taken out to rehearsal/gigs, while at home I just use a SUB that's at hand on the guitar rack. I have not noticed any problems. [/quote] this is what it looks like at the bottom of the F1 There is some extra protection against wear and tear, but it's not an additional protection against impact in this region, beyond what the rest of the perimeter already offers.
  10. [quote name='michinho' timestamp='1394925077' post='2396865'] What is the bottom of the case like in terms of protection? I see that the Mono has a built in type wedge to stop the bottom strap nut going into the body on impact. It looks like it provides a lot of protection for the bottom of the bass too. Just wanted to see how this compares Also, how has everyone found leaving their bass inside the cases for long periods of time? Does it have any impact on the finishes, neck etc? [/quote] That's one thing the Mono seems to be better at than the other contenders, but that's not the say the F1 does not offer protection. The padding is very substantial, and there's an additional protective strip at the bottom. I'll see if I can post a couple of extra pictures. As it is, it does not concern me, but it's perhaps the only one point where the Mono is (slightly) better, in my opinion. In the end, the lack of storage and comfort made me go for the F1. I have not noticed any issues with the finish of the basses, but I have not carried out any extensive tests. My Stingray tends to live in the case, ready to be taken out to rehearsal/gigs, while at home I just use a SUB that's at hand on the guitar rack. I have not noticed any problems.
  11. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1394892042' post='2396365'] The biggest problem with any Cort (and many other brands) is that you lose 60% of the value as you walk out of the shop. Resale value is disastrous on them generally. [/quote] But it's fantastic news for buyers, if you don't mind second hand, which I don't
  12. ... and no, I am not related to Fusion in anyway. Just a very happy customer.
  13. Here's my F1: one of the things I liked about this, apart from the protection and comfort, was the storage... It has three nice pockets on the front. The first one is not very deep, but can carry a bunch of accessories, cables, etc. The second one is the main compartment. I can probably fit my Shuttle 9.2 head there although I prefer to carry it in its own bag separately. It has tons of space. I typically carry spare strings, instrument cables, a power extension cable, multi-plug adaptors... It has several zips and smaller pockets inside too. The third one is the deepest pocket, but it's a bit shallower. Itll fit A4 notepads etc. Probably a thin laptop too. A tablet/iPad will fit without issues. Deep. There is nice separation between the pockets too. There is a fourth deep pocket on the neck. I don't normally carry much there, because everything I need fits elsewhere. This is the case open: The bass is well protected from the sides (there is some hard reinforcement in addition to the thick dense padding), front and back. The neck rest is repositionable. Whatever is in the pockets will not hurt the bass underneath Nice solid comfy handles In addition to the normal handle, it's got this kind of "pocket" that's used to grab/handle the case. You can grab it like a handle, slide your palm in.. it's simple, but very effective, comfortable and secure way to lift it and move it about. One on the back: one on the front: It has very nice back support and straps (another small pocket in one of the straps, which I don't use), which will be very welcome if you need to walk with it on your back for any distance... I also liked the idea that you can get extra smaller bags that attach securely to the gigbag, but I never found I needed extra storage.
  14. This thing won't slide one bit anymore! Those feet have really good grip.
  15. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1394873012' post='2396109'] You owe it to yourself to consider this Squier as well [url="http://www.fender.com/squier/series/deluxe/deluxe-jazz-bass-v-active-5-string-ebonol-fingerboard-3-color-sunburst/"]http://www.fender.co...color-sunburst/[/url] - I have the 4 string version and love it (NB: I understand the 5 stringer is quite wide). [/quote] +1 really good basses, those!
  16. I've seen a couple of L2000 with some kind of oval pickguards, very much Stingray-inspired, and I want one for mine. Does anybody have one that they could trace for me?
  17. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1394873740' post='2396122'] It's getting close. Next week... [/quote] how do you know how do you know how do you know? (it means mine can't be that far off either, yay! )
  18. [quote name='michinho' timestamp='1394729242' post='2394547'] Hi there, Could someone please recommend me a good top of the range hybird gig-bag? I travel to gigs a lot into central London (I live in South London) so that means I get on a lot of public transport, Buses, Trains, Trams etc. Sometimes this can include a bit of walking too. I always want to take what Bass I want without having to worry about the safety/protection of it. So... The main feature of the bag has to be PROTECTION. The bass has to be fully padded from knocks and bangs. Completely Shock proof, because I often find myself getting onto busy trains/buses and walking through crowds etc. I really don't want to get to a gig and find my bass has any dings or scratches! Another feature i'm concerned about is weatherproof. The case has to be completely durable against any form of rain/wind/heat/snow/mist/heat/cold... you name it! I'd hate to find the inside of the case damp, moist or any form of condensation! It also has to be reasonably weighted and comfortable to wear on my back, because as stated, I can sometimes find myself doing a bit of walking. Finally, Height. I'd prefer one that didn't put the top of the neck and headstock of my bass waaaaaay above my head! Like I said I get on a lot of buses so I don't want to be ducking about all over the place! Maybe an adjustable strap height would be good? Bags i've been looking at/researching: Mono M80 Mono Vertigo igig G515 Fusion F1 Protec Contego Sadowsky Portabag I have heard different reviews for all these cases but still can't tell which one is the best! Please, any input would be highly appreciated since I need one fairly soon! have a few gigs coming thick and fast! Cheers, Mike [/quote] Fusion F1, and don't think anymore Really good protection, both from bumps and weather, and really comfortable to carry. Good storage space too. I got mine last year and have used it a lot, it shows no signs of wear whatsoever. It's pretty hefty, but not overly so. The bass is nicely hugged inside and it just oozes quality. Really well thought out design, in every way. I was a bit unsure before I bought it because I could not try one first and I could not find much in terms of first hand reviews... but I'm really glad I went for it. I've carried a range of basses there, from 4-string Stingray and Jazz, to 5-string Lakland 5502, and they all fit nicely.
  19. [url="http://youtu.be/o_5IMP_8kO0"]http://youtu.be/o_5IMP_8kO0[/url] funky bump
  20. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1394830104' post='2395821'] Where did you get the replacement feet from? [/quote] eBay, item 190974724099 4x Black Rubber Easy Fit Circular Feet with a Push Rivet Flexible for Cases RF11 [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190974724099"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190974724099[/url]
  21. The replacement rubber feet fit perfectly so no sticking anything... just a straight swap. I'll post pictures later.
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