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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1392489886' post='2369416'] Are J&D essentially a DV247 house brand? [/quote] No, I don't think so.
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1392429244' post='2368813'] Look up the cheapest set of strings you can find on eBay - probably those! [/quote] well, that's the thing, I bet they're pretty cheap... but I like them a lot on my green monster Jazz, so I'd definitely buy more. But I'm not about to start buying all sorts of cheap strings hoping to hit the jackpot.
  3. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1392374708' post='2367858'] I have a couple of Ibanez guitars, a SR3005E and an SR1300 with a John East preamp [url="http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/bass/u-retro/u-retro-5-knob-deluxe-32.html"]http://www.east-uk.c...-deluxe-32.html[/url] I don't usually like "complicated" systems and the JE is one that I would certainly have put in that category. I'm enjoying these though, probably because it rarely requires more than minor adjustment. Both guitars have mids and a mids frequency adjustment. I usually leave the "sweepable" element roughly in the middle, because it sounds nice and to be honest it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I'm curious about mids so my questions are 1. Why have the sweepable feature in addition to the usual mids? 2. How do others use it and why? [/quote] The sweep element not making a difference??? Try turning the top bit all the way up (max boost). Then move the bottom bit (frequency sweep) from one end to teh other end of its travel. If you don't hear a difference it must be broken, because it can sweep from 100 to 1000Hz, or 200 - 2000Hz, depending on how you set the internal switches... and that's a very wide range! I normally set it according to the noise from the rest of the band, so that I get enough mids in the particular area where it allows me to cut through nicely. I don't normally boost a lot, just a bit in the right place. I find the "right place" doing what I described above, while the others are playing. But after a while, playing with the same people etc, I tend to find the frequency sweep stays roughly at around the same spot (probably about the bottom third, in my case). A bit of boost, normally... which I remove for slap.
  4. anybody knows what they really are, or where to get them? I recently got a VIntage 75 J&D Jazz bass with those strings on, and I really like them.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1392426765' post='2368784'] Well OK, but my solution is actually possible. Thhhpp! Thp! Thhpp! [/quote] possible shmossible... dare to imagine, man!
  6. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1392400061' post='2368321'] Black plastic is nasty stuff to laser cut as it burns and melts. The only option for black is to either anodise the alu ones, or I can CNC from acrylic plate. I should have quoted costs for the alu ones on Monday and will look at costs for plastic. I don't want to make a load of different versions or I end up either making 1 by 1, which is not worth it at £20 each, or a load of stock I would not know where to shift. Will report back with prices then, people can let me know how many they want, and we can go from there. Cheers, Rich [/quote] Cool, thanks for taking care of this! (and when I said black plastic I meant black acrylic... it's all "plastic" to me )
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1392406813' post='2368472'] A stock LMIII and a mini headstock tuner..? [/quote] No. A LMIII with a tuner. And a mute button.
  8. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1392386547' post='2368026'] BTW what news on the control plate? Ever get that finished? [/quote] erm... ... not yet. I've been too busy taking other basses apart and finding room for all the bits (don't say anything, please )
  9. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1392379135' post='2367900'] It looks like your all sorted but if your really stuck let me know and I could get them made again for you A [/quote] ah, here's the man who copied my original one in aluminium... (again, thank you! ) I've had lots of people asking me about the thumbrests. I'm alright with the ones you made for me, they should last me for a lifetime (unless I get a bigger place so that I can store more bases ) even after I gave a few away. But I'd love a handful of black plastic ones.... Hopefully Diablo will sort this out and we don't need to bother you again... but if that fails and you're willing...
  10. [quote name='lemmywinks' timestamp='1392331985' post='2367626'] A Markbass with the Compressore, a tuner and a mute switch would get a sale from me straight away. [/quote]# Yes, the MUTE switch... I forgot that
  11. Same here, stick on only... And black acrylic, please If they're shaped like the model I sent you, 5mm thick, and black acrylic... I'll get some! At £2ish I would happily get 6 of them!
  12. [quote name='la bam' timestamp='1392322035' post='2367467'] I think a lot of bassists are going for the all in one small powerful package. As Lozz says Markbass with a tuner would be fantastic. I had an Ashdown Superfly and loved the size, but the compression which you couldnt turn off used to drive me mad! So any additions on an amp must be turn off-able for me. [/quote] Yes!!! Please, a Markbass LMIII with a tuner, indeed! If compression is included, it must have the ability to be turned OFF...
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1392221900' post='2366141'] We have a 3 year-old in the house, so I'm currently considering wall hangers until he's a little older and his fingers are less sticky. [/quote] Years ago, when I was much much younger, I moved to a new city to do a year gaining experience in industry, before I finished my degree. I had little money and until I got to know the city and where I'd like to live, I stayed in a house with another two students and a landlady who would cook dinner for us. We got along really well (but that's another story ) and she often had her daughter visiting, who was my age and had a 3 year old boy. One day I got home and I had the feeling that someone had been in my room. That was not unusual, as my landlady would sometimes take clothes we left drying outside and bring them in etc... but this wasn't it. It was something else... but I could not put my finger on it. I didn't give it more importance, until after dinner when I went to get my guitar (on a stand in a corner of my room)... and found a lollipop stuck on the back of it!!! I was a bit annoyed but it soon passed when I realised it was just the lollipop and a couple of sticky fingerprints... and decided to ask my landlady if anything unusual had happened that day. She was mortified! Apparently the child had seen my guitar before and was mesmerised by it... this day I had left the door open, and one minute he was not being watched he got there. They thought they got to him before he touched anything, but... he left his mark We laughed. I wonder if he became a guitarist after all.
  14. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1392314374' post='2367274'] Just send me the sketch or CAD data, I PM'ed my personal email to you. I'm placing an order for around £500 of stuff early next week and can just add this order into that. I need to send them a drawing or DXF to quote against first though. Even a photo of your existing one with a rule beside it and a note on the thickness would be enough, it is 2 mins worth of CAD to draw it up. Cheers, Rich [/quote] Hi Rich, I didn't get your PM with email address, but I PM'd you links to the original scan (TIFF), the AI file, and the DXF and DWG format files (exported from AI)... did you get those ok? The thickness is 5mm. J.
  15. OK, some news... So minimum order is £150... +VAT! So that's £180 (not sure what delivery would be like, but it can't add a lot) They say they can make me 50, in black acrylic, so that would work at £3.60 each, which I'm happy to pay... but that's 50 of the things! I could buy 5-6 of them, so who wants the remaining 44? Probably best to see what Rich can do.
  16. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1392303872' post='2367027'] lol, sorry dude, was meant more teasing than impatient [/quote] it's fine, don't worry, you got me before coffee as well
  17. The company I meant to use seems to have upped their minimum order to £150!!! (how many do we want? ) The good news is I managed to produce the files needed. I asked for an exact quote etc, but with that min order I doubt it'll be worth it. However, Rich "Diablo" might be able to sort something out...
  18. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1392290597' post='2366786'] I liked mine although I no longer have the bass [/quote] Heretic!!! I'm going to start a J&D forum myself, just so that I can ban you from it.
  19. am I the only one who liked the stock strings???
  20. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1392233952' post='2366336'] It was the very one - I kept on looking, and then it was gone.......... [/quote] It didn't last. A couple of hours after I posted someone PM'd me, and then a few others. I didn't realise it was in such high demand! It was a nice amp, and loved the extra features... tuner, presets... But I'm liking the GB Shuttle 9.2 better. The GB Streamliner 900 is £499 new, and the 600 is £399 (about the same as a RH450 used)... so if you're looking for "old school" sound, that may be a cool option.
  21. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1392239468' post='2366432'] If people want these laser cutting (me to...) I can sort it for a lot less than an £85 order. I will be at my laser profilers Thursday morning as I'm just about to place an order for several hundred quids worth of bearing and clutch plates that they cut for me. I can add a batch of these into one of my other orders and get them cut at cost, I'm thinking a couple of quid each sort of price including material. For deburring after cutting I have a tumbler that I chuck the parts in with abrasive stones and water or petrol and let it wear all the edges off. Or people can spend 5 mins with a file and wet/dry and finish as you wish. For tape I would use car body trim double sided adhesive tape. It is made for sticking plastic and metal to paint and survive jet washing! If any of you are interested let me know. I can also create a CAD / DXF file as I have 3D CAD software. Cheers, Rich [/quote] I can send you a real size scan to base the design on, if you want to try making it the same shape (I personally love it, find it very comfy!). I have not yet produced the vector graphics version of it. If not, no worries. I hope to sort this out soon, before people get too impatient and start rolling their eyes at me
  22. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1392238254' post='2366420'] Any news mate ? [/quote] sorry mate, I have not got around to sort this out yet. It's in my "to do" list, but work, bands, girlfriend etc take time too. The "eye rolling" icon, I could do without, you know?
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1392230395' post='2366269'] Thanks guys, confirmed what I was thinking, but always nice to hear it confirmed. Missed out on the last RH, rats! [/quote] ah, I just sold my RH450... If I knew you were after one!
  24. [quote name='thebigyin' timestamp='1392136994' post='2365193'] Hello, We're individully all experienced musicians.....but our Guitarist can't seem to play a full gig without making several mistakes......be it bum chords or forgetting song arrangement ect, upto now we've turned a blind eye but after a year together it's beggining to get a bit much.....would you bring it up? He's fully aware he's made the errors and thinks nothing of it, saying he's sorry but eh never mind.....bare in mind he's a very good friend but has quite a volatile temper lol.....at times his playing his very good but we've never got thro' a gig without some sort of Howler. [/quote] more practice? anybody can make the odd mistake, but if happens frequently and he even forgets arrangements it suggests he does not put much time in learning the songs and in keeping up. He needs to practice, by himself.
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