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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1392117896' post='2364791'] The size and weight do seem really handy too. Have you tried it with the Shuttle yet? That could be a very cool mini-rig for rehearsals etc. [/quote] That's how I first tried it. I was playing the Shuttle with various BF cabs, both lone cabs and in combination. The BF BB2 was a revelation: it had nearly as much bottom end as my Compact, but it was just clearer and better defined. The BB2 plus Supermidget was also very nice. The Supermidget alone sounded really good too, but was a mit too "harsh"... and right after that I tried the Schroeder by itself, which made me smile straight away. It does not have as much bottom end as the Supermidget, but it can sound deep enough if you place it by a wall etc, much like it happens with my little Markbass combo, which can sound wimpy if you have it on a chair in the middle of a big room, but it can fill a smaller room (think City Cafe, in Edinburgh) if you place it carefully. It had more pleasing sound that the Supermidget, to me, with the Stingray. I think the Shuttle and the Schroeder alone will work very nicely, but I'm not sure there is a big advantage over using the small Markbass alone, in terms of weight and bulk. One thing is that at home I was not using the Markbass, because I feel at low volumes it sounds a bit "dead", and the piezo tweeter is a bit annoying in its harshness. The Shuttle plus Shroeder sound great! Although it seems a bit funny to say I use a 900W amp for practice Fortunately it has a very effective volume control What I really liked about using the Schroeder as an extension for the Markbass was that it sounded a lot "bigger" than the combo alone would, and I was pushing the amp less (well, maybe not, what I mean is that the volume knob was set much lower than I normally would, yet it sounded bigger). The tweeter in the Schroeder was turned down/halfway, I have to try turning it up more... I don't like tweeters, but this one was very smooth sounding, when I tested it on Sunday. It's rated at 350W, so you should be able to make enough noise through it.
  2. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry, I just needed to share that... what an awesome little cab! Just by chance, I ended up trying several cabs, including the Schroeder, which happened to be for sale, and I fell in love with it. I have used it tonight as an extension cab for my Markbass CMB121P combo, and it's incredible! I was barely pushing the amp, and it sounded really nice, big, defined... combo plus cab fit in the boot of my VW Golf with LOTS of space to spare. What a fantastic combination! That's all. As you were
  3. I had the opportunity to have a play with a BB2 yesterday, thanks to a very kind local musician who let me try my Compact (2nd generation, not the newer ones) with his BB2 and his supermidget, my Shuttle 9.2 and various other things. He demoed the BB2 with double bass first. It sounded huge. Very nice bottom end... but unlike the Compact, its top end was also really good. I like my Compact, but the BB2 is probably the cab I would have gone for over it, had I known about it at the time (well, it was not available at the time ). The horn can be attenuated but I did not notice a huge effect, as the main driver can take care of the top end reasonably well (I have a hairy chest, so I'm not looking for extremely trebly sounds ) BB2 by itself was really nice. I'm glad I have one ordered and I can't wait to get my hands on it. BB2 + Compact was extremely sweet. It sounded really big. We played it loud but I did not push it very hard because I did not have earplugs and it was starting to scare me. I suspect I will personally prefer 2x BB2, because it can handle lows very well. Perhaps not as well as the Compact, and the Compact may be louder but the BB2 is a more "balanced" cab, I felt. Supermidget was... a revelation. What a great little cab! Small, ultra light... and what a sound. NOt as much bottom end as the others, of course, but it was not shy. On the floor by a wall it produced a lot of deep bass. BB2+supermidget was probably the nicest sounding combination, for my taste. Deep lows, loud and good definition. Compact + supermidget was also nice, but the BB2 worked better, for me. So... I'm really looking forward to getting my BB2, and I think I may just get a second one to replace my Compact, and they're just a tiny bit smaller in a way that will probably allow me to fit both in the boot of my car (the compact is a fraction too wide to fit perfectly, as it pushes the backseat tray up - VW Golf). One thing: the new handle. When I arrived to see the cabs, this man told me he loved the BB2 but there was an annoying rattle he could not track down. It rattled noticeably when playing a D, mostly. He said he tested all screws and everything he could think off, but it continued to rattle. It was a little annoying. He said he was about to call Alex to get the cab looked at. Then I plugged in my Stingray. It rattled more, the D... and the G too for some reason (no particular G rattling from his double bass or Status bass guitar). How puzzling. So I kept playing while he started putting his hands in various parts of the cab to see whether he could find where it really came from. And we found it! It was the metal handle rattling! He put a tea towel under it and that was it, no rattling, beautiful. So, if you notice a rattle... before returning it, check the handle! It should be easy to use some rubber, or something else better looking than a tea towel to cure the problem, if you do have the problem.
  4. [quote name='Lee Carter' timestamp='1392024245' post='2363588'] OK, to add my t'penneth worth, I took a drive down to Romford on Saturday to take a look at this fabled beast. DV have a very nice shop, but as per most establishments many, many guitars....a few basses. Tried the display model of the J&D, and for the money I was frankly amazed. Looks the business, very hard to see any issues unless you look very hard (SP fit around the neck a little off, match to control panel not quite spot on), the display model had some white marks on the binding that didn't wipe off (spit and finger). To play, the neck felt as fast as my highway one, I'm not a fan of high gloss necks but this plays fine. Nice sounds from both pickups, with a very nice jazz grunt when you roll the body pick-up right off. Both up full gives a very pleasing thud. The long and short is I bought one, a boxed one from the warehouse. Inspected it for the marks mentioned above and all was well. Check out the intonation and action when I got home, and bar a couple of tweaks it was spot on. I bought this as a 'Jam'/experimentation bass, which it will be perfectly good for. Saves me lending my pricier (I won't say better just yet) basses to the great unwashed. Once I've had her out for proper play I'll report back, but if you are after a cheapy then you can't go far wrong with one of these. [/quote] It's nice, isn't it? I find myself gravitating towards it more than any other of my basses at the moment. Yes it's a cheapie and it may not be "wonderful", but I'm finding it very pleasing.
  5. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1391909336' post='2362645'] McNash I'll PM ya! [/quote] PM'd back. McNach
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1391870398' post='2362159'] Open a dispute: "Item not as described..."! [/quote] ... and then eBay may decide that you are not owed what it will cost you to return it, like it happened to me. W**kers.
  7. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1391846680' post='2361893'] Nice, get in there! I have the same 'one in, one out' rule and sadly said goodbye to my 55-02 yesterday. Every Lakland I have played has been pure class, both US and Skyline; enjoy. [/quote] I have a 55-02 that has finally made me "get" 5-strings. Lovely lovely neck. I am not fully taken with the sound, but it may be because it's neither Jazz nor Stingray... although that's not the bass' problem but my own
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1391755666' post='2360890'] http://www.ipswichpa.co.uk/gator-g-mix-b-1212-mixer-carry-case-bag-12-x-1175-1049-p.asp This one is the perfect size, and offers more protection than the thin Genz case (I've had both) The Protec small mixer bag 1212 is best in terms of protection, but chunkier, and difficult to find now (possibly discontinued?) [/quote] Thanks! I could not find the Protec one, so I ordered the Gator case
  9. I spent the summer playing with various overdrives, and I finally sold the Darkglass and I seem to be reasonably happy with the VT-Bass 2... but the MXR looks interesting and I'd love to hear it in person some time Which COG pedal do you have, krispn? I hear people say nice things about them...
  10. I'll get this thing moving and quotes expected Monday/Tuesday.
  11. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1391760875' post='2360918'] I have 5 basses and they're all maple boards. I like maple. Maple. [/quote] I keep licking the neck of mine, but still nothing. When does it start to taste like syrup?
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391727785' post='2360794'] It's a good lesson in not mouthing off about something unless you're serious about sticking to your principles - especially when it's all so trivial. [/quote] You hit the nail in the head with your last bit there: it's really unimportant, so why the anger? (not you personally). Sticking to your principles is a good thing... but some principles are a bit more serious than others, and who can say they have never changed their views with time? I can think of a few things I said I'd never do when I was younger, that now I really don't care about and do. You also mentioned it was a glorified live video. Well, great! Glad you brought that comparison up. Music videos consist typically on a lot of miming whenever the band is shown with instruments... so why is it a big deal here? The fact they were not plugged in indicates they were not trying to fool anyone into believing it was a live performance. Fair enough, I say. I mean, I woudl not have cared if they were plugged but turned off... but if they felt that distinction was important, fine. So, they changed their minds and accepted to mime "live", not at a RHCP gig, but at a sports event during the half-time entertainment section... whoop de doo!
  13. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1391691321' post='2360191'] Thats the stuff,its good I find that playing about with the two mid controls has a big effect on the gain, volume and bass controls, I like the mid frequency control at around 9 o clock and the mid eq around 3 o clock with the bass eq rolled back to between 10 and 11 o clock,this reduces the possibility of muddiness and overdriving while still giving great lows,I found that cutting the gain and increasing the voulme cleans the tone up nicely, this is the main difference between the 9.2 and the streamliner,the 9.2 is very interactive between the controls whereas I find the streamliner easier to settle for what I like,both great amps [/quote] Funny you say that, I looked at the settings I was using at the end of the night last night and my mid frequency knob was a bit higher than yours (about 10 o'clock), and the mids knob was a bit lower than yours, at around 2 o'clock... so different, but not miles away from what you were talking about! I was also boosting highs a fair amount and had the "HF Attack" switch engaged... but that's probably because the cab I used is a bit on the dark side. That's bound to change a lot when I use a combination that can reproduce the top end better. I sold my RH450 today, it's all packed up, ready to be posted in the morning... I'm a little sad, I loved that amp, despite its "quirks". But I'm happy with my new amp With my RH450, the amp bag went too, so now I need one for the Shuttle. Any recommendations? It's so small that I'm thinking a good laptop case would probably work well... but I bet there are better options out there. Those knobs protrude significantly, the amp needs a decent case that protects them.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1391702481' post='2360415'] The top end will open up massively with a new cab. Genz amps tend to be quite bright and modern up top. It will sizzle with a Ray if you want it to [/quote] I don't normally go for that, but sometimes it's good to have the option. Can't wait to get my new rig together (two more months or so?)
  15. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1391723888' post='2360721'] I couldn't decide either so I bought both. Very happy! [/quote] ha ha, it was very tempting! but I like the one I went for, phew!
  16. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1391684272' post='2360051'] Anyone know where you can get black stacked ones from ? John East won't have them in until the end of the month, so it looks like I'm gonna be using my new bass with a new East preamp but without any knobs. Bass direct have them on their site, but at double the price that John sells them for, £9.60 each !!!!!! Gotta say I personally think if you're spending that sort of money then knobs should come included. [/quote] Nothing is really free. If you buy something with "knobs included", you can bet their cost is factored in the priced you paid. Shame that the colour you wanted is out of stock at the moment
  17. it was but a half-time entertainment slot during a sports event... entertainment... is it such a big deal that they mimed along to tracks they previously recorded, in order to ensure everything went smoothly and without fuss (for the NFL organisers)? I guess many of you think so. I don't.
  18. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1391374811' post='2356500'] So unfortunately the Silver Series neck didn't quite fit. Fortunately I've grown to love the maple neck. The guard I bought didn't line up either, but I've managed to extend the holes and it's now fixed in pretty well. Very happy with my purchase. [/quote] A little too "bling" for me but it still looks great
  19. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1391709759' post='2360515'] I'm not sure how to work out litres but the outside of my cab measures 46 x 46 x 36cm, which is about as small as it could possibly be to fit the driver. [/quote] 1 litre = 1 dm3 so 4.6dm x 4.6dm x 3.6dm = 76.176 dm3 or 46cm x 46cm x 36cm = 76176 cm3 = 76.176 dm3 ... sorry, it's the only thing I can contribute to this thread
  20. you mean something like this? [url="http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_204215_langId_-1_categoryId_165732"]http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_204215_langId_-1_categoryId_165732[/url] I used the Shuttle with a Compact cab last night... and now I *know* we're going to be good friends. It does not lack warmth at all. I started with the LF engaged, but as time went by and I kept doing small adjustments, I ended up switching it off. It adds a nice low end "something", but I did not needed in the room we were in. I can imagine it'll come handy in some gigs, but with the Stingray and a Compact on the floor, the LF off, and the bass control on the amp at about 1 o'clock, it sounded very big. The mid-range control I have to figure it out still... it seems very similar to the midsweep on my Stingray, and there's no point setting both at the same point... I don't remember where I ended up setting it to. The tube preamp section, 'though... not a huge fan after last night. Well, actually, let me rephrase that: yes, I like it, but just for a mild touch. I found that turning it up high it was getting a little muddy. It produced a thunderous thump from my bass, no doubt, it "felt" beautiful... but I want more definition. I think by the end of the session I had the gain at about 9 o'clock only. I will need to play more with this, so over the next few rehearsals I hope I'll fine tune it and get it better. But last night was very promising. There was top end missing for my taste, but this cab is not reknowned for the top end exactly. I can't wait to get my Big Baby 2 to pair them to the Shuttle. On Sunday I'm actually getting to try this very setup with someone else's BB2! exciting!!!
  21. [quote name='garybass45' timestamp='1391647553' post='2359836'] ok sorry edinburgh im iondon and would need it asap [/quote] Hi, I'm afraid the earliest I could get it to you would be Tuesday, posting it on Monday. I have someone else interested who asked me whether I'd hold it till Saturday, and I agreed.
  22. First test at home... low volume. Looking good. A lot less warmer than the RH450, but it's capable of low and it's a low I like better. At home I immediately engaged the LF boost preset, but I suspect once it gets loud I may not need it quite so much. I'm getting a bit of the same impression I got with the Markbass LMIII, that I felt it was "ok" at low volume but really liked it once it got louder. The cab doesn't do much top end, so there isn't a lot going on there... and the mids, they are remarkably similar to the mid-sweep module in my John East preamps! The tube preamp section is nice! It looks like a great way to warm up the sound... and I like the distortion you get when you push it harder, hmm, that's really nice to have. Miles better than the RH450's tubetone (for me, I know some people love the tubetone control, I never did). One thing: it's really light! I need both hands to plug my cable in!!! The RH450 is heavy enough to stay put, but not the Shuttle. Am I going to need a rope? Going to rehearsal in a few minutes... we'll see how it does there. The quick home trial at low volume says the RH450 is more pleasant to the ear more easily... but I do not like something I hear in the low end which I can only describe it as "compression". Now, at higher volumes... we will see. Oh, and a very nice fellow nearby has offered me to visit with my amp and Compact, and try his Big Baby 2, which I have ordered... that will be interesting!
  23. It looks like an ugly 70s radio panel... I always thought that... but that will only make me look prettier
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