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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. IT ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1391606407' post='2359079'] The shuttle is a great amp and very versatile,the mid controls are really flexible,you can get some nice tubey distortion out of it but its a bit excessive from 3 o clock to max, I like the gain and volume between 12 and 2 o clock for a nice smooth distortion, the 3 buttons (lf boost,mid scoop and hf attack) are very good, I wonder what it would be like with a different tube like the Phillips JAN 5751 with a bit less gain,never read about anyone tube swapping on this amp,it really made a big improvement for me on my streamliner [/quote] that tube swapping thing is another interesting source of tweaks... back to my guitar playing days, this brings me (can I admit to playing guitar here? )
  3. The time I never thought would come, has come. My RH450 head is now for sale. It's in excellent cosmetic shape, and of course it works perfectly. It comes with power cable, a speaker cable, and a TC Electronic bag with compartments and various pockets. The bag has -as usual- ripped a bit the top bit of the outer layer on the flap cover. But this is purely cosmetic (and it can be sawn again, if you're handy with needles ), as it's not structural whatsoever. It ripped within two weeks of ownership... and it stayed the same until now. I'll upload pictures later. Asking for £400 delivered, and I'll throw in a signed CD of my band
  4. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1391550376' post='2358567'] I have both and rate them highly; Streamliner 900 - I am sure it is a fair bit more powerful than the shuttle 9.2, it is warmer with a fuller/bigger sound to my ears,with the original OEM tubes in the bass eq is immense and rarely does it need to go above the 9 o clock position for huge bass, way more than is needed for me, it can get a bit woolly at higher gain output with the gain button in and the bass eq higher so I have replaced the tubes with the following -V1 Phillips JAN 5751 and in V2 and V3 a Tung Sol 12AX7,this mod has tamed the bass and gain to a very useable amount and generally smoothed the tone,I can run higher bass eq and gain settings and it stays very smooth yet,the rest of the EQ is excellent,the gain button and 3 position mid switch are powerful tools and define for me what this amp is about, I adore this amp Shuttle 9.2 - very different to the streamliner,definitely not as warm or huge sounding but it has a very versatile mid parametric set up with a wide range of mid adjustment, it seems to be able to get any tone I can imagine and for me this active eq is what makes this amp,it does get big on the bass but on the last gig I found it starting to peak at not excessive output,the venue does not allow bands to be very loud as they have had complaints,I had the gain and volume about noon,bass 1 o clock and master about noon and it was overdriving and peaking,something the streamliner has not got close to ! ,the 3 functions are good and nicely subtle, this is a very nice amp but the streamliner really rocks my boat Both amps are very nicely built and the controls have a real quality feel to them,the weight of each is amazing especially the shuttle and both sound amazing through my barefaced cabs . [/quote] I'm not terribly worried about output. I never pushed the LMIII all that hard... I expect the Shuttle 9.2 will have a little extra oomph than the LMIII, so it should be fine. I really want to try a Streamliner now too, as it seems like a real monster (in a good way)... but from all descriptions, I think the Shuttle's voice is more my style. I'm particularly interested in the semiparametric mids... My favourite preamps (John East MMSR and J-Retro) have a semiparametric mids module that I've come to rely on quite heavily. I never use it very drastically, but dialling just a bit of the right frequency band is such a good way to find a nice tone that cuts through enough... I'd love that in an amplifier. The RH450 has not one, but 4 semi-parametric controls, with some great overlap... but you had to press a button to access the mode where you can select frequencies and at the end I never really used it. The Shuttle's is right there, two knobs that I can see immediately where they're set at. I was going to buy another LMIII (when I talk about my using an LMIII before I actually meant my CMD121P combo... which I have used with various extension cabs, and sometimes even unplugging its internal speaker, using it just for the amplifier section, which is an LMIII)... But I thought that having two of the same was a bit redundant, and I might as well try something else. Hmmm, the Streamliner sounded really nice on that demo by Ed Friedland... and it looks great (love blue lights, me ). I hope I made the right decision with the Shuttle!
  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1391539404' post='2358363'] Ah! If that is indeed the outcome, then our actions have been perfectly ethical, teleologically speaking. Keep us updated, eh? I hope to read about your StingRay shoved through Shuttle and Compact, as I'll be using a similar setup. [/quote] Well, tomorrow I have rehearsal with SBK, so I'm thinking of taking the Compact with me and the new toy (which should have arrived by then), so I'll be able to get first impressions tomorrow. Although the real test won't be until I receive my second cab. You'll hear all about it here!
  6. I'm glad I already made my decision, because you two are driving me crazy! Amp should be here tomorrow... I may take it for a spin in the evening for rehearsal, with a single BF Compact.
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1391528202' post='2358172'] Drop a PM to Wateroftyne [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/56-wateroftyne/"]http://basschat.co.u...56-wateroftyne/[/url] In fact, I might be heading up to Edinburgh this weekend, so I could even drop it off for you! You'd need to be able to get it back to WoT though - assuming he even still has it... [/quote] Oh, that would be good! I'm pretty flexible over this coming weekend, so I should be able to meet you whenever is more convenient, if you are able to bring the cab over. I don't have a decent gig to try it on until the 15th, but I could just use it at rehearsal and return it to WoT whenever is required. Happy to pay postage for the chance to try it, or I may even deliver in person as I could be travelling down to NC to check out a drum store with a friend soon... I'll PM WoT, thanks!
  8. [quote name='rodolfo_shanana' timestamp='1391512769' post='2357871'] still for sale? [/quote] I've just been asked to hold it till Friday, and I agreed. But sale is not guaranteed so it may still be available.
  9. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1391504156' post='2357760'] Thanks for this, I'd be very interested in a couple, or the file if you decide not to take this on. [/quote] The file I will happily give away to anyone. But I'll get a quote to make these things too, and perhaps it won't be too crazy if a few of us wants them. The company I am using have a minimum order of £85, but the question is how many I can get made for that price.
  10. Well, I just ordered the Shuttle 9.2... I think it's more the kind of sound I'd want. But the Streamliner 900 seems awesome too... I want BOTH!!!
  11. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1391463804' post='2357544'] where you up to pal ? It's been two whole days since you swore your oath to provide thumbrest groovyness to the masses. I'm gigging on Saturday. I even bought my own double sided tape so as to meet you halfway [/quote] Ha ha! it'll happen, but probably not until the weekend I'm afraid... I need to finish my control plate design first to get the quotes etc... but it'll happen, subscribe to this thread
  12. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1391446345' post='2357244'] The Shuttle is the SAFE option. Clean, balanced, take pedals well, etc. A neutral (ish) platform. The LF Extension button is better on the .2 models so that will fatten it up. The Streamliner is perhaps the fun option. If you like the tone of a very powerful clean tube amp (it really does sound like a tube amp) this amp will do it for you. Please beware that these amps do have a lot of power under the hood and you can overwhelm a lot of cabs without realising it...especially with the bass boosted. Just be careful Both will soon be no more...but I think they are future classics. [/quote] Thanks, now you're pushing me a little more over to the Shuttle's corner... The amp will power a couple of Barefaced cabs (sometimes only one), which I hope will be up for it... but I doubt I have to push the amp much. I never pushed my Markbass excessively.
  13. dang... now I want... BOTH! ah, decisions, decisions... sounds like I'd like either but, which one more? every hour I convince myself that the other is the right one. The grit on the Streamliner sounds mighty... although it's not a sound I use much... and have pedals for that. BUt adding a little bit of that to fatten the sound up is a nice option... The Shuttle seems a bit "edgier" in that respect?
  14. and PM'd back... this pedal is now on hold, pending the usual
  15. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1391438275' post='2357126'] It's a massive oversimplification, but if you want it in two camps, the Streamliner sound is nearer the RH450 (tho deeper, warmer and much less compressed), and the Shuttle is a more comparable amp to the LM. I had a LMIII before either the RH450 or the Streamliner, but you can see the sound I was after by the progression of amps. I should say I'm very happy with the Streamliner. [/quote] Do you find the Streamliner has more going on on the top end? The RH450 is never really bright. I have to say that from the demo of the Streamliner, I thought the treble control was really good, I was impressed, not brittle at all...
  16. I am in principle more interested in the Shuttle 9.2, because I like the semiparametric mids control better... But I'm slightly "worried" about the description of "hi-fi" and lacking lows... On the one hand "hi-fi" sounds cool to me. I hear that applied to MarkBass amps and I like my LMIII. But obviously I don't want something that requires massive tweakage to sound "full". I favour bridge pickup sounds, which are thinner by nature, fattened up. Think "growl" and "fingerstyle funk" with a bridge pickup Jazz bass or a Stingray. It's got to be fat enough for ska... but with definition (hence the brdge pickup). Not into very trebly stuff... but I like top end. One reason to let my RH450 go is I want more top end. The reviews by Ed Friedland make both amps sound absolutely fine, so that's not helping me a lot. My gut says the Streamliner is the "safest" option (prettier too ... but the 9.2 seems a bit more versatile to me... How would you compare the Streamliner 900 and the Shuttle 9.2, related to the Markbass LMIII/II and the RH450?
  17. Knobbage I am not a big fan of a million knobs, but I can deal with the amount of knobs in the Shuttle, they seem pretty reasonable and intuitive. No "Kosmos" or "Grunt" labelled knobs
  18. Thank you for the comments so far, very useful!
  19. [quote name='mikhay77' timestamp='1391260001' post='2355051'] Hi there. Just a question to all bass players. If you bought say a Fender Jazz and the action would appear very high with the truss rod adjusted correctly.Then with the bridge saddles lowered all the way down,with no adjustment left,it was still 5mm at the 12th.Would that be ok? Cheers [/quote] of course not. It would appear that the neck angle needs to be tweaked a tiny bit: introduce a shim. Simple and painless adjustment.
  20. £95 delivered velcro on the bottom, but great condition, barely used. Original box.
  21. I'm looking at these two heads. They seem pretty good value at the moment and I remember liking what I heard from the Shuttle 9.2 a while ago. I'm trying to figure out what are the main differences between these two amps, in practical terms. The Streamliner seems a bit "warmer" but with lots of top end still, from watching videos on Youtube, but that's hardly a good way to judge. Has anybody here compared both? I've decided the TC RH450 doesn't really do it for me anymore, and I'd like something a bit more "open" and with a bottom end that does not sound so "compressed".
  22. if you split, I could certainly use the Boss GEB-7 equaliser.
  23. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1391308772' post='2355679'] This is BassChat, we are legion ! [/quote] ha ha, maybe you're right! I'll report back
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