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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Oh, I was talking about sharing the files and let you take care of it But now you got me thinking it would be cool to get some black ones made... I have to get a couple of metal plates made so I'll ask about how much it would cost to get the thumbrests made in black acrylic/perspex. I suspect there would be a minimum order that might make this idea a bit too expensive. We will see.
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1391240397' post='2354813'] was fine right up to the point where some app wants access to my profile likes friends etc etc just unliked your page [/quote] yup, same reason I did not go in there.
  3. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1391281919' post='2355413'] I can see those becoming very common. They look really good! [/quote] I have no idea where the original one came from, whether it was made for this purpose or (more likely) someone found a bit of metal of an appropriate shape and size and used it... but it is indeed perfect. Maybe I should get in touch with the very nice guy who made my copies and get a few more made. Actually, I thought of getting one of them scanned (for profile, as I've done with control plates etc before) and generate a vector graphics model that I can then get a shop to laser cut it in acrylic, 4-5mm thick. Black would look nice. It would not cost much to get a few made. The edges may need to be rounded up a bit, as laser cutting tends to leave very sharp edges... hmmm. If there's interest, I can probably get the file made soon (not that it needs to be the same exact shape, but it is a very good shape for a thumb rest, I have to say.)
  4. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1391265880' post='2355158'] Where did you get the thumb rest? [/quote] I bought an OLP MM2 once (Stingray clone) that had the thumbrest at roughly the place where a Precision pickup would be, held with doublesided tape. I removed it, as I like to pluck by the pickup on a Stingray, but kept the thumbrest and later used it on a Precision, as in the pictures. Someone made a few of them for me afterwards in aluminium, one for each of my P basses.
  5. Nice one! I have a GB74 in natural/maple like your GB75. Great bass!
  6. Hmmm, if someone has one of those trial cabs (or non-trial! ) near Edinburgh I'd love to try one. I noticed them a little while ago and they look very attractive on paper. The H115 in particular.
  7. I own the Soundblox2 Bass Multiwave Distortion, and both the standard and pro versions of the Bass Envelope Filter. The multiwave is a lot of fun, but unusual. The distortions have a kind of synth-like character to them, so not the best thing for rock... but nice funky sounds can be made there. The envelope filter pedals are great. A bit on the large side, but really good.
  8. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1390867584' post='2350830'] I need a thumbrest on my Fender Mustang between the pup and the bridge. Has anyone had any success sticking rather then drilling a thumbrest on as I'm loathe to drill ? Or has anyone concocted something out of a cornflake packet and stickyback plastic in the best Blue Peter tradition ? cheers Les [/quote] I have a metal thumbrest stuck on every one of my P basses, like this: I used strong double-sided adhesive tape (that a very kind BC member sent me once, thanks Apa! ) and it's working very well.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1391024888' post='2352448'] Sonic Blue? There's nothing remotely sonic about that colour. Wishy-washy pastel blue maybe, but definitely not at all sonic. [/quote] hmmm, if you look at some of the other pictures in the auction, some do look more blue, in a sonic blue kind of blue indeed. My classic player strat, in sonic blue like this: has that sort of hue too.
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1390951161' post='2351761'] Collection only but the seller stipulates "absolutely no cash on collection" and seems to want PayPal or a cheque (and 7 days to clear it) . Seems odd and would definitely put me off bidding. [/quote] Indeed. If I'm going to collect, I'll bring the cash with me. One of the advantages of collection is you get to see the item in question and verify it's all well and as advertised... and if it isn't, no deal. Strange.
  11. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1391165618' post='2353930'] Yep Gorgomyte is what I use on all my Basses. Wonderful stuff [/quote] Just checked the Gorgomyte website... what a pain in the arse of a website it is! Absolutely no information, just a collection of band names and players and "this product is awesome" type of "reviews". I just wanted a simple: "our product is this, it does this and that when you use it this way". It may be a good product, whatever it is (cloth... what type? any chemical or does it just rely on it being abrasive?), but I'm unlikely to buy anything on the basis of what's on teh website, which is little more than "hey, give us your money, lots of cool people do already! Join them and be as cool as they are!"
  12. maybe a good idea to cover the pickups with masking tape too. You can then put more tape over them to sandwich the bits of wool that got attracted to the pickups and take it all away.
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1391086987' post='2353063'] Yes, I wound my own guitar pickups and one for my four string last year. To dip them, I made up an 80/20 mixture of paraffin wax and beeswax, heated to about 65 degrees in a tub surrounded by hot water on the hob (like a bain-marie for melting chocolate), applying occasional heat to keep the temperature steady. The pickups (without covers) sit in the melted wax until the air bubbles stop coming out of them, then you take them out, wipe them off and leave them to cool. I've still got my tub of wax if you want to give yours a shot. [/quote] you're a real DIY man! I could do it in the lab, where I have temperature controlled waterbaths too Hmmm... we need to talk I don't think I want to do it just now, but I'm interested in this.
  14. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1391085091' post='2353022'] Are they a bit microphonic, perhaps? If that's the issue, wax-dipping them would sort it out and it isn't hard to do. [/quote] They amplify nicely when I hit the bass, as you saw But they don't seem overly microphonic. More than others, yes, but as long as they don't squeal I am ok with that if they sound good. However... wax dipping... I never had to do it and I would not know how to. Have you done it?
  15. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1390997988' post='2352041'] I bought a Squier Silver Series neck from 2x18 on here because I was after a rosewood board :-) The bass has arrived at home today! Exciting! [/quote] Ah! Looking forward to seeing the results! I really really really like maple fingerboards, especially lacquered, and it was a huge factor in my pulling the trigger for the green J&D. I used it at a gig last night. It was a strange kind of gig (that would deserve a thread on its own ) but it gave me the opportunity to try it live, and I'm amazed at how much bass you get for £119! I love the way it sounds. I must really get around to filing the fret ends and maybe tidy up the nut, but those are just things to make the bass nicer: it's perfectly playable as it is and sounds good. I have found what others mentioned about the pickups "popping" when slapping hard. I had not noticed at home, because I only slapped a bit, and played fingerstyle all the time. I will try bringing the pickups down a bit and see what happens. I'm reluctant because it sounds so good as it is... but I'll mark the current settings so that I can go back if I want to. And I insist: I really like these strings!
  16. a metal control plate to cover the damage? easy to install... and there are many types/shapes around!
  17. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1390918735' post='2351267'] This may have been discussed before but I recently spotted a for sale thread where the seller said he'd ship but that it would be at the responsibility of the buyer. I always get more than a little nervous when the courier collects a bass for delivery. I'm not sure I sleep soundly until it's delivered and I always take responsibility for this as the seller. If I insure the contents I pay and again I feel that the insurance is for me if things go wrong. I don't see that it benefits the buyer or that they should contribute for my protection. This can easily double the shipping costs and even then it may not be sufficient in the event of a total loss. I had a cab get fairly trashed a few months back and I sought the price of a new driver and tweeter through the insurance and successfully recovered my costs for this. The buyer kindly waited for the bits and fitted them and for that I was thankful. Obviously (?) if a dealer sells an item they have an obligation to see it's safe delivery to the buyer. I'd be interested to see if anyone on BC thinks otherwise for a private seller? And yes, I do have an expensive bass 'in the system' at the moment and as usual, I'm worrying Peter [/quote] It depends on what the agreement is. If someone says they want their bass collected, but may be persuaded to let it be posted as long as the buyer deals with it... that's another matter. If you both agree, that's all there is to it. A shop, eBay, etc is different... the deal does not finish with shipping, but with the receipt of the goods and verification they're in good condition. A private transaction between two individuals can be anything they agree to.
  18. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1390952326' post='2351776'] All of which has a lifespan of about five years, either because it breaks down and can't be repaired or becomes obsolete. I'm sticking with my valve head, best sound I ever had. And I can repair and modify it at will. [/quote] phones and computers break down... just not very often. Obsolete? Yes, but that's due to increasing demands... the phones/computers are still capable of doing what they did when new. An amp is another matter entirely.
  19. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1390938041' post='2351573'] Part 1 of 3 for Project Surf arrived today! Just a shame the bass doesn't show up until tomorrow! [/quote] oh, what are parts 2 and 3? I assume one is the bass... and the other?
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1390904666' post='2351005'] It did sound just like a Jazz, didn't it? There's no way I would have figured it for a cheaper instrument by the sound in a band setting. (If anyone is wondering, I was playing guitar last night). Also, isn't "Jack and Danny" cockney rhyming slang for something I probably can't say on Basschat? What on earth were they thinking? [/quote] I should have let you play it. It's not "finished"... The fret ends are a little sharp (playable, but noticeable), and it still has the strings the way they came: I like the strings, but they're wound in such way that the A string in particular has no break angle at the nut, so it can rattle a bit. Not enough to impede normal playing, but I'll have to replace the strings, which is a shame as I liked them. The tuners are the type whose posts are not straight cylindrical, but have a concave area in the middle, and with two turns of string only, the string remains too high. It needs a couple more turns at least to make the string exit from below. "so, are you going to do anything about it before tomorrow's gig?" I hear you ask. "Not at all" is my answer. The pickguard didn't even have screws on (the holes nearly match, but it's tight enough that it stays put)... and so it'll remain for now. The problem is I can't find a pair of matching green shoes to wear... oh, and "Jack and Danny"... I'll remind you to explain that one to me tomorrow. I have no idea what it may refer to.
  21. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1390912268' post='2351116'] So light, You can frighten your band mates by feigning anger & lifting it above your head & waving it at them hulk stylee, even scares drummers! [/quote] !!!
  22. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1390864233' post='2350794'] That's when mine arrives! How did it sit in the mix? [/quote] Well, it's a Jazz... so like a Jazz I used mostly bridge pickup alone, with a couple of times both pickups on, and tone always rolled off a little bit. There is only one guitar in this band, and one trumpet, plus drums and two vocalists... so it's easy to make the bass sit well. These pickups are quite meaty. I'm not a big fan of the neck pickups on jazz basses, so I tend to disregard it a lot... but the bridge one sounds very good. You get the mids-rich nasal tone that cuts through so well, but it's also fat. These pickups will stay in the bass.
  23. Used the bass at rehearsal tonight. It doesn't sound half bad! I'll be using it live on Wednesday
  24. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1390852593' post='2350461'] Do you ever find that your rig is too loud for certain situations? [/quote] I'm pretty sure his amp has a volume knob...
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