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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Yes, a case, and it comes with... a whole bunch of things, I'll show you later... now I must run or I'll be late!
  2. I'm looking around for a cab to complement my rig, and this one has caught my attention. Does anyone have experience with it? I am one of those "I like light and portable" guys, unless you want to be my roadie and be paid in crisps (as many as you can eat), so I understand that there are compromises to be made... but so far I'm happy with those. I generally use a Markbass CMD121P combo, featuring a single 12". It's pretty loud for its size, and although it does not have earth-shattering lows, it sounds pretty good, it's compact, and it's a great stage monitor, which is what I need in 80% of the gigs I play. When I want more, I stack the combo on top of a Barefaced Compact, which provides oomph and that small rig sounds reasonable and loud enough for most situations where I play without PA support. I'm selling some gear, and the incoming cash is making me think I could reshuffle my rig. I'm probably going to end up with a Markbass LMIII (same head as in my combo), because I prefer the head+cab configuration afterall, and I'm thinking about a cab to use together with the BF Compact. I want something that is not mids-shy, but as "full" as possible. As the BF is not very rich in highs, a "full range" cab would be nice, although not absolutely necessary, as I don't use a very bright tone anyway. I want it to stack nicely on the BF, and be light, and sound good. And 8ohm. Because of that, I came across the Vanderkley 210MNT. It measures 50x50x41cm, so it would stack nicely over the BF, and is a little deeper. It weighs only 17Kg. It also looks pretty The problem is that they're rare, and I would probably have to buy untested. It's not a small amount of money, so I'd like to research a bit before I pull the trigger... I'm too far from Bass Direct to go down and check them out. So, has anybody used one of these things?
  3. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1389861954' post='2338679'] Ok, so I'm a relative newcomer to the world of bass as a long time guitarist and am no fan-boy of either model, but I struggle with this whole "P bass is better" argument. Just how can a single p/u bass with a basic tone/volume circuit be more versatile than a splitable p/u with a 3 band active EQ...and that's without including the HH/HS options? If I was to make a guitar-based comparison, it's akin to someone swearing their single P90 shod Gibson Les Paul Jnr is more versatile than a PRS Custom 24 with multiple coil taped p/us. Whilst I agree that a lot of great P players have produced a wide range of sounds, and the same be said for my guitar-based comparison, just how much of that variation comes from technique and amplification rather than the instrument itself? Preference is one thing i.e. you may prefer one over another, but does that make it more versatile? Just my thoughts on the argument. [/quote] The versatility idea is often misguided, I feel. I went through a phase, using a stratocaster, of "let's get all possible sounds out of this guitar" with complex wiring and switches. IN the end I got a guitar that had a miriad tones, most quite similar to others, and where the nuances would get lost the minute you're not playing the guitar by itself in a quiet environment... which ended up with my admitting that -in my opinion- it was a futile quest, having found only one extra interesting tone (neck and bridge pickups together in parallel). Let's move to bass now. Splittable humbucker? Cool, and yes there is a difference. But it's hardly day and night and whilst I have a preference, it tends to be that I prefer one of the sound possibilities and stick with it, getting whatever tonal variations I need from amp or preamp controls. The Stingray is more versatile to me, because of the preamp. No doubt. But I normally don't change tones too much... I may go "deeper" or "crispier", but that's about it, and a lot of people manage that with a Precision just fine. Ultimately, I prefer the sound of the Stingray, as it sits right in the mix (the way I want it) easily and it sounds mighty. So I use a Stingray live nearly always. Others get the same feeling I do, but using a Precision. I don't think it's about the range of tones so much as about getting a sound that works well and is easy to achieve. I think that's what P-bass fans talk about when they say that a P bass works with everything.
  4. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1389788590' post='2337855'] Still for sale? [/quote] it is indeed
  5. [quote name='dodge_bass' timestamp='1389735918' post='2337432'] Perhaps interested in trading for a Radial Engineer JDI passive DI box? [/quote] Thanks, but not interesting in a DI, even one as cool as this one
  6. Big THANK YOU to those who mentioned the G-Labs Wowee Wah The AMT is nice, but ultimately, I was not entirely happy. It has a different sweep from the Dunlop 105Q and whilst it sounds good, in certain songs I was not getting the sound I was used to... Probably not the fault of the AMT, but my expectation... and I found myself drifting towards the 105Q again, which I kept too. Eventually, I restructured my pedalboard and decided small size was not so important... I started thinking about the G-Labs True Bypass Pad, for my 105Q, and I ended up ordering a WoWee Wah, as on paper it looked perfect (plus the youtube demos were not bad). The Wowee wah is awesome, in name and action True Bypass, it switches on when I put my foot on it, and sounds awesome. The AMT and 105Q will now be let go for sure.
  7. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1389379596' post='2333690'] Cool, I'll drop in! [/quote] Sounds good. I'll make sure I bring the bass then. Here's something for you to read a little on, if you haven't already [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196941-the-bass-relay-thread/page__st__990"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196941-the-bass-relay-thread/page__st__990[/url]
  8. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1389544753' post='2335304'] The only thing you modified was the volume pot for active/passive? Is it a push/pull? I'm really interested in doing this. I don't want to replace anything except install an option for active/passive. I've built musicman style frankenbasses before all wired for passive, but I want to take my actual MM and keep everything stock except what's necessary for active/passive operation. Any wiring diagrams or info you could help me out with? [/quote] I can't help you out with the details I'm afraid, as I had John East do it for me I was buying one of his 3-band MMSR preamps and I asked him about the possibility of having a bypass switch. All he did was use a different volume pot, as far as I know, not sure what value.
  9. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1389495058' post='2334861'] The "Electric Lady", my Precision ran through the RH450. It played just as well as "Windy", the fretless Jazz did. The settings sound fine to leave them as is, for when I set it up for the Jazz. The 450 watts from the RH450, had no appreciable difference from the 500 watts from the LM lll head, for either P, or J bass. I thought this particular RH450 covered the ranges, when set that way. No drop offs of any ranges. [/quote] It's remarkably loud, isn't it? Even more so when you find out it's not 450W, but 236W or something like that. (there was a bit of an issue about that, when it was disclosed by TCE... but regardless of how they achieve the loudness, it is loud. If you like the sound that's great. Some claim it's too compressed... and it clearly is... but it sounds good to me too).
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1389524801' post='2334978'] I'd also like to know from the bands who "judge" the room and alter the set list accordingly, what would have happened if you'd stuck to the set list? So how good was your set list in the first place and why would you be playing numbers that wouldn't work in the first place? [/quote] It's not whether a song works or not, it's about when you think it's the right moment for it. We try to arrange songs in a way that is like a trip. We start generally with something up-tempo, to get people's attention (in a different gig maybe we start quietly and build up progressively, it depends), and try to set the pace with some slower ones at what we think are the right times etc. However, if you have in front of you a crowd that are going crazy dancing and you see they want more of that... then you give them more of that, you don't kill the vibe by slowing the pace or inserting a song that yo know people like but is not so danceable just because it's "on the set list".
  11. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1389462104' post='2334432'] Now that was a whole lot of fun - cheered me up no end. However , the bloody thumb did take me by surprise and kindof give me the boak!! [/quote] Glad you liked it Ha! yeah, the bloody thumb... I'm not sure why it was there. That was after playing at Audio Soup. He was playing right next to me and I did not notice anything... and when we finished he showed me his thumb... blergh! his guitar was all splattered too. He does get a bit crazy strumming, he used to break strings constantly - some gigs he's finished with only three strings!!! But that day was a bit much. I think he was using a much thinner pick than usual and that threw him out. Ouch!
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1389376595' post='2333614'] I have never been able to figure out how Dima has enough breath left to play trumpet after bouncing around like that! [/quote] we think he's not really human, that he's some kind of Terminator and that he's only infliltrating in the Edinburgh music scene because that's where his target is. We don't yet know who he's after...
  13. £65 including UK delivery Pedal in good cosmetic condition, but it's clearly been used. Comes with box. I never attached velcro to the bottom of this one...
  14. Here's my recently purchased Aguilar Agro overdrive pedal. It's pretty much like new, except that I removed the feet (will be included, in case you want them back on) and put a strip of heavy duty velcro to mount on my pedalboard. The "gunk" you see under the pedal, on the corners, is just glue residue from the original feet that I did not bother wipe out (with alcohol). It comes in the original box. £100 including 1st class recorded delivery within the UK.
  15. [quote name='joegarcia' timestamp='1389376797' post='2333621'] Interested in any trades? [/quote] Hmm, not looking for anything in particular at the moment, but feel free to tempt me (PM probably best )
  16. So here is my tiny AMT bass wah. £65 including 1st class recorded delivery within the UK. It's barely been used, it's in excellent cosmetic condition, comes with original box etc. I put a bit of velcro underneath that you can remove if you don't like it. But... you can just leave it on: I removed the rubber feet in order for the bottom to be flat so that the velcro can attach to my pedal board... but if you put the feet back on the velcro is out of the way and won't attach to your carpet etc. The beauty about the feet is that they're designed to be attached/removed without using tools, no screwdriver, nothing. It's a pretty cool system that I wish other pedals used. In particular I hate when they just glue rubber feet to the bottom of pedals... but I digress Other than the velcro, it's like new. It's tiny. The size of a Boss pedal, more or less. That's great for busy pedalboards, like mine used to be. It's true bypass, so no "tone suck" whatsoever. I bought this because I got a bit tired of the 105Q's ability to affect my tone (in bad ways, not when I was using it, which was nice )... The only thing with the way this true bypass switch works is that there may be a slight "pop" when switching it on the first time... But the pedal sounds great so I overlooked that, especially at the price. It does not have a volume control, but luckily it doesn't need one as it keeps the original signal level just fine, which was another requisite for me to buy this pedal. It has three range settings which allows you to select the kind of wah sounds you want. One cool thing about this pedal is that there is no spring, so you can leave the pedal set at a particular position to be used as a static filter... I loved that. You can adjust how loose/tight the sweep is, so you can set it just the way you like it. Oh, and it's got BLUE LEDS! Everybody knows that blue leds make a pedal sound better. I'm only selling this pedal because I have a larger board now, and I have just ordered the wah pedal I wanted originally: G-Lab wo wee wah. It's a lot bulkier, heavier... and twice the price of the AMT... but I now have the space so why not I'll upload actual pictures of my pedal later, but here's a stock one and the blurb from the AMT site: Let us introduce you bass version of the current AMT bestseller optical wah-wah pedal WH-1 - WH-1B. Finally your bass can also do "wah-wah'! [b] Tech talk[/b] AMT WH-1B is an optical version of a classic Bass guitar "WAH-WAH" effect with bandpass filter range selection (3-way switch). Optical frequency control increases the service life of the effect eliminating frequent replacements of maintenance and replacement of the control potentiometer. AMT WH-1B features low noise and expanded frequency tuning range due to the use of original JFET-based circuit design. AMT WH-1B boasts great versatile sound and processes both clean guitar sound and Ultra high gain overdrive equally well. [b] AMT WH-1B features:[/b][list] [*]100% analog WAH-WAH effect; [*]Fixed switching among bandpass filter ranges: 0.22-2kHz, 0.15-1kHz, 0.1-0.6kHz; [*]True bypass; [*]Fixed effect selection by pressing the movable front end part of the pedal; [*]Removable support feet (the option is useful when you install the AMT WH-1B on the pedal board); [*]Effect monitoring by using blue LEDs on both pedal sides (visible engaged AMT WH-1B mode); [*]AMT WH-1B’s steel heavy body is stable and confidently responds to foot control; [*]Adjustable pedal movement by means of an axial screw; [*]Powered by DC adapter or 9-12V 9V battery; [*]Low power consumption; [*]Small size: 110mm x 62mm x 58mm (fits easily into your guitar case); [*]Weight (without battery) 0.45 kg. [/list] [b]Edit 11/01/14:[/b] A couple pictures showing the actual pedal with the box, the bottom of the pedal with velcro and the original re-attachable feet.
  17. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1389335201' post='2332925'] At the moment I'm pretty available evenings next week,where's your gig on the 16th? [/quote] Whistle Binkies, 9.30-11.30.
  18. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1389311264' post='2332857'] I replaced the Le son piezo with that HT-30 that you put in the op. 10 min job - I'll post instructions if you like, and the difference is night and day as far as noise goes. I'd used the combo for recording, and people around me found the hiss from the tweeter during quiet sections annoying although it didn't bleed into any mics and I was DI'd. Using the VLE as a tweeter atenuator does work to kill the hiss, but also chops off some highs. the foam in front of the tweeter is not a bad idea if you want to leave it as is, it does work ,and the hiss is only an issue if you are not doing a loud gig tbh. I've not needed to use an extension yet, but plan to get the matching NY121 cab used on here when funds permit. If it has the same tweeter I'd be tempted to put an HT-30 in that as well. I'm not slagging off the combo - far from it, its a great bit of kit and I think this mod is well worthwhile. [/quote] The hiss is only noticeable at low volume, say at home, for instance. I can imagine that if you're recording and have microphones around it can be a little undesirable. Eliminating the hiss would be nice, but I'm more interested in removing what I can only describe as harsh high end, that I blame on the piezo tweeter. Turning down treble or using the VLE works to some extent, but it also removes too much top end if I want to remove the harshness entirely. It's not a huge problem. I've been using this combo since May and I love it. But I'd love it more if there were a simple and safe way to address the treble harshness. You are probably the 4th or 5th person I found that has replaced the CMD121P piezo driver for that unit I linked to in my OP and likes the result. What worries me is that it's labelled as 8ohm, same as the internal speaker... How would that affect my amp if I were going to add an extension cab? Should I continue to treat the combo as an "8 ohm unit", or would that be wrong now? I often use my combo with an extension cab, so it's an important question for me. I suppose the amp will shut down itself if the resulting impedance is too low, and that way I would know... but I don't want to rely in the built-in protection system in the amp to find out .
  19. Thanks for the kind words We do have fun indeed. I think it's easy to pass that to the audience, it's contagious that way.
  20. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1389301571' post='2332689'] What sort of bass is it? I have a gig on the 18th at Malone's in Edinburgh, then one a week from the 6th of Feb. I live in Edinburgh (Newhaven area) [/quote] It's a Stagg, P/J style. Not the best bass in the world, but not the worst by far, it works and sounds like a bass Small, comfortable body, easy to play, very light yet balances well on a strap. Do it! I'm in Comely Bank, not a million miles from you. I have a gig next week, on the 16th... I could use it again, but I'd rather travel light that night and I don't want to be a bass hog playing it twice in a row So we could arrange a hand-over sometime during the week, or at my gig on the 16th (if I do take it with me), or I could possibly drop it at Malone's on the 18th... but Saturday evening looks like I may be busy... Anyone else has a gig maybe this coming weekend or next week before Saturday?
  21. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1389291838' post='2332502'] [i]What! that paint chipped.[/i] [/quote] ha ha that's what I thought too!
  22. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1389211721' post='2331507'] I've replaced the tweeter in mine with no ill effects and now not only his free, but with (IMHO) a sweeter, refined and more open top end. [/quote] oh, you have? What did you use? Do you use the combo on its own or with an extension cab? Tell me more, please.
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