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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1387534182' post='2312964'] My 30th birthday present! Orange enough? [/quote] beautiful and really interesting pickup positioning, I suspect I'd like that bass sound very much!
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387465278' post='2312302'] I had demo'd a few Lakland 35" wide spacing 5 string basses before I realised I may as well stick with EBMM for 5 string basses. I found that after a few weeks, I adapted and started to prefer the 17.5mm spacing on their basses. [/quote] I recently bought a Lakland 55-02, and I never found a 5-string as nice to play as this one. The neck and string spacing is really good (for me), but of course, it does not sound like an SR5... that's something that will always bug me. I had other 5-string basses (including a SUB5, which had "the" sound), and just would not work for me. I wish I were more adaptable, like you!
  3. [quote name='aende' timestamp='1387312079' post='2310644'] Persuade or dissuade me! I quite fancy a pj or pm format bass like a schecter model t or a sandberg pm. I am not sure.....I love my mm stingray, but it is a 1 trick pony! Am I being a twat? [/quote] No, you're not being a twat, but you are being a bit silly One trick pony!?? ha! Never!!! I love the Stingray...
  4. [quote name='grayn' timestamp='1387373510' post='2311198'] Definitely like to try one. But on first sight, I'd rather go for a Stingray HH. [/quote] It looks like the single pickup version of the Dimension has the pickup at the Stingray spot, but the two pickup versions have the bridge pickup closer to the bridge, removing significantly its "Stingrayness" and making it more like a fat Jazz of sorts... hmmm.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387299035' post='2310442'] Basically, Ray 4 and Ray 5 prices...or thereabouts. For that price, it HAS to be a Musicman. [/quote] except if, like me, you don't like SR5's narrow string spacing... it's the reason I don't own a SR5. That's why I was looking at the Dimension with interest. The mexican version is less than half that (£600-something), and a very attractive Stingrayish sounding alternative for those who like the string spacing wider.
  6. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1387370980' post='2311141'] Anyone here running a stock Stingray as a [u]passive[/u] bass? I've never owned one, but the idea of grabbing a cheapish one (and not a SUB or OLP) as a live back up option is growing on me somewhat, although I do have issues with active instruments (I've owned a Bongo 5HH, a Warwick Streamer and a John East loaded Jazz). Switching between a passive (Thunderbird) and an active (Stingray) mid-gig doesn't appeal so much, citing possible battery failure/drain (I do tend to leave basses plugged in when I'm not using them) and disparity between tonal set ups etc. So what's the options? This is a bit of a grey area for me...is it possible to use the MM pickup, pull out the pre-amp and just stick in regular pots? Or just remove the battery? Alternatively, which passive replacement pickup unit would give a similar Stingray tone? Or should I just consider another Thunderbird (heh). Cheers Paul [/quote] I would not worry about battery failures: they last a loooooong time. And with regards with tonal differences between the two basses, they will still sound different even in passive form: those two basses are very different. If you meant output disparities, you may find that the Stingray is not necessarily much (any?) louder than the Thunderbird. Active does not mean higher output. With that out of the way now... Yes, you can run a Stingray passive. The pickup is not an active pickup and works just fine without the preamp. In fact, my Stingray has a bypass switch installed in the volume pot so that it can work without batteries. There is no significant volume differences between passive/active on my bass... but that's because of the settings I use. If you were to boost the EQ controls a lot, you'd notice a difference. So, you could just remove the preamp, and install standard passive electronics. I'd keep the plate, and do a simple 2 control setup (volume and passive tone), and use the remaining hole (assuming a 2-band Stingray) for a parallel/series switch. The standard is parallel, but the series option has a bit extra oomph, more mids, and it's a great sound. Personally, I'd keep the Stingray stock... but if you want to experiment with a passive setup, it would be easy and work well. Just try it stock first, you may find you don't want to convert it to passive after all
  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1387364989' post='2311055'] Rather than just unplugging the tweeter I sent the wires from the amp direct to the 12" driver in order to bypass what I assume is a crossover (it may just be some sort of protection circuit for the tweeter but by bypassing completely I thought it would send the full signal to the main driver). Sounds nicer to me anyway [/quote] Hmmm, it looks like I should definitely open mine up, and either try replacing the piezo of bypass it like you did... those piezo tweeters are so... "urgh"!
  8. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1387332330' post='2310888'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've replaced the Le son piezo tweeter in mine with a Stage Line HT-30 Minature Horn Tweeter. £12-13 online, remove (4xphilips screws) grill, remove (3x philips screws) tweeter. Use a large file / small saw to enlarge the cutout at the bottom until HT-30 drops in. The wires are push fit, blue + black - . The results are so good in terms of reduced hiss and nicer highs that I was tempted to contact MB to suggest they made this a change to the current design. I then realised my combo is still under warranty so I'm keeping quiet in case it blows up![/font][/color] [/quote] aha, that sounds very interesting! Thanks for that!
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387299670' post='2310453'] And possibly from over-enthusiastic use of the VPF control, which makes the tone sound great solo, but cuts way too much mid for use in a live band situation. When I had a Markbass amp I found it best to minimise both the VPF and VLE controls and have the EQ set more or less flat. This resulted in a completely unremarkable tone solo, but [i]very[/i] nice solid definition in a live mix. [/quote] +1!!!
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1387227446' post='2309681'] At home I have a CMD121P combo (piezo tweeter disabled) [/quote] Oh! So I'm not alone in disliking the tweeter in this otherwise fantastic combo? How did you disable it? Does it entail anything other than opening it up and unplugging it? I have no idea! But if it's not complicated, I'd like to try disabling it too. It just adds a very fizzy high end that I find irritating.
  11. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1387226674' post='2309668'] Interesting stuff guys! No one saying they're an abhorrent pile of crap yet anyway! It's good to hear about the CMD121Ps, because I'm potentially looking to change my rig for one of those and a NY121 in order to have something even more compact and portable. [/quote] I bought one because I wanted something portable but loud enough to work as a monitor on stage (most times my rig is merely that: a monitor, so no point in bringing a 4x10 etc). To my surprise, I really liked the sound. To my even bigger surprise, this tiny thing could get really loud too. As I result, I've used it a few times on its own with a full band (bar gigs), and it worked really well without pushing it too hard. Location helps: use the wall to enhance the bottom end if you have to, etc). I have also used it paired to a Barefaced Compact, and that's a light and reasonably small but very big sounding rig. It's my best bass-related purchase ever, together with my Stingray. At home, on its own, it's kind of "alright". I was even disappointed when I first tried it (I bought it at a local shop, but ordered it on the phone, so that I could use their easy 14-day no-questions return and save me a trip into town)... but it really fits in easily in the band, for some reason. I tend to leave the EQ near flat (slight boost on lows and high mids, slight cut sometimes on the low mids), and both filters off (sometimes the VLE set somewhere between fully off and 9 o'clock, and the VPF I rarely touch it). It works well like that with my Stingray (with onboard preamp set nearly flat, again, with just a touch of mids - John East MMSR with semiparametric mid control) The only thing I don't like is teh tweeter. Kind of harsh. I wish it had a control so I could turn it down, or even off. Still, awesome little beast of an amp.
  12. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1386837896' post='2305074'] I only meant I see the argument starting again, I have never contributed to any of them, I have my opinion but I accept and tolerate others. The way I see it, as with any other bit of kit, it's very easy, if you like those cabs fine, if not fine too!... But stop telling people how sh*t you think they are, we all have different tastes and opinions and respecting them should be paramount! [b]I have never seen so much bad talk about a brand, some very nasty comments[/b]....and having recently tried two of their cabs I understand it even less. [/quote] Time to start a Behringer thread then. Oh, I wish I still had my first head, a Behringer BX3000 (which sounded quite alright) so that I could pair it to my BF Compact...
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1386772278' post='2304288'] The troublesome handles, the dodgy feet, the spewing of foam, the Radio Shack looks. You know what guys, none of this matters. Did anybody mention how incredibly light they are? (and what with the shedding of foam, they get lighter the older they get! RESULT!) [/quote] alright, alright, yes, we got it: you are not a fan
  14. Line6 G30, without hesitation.
  15. awesome ultra versatile envelope filter! I love mine. Have a free bump
  16. I just bought Richard's Lakland 55-02. He was a real pleasure to deal with. He stayed in touch and updated me regularly through the process (which was really brief anyway, as he was so quick to post). The bass was beautifully packed... and the bass itself was just as described, beautiful. So, a very pleasant transaction with friendly communications via PM, and the happiest of outcomes for me, as I *love* this bass. Thank you, Richard! You're a star!
  17. I just bought a 55-02. I'd normally get a Stingray 5 string, because I have already establish that that's the sound I prefer. UNfortunately they only make them with ridiculously narrow string spacing... so cannot own one. The 55-02 does not do a Stingray sound because the MM pickup is at the wrong spot, too close to the bridge. It's more of a muscular Jazz, which is cool, but not a Stingray. The pickup has a switch to choose from either of the two coils, or full humbucker. I like the full humbucker (fat Jazz, lots of bottom), but the single coil fartherst from the bridge has a "snap" that reminds me slightly of a Stingray. It would not pass for one, but... it has a bit of the character that I like in Stingrays. Then I decided to look at the preamp switches. These control the centre frequency for the mids control. It was set at 900Hz. I was not in love with what it was doing, and my mind toyed with the idea of a John East MMSR. I tried it higher (1100Hz). No, too thin. I tried the lowest setting: 275Hz. Ah! Now that was interesting. Very chunky! It sounded great at home. Not sure it would work well in a band setting, it may be a bit too muddy... I don't know. Then I tried the 600Hz, which is the default setting when new. That was excellent. With the single coil, boosting bass a bit above the centre detent, and a bit of treble too... the "Stingrayness" became a bit more clear. Then a bit of mids (at 600Hz), and I was in familiar territory. No, not a Stingray... of course not. But... you can definitely hear some of that sound in there. I'm going to be away from this bass for a while now... so I'll continue my experiments another time... and I just found that you can select frequencies between those four, by using pairs of switches. I cannot be the only one who has experimented with the centre frequencies of this preamp. So, what is/are your favourite setting(s)? And why?
  18. £550??? and maple fingerboard? come on! someone buy it already before I get crazy ideas... again.
  19. Oh, I discovered the switches that set the frequency centre for the mids... it was set at 900Hz. At 275Hz it was very interesting and fat, hmmm. But at 600Hz it was the best.... which turns out it's the default. With the humbucker set as single coil, using the coil fartherst from the bridge, it still does not sound like a Stingray, but it has a little of its spirit. I like it a lot. Of course, only now I found that Lakland actually did a real Stingray type bass, the 55-76... very rare, as it was only made for a short time.
  20. [quote name='haimesy' timestamp='1387286058' post='2310206'] Hi Jose..I fancy one off these and have been looking at the other ones for sale here , as well as the one you bought , Just can't make up my mind..Since selling my DJ been missing a 5....Hope you enjoy playing this one...All the best John...ps ..still got your DVD.... [/quote] Hey, we should get together and you can have a go with the 55-02. Join me and Sam (uncle psychosis) in January? Larry Graham DVD, right? I remember. Sorry it's been so complicated to arrange another time to meet! Let's fix that
  21. I really like the Ernie Ball strings on my Stingray, 45-65-80-100. But DR Fat Beams are great too, good suggestion! Very authoritative low end. If you want more prominent mids, more presence, you may want to try the Ernie Ball Cobalts.
  22. Well, the bass arrived today. Very disappointed with the packaging job... IT WAS AMAZING! So it took me a little while to unpack it, peeling layer after layer, so cruel... oh so cruel! The seller, "chardbass", used supermarket bags stuffed with more bags inside the hard case, to ensure the bass fitted snugly and did not move about. That works really well! I will certainly use this trick next time I post instruments. I thought maybe some of you might find it interesting too. The bass is really nice It's practically mint, seriously. It's so pretty that previous owners must have spent most of the time just staring at it, I imagine I love the body shape, how it balances... the neck is fantastic... the string spacing is just perfect... It's better than I expected in every way. Because I don't really pla 5 strings, my technique leaves something to be desired when it comes to muting. And slap? So many extranoeus noises get added... urgh... but I find it a lot easier than other 5-string basses. The string spacing really helps a lot for me. 35" scale is interesting. On the one hand, I can barely tell... only if I close my eyes I notice that my hands miss the intended spot I wanted to go to, ever so slightly... But not more than what I get when playing a bass I'm not used to, and I adjust in a few minutes. But I do think the extra inch may help achieve a nicer tension overall, and the B string does ring clear and sounds like it belongs with the others, a natural extension, with depth and definition. Great bass!!! The only reaosn it could never be my number one is... it's not a Stingray. I knew that. But it does a great fat Jazz, which is not bad as it's my second favourite sound. Ah, if only they had moved that bridge pickup a little farther from the bridge! It would have been perfect then. It's the most comfortable 5-string bass I have every tried... so perhaps I can conquer 5-stringdom at last, even 'though I don't really need one, it'll be nice to have the ability to play more across the strings than up and down, and having a few extra lower notes could be cool at times too. There are some things in my main band where I'd play a C#, and I've been either playing it an octave higher or playing a ghost note instead... with this I can play a fatter C#, oh yes GAS is great sometimes
  23. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1387141170' post='2308690'] Sounds good. I'll give you a shout via PM nearer the time. I've even stocked up on Caesar Augustus and other Williams Bros treats [/quote] Aha! Brilliant!
  24. [quote name='duffer1' timestamp='1387162313' post='2308921'] ended up with a Roland bass microcube which is not very loud [/quote] you're right about that!
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