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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. By the way, we ended up with three Roland Micro Cube amplifiers for the guitars, so they could get much louder than acoustics, and my amp coped perfectly with them and a strip down kit, plus trumpet and sax.
  2. Last summer I needed something portable for busking and I ended up with a battery operated "miniPA system". It cost me under £150 and it worked beautifully. I never needed to crank it above 11am or so (if you imagine a clock face on the volume knob). You can find more info on this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212137-portable-solution-for-busking-on-bass-new-amp-or-batteryinverter/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212137-portable-solution-for-busking-on-bass-new-amp-or-batteryinverter/[/url]
  3. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1386328186' post='2298760'] I wish I could say that my life is so exciting that after a gig, that I could be spending my time in better ways. Skinny dipping with groupies at the aftershow party, playing Go with Howard Marks, helping at the local animal shelter, or perhaps learning to read music. Alas, at that time of night, the choice tends to be stay and watch the bands, or go home, knock the telly on whilst browsing basschat, then bed Perhaps I'm using 'cameraderie' and 'politeness' as an excuse for a sad and empty life :-D [/quote] and in case my girlfriend is reading this: no, there is absolutely no shenanigans with groupies, those stories are grossly exaggerated
  4. [quote name='timo' timestamp='1386334331' post='2298885'] I'm very happy with my G30 and have been to the back (bar) of a 30m-ish marquee with it, gets pretty impossible to play anywhere too far from stage without in ears as the sound delay is huuuge. [/quote] Yes, playing far from teh source can be challenging... but that delay is purely due to the speed of sound in air. It becomes very noticeable after 20m or so (whether using wireless or cable)...
  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1386326306' post='2298732'] If you're not an artist, then I'd suggest you're a clown whore ;-) :-D :-D [/quote] ah, that brings me back sweet memories
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1386324633' post='2298698'] I don't know if it's 'expected' to to stay and watch other bands but I suspect it probably depends on whether people are just playing for the money or the enjoyment and camaraderie. After all, if it's just a job, who stays after work to watch the next shift? [/quote] I play for the enjoyment AND the money too (which allows the band to ensure we continue enjoyable stuff like recording etc - on my main band, all money goes towards the kitty, with a few exceptions occasionally like travel etc). What camaraderie do you talk about? Just because those 4 guys play in a band, and I play in a band, is not enough to assume we have much in common. There are many crap bands with crap attitude members, and many that are just delightful... so I assume nothing and play by ear, so to speak. I stay if I enjoy what they do. My time is my most precious possession, and I try to choose wisely where I spend it. I frankly find it ridiculous that someone may feel hurt because another band does not stay. First of all, if you notice them leaving, that means the audience is not that big... That suggests there are more important things to worry about. Don't get me wrong, I do not advocate just showing up, playing and leaving... networking is very important. We've got many nice gigs through audience that came and saw us by pure chance (last one was a couple of weeks ago, where we got asked to play at a wedding... we're an originals band, that's pretty unusual, we've been asked to play birthday parties and stag do parties even.. but a wedding, I did not expect)... but we've got the best opportunities through our interactions with other bands. You end up becoming friendly with a few local bands, people talk, they remember you when they have something cool to offer... These are bands I (we) have stayed to watch, and we go to watch when we don't play too.. because we like what they do. Essentially, what I'm saying is... I don't see the *necessity* to stay and support someone you have no interest in. Not meant to disrespect them, just that... well, I probably have better things to do. I would rather focus my attention on those I like best, as it's a more enjoyable experience and it's more likely that it will result in a good relationship between the bands. The whole idea of "we're both bands, therefore we must support eachotehr" does not hold water for me. I need more than that. If that makes me a bad person... so be it But I think it pays to be a bit discerning when choosing where to invest your time.
  7. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1386277767' post='2298290'] Oh, and he never even watched your set? Rude , but not uncommon. You could tell Facebook that [/quote] Is it really rude? why is it it expected that bands stay to watch other bands? That really baffles me. I stay when I like what I hear and I'm interested. Otherwise... why on earth would I stay?
  8. [quote name='roonjuice' timestamp='1386035271' post='2294949'] My gig last night:- The band before us asked to borrow my bass amp. I obliged as the chap was supposedly a sound engineer and i am easy going i explained that the head was massively overrated for the 2x10, (GB9.0 at 4ohms) i then found out he just didnt want to lug his TE rig up the stairs (after i said he could use my rig......) he thrashed it then the band didn't even stick around to watch us. what would u guys do? r [/quote] buy a balaclava and a hammer...
  9. I would expect one to be included... but I personally don't care as I have many of various lengths. In fact, I'd probably not use the one included because I tend to use longer ones than standard. But yes, I'd find it quite normal for a power lead to be included. For that reason, if it's not included, I would expect that fact to be indicated. No biggie, 'though. As for the "it came with one as new, so it should be sold liek that" crowd... I disagree. You are free to sell whatever you wish. Just indicate clearly what it is. Or am I not allowed to sell a bass that came with pickup covers without them? Maybe I removed them on day one and lost them. And those guitars that came with a case and a set of accessories... what does it matter? The ad says a guy is selling a guitar, and a guitar alone, without a case... what's wrong with that? Same here. Considering we're talking about something that costs so little... it seems a little strange to get worked up about it. Just like with instrument cables, I have a couple of power leads that I like and use for most things, and I would not be including them with anything. If I have a spare one that I can let go, then I'd include it when selling the amp. If not, I would not, but I'd make it known.
  10. [quote name='Jabba_the_gut' timestamp='1386107427' post='2295985'] I've got a SUB Sterling and it also differs as it has a 3 band EQ. Cracking basses. The picture on my profile is my SUB 4 just fitted with a nicer scratch plate. [/quote] One day I must get one. Despite the slimmer neck. Sterlings are great.
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1385741285' post='2291760'] yep, there most certainly is, but I was trying to say it probably wouldn't work in a rock band situation. [/quote] I know, I was just being a bit silly. After I wrote it I thought "I hope he doesn't take it like I'm having a go at him"
  12. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1385742541' post='2291776'] Loverly... Audere? How's it sound? Can we have a Capri Orange club? [/quote] I'm not a big fan of the Audere, as it turns out. It's rather tame, compared to the J-Retro that I'm more used to, and I miss the semiparametric mids control. For that reason the Audere will soon be in the "For Sale" section. It's not a bad preamp at all, and I can see why some prefer it: it's much more transparent than the J-Retro. Those who want to preserve the passive sound I guess will prefer the Audere. The switch changes the sound in subtle but interesting ways, 'though. I still prefer the monster that the J-Retro is, and I find it easier to get the sound I want on them, so I'm installing one pretty soon. Maybe next week, if I have time.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1385741422' post='2291764'] That looks amazing. I would buy a bass in that colour if Fender offered it as an option nowadays. You may or (more likely ) may not be interested to know, back in the 1970'S , Ford made a special run of Capri's for the U.K market in an almost identical shade of orange to this bass: ( I would buy a Capri in that colour, too.) [/quote] I would buy that car too I have seen this orange being described as "Focus orange" by some. I guess it's a different demographic issue
  14. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1385741421' post='2291763'] That looks really nice - good job. The fretboard looks very dark - almost black - just how it came or did you do something to that too? [/quote] No, that neck is like that. From a fretless Squier VM Jazz, made from "ebanol". It's very very dark.
  15. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1385731801' post='2291619'] totally pointless in a rock band situation, always think our job is to add definition while the guitarist does the wall of noise bit [/quote] I know this is hard to believe, but there is a bunch of bass players our there that don't play rock
  16. I bought the BK3. I sold it soon afterwards. I bought the Vintage. I sold it soon afterwards. Now I want the Duality!!!!!!!! Let this be the one I keep! I found alternatives for my overdrives, but as a fuzz, this is the best sounding and most interesting I've come across so far!
  17. [quote name='RedSlap' timestamp='1385675503' post='2291118'] I bought a modified EHX bassballs and... Jose is a great guy... ..and a Packing ninja! He kept me updated and got the pedal here quick.. I'm happy.. [/quote] "Packing Ninja" Glad you got the pedal safely, enjoy!
  18. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1385577985' post='2289923'] Just finished mine... [url="http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/jimryan88/media/image_zps4d31ceb0.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/jimryan88/media/image_zpsc2f86374.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/jimryan88/media/image_zps8d2aa200.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Nice! I definitely have to post my orange fretless Jazz... It also has Nexus black coated strings, and SJB-3 pickups!
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