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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1385413235' post='2288053'] If people don't talk then how do they expect things to happen. I'd take your own kit and if they told you you couldn't use theirs, - they MUST be bringing their backline, then I would be breaking my stuff down off stage and into the car. If that means you have to leave the gig early, then so be it.... but at least you aren't dependant on anyone... [/quote] that's pretty much my attitude. Unless it's a gig that we are organising and clearly the hosts, in which case I set up my amp and let others use it (we choose who we invite too), in a multi band situation, I bring my little Markbass which I use as monitor and DI to the mains, and take it out with me. If I need bigger volume I bring the BF cab as well, and it goes with me when I'm done. It takes me all of 5 minutes to set up, less than the drummer needs to set up his cymbals.
  2. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1385399160' post='2287760'] Bumping this thread. I've got a gig in a few hours but am in a dicey situation. We're first on and then the 'headline' band. The headline band are providing the drum kit which we've been told about. The amp situation though... I've been told 'Bring guitar amps and bass amp'. This makes it sound like we're providing all the amps unless I'm just being paranoid. I haven't been asked by the other band or promoter if I'm okay about lending my gear out. I really don't want to feel like an arse and tell them sod off because no prior arrangement was made. Would it be worth taking a chance and just bring my DI box in case this happens? The venue has a great FOH and good monitors. Thanks. [/quote] I'd bring my amp, play, and take it with me. If they expected to use your amp: "oh, you wanted to use it? I was not told and I cannot stay, I'm sorry, as I have a rehearsal with another band, for which I need my amp... I'd have let you know but nobody asked me. I'm really sorry, but there's nothing I can do" So... how did it go?
  3. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1384863864' post='2281514'] Or what I've had: Soundguy: your drummer emailed me yesterday and agreed it was ok if all the bands use you rig. Cheers. [/quote] my drummer, and every other band member, knows me well enough to never dare say anything like that without asking me first. Train your bandmates!
  4. This happened today. guitarist: hey, is that true that we have a gig tonight? Singer says we do, but it's not on mine or on the band's calendar! me: yes, at 9.30. We all agreed to do this gig. But... dang, it's true, for some reasone I forgot to write it on the band's calendar. It's on my personal one and the drummer's which we can all see, just not on the band's communal one. guitarist: sh*t, I'm in Glasgow for a 50th birthday party and I'm helping organising this as it seemed I was free... are there any other options? It's crap, I forgot to put it on the main calendar, but we should all write it in our personal ones as soon as it's confirmed... Still, guitarist said he'd come if I could not find an alternative, as he does not want to jeopardise the good relationship we have with this venue. That's why I play with these guys. And all is good, about 40 minutes after this conversation I had arranged for my main band, Sea Bass Kid, to play instead. Another reason it's useful to play in several bands!
  5. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1384776348' post='2280491'] Many years ago before an important gig the band were read a review, in the dressing room, that had just been handed to management: [i]“To say that Sad Lovers & Giants (Ho Ho) have not got a great deal going for them would be an understatement indeed. A name of unremitting clumsiness, a press release capable of ending careers and a music steeped in a tradition of limp derivation. They've listened to the Banshees, they've listened to the Cure, sorted out the good bits and used the rest.” [/i] I'm not sure management fully understood the psychology of motivation. [/quote] ouch, that's harsh! I admit I had to check out the band after reading that and... I liked it! If you play in Edinburgh I'll definitely go to see you guys.
  6. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1384775135' post='2280473'] "The band before/after you haven't been able to bring their instruments. You don't mind if they use yours do you?" [/quote] Ha ha! what was his face like when you replied "no f***ing way"?
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' timestamp='1384897520' post='2282143'] My newly acquired SUB [/quote] that's yummy
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1384696688' post='2279545'] It is the sort of racket that I like, but referring to them as 'fairly reasonable' is a bit of a diss! It's like saying they are 'enjoyably mediocre'. Which they're not. Mediocre, I mean. [/quote] I think you missed the original title It was a lot more enthusiastic than that, but it appears that someone may have had objections about it, and the cotton mod-hammer did strike
  9. [quote name='RedSlap' timestamp='1384633247' post='2279039'] Still up for grabs?..Muchly interested if I can get the funds together.. [/quote] Hi, yes, still very much available
  10. [quote name='CMR Bass' timestamp='1383952057' post='2271319'] The problem with the neck bolts loosening off must be a common problem. [/quote] Is it??? Never had that issue on basses or guitars. I find it quite odd, in fact.
  11. Hi Dan, did you know that you can edit your own posts? You could simply edit your title to include "SOLD", to indicate you've already sold these, and then people will stop sending you messages about it.
  12. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1384520719' post='2277657'] PLEASE ? [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1384175890' post='2273522'] You tap it and rings out loudly because of it's dense [b]mass (not weight)[/b]. [/quote] are you building basses in another (smaller) planet now?
  14. and another bump... make me an offer, tempt me with a trade... something!
  15. I would ask no questions... until the bass were safely in my hands. Then I'd ask a LOT of questions.
  16. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1384427727' post='2276507'] Just spotted this [url="http://forums.ernieball.com/music-man-basses/56819-sbmm-sub-ray4-green-when-europe-pat.html"]http://forums.ernieb...europe-pat.html[/url] Looks like the green SBMM SUB will be available to European distributors early next year...... [/quote] ... I'm only human. There are temptations I cannot resist.
  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1384425257' post='2276479'] Crikey, even I quite like that! [/quote] what??? quick, go to the Royal Infirmary!!! You may be suffering a stroke!!!
  18. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1384376405' post='2276008'] Ooops - I stand corrected! I presume that must be an exclusive colour for Musicians friend as it's not listed on the SBMM page for the SUB models, USA/Canada or the International one? It's almost like they've intentionally made it tricky to work out what's what with all the model variations and naming overlaps.... Argh! [/quote] Indeed... you can almost imagine the meeting they had: "things are confusing, but not confusing enough... is there anything we can do to make it even harder for people to know what's what?" I'm glad the green one is not normally available here... it would be too hard for me to resist! I do have a friend in the US who will be visiting in February... hmmm
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1384378427' post='2276061'] So you like VM's as long as the neck and pups are replaced??? [/quote]
  20. That's awesome! ... and I really must post my orange fretless Jazz!
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