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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1382769022' post='2256331'] Unsure bump [/quote] you mean "coming-to-my-senses" bump?
  2. The internal trim pots should allow you to tone down the output to more reasonable levels. Check out John East's website, there are diagrams and instructions that show you what to do.
  3. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1382653225' post='2255205'] What strings are you having most joy with? ( I restrung with new Roto's which were rubbish, put unidentified some old strings on and it's much better). Would my naked black SUB look better with a scrathplate - if so what colour?? [/quote] I like the Ernie Ball Cobalts. They are quite rich in mids, which works well on the 2EQ, I find. After they've lost a bit of the initial zing they're at their best, in my opinion. DR Fat Beams are nice too. I like the hybrid set 45-65-80-105 As for the pickguard for your naked black SUB... If it were mine (something I've considered a few times, seeing your ad! ) I would go for a matt black one. I do have an original SUB one for sale here too Black is about the only colour that works well with the original plates, but I would still prefer black. Tortoiseshell can look AMAZING too...
  4. [quote name='rhythmbug' timestamp='1382647153' post='2255090'] Yeah, I used Addictive Drums, it's fantastic. It was out of necessity, disastrous experiences with other drummers. I dunno about the rest of the UK but good drummers seem very hard to come by in London, but that's another thread! [/quote] I have to apologise. I have three drummers in my band. One plays drums. Another is one of our three guitarists. The third one is our singer/lead guitarist. They all play drums in other bands.
  5. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1382482515' post='2252837'] yep sorry! I see what you mean and yes. It was out for the photo. Not sure what happened to make it do it but I flicked it back in and it not happened since. I think it happened during transport to me. [/quote] I thought it had to be something like that, I didn't think you would have played it like that and not have noticed it when talking about action etc If only the string spacing were a bit wider, I'd have bought one ages ago! Great value, those OLPs, when you get a nice one. (I have owned four MM2, just keep the one now).
  6. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1382509861' post='2252914'] I've fallen slightly out of love with my BB414 recently. The truss rod is stuck so I can't adjust the neck relief. Thankfully it is still playable, but I can't get it to sound how I want. Problem is I'm not quite sure what I actually do want it to sound like... [/quote] if you have your wits about you, you'd want it to sound like a Stingray, obviously... Fortunately, there's a solution for that.
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1382510985' post='2252923'] Don't boost the treble, maybe a tiny but not as much as the bass, go on you will love it [/quote] I definitely agree with you on that one! The thing is the controls are pretty interactive. I think the people who say the Stingray is too scooped must have boosted both treble and bass fully, which is clearly scooped. As you roll down the bass, the characteristic Stingray midrange starts to be more prominent. The position of the treble knob affects this, but unlike the bass control, which can give a sound I like in any position, the treble is too much beyond 50% or so, and I normally have it a lot lower than that. Experiment! After playing a Jazz mostly for teh past few weeks, last night I rehearsed with the Stingray. I'm in love
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1382473922' post='2252703'] Get that bass boosted machinehead! [/quote] No, no, he has it just right! That's the sweet spot I like too I may boost bass a "tiny" bit more than that, but that's all, certainly less than 50% of the pot's travel. That way it seems to have a stronger midrange.
  9. Is there something wrong with the A string saddle? It looks out. I OLPs
  10. My currently most used bass... a £75 Korean Squier Jazz. (Ok, I did replace pickups and installed a J-Retro... because it was just so nice to play).
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382337535' post='2250664'] Ended up in the Blues bar in Camden Saturday night. A band were on called the Frank Ash Band (I think) and the bass player had a stingray. Sounded absolutely fantastic. Punchy and smooth, cut through beautifully... Looked modern, single pick up, 3 EQ type thing to me, although the couple of hours I'd spent in cottons rhum shack prior to the gig had made things a little hazy... Want one now... Rob [/quote] And another one sees the light
  12. I never liked this solution because it just pulls on my T-shirt. It may be ok if you wear a jacket, or something more solid than a T-shirt
  13. I am pretty sure you are talking about a "Sterling by Music Man" SUB (currently in production, not by Ernie Ball MusicMan). An "Ernie Ball Sterling SUB", is a hard to find bass that was made in USA by Ernie Ball MusicMan between 2003-2006 only... Am I right? If so, it could be nice to fix the title to avoid disappointments. Or in my case, 50/50 disappointment/happiness. Disappointment because I'd love a EBMM Sterling SUB and they're quite rare. Happiness because I should not buy another bass just this minute
  14. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1382357254' post='2251044'] What I have noticed though, is that with the pedal in the off position, there is a very very very slight residual wah effect still audible. Again - only the kind of thing that's noticable if you're looking for it. [/quote] That sounds not too far from my experience then. I was oblivious to it until one day I noticed it. And once I was tuned to it, I could not ignore it. It's subtle, but -to me- noticeable. How subtle probably depends on a miriad of other factors, from your EQ to other effects... I'm not familiar with the Mooer Lofi... hmm, I'm curious, I'll check that out. I often used my wah with an overdrive, not very high gain, but the dirtier ("granular", I'd describe it as) the better (OCD clone was great)... if the Lofi is doing what I think it does, I am interested in hearing that noise
  15. [quote name='Turk' timestamp='1382297289' post='2250373'] From the instructions on my bottle of Dunlop 'Fretboard 65' lemon oil:[b] [i](Note: Not for use on maple fretboards.) [/i][/b] [/quote] isn't this because they are assuming the maple fretboards are lacquered? Many maple fretboards are lacquered, but many aren't...
  16. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1382274369' post='2249894'] I just bought a USA Sub in white. It has obviously had a hard life, with player wear on the body where the right arm rests [/quote] The previous owner must have arm fur rough as sandpaper! That finish is remarkably tough!
  17. and there's also this [url="http://www.music-man.com/faq/music-man-guitars/how-do-i-clean-and-maintain-my-music-man-neck.html"]http://www.music-man.com/faq/music-man-guitars/how-do-i-clean-and-maintain-my-music-man-neck.html[/url]
  18. I just bought Ryan's 3Leaf Proton pedal. Smooth operation, the pedal arrived protected by a superb packing job, and it is in excellent condition. Thanks Ryan!
  19. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1382134487' post='2248653'] Here's the same player playing a Vintage (brand) p-bass. Exactly the same buzzing sound. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9MmVveFhU[/media] I wasn't meaning to criticise cheaper instruments. I would like to be one of those people who can take a cheaper instrument that has sufficiently good quality ingredients and refine it into something quite decent. But, it's to be expected that the cheaper instruments will have variable setup quality, as something has to give to get the price down. I've always thought that a reasonable buying strategy might be to buy cheap basses being sold by technically skilled bassists (perhaps their backup bass or something - or perhaps they jumped on the Sue Ryder bandwagon). As any foibles such as poorly cut nuts are likely to have been solved some time ago. [/quote] A decent set up will not cost you much, if you cannot do it yourself. I tolerated a terribly setup guitar for years, blaming its cheapness for the poor intonation, buzz etc... But someone finally told me "did you know all that stuff can be adjusted?" and I saw the light. I think the reason cheaper instruments often have poor set ups is that sellers don't really make a lot of profit on them, so they don't bother going around each instrument making sure it plays decently. Although I have seen more expensive ones being terrible too. I once tried a Stingray that was just awful. My only explanation is that someone in the shop liked it but did not have the cash ready, so he ensured nobody else would like it... until he could buy it Your buying strategy has indeed worked for me many times. My last remaining OLP was advertised at £120. I tried it and the action was high, but it looked in good condition. I was ready to pay that, then the seller, without my saying a thing said "look, the action is very high on in, it makes it harder to play, and you probably want new strings too, let's call it £100". I said "sure!". Pretty sweet bass. Same with the Westfield Jazz (£40, and 30min of work)
  20. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1382133175' post='2248631'] Really fancy this but i need to shift my Hohner [/quote] That's a really tasty headless bass! I admit that for a minute I started getting that all-too-familiar tingling... but the truth is if I bought your bass, it would be up for sale sooner or later again. Probably sooner. I'm thinning the herd, little by little, because it's all in the Stingray and Jazz territory for me, it seems... and the Hohner would fall too. But it's very nice. I tried one just like it a few years ago and I remember thinking it was a great bass. So, someone buy that Hohner already!!!
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