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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. indeed it buzzes! I listened through my laptop speakers before and the sound is so bad and trebly that it disguised it entirely However the point I was making is that one cannot generalise "oh, the Westfield in the demo buzzed... Westfields buzz". You probably didn't mean it that way, but all too frequently people (generally but not always young and inexperienced) try a particular budget instrument, find it to be horribly set up (high action, or whatever) and then they just proclaim "Squier Affinities are sh*te" etc. There are people who can only afford said Squier, or Westfield (I remember those days myself!) and if they give up on these instruments because of those comments... well, it's a real shame. In my experience, Westfield basses (tried a Precision, and I own a Jazz) are pretty cool. No, they are not the best ever, but they're made well enough, and do the job. I gigged my Jazz and it actually appears on a DVD!!! (my band got into the "bonus features" of the reissue a very bad 70s "cult horror" movie, playing the theme song in our style ) I am currently using as my number one bass... a Korean Squier Jazz. Plywood body... but a delicious neck. Go figure!!! Ok, to be honest, I replaced pickups and it sports a J-Retro preamp... but "structurally" is stock. Anyway, sorry for the derail, I just feel like defending cheaper instruments sometimes
  2. [quote name='danny-79' timestamp='1382119088' post='2248341'] Brought a DOD Envelope Filter of Jose, couldn't of been a better transaction, friendly emails, said it would be with me Friday/Saturday its here Friday morning battery's included ! and a CD ! If you haven't already checked out "Sea Bass Kid" I suggest you do so ! [/quote] my head is so big now I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the house this weekend! Thank you, Dan, you're too kind!
  3. mcnach


    Dan just bought my DOD FX25. Very friendly, great communication and top bloke all round... a real pleasure. Thank you!
  4. oh no! since yesterday, I cannot stop thinking about rainbow coloured furry guitar straps!
  5. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1381872119' post='2244931'] I'm not deliberately trying to find fault with it, just curious to see if mine does anything noticable (is there a difference?) My experimental set-up wasn't full rehearsal volume (it was just me, so no drummer to compete with volume-wise), but louder (much louder) than at-home bedroom volumes. Anyway, look for an update after Sunday's session [/quote] Yes, please do report back. I'm curious about it now.
  6. [quote name='danny-79' timestamp='1381860172' post='2244688'] Will trade you for pound notes [/quote] Now, that's an effect I can use PM'd back. This pedal is now on hold.
  7. Pedaltrain Nano ordered! Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1381866070' post='2244805'] Ah, that would be my chopping board you're referring to, fresh out of the Tollcross Poundstretcher! I was using a tea tray for a while too. I keep meaning to cut myself a decent bit of plywood... [/quote] ah, there you are!
  9. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1381845958' post='2244470'] I'll test again at my next session - this time just bass->105Q->amp and bass->amp. It's times like this I wish I had an A-B box [/quote] I don't know... if you're happy, don't mess with it!!! Don't touch it, don't experiment!!! At home-friendly volume it was not very noticeable, except when using distortion. The pedals all reacted a little differently when the wah was in the circuit, and sounded "cleaner" and "brighter" without the wah. Just a bit, but noticeable. At rehearsal volume and mixed with the band the wah alone was enough to be noticeable. It seems to me the subtle effect must be enhanced by certain set ups, because some people notice it and some don't, so it mush be down to your actual sound as well. I don't know.
  10. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1381851079' post='2244549'] I'm looking for exactly something like this. It will need to accommodate two small pedals and a Moog expression pedal (and a one spot psu when not plugged in) I reckon I'll make the board itself from ply, and then keep it in this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockbag_rb_23415_mixer_bag.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...5_mixer_bag.htm[/url] [/quote] I was leaning towards making one myself and buying a laptop bag for it. There are laptop bags that look pretty decent for about £15, and you get a few extra pockets and things which is always useful. But right now I'm liking the pedal train nano a lot. It is the right size and I can keep the power supply out of the way underneath...
  11. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1381841948' post='2244391'] What about a pedaltrain nano? [/quote] aha, that looks pretty good, I did not know they came with a bag too. Thanks!
  12. [quote name='danny-79' timestamp='1381844911' post='2244452'] Fancy a trade for a Boss LMB-3 Boxed, instructions, It up for sale/trade in another add, no pic at min but if want one, posted straight swap ? Don't Know what the strike througt all about ? [/quote] Thanks, but I don't really need a limiter at the moment.
  13. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1381841336' post='2244379'] Thanks for the AMT review - I've been keeping my eye on this thread as I've got a 105Q that's been sitting in its box for a while so last weekend I took it along to my monthly-ish "effects familiarisation" solo rehearsal session (ie where I can make as much noise as possible with my boxes without alarming the neighbours, other band members and local wildlife) No tone suck from mine, which was a relief. That was with a Jazz Geddy Lee sig and after TC Polytune, Analogman compressor, MXR chorus and OC-2; before Mammoth close overdrive and Mooer Lofi Machine. Next time I'll be taking along my Wahoo for comparison, assuming I've figured out how it works by then. Good luck with the knee! [/quote] The 105Q "tone suck" went unnoticed by me for quite a while, so let's be clear about that: the pedal works, and it's nice But once I noticed the subtle effect... it's like I zoned on it and I could hear it constantly. The difference in my board with or without it is subtle, and many would probaby think it's nothing... but once I heard it the party was spoilt for me I do like the sound of the AMT better, the range of action just fits the sound I want better than the 105Q, so on that note alone I'm glad I replaced the 105Q. The small size is a bonus too... but I would not like it any smaller than this! I have to retrain myself because I am used to the switchless action of the 105Q, which was very very cool. I was earlier practicing one song where I switch on and off the wah a lot (RATM's "Calm like a bomb"), and because I'm "programmed" to expect the wah effect stops when I remove my foot, it was causing a bit of confusion to me (plus I was using the other leg!)... But I'm sure I'll get there. Thanks for the good wishes... it's recovering pretty fast, so fingers crossed!!!
  14. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1381835142' post='2244265'] I've seen the Gator one in a few places, also EHX make a pedal bag: [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/eh-pedal-bag"]http://www.ehx.com/p...ts/eh-pedal-bag[/url] [/quote] and another option! yay! I wish I could find any of these but *smaller*. I'm sure I've seen them before. I could just find a suitable bag, get a board (like a chopping board, as I have seen a certain BC member use!) and use that, once covered in the appropriate material... It'd probably be cheaper too, but I'd rather just buy one...
  15. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1381834533' post='2244255'] There's also the Diago Commuter, broadly similar: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/300926328766?lpid=83&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=83&ff19=0"]http://www.ebay.co.u...&ff14=83&ff19=0[/url] [/quote] that's interesting too, thanks for that!
  16. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1379422122' post='2212446'] Hard to tell with the ashtray in place, but the bridge pickup looks more like the 60s position to me? [/quote] Many 75RI have the bridge at the 60s position. Mine has. Why? I don't know, I'm not well versed in the history of Fender's decisions
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1381798391' post='2243997'] This is what I use, and fits the description. It's excellent, with psu underneath for powering them all... [url="http://www.gatorcases.com/p/16108-1578/gpt-black"]Gator PedalTote...[/url] [/quote] THAT is the very thing! Thank you! Gator used to make them! That particular one is a bit bigger than the one I'm after, but now I know what keywords to use, as I was not getting the right hits earlier. Much appreciated! [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1381798391' post='2243997'] On a very different subject... I've noticed the 'For Sale' lines in your signature; would you please convert them to links to the actual BC threads that correspond..? This is to prevent any 'sneaky' sales ads which bypass the BC forum on that subject. I'm assuming, of course, that your sig. lines have corresponding 'legitimate' threads; if that's not the case, then please remove the lines. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation [/quote] Oh, I see! Sure. Yeah, I was doing that in the past and I didn't think how that could change after the Marketplace rules changed. I do have a thread on one of the basses, the Mockingbird. I'll update that. I'm a paying subscriber! The other two... needed updating anyway as I'm keeping the fretless one for now and the OLP I'm temporarily using as a platform to test pickups so not currently available. Thanks for pointing this out in a gentle manner I'll update the sig right now.
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1381447121' post='2239423'] I have the AMT. It's a cool pedal, but the sweep is a little hard to control. It can get really deep and subby on the lo setting though, and the hi setting is more classic wah territory - the mid setting I feel is not so usable. Doesn't beat the Wahoo for sound, but it's size is very convenient on a small board! [/quote] Ha! I just checked which settings it is you said you liked... and it turns out the setting I prefer is the one you don't find so usable! To be honest, this is just trying it alone at home. My first gig after knee surgery is next week, on Thursday, with the RATM band, for which I do use wah. So I'll experiment with the band on Tuesday at practice, and then live... and I'll have a better idea about how this wah works after that.
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