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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376485263' post='2174620'] Heard the one about a fool and his money? How about the one about the emperors new clothes? [/quote] I have only owned mine for about a month now or so... but apart from cosmetic details, I really really like mine. It's not emperor's new clothes. It sounds huge, it sounds great, and it's so very light... It suits me perfectly. Yes, lightness comes at a price, both literal and in terms of how solid the cab is, with its thinner walls etc. But the way I transport my gear, which is the way 90% of the people here transport theirs, it will not be a problem. If I worry about it in the future, I'll get a case for those situations. I can walk comfortably with Markbass combo in one hand, BF Compact in another, and bass on my back... and that's a very loud and good sounding rig in a very comfortable package. Are there "better" options? Better meaning suiting my wishes. I have not found one. If I find a cab that sounds better, for me to use it it should be as light or lighter.. and sound much better, or it would not be worth the effort and expense. Corners etc are not the strongest points on the BF. Not the best fit. But it's something I can live with after I experience their performance and have transported the cab a few times. I can understand not everybody has the same objectives and standards and not everybody likes the same thing. That's ok. But it's very naive and superficial of you to assume that BF owners have somehow been confused into buying something that does not meet their needs, and that they just express their delight with their BF cabs out of delusion. I do like an entertaining troll, 'though, so please carry on
  2. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376558076' post='2175822'] Wooks79 - I've never ever seen a Barefaced. My opinions came to me in a dream. Or maybe I read them through a hole in the top of a hat? I don't know. [/quote] this is trolling in style... if you're gonna troll, at least be entertaining. My hat off to you, sir.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376515114' post='2175442'] Stingrays are sh*t... [/quote] indeed... but Sue Ryder basses rawk!
  4. [quote name='Steve G' timestamp='1376380515' post='2172929'] Molasses, coke and vinegar all contain phosphoric acid to some degree. This is the part that does the rust removal. You can probably get the acid in higher strength on ebay but don't leave items in it overnight, more like a few minutes, and mind your fingers!! [/quote] coke contains some phosphoric acid. vinegar is acetic acid, diluted. molasses I *think* contained *some* acetic acid among others, but it's been a long time since I read about that stuff. I don't recall any phosphoric acid there 'though.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376339009' post='2172541'] My other thread did cross my mind Jose knows me well enough for me to have made it first, others reading it might not know that or get the joke at all, I'd save it for a pm rather than over the counter of a busy shop [/quote] ah, life is so complicated these days!
  6. I have only just started to use it, and I am liking the M-Comp model a lot. It's not the pedal to kill all pedals... but it is pretty decent, and the compression effects are definitely useable, something I was not expecting.
  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376333547' post='2172369'] Bit sexist. [/quote] what? Manuel does not complain...
  8. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1376314445' post='2171975'] Just don't tell that girlfriend that double bass players are barred from washing up, lest they soften their delicate hands. [/quote] We have a dishwasher
  9. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1376221439' post='2170868'] Just admitting that in public is the first foot on the slippery slope [/quote] My girlfriend txted me once, from a gig by some friends of a friend of hers, and sent me a picture of the double bass the guy was playing. "it's beautiful! and he is selling it! shall I ask?" she says she can see having a DB as a decorative item (much like her classical guitar, which has needed new strings for over a year, but I digress...) and would not mind having that beast of an instrument somewhere visible... unlike my electric basses that have to be kept under lock and key in my little music room away from the gaze of visitors... So a significant part of the battle is already won.
  10. I don't play DB but... I admire them from afar and I lurk sometimes I love your solution, Pete. Nice one!
  11. Still unsold? This is a great bass! Slightly thinner neck than usual for a P bass, very comfortable and light bass, and even the pickups are pretty decent. I found myself using mine for busking as it's inexpensive and I don't worry about scratching it etc, but sounds great and it's light and comfy. It's one of Squier's best kept secrets, I think, this bass
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376085739' post='2169703'] That whole assertion about there being no stupid questions has just failed QA. [/quote] be nice...
  13. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1376064215' post='2169273'] G&L - the improved Stingray. [/quote] except it sounds nothing like a Stingray! I see it more like a deriveation from a Jazz, rather... even 'though it really it's a different bass altogether. But the placement of the pickups means you sort of get a Jazz sound, and a very FAT Jazz sound from the bridge pickup (parallel and series respectively), and a kind of P-bass type of sound from the neck pickup too. It does not, in any combination, get a sound that's reminiscent of a Stingray. Fantastic bass, the L2000 (which I assume is the model you are talking about). I have a L2000 that I modified. I removed the preamp, which I really did not care for, and installed a 3-band MMSR Stingray preamp from John East. If the L2000 was a beast before, now it's a veritable monster.
  14. The USA MM SUBs are fantastic basses. Really not much other that aesthetics when it comes to comparing those and real modern Stingrays. Some have the pickup wired in series, unlike a Stingray. I personally think that works really well with a 2-band EQ, perhaps because it's a little punchier and more mid-rich. But both are great. If you want a Stingray without spending much... the answer is a MM SUB (the USA model only). It *is* a Stingray.
  15. If you really like the FX25B, you could use it with a Boss LS-2, and use the LS-2 to switch it on/off and adjust the volume. I always have at least one LS-2, as there are quite a lot of pedals that either sound too loud or too quiet, or need blending with clean signal.
  16. Well, I received mine yesterday. The usb on my battery operated miniPA system is not suitable for this pedal, too noisy (probably not enough current). So that won't work as backup and AA batteries will do. I only had a quick test... and this thing sounds really good!!! Really tempted to get a B3 now and transform my pedalboard...
  17. [quote name='SteveJ' timestamp='1375616931' post='2163438'] New and used. £20 plus £5 p&p. [attachment=140664:eq.jpg] [/quote] "new and [b]UN[/b]used" I imagine you meant, right?
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1375707143' post='2164496'] Not sure I can think of a situation where 2 Compacts can be justified, but I'd recommend a cab with a tweeter, maybe the Midget T. [/quote] That was more or less what I was thinking, actually. Something with a bit more midrange, and the Midget seems to be described that way. But I'm not exactly in a hurry. The MarkBass + Compact is really good. Mostly I just see my RS210 being for sale very soon.
  19. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1375652300' post='2163994'] I'd be looking at a better 2x12 (or 2x10 or 1x15) that is lighter. Maybe a TC RS cab, or have a look at the 2nd hand section on here, you could pick up a pretty decent single lightweight cab that could cover all you need. [/quote] I would also considere Barefaced, and keeping your existing head. I just got my Compact (1x15), and it's extremely light and portable... but boy, it's huge sounding! That 1x15" sounded comparable to a (and better than some) typical 4x10" cab. There are other great cabs around too... but this is the one I just got and I think it's really good. I used last night the Compact with a MarkBass CMD121P combo... so two good cabs: 1x15 and 1x12. It was huge sounding (playing in a mid size bar with no PA reinforcement) and I had plenty of power left that I did not need. A good 2x12 or two 1x12 cabs could be a great solution too. Good speakers with good drivers are not cheap, but if you want light, small and powerful, it'll cost. If you don't care about size/weight... the options increase.
  20. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1375649908' post='2163952'] Well, my band had been hired to provide a couple of hours entertainment outside a café in Putney for the crowds watching the cycling event that was going on in London today. 60s and 70s covers mostly, with a few of our own numbers thrown in. In between sets a guy came up from the audience and, after a little negotiation about fees, booked us to play a party he is throwing on Saturday night. [/quote] great! True, nothing guarantees that someone in the crowd, someone passing by, will book you. There is a degree of luck involved, and choosing the right spot. What is absolutely sure is that nobody will walk into your house when you're practicing your scales to offer you a gig
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