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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1371942212' post='2120006'] The pots will have dates on Jose, something like 1377 on all of them then the year ie 137706 [/quote] aha! I'll look again then.
  2. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1371937596' post='2119949'] Don't worry, just realised it's a SUB - fire escape step scratchplate! [/quote] ha ha that one!
  3. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1371937536' post='2119948'] No help at all, but I like it! What colour was the original pickguard? [/quote] It was one of those aluminium ones, like the floor of a bus... let me google a picture for you... that bass maybe a bit more reddish than mine (there are two shades of darkish red for the original SUB basses)
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1371941867' post='2120004'] Possibly something in the pipeline, no fat lady singing yet though so you will all have to wait! I will have a listen Mcnach tomorrow and I will keep you updated on the pre eb if things go that way [/quote] But I really think you should keep it. And you know I'm right.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1371888904' post='2119113'] Actually you can see me mime with it here to the singer playing a Tony Levin OLP Ray (this was the demo track) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rONtsRRlq9U[/media] You can hear it here though as I played the bassline on the finished track, listen to the place in your memory (the featuring Majika one is best IMO but either version is me playing), check out around 2 mins 20 for some Alnico parallel Ray goodness [url="https://soundcloud.com/#davebarronband"]https://soundcloud.com/#davebarronband[/url] [/quote] That sounds very "Miasma" like! Miasma is a band in Edinburgh that we know well (friends with SBK)... check it out: http://miasma-band.bandcamp.com/ Really, the preEB... might go??? I cannot believe it. Think about it very carefully!!! But if you finally decide to let it go... do feel free to send me a PM!
  6. what a beautiful bass! and sounds good too... hmmm.
  7. [quote name='John-E-Retro' timestamp='1371908202' post='2119433'] The pre-shape contour is a very gently aprrox. 3dBs at the low and high end. It's probably the pre-shape that's not working for the Alleva bass. We do supply units with or without the pre-shape now BTW. [/quote] That's good to know! I have to say I love the J-Retro, but that "colouration" I was not a big fan of.
  8. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1371895262' post='2119221'] Treble and mids are boost and cut but bass is boost only (+15db at 50hz). [/quote] oh, so it is!!! I only used a J-Retro for two years! I should have known. Mine is currently waiting to be installed on my CIJ Jazz, so I have not used it in a while. I never noticed it was boost only on the bass.
  9. I may be reaching certain age where going off to buy a red convertible sports car might not surprise some people... except those who know me and know that sports cars are not really my thing. But basses are. After years of hating red instruments, I find myself loving red guitars and basses. I want a red Stingray. Or maybe orange. I recently resprayed my Squier Jazz fretless, which was shoreline gold (previous owner hated the original sunburst)... and it's now Capri orange. Lovely I actually liked the slightly rough finish after spraying... so I did not polish it. It's not too dissimilar to the finish on the SUBs. So I thought... aha! I should get another SUB and paint it! So I bought one, which will see me selling my last OLP in the very near future, after I do a couple more experiments with it. The one I bought is purpleish. This colour has been described by some at Talkbass as "wine vomit purple". And the thing is... I am actually starting to like it! Here it is... the first thing I did was remove the hideous original scratchplate: I have even ordered a clear pickguard, as I can easily use it at times on my natural Stingray (on my avatar)... But it looks good with a black one too: It's probably a 2006 SUB. A previous owner removed the label with the serial number, so I could not tell exactly, but the logo says "SUB bass", and no periods in "SUB", while the earlier ones just said "S.U.B,", and it seems some intermediate ones said "SUB" (dropping the periods, but without saying "bass"). In addition, this one has the compensated nut of later models, which will mean it's a 2005 or 2006 model. I opened it up, and found the pickup is wired in parallel. My 2003 SUB is wired in series, and so are others (also early models)... so it appears that perhaps they started out with pickups wired in series, and then switched to parallel (as on Stingrays)... or maybe they just used whatever they had handy. The preamp has a sticker with "31 06" on it, and the printed board actually says "SR2EQ 030106", which I suspect makes reference to the date that batch of preamps was manufactured... which would mean this is a 2006 bass. Not quite sure what to do about the paint job. I will leave it like this for now, I have too many things to do at the moment.... but I will probably end up spraying it with that nitro paint from Manchester Guitar Tech, as I used for my fretless Jazz. The question is... what colour? Some kind of red seems to be what I'll go for. Dakota red? Fiesta red perhaps. But... Capri Orange has it's allure. Or even Shell Pink!!! Shell pink and white scratchplate (I have one already)... yummy. I still think red is the one. Feel free to post your suggestions to the usual address I love these EBMM SUB basses. They are truly awesome and I cannot believe they haven't gone up in price. Their looks seem to put people off... but hey, all the better for me! It's my third SUB (I had a SUB5 but sold it as 5 strings are not really my thing)... every single one was just fantastic.
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1371738265' post='2117570'] I fitted one of these to an Alleva Coppolo recently but I'm really struggling to tame the low end in active mode. I know the bass is boost only but even turned all the way off there seems to be too much bass for me [/quote] ? eh? They are cut and boost. Are you sure you are turning the right knob?
  11. I got my cover for the Markbass CMD121P combo earlier this week. Pretty fast. I'm really happy with it. It's a "cover", not a "case". Sure, it will protect if from minor scuffs, and dust, and rain when moving it from/to the car... I think if you need more than that you want a case, not a cover. I like it. A lot.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1371545223' post='2115173'] A few more of my BC Rich Eagle, since it made an appearance in the other thread: Showing the neckthrough... it's stained back, with the grain just visible if you try. [/quote] that's ooh so pretty!
  13. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1371203532' post='2111096'] Can someone please tell me more about the differences in sound of the P vs J on the bridge position? Never had the pleasure os trying a double P config bass. [/quote] Just adding to what hamfist already said... the P type pickup at the bridge sounds meatier than a J type. The thing with dual P basses is that there is a HUGE variation when it comes to the pickup positions. Some have the bridge pickup almost by the bridge, which to me sounds a little too thin, while others have it just a little closer to the bridge than a Precision (which is probably my favourite spot... and it so happens it's close to the position of a MM pickup on a Stingray, my favourite bass, so no surprises there!). I think the bridge P, if quite close to the bridge, sounds better when reversed: the DG coil farther from the bridge than the EA coil, as that balances the sound a bit, for me. Lots of options! I owned the Westone Chaypup posted, and also a BC Rich Mockingbird. Pickup positions were different and as a result sounded nothing alike.
  14. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1371211175' post='2111232'] BTW, nice double P's guys ! Chaypup, is the neck P on the Westone still in the "Fender P" sweetspot ? Or have they shifted it towards the neck a bit. From the pics it looks like it still in the traditional position, although it is difficult to tell just looking at it, due to the Westone's very different shape, layout and fretboard length etc. [/quote] I'm not Chaypup, but as the bass in the pictured belonged to me for a while too... The neck pickup was indeed a bit farther from the bridge than on a Precision. As such, it did not sound exactly like a P-bass, it was a bit more like a deeper P-bass, a bit darker, with less pronounced midrange.
  15. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1371479056' post='2114322'] Yes! You've made me realise this is in fact the bass I sold to you and not the Thunder II I currently own - more pics needed! [/quote] It was indeed Although I no longer have it. It lives in Amsterdam now. I realised I was not a dual P type... but I really like a P at the bridge.
  16. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1371203063' post='2111083'] My Thunder II - doesn't weigh as much as Luxembourg, maybe Liechenstein or Monaco after a particularly heavy meal. [url="http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/chaylockyer/media/ThunderII9.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] pretty bass
  17. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1370905200' post='2107404'] Im bored with east, they make every guitar sound the same [/quote] they make your bass sound like... your bass with a wide range of adjustment options, no sure how they make all guitars sound the same. I had the 3-band Glockenklang once. I like that it allowed you to have a tone control when passive, but I was not in love with the preamp. It was very transparent, but the treble was set way too high for my liking. The bass control was big but not boomy and the mid control was good (freq selectable, I can't recall which setting I used)... but I did not really like it. I've since "discovered" the John East preamps and I like them a lot better. As you don't seem to like the JE ones, we must be after different things and maybe you would like the Glock.
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1371316206' post='2112562'] Nice one. The pirate beard ought to be a regular fixture! [/quote] I had to discard it, drinking beer through it make me cough up hairballs like a cat and made the beard really sticky But a friend of mine said it suited me, as it obscured my face enough
  19. Yeah, we invited Jade & The Jacks to open the night... they were really good! So, you were not there?? tut tut...
  20. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n5sYmb0BlY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n5sYmb0BlY[/url]
  21. what happened to the serial number sticker behind the headstock? not a big deal, but just curious... I always try to figure out their DOB (sad? )
  22. Falkirk, huh? I may be able to use it one night in Edinburgh and return it easily... I need to check calendars, it's a bit quiet right now due to various band members' holidays...
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1371061865' post='2109403'] Agree with mcnach, the CMD121P is a great amp, and although a little wearing on a 10min walk, it`s doable. [/quote] it just needs straps to carry it on your back
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