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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1371062064' post='2109409'] Nice one, they are amazing little boxes aren`t they? [/quote] yup! very happy with it. Can't wait to pair it with the Barefaced Compact I have ordered
  2. After reading the reviews, I just passed Silverstone and ordered with Roqsolid for my Markbass CMD121P combo... now wait
  3. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1369946744' post='2094925'] Its been a long time since I've shopped for a practice combo. Budget is flexible at the moment but other criteria include: Neutral sound, i.e. no colour, must sound good with more than just fender designs. Compact - Speaker should be no more than a 12" cone and an easy one hand carry over a 10 minute walk but capable of going down to 50Hz Wedge tiltback - so I don't have to elevate the amp to hear it. Let me know what you think? [/quote] The Markbass CMD121P is not tilt-back, but it covers all other bases with applomb, and it's quite easy to use it as a tilt-back either by using one of MB's own foldable wedge accessories or a traditional metal foldable contraption typically used for small guitar combos to... allow them to tilt. I have one of the latter, works great. I have owned mine for just over a month and I can't believe I didn't buy one sooner.
  4. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1370364442' post='2099777'] How many of these threads to we actually need? [/quote] n+1
  5. Ok, so I owned this amp for a bit over a month now. One of the best purchases I have made in years!!! I still can't get over how powerful this little thing is on its own, while being tiny and light. I have not gigged with it yet, but yesterday I paired to another cab for the first time at rehearsal volumes... and it was just awesome. I tried it briefly at home with the BC212 and the RS210 TC cabs, and felt the RS210 was nicer, which was a pity as it's the more awkward to transport of the two, but not entirely surprising. So I took the MB combo and the RS210 to the RHCP band rehearsal. That combination is really loud and sounds great. The band were all praising how punchy and how good it sounded with my Stingray. Just really good definition whilst retaining a lot of bottom end... and the slap parts sounded huge! Love it! Can't wait to hear what it will sound like with the Barefaced Compact, when it eventually arrives. I have a gig with the RHCP band on Friday, a private birthday party. Not sure what the venue is like but for these situations I used to take the RH450 and both BC212 and RS210 cabs and worked well. Let's see how the MB121 plus RS210 behave... I don't think it will be any quieter than the previous combination, and might actually sound better (still love the RH450, but the Markbass seems a bit more my thing).
  6. if this falls through PM me, I´d love another SUB...
  7. I have one of these and I think it´s a lovely P bass. Really nice slimish neck too. Have a bump on me.
  8. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1370696224' post='2104509'] Sorry, but I just never bought into the Oasis are magnificent hype...and I consider Liam to be pond life. [/quote] I'm offended by your comment, please don't be mean to pond life
  9. LG, insufferable twat...
  10. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1370673101' post='2104170'] it's a fairly straightforward one but a bit fiddly; basically you cut the PCB track going from one of the caps (0.01µf IIRC) to pin 8 of the LM13600 chip and solder a wire from the same cap to pin 9 of the LM13600 - that essentially turns it from a band pass filter to a low pass filter. Once you've done that it's hella loud, so I stuck a volume control on it to tame the output. Like I say, fiddly but worth it. If you're interested I can open mine up again and let you know exactly which cap it was. If I get time today I'll do some sample recordings and put them up on here. [/quote] The FX25 is really nice too, but quite wild. I find you need to get the settings and your touch just right, or it either sounds thin or incredibly bassy. I still have mine although I rarely use it, because it just sounds so nice... maybe one day I should attempt to mod it.
  11. Nice one! I think the Source Audio is great, especially if you are not quite sure what envelope filter pedal you want, as it can do many variations. Then you'll probably stick with just one type, but I think it sounds great and it's the easiest envelope to tame. Soem can sound great but are too prone to spikes, while the SA BEF seems *just right*, for me, of course.
  12. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1370514253' post='2101997'] The countdown has started....8 days to go..... [/quote] stop it!!!
  13. Just received a set of strings I bought from Jellyfish a couple of days ago. Thumbs up! Thanks Chris!!!
  14. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1370340933' post='2099247'] Suffice to say, the twat didn't have a rig to use after that. Maybe harsh of me, but I've always believed if you use someone else's gear, you treat it with the upmost care and respect. [/quote] Harsh of you? Not one bit! They should count themselves lucky they had a bass player at all after that!
  15. The cavity on the OLPs is pretty narrow. I had to enlarge mine when installing the preamp I removed from my Stingray... and then there is the battery. You will have to do some routing regardless.
  16. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1369944400' post='2094895'] Tis interesting, as the era knob seems quite the opposite of subtle in the sound samples i have heard. Mine should hopefully be with me next week so we shall see! I envisage running the Vintage into the B7K could bring about some rather desirable results. [/quote] Let us know what you think. I find the Era knob very subtle on its own, to the point of being undistinguishable live. But I suspect its effect is most noticeable in conjunction with the drive knob, as they seem to interact a lot. More experimentation required.
  17. Used it live a couple of nights ago... I like it a lot. The only "problem" is I like it better than anything else I have for low gain sounds... but I also want some of the higher gain sounds from this... I am going with the Vintage for lower gain sounds and the Joyo Ultimate Drive (OCD clone) for higher gain... but ideally I'd like two Vintage ones... :-P The Joyo is a great pedal... and £30 new!
  18. Maybe we should all start sending individual emails to Mr. Hall asking for clarification as to what he finds acceptable or not (not mentioning basschat, but just as a "I have this bass and was thinking about selling it on eBay but I heard that it may be a problem because... etc etc"). Take up their time.
  19. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1369908973' post='2094230'] I do have a few pedals I'm trying out at the moment, the jury is very much out on which I will keep. Among them is the Darkglass Vintage, and it's not completely unlike the MXR really. It's hard to describe sound but the VMT, to me, has a more open sound and a slightly finer grained breakup, if you know what I mean. It sounds "nicer" than the MXR which is darker and a little harsher. Which can be good or bad depending on what you're looking for. Both of them boost the midrange a bit, changing the tone of the sound, the MXR perhaps at a lower frequency range. Of the two I prefer the Darkglass pedal that can also go from clean to quite a lot of overdrive. This isn't easy though - I don't always hear the same as I hear in online reviews when trying a pedal myself. [/quote] I know! I have bought enough pedals based on reviews and found them completely unlike what the reviews led me to think they would sound like. I guess you can only get so much information second hand, you still need to try stuff with your own basses etc and see what works.
  20. if the deal falls through, I'm interested.
  21. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1369857073' post='2093668'] Just got it but don't like it much unfortunately ... of course it depends on what you're going for, but as I'm looking for a bare minimum of breakup and little change in tone this is not for me. This pedal is not clean with "Clean" on max and "Drive" on minimum. MXR mentions that the clean signal has a preset EQ, but they don't say it's also distorted even at the minimum setting, so not actually clean, and it's too much for the subtle breakup I want. It's also not quite transparent; to me it sounds a bit muffled - not to be confused with "warm" or "dark" in my opinion. I think this pedal will work great if you're looking for medium drive or more, but don't buy it if you want barely audible dirt and a transparent tone. [/quote] I am curious about the MXR too, but I am glad that I decided to try the Darkglass Vintage first. From what you say above, I think you would probably like it. I got mine looking for a substantial overdrive sound, which the Darkglass can do very well (without getting crazy like the B3K can), but what it does really nicely is that fat cleanish/nearly clean type of overdrive. So much so, that I think it's going to become my default "very low overdrive" pedal, the kind you're sometimes likely to leave permanently on. My only "niggle" is that it seems to be a little dark. I wish it had a tone control of some sort. It was ok with my Stingray (active with a semiparametric mid control) as it allows me to tweak the sound a lot, but on the Jazz it was always a bit darker than I wish. Although that particular Jazz is darker than most too, so that could be a factor. I only really played with it a bit in the house, and then during a 2h rehearsal... but I was using a battered horrible Peavey combo which made all my overdrives sound teh same. I normally bring my RH450 head and plug that into a 410 Ampeg cab they have at the rehearsal place, but the other day it had been substituted by that combo. I was annoyed as I brought 4 pedals so I could try them side by side and compare... but that combo was both horrible and sounding nothing like my normal rig does... The four pedals were two cheap Joyo overdrives (the Vintage Overdrive, which is lovely but takes away too much bottom end... so it's a guitar only pedal for me, really, and the Ultimate Overdrive which is mighty), a TC Electronic Mojo Mojo (which is more like a strange distortion, almost fuzz) and the Darkglass Vintage. Through that combo, those very different pedals sounding too much alike... grrr. Next week! I still need to play with the Darkglass a bit more to really understand what it can do. The "Era" knob seems way too subtle... but then with that combo everything was a subtly different shade of brown, sh*t-brown.
  22. Hmmm... my RH450 is an early one (May 2009), but no cracks yet. I hope it stays that way, I imagine if it was going to happen it would have happened already. Good to know that it should not be too hard to find replacements even if I had to pay. My first RH450 went "puff" in a cloud of white smoke when I switched it on on the 5-6th time I used it. That was a Saturday night. I wrote to them on Sunday. On Monday they got back to me, they had checked and my local dealer (Guitar Guitar) did not have any in stock, so they sent one for me, and on Wednesday they called me to let me know a new unit was waiting for me at my local Guitar Guitar shop. I just had to walk in with the old one and walk out with the new one. That was great service.
  23. mcnach


    I attempted a part-exchange deal with Bromberg, his Thumpinator against my T-Rex Jr power supply and a Boss OC-2. Unfortunately the Thumpinator never arrived. However, I have nothing but praise for this gentleman. Really nice guy. He was very pleasant and easy to deal with, with good communication (except for a bit where he did not realise the PMs go into a new page so he missed my messages for a couple of days... and I have done the same in the past! I wish the PM threads went to the first unread message by default rather than the first message ) ... and in the end he offered and sent me a refund, before I even asked. I still hope it eventually turns up either at my end or yours, Graham!
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