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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Tried the Microtubes Vintage last night... and it's very very promising! It's probably the best "just a touch of overdrive, nearly clean" type of pedal I have tried. It's perhaps a little "dark", but I have not had time yet to fully experiment with it. I like it a lot, that's for sure, 'though.
  2. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1369521405' post='2090185'] But I have a MIM Jazz bass, It is a very nice bass with a lovely polite harmonic tone, even when played acoustically. It can also do clank on demand. But I want the distinctive stingray tone, How do I go about this? Will an ATK300 fit the bill? How about a Sterling sub? Would either of these fit the bill? My next move would probably have to be a trade, because I have no spare cash at the moment. But before I put my beloved Jazz up for trade, what could I realistlcally hope to achieve bass wise in my pursuit of stingrayness. Would an ATK300 / 400 or a SUB be a fair trade for a MIM Jazz bass? Or would I be wasting my time? It is not my intention to get a trade on the strength of this post, but I am after an assessment of whether I am on the right track or not? Alternatively, Are there any jazz bass pick ups which would approximate a Stingray? All advice gratefully recieved. [/quote] Look for a used EBMM SUB (the old US made, 2003-2006 one, with the black neck and headstock and textured paint), and don't look back. It has nothing to envy the "real" Stingray except maybe looks. One was just sold on the forum for £300 and you will not find a better bass for that kind of price.
  3. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1369476382' post='2089594'] Ah, fair enough I may have ordered a vintage following that post anyway... [/quote] It's funny how it happens, eh? you click on the wrong button my mistake, brush certain keys, and before you blinked twice... you have ordered one! It's exactly what happened to me!
  4. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1369436710' post='2089399'] Can I be the second to know? A Vintage is really tempting me! [/quote] I was talking about my OKKO Basstard pedal. PauBass had already expressed an interest in it months ago.
  5. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1369407835' post='2088932'] Fixed that for you Jose Let us know how you get on with the Vintage, I might get me one to go with my B7K [/quote] still after one of those Basstards? Depending on how things pan out with the Darkglass and whether the RATM band dies or not (it's been dying slowly over the past few months), I might be persuaded to let it go... you'll be the first to know The Darkglass Vintage should be with me tomorrow, or Monday if I miss the delivery. I have a gig on Thursday that I could use it for... so I should be having fun with it soon... I'll report back.
  6. ... and it's shipping today! Can't wait!
  7. I could not resist it... so I just ordered one too. I had the B3K for a while, but although it could sound fantastic it was not the type of sound I wanted for the bands I play in. The Vintage looks like it could be "the one" 'though. A bit expensive, but then I could easily spend that money buying 3 other pedals that don't quite sound the way I want so... I just had to go for it. At the moment I am using a range of distortion/overdrives, and I hope the Vintage will help me rationalise my "collection": OKKO Basstard, which is great for fat heavily distorted sounds. I would probably keep this regardless. I use this in the RATM and RHCP bands. Soundblox2 Bass Multiwave distortion... for it's "synth-like" quality, which works well in the funk band. those two will probably stay. It's the following that might be replaced: Joyo Ultimate Drive. It sounds great, but it's a fine balancing act to get it just right as a tiny change in the gain results in a large change in volume... it's a bit annoying live. I like the dirty heavy overdrive from this, and the mild overdrive too... but it's too hard to switch between the two and too sensitive to which bass I am using. I used this in the RATM band mostly. Joyo Vintage Overdrive. This substituted the Ultimate Drive, mostly. Much more controllable and beautiful sounding... it loses a bit of bottom end, unfortunately, otherwise it'd be a real winner. This I use a lot now for the RATM band. It's good at low and mid gain overdrives. TC Electronic Mojo Mojo. Curious pedal this. No problem with bottom end. It does a really nice low gain sound and can do decent mid-high gain too. I use it in the funk band (low gain) and sometimes on the RATM band. From the clips it sounds like the Darkglass can probably give me very similar sounds to teh Joyo Vintage Overdrive, but preserving the bottom end, and more. It's too expensive for me to buy 2 of them to have one on in each pedalboard, but if it sounds THAT good, I won't mind shuttling it between boards.
  8. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1369213528' post='2086253'] It may be much easier to make Basschat a totally 'Rickenbacker Free Zone' so the admins don't get any more bullish emails and live under constant threat of legal action. [/quote] Not a bad idea!
  9. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1369163845' post='2085734'] If I were the owner of Basschat, I would ban all discussion of Rickenbacker products and inform John Hall of this decision. Or have Basschat sponsored by Music Store Professional and tell John Hall to suck it. [/quote] +1 announce it clearly at the top of BC: Rickenbacker free zone. Full ban on anything Ric.
  10. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1369299899' post='2087376'] Daft Punk - Get Lucky. I've not stopped since I first heard it. The whole album is great. [/quote] Indeed! Get Lucky... I have spent hours playing along to that one, not exacly the same bassline, but something similar, and varying... it's addictive!
  11. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1369239818' post='2086780'] My first "proper" rig was a TX410 paired with a black widow 15. I replaced that stack with a single eden 2x10 without any loss in volume/depth, this was later replaced by an epi 3x10, which in turn was replaced by a compact/midget stack. A single compact will easily match the tx for volume/depth IMO. [/quote] thank you for making the wait appear much longer now
  12. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1369140343' post='2085279'] Describe how to do it properly. You turn up, punters are standing in the rain waiting... Then what ? [/quote] Then... bye bye and it's the promoter's problem for not providing a suitable installation. If it happens to you in Madrid in August... perhaps you just had bad luck. If you organise an outdoor event in Britain, anytime of the year, you have to think about the possibility of rain, come on!
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1369133454' post='2085140'] I don’t do wet!! If I turned up for a gig and there was inadequate protection from rain I wouldn't play. [/quote] I'd be inclined to do the same. If the stage does not offer suitable protection from the rain, I would not do it. I'm not going to risk my gear. A wireless is great too, for extra safety. In fact it was one of the reasons I bought one, after seeing the wiring in some bars I played
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1369142093' post='2085331'] Haha, it will so long as you play it better than I managed on the recording! That was about 5 days in after loading a van up with gear in Devon, driving to Edinburgh, setting up the recording 'studio' in the cottage and then playing for hours and hours each day. Brain frazzled, fingers destroyed - my timing in the little break bits is about as atrocious as it could possibly be despite simplifying the line...I cringed a bit when I listened back when setting up for mixing shame because I think it's a nice line overall [/quote] as always, it sounds worst to the person who played it There are some great ideas there, it's my favourite track! When I listen to our SBK album, I often cringe too. We recorded drums, rhythm guitar and bass in two days, and not even full days... all hurried and not the best state of mind (or body, it was FREEEEZING in that disused church where we were recording)... I guess most people don't notice, but I hear every single timing error.
  15. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1368939334' post='2083185'] Would I be right in thinking that if I found where the sweetspot is in relation to the nodes or abtinodes and then found the corresponding one on a smaller or larger scale. That would be the equivalent? [/quote] the nodes will change as you fret different strings. This is very easily demonstrated by the pinch harmonic technique any decent old school metal guitarist will be only too happy to demonstrate until your ears bleed Although perhaps the nodes don't move all that much from any particular spot, since the bridge is not so far from the pickups... Hmmm, so maybe there is something to the node positions. When doing pinch harmonics you need to vary slightly where you pluck/touch the string... but yes, it is only a slight change on location. The pickups and their magnetic field covers a wider area... hmmm. We need a way to visualise a vibrating string, the magnetic field, and how the nodes change position as we fret different notes...
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1368894707' post='2082789'] So, there's no such thing as a 'sweetspot'. There's merely different places to put a pickup and each place will be a factor in the overall sound of the bass. An aspect fo the sound of a P bass comes from the position of it's pickup. Same for a J bass, but the pickups are in different palces. And same again for an MM or any other bass. Where you place the pickup makes a difference but the idea of some magical 'sweetspot' - it's nonsense. [/quote] +100 I think some people call the Precision pickup spot "THE" sweet spot because they happen to prefer the sound of Precisions, etc. In truth... like you said, where you place the pickup has a huge effect on what it sounds like, and whether you prefer it in one place or another is down to the individual. A Jazz or an MM pickup at the Precision spot have a certain "precisiony" quality to the sound, even 'though it won't sound exactly the same. Similarly with other pickups/locations. An MM pickup close by the bridge where a Jazz would be sounds nothing like a Stingray but more like a fat type of Jazz... etc. My "personal sweetspot" seems to be a wide area around the Stingray single pickup location and a Jazz bridge pickup, as I favoure those positions regardless of the pickup... but it's totally subjective: my own personal taste. It is intriguing that you get a "type of sound" from a pickup location despite the fact that the length of the string varies as you fret various notes. The one thing that remains constant is the length between the pickup to the bridge. Maybe that has something to do with it, although I can't think how.
  17. The latest from The Cat Empire, released on Friday. Great album! [url="http://youtu.be/1kde760LKrE"]http://youtu.be/1kde760LKrE[/url]
  18. I'm subscribing to this thread. It will be interesting to see how the situation develops.
  19. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1368797925' post='2081665'] To be fair, any modern 2x15 set up should roughly match or outperform a typical 6x10 - a 15" driver has more than 3x the cone area of a 10" and will usually have more excursion, too. 10s only really make sense in multiples if you want a slim form factor. [/quote] Do you think "Mr. Landlord" will sound good through that?
  20. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1368796469' post='2081642'] Without knowing exactly what 6x10 you have I can say with reasonable confidence that a double compact rig will put its thumb on its nose and waggle it fingers at your old cab. [/quote] stop messing with my calm and patient wait! They were a Peavey TX410 and a TC Electronic RS210. It sounded great, but I got tired of the heavy and bulky 410 so I sold it and used a BC212 with the RS210, vertically, since. A friend of mine had both the BC210 and BC212, so I tested both and thought the 212 was a better option. But in truth, I don't love the results...
  21. The main reason is making other types of pickups available to basses equipped with soapbars. You are no longer restricted by the shape of the routing... you can choose the shape that fits the routing, with another type of pickup. If the pickup is smaller than a soapbar, there'll be empty space. So what? in addition, if the manufacturer has a reputation for knowing a thing or two about pickup design, they're likely to come up with some interesting flavours. But that's an extra.
  22. Well, I did not even have to ask. Today I got an email from Alex confirming he got the deposit, so it's all on course In addition, responding to something I had mentioned earlier, he said that with a good amp one could probably get as much "oomph" from a pair of Compacts as I was getting with my old 6x10" set up... If a pair of Compacts get anywhere in the vicinity of what I was getting with the 6x10" rig... I would be totally amazed... I can't wait to get my (single for now) Compact
  23. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1368469899' post='2077490'] Check your junk mail. Alex's mail ended up there with me. [/quote] Nothing there. I mean, tons of crap there, but no emails from BF I'll just ask him, just to be sure.
  24. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1368465414' post='2077417'] I discussed which cab would be best for me with Alex before ordering as well, and the only confirmation of my deposit payment was from paypal, which is enough for me. [/quote] That's exactly my situation. I'm sure Alex is aware of it... but as I hear people receiving acknowledgement of the order by email it made me wonder. Even the best of the best can lose track of an email sometimes, so better safe than sorry!
  25. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1368448758' post='2077124'] Did you not get a phone call to go through what it was that you wanted? I did a couple of days after paying my deposit. Discussed all manner of things: what basses I played, where I played, what pedals I used etc etc.....that conversation upsold a tweeter to me!! ha HA [/quote] No. I emailed Alex before that, explaining what I did, what I expected, what I liked, and what use I'd make of the cab I wanted to buy. I explained I was unsure whether the Midget or Compact would be more appropriate. He replied saying that given all that, he would recommend I get the Compact. So I said I'd go for the compact then, and went to place the order and paid the deposit. I guess I should contact him again just in case.
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