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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1367744226' post='2068853'] You're kidding right? This week we're auditioning a couple of singers and I'm right keyed up about it, because I picked them out, I arranged it all, I've wasted everyone's time if they turn out to be no good and it'll be me who's got to tell one (or both) of 'em that they didn't get the gig. Doesn't sound like fun to me [/quote] That's true, telling people no is not fun. ESpecially when you do like them but there's just something missing. For the RHCP band, after our initial drummer quit, we looked for drummers and tried a bunch, none of them "the one"... then, one day, we had two trying on the same day. The first one comes in... and everything about him seemed right. He had moved here from Canada without a kit, so he had not practiced in a couple of months but was working and planning to buy some gear... ok... he was a tiny bit rusty... but he was good, he had a flair, and he was a massive RHCP fan, he knew every song! Then the next guy comes in. He was solid, really good drummer. He was a bit nervous, quite visibly (the Canadian was just so calm and relaxed)... a couple of timing issues that the guitarist pointed out... but really good drummer too. Either would have been fine. What are the odds? two in one day! I voted for the Canadian. Singer and Guitarist voted for the other one. So I had to tell the Canadian one "sorry, you did not get the gig" when inside I was yelling "but I wanted YOU YOU YOU!!!!" The drummer we went for... turned out to be a fantastic drummer and a really outstanding guy. Love him. The Canadian... well, he ended up playing drums with my originals band Sea Bass Kid, and we had a lot of fun. When he left... the other guy above joined us. A bit incestuous, but when you find a good drummer you don't just let them go
  2. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1367743256' post='2068844'] And now they'll all be sitting there saying "pity, I was hoping he'd be able to slap in the funky numbers, he would have been ideal" [/quote] I hope not!
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367719928' post='2068748'] You EVIL man! [/quote] That's Dr Evil to you.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1367746064' post='2068887'] Nice one. In a band setting is where the CMD121 shines. On its own, and especially at low home-type volume it sounds ok, not that great, but once up & running, that`s when it hits. So don`t be too disappointed in the "at home" sound. [/quote] That sounds like my Stingray moment. I tried them at shops and other than the build quality, I didn't get what the fuss was about. My modified OLP was easily as good. Until I got one (it was natural and maple, in great condition... and I am a sucker for natural ash and maple), and I was underwhelmed at home. Then I took it to a rehearsal and... wham! That was truly something else!!! Even the singer, who does not normally pay attention asked me what I was doing that day, because it sounded so damn good. I was undecided about trying an amp at the shop, as it is not representative of what it can do... even if you manage to play it loud in some places. At times you can already say "nah, not for me", which is useful. But I can never be sure I like it until I take it along to a rehearsal and try it in the proper environment. So I'm looking forward to our Wednesday's practice. Rather than the RH450 head and the Ampeg 410 cab they have at the room, it'll be the MarkBass, initially by itself, and see how it goes. I will bring my cabs too so that I can try it coupled to each and see what I think. It's going to look ridiculous, but I have to be sure I like it! £800 is a lot of cash to not be sure about! If I did not like it... I guess I will have to be looking at the AER, probably. I nearly ordered one (not from a local shop, this time) too, so I could try them side by side... The woman on the phone was amused when I gave her my details... "oh, I did not realise you were in Edinburgh. Don't you want to come round and do this in the shop?" I told her I had been looking for the moment to visit the shop for 2 weeks already, and if I left it I might be waiting another two weeks... It's a good shop, and open on Sundays even... But lately, I'm just not finding the time during opening hours. I will report back about the amp.
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367633312' post='2067845'] I thought the worry would have set in when you offered to let me play at one of your gigs? Or the fact that you might actually meet me! [/quote] I'm sure that would be a pleasure! I just hope you don't stop playing halfway through and enter review mode talking about my bass and it looked nice but it plays like sh*t and it needs new strings and the preamp is unnecessary and this and that
  6. I have recently contacted a local band that I like who needed a bass player, and today I met the band, and over the period of an hour we went through a couple of their songs and jammed a bit. That was our "audition". Now, I gig regularly, with more than one band. I'm quite comfortable playing and meeting other people... but the truth is I haven't "auditioned" in 3 years, when I got my SBK gig. Most other things I have been involved in, either I was a founder or the founders knew me and asked me to join directly. So I went to the audition and felt extremely nervous! I was annoyed at myself at being so nervous, when I knew I could play just fine. Of course, I did not play that well. The two songs I was asked to have a look at, well, I only had time to do anything about them this morning, so about an hour is all I dedicated to them. I remembered them and played them, but not very confidently and with a bunch of mistakes. Then at the jams, I was not all that much better... on the plus side, on the funkier jams, I managed to resist slapping entirely. I'm proud of that Auditions: meeting a bunch of strangers, playing the songs they've been playing together for ages, performing well under par. I very much doubt I'll get the gig, and I think in the future I'm just going to assemble bands and be the one auditioning other members! Still, it's exciting to be put somewhere outside your comfort zone for a bit.
  7. Well, being unable to find the time to visit the shop today... I decided to be ridiculous and simply buy online from my local shop (the girl on the phone found it amusing too). This way I get a 14 day money back return option, so I will be able to try it properly. I should have the Markbass CMD121 combo in my hands on Tuesday. Also succumbed to temptation and emailed Alex at Barefaced. It looks like I am going to get a Compact cab too...
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1367693026' post='2068532'] The Stingray is hands down the best bass guitar. [/quote] Oh yes. After playing mostly Jazz basses for the past few months, I have just gone back to the Stingray, and he first rehearsal I took it it was like falling in love all over again
  9. I don't like bursts... but even I am drooling! Nice one!
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367619605' post='2067764'] All of them! I'll even wear my Nacho McNacho costume on the night [/quote] Now I'm worried...
  11. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367598791' post='2067463'] And there's more good news! I should be having my surgery soon, so I may well be able to have a bash on the relay bass! I just need to find a gig that people will let me play at [/quote] if you fancy playing some RHCP, RATM or... SBK! I am sure that could be arranged
  12. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1367591198' post='2067356'] Stick a SansAmp through one of these...? [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Bergantino,_Active_bass_speakers.html"]http://www.bassdirec...s_speakers.html[/url] [/quote] That's an interesting kind of monster. I'm discovering so many alternatives! Not the lightest, but it seems powerful and pretty small.
  13. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1367569851' post='2066932'] Cuanto rather haha how do I do the funny a's and upside down question marks? I'm drunk. [/quote] Ah, you mean "cuanto cuesta?"!!! I supposed I should have guessed from the context I only know how to do the ñ and Ñ... I don't bother with accented vowels unless in a word processor..
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1367568629' post='2066907'] Google translate says "What? Fifth this???". Well I suppose £300 is one fifth of £1500. [/quote] yeah, that's what it literally means!
  15. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1366754034' post='2057037'] Que? Quinta esta??? [/quote] Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
  16. Very very good. When I was going to buy my first one (yes, "first" ) I exchanged a few emails with John. He told me he based the preamp in his own '76 Stingray and sent me some pictures of his rig to measure and compare both... Very nice guy to deal with and an awesome preamp. Personally, I'd add the midsweep module to the 2-band and you get a truly amazing preamp (that's what you get in his "3-band" MMSR: a standard 2-band plus midsweep, winning combination)
  17. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1367532365' post='2066713'] 2 blue lights - there's another one for the mute switch. It doesn't get any better :-) [/quote] ooooooh!
  18. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1367435681' post='2065684'] If you have trouble getting to try the Markbass CMD 121p, you are more than welcome to come and try mine. I'm in the West End of Glasgow. CB [/quote] Thanks for the offer, but Red Dog in Edinburgh seems to have that one in stock, so I plan to go there and check it out. Of course, figuring out what I really think about an amp/cab at the shop is nearly impossible. But I can sometimes figure out that I definitely don't like it. When I bought the RH450 + RS210 rig they agreed to let me take it to rehearsal and return it if I wasn't sure. That was much more useful than the shop test. I actually liked it a lot better at rehearsal than at the shop! If they don't have the amp, and nowhere else seems to have it, I might take you up on your offer. It's been a while I haven't been to Glasgow!
  19. Leaning heavily towards a Markbass CMD121, will get to try one this weekend... and I'm thinking a Barefaced Midget or Compact to give him company if I like it, as I am not 100% satisfied with my existing rig anyway (cabs, the RH450 head I like). We'll see. Maybe I will try the CMD121 and hate it, who knows?
  20. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1367345282' post='2064522'] To get you back on topic, I have been using a TecAmp Puma 110 as a personal monitor, with DI to the PA, for about 6 months now and it works very well. I put it on a combo stand to get it a bit closer to the ear, but it can also be angled back using the rod support that comes with it for that purpose. It is smaller, lighter, easier to carry and very very much louder than the A100 that it replaced. It will also drive another 8 Ohm cab for a bit more volume. [/quote] oooh, and this one has a blue light! I love blue lights! seriously, thanks for the suggestion, I was not aware of this one either, so many to choose from!
  21. You are right. The problem is that the more I look, the more I find things I'd love to try!!! I'm thinking the Barefaced Compact and Midget cabs looks very promising in specs and reviews, and I would love to try one of those with my RH450 and the RS210... and could be an amazing "go louder" partner for a Markbass CMD121 too... see? I only wanted a small light combo that would work as a personal monitor and maybe a bit more... and before I realised I have a whole list of shiny thunder making boxes in my list! Internet is a double edged sword for sure!
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1367268082' post='2063562'] Looks like a bargain has been had! [/quote] unfortunately not by me, I was not fast enough!
  23. [quote name='richardcoughlan' timestamp='1367238732' post='2062939'] I have a Markbass Mini 121P combo for sale £350 here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206416-fs-markbass-mini-cmd-121p-combo-l350/"]http://basschat.co.u...21p-combo-l350/[/url] Best, Rich [/quote] oooh, must check that out
  24. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1367239827' post='2062963'] What about an Ashdown MiBass[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] 550 and Mi12 cab. Very light and Doddy uses his for every gig he does. I really like the head (I have one) and the Mi12 looks light and is loud too according to doddy.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]There's a thread on the here [/font][/color][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/185964-nad-ashdown-mi12/page__hl__mibass"]http://basschat.co.u...age__hl__mibass[/url] [/quote] That looks like an interesting rig I must say. But it's not much lighter than my RH450 and a RS210 cab... I think so far the AER Amp One and the MarkBass CMD121 are the ones that really tempt me, for size/weight reasons. I might not go for it as being my only amp, but as a second amp I think I really want to try something noticeable smaller than my normal set up. But thanks, I was not aware of these... and they look quite interesting. They do a 15" one too!
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