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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1367955174' post='2071609'] I maybe just got a bad 'un. Sorry if i sounded bit harsh....... [/quote] No need to apologise... if that's your experience/opinion, that's fine. I was just merely offering a very different experience.
  2. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1367876596' post='2070631'] I had a tribute series 5 string and was glad to see the back of it. Felt cheap, sounded rough and was just not nice. I maybe just got a bad one but i wont buy any cheap eastern models again unless i play it first. [/quote] I'm surprised. I have owned two Tribute series (and L2500 and an L2000) and both were really really good.
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1367916661' post='2070841'] I use the edge of an old t-shirt - slip the edge under the knob then wrap it round, grip the two sides together and pull up. Knob comes off and doesn't fly across the room because it's contained within the t-shirt. [/quote] That's what I do too.
  4. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1367918568' post='2070880'] [attachment=134289:Stingray5-EQchart.jpg] [/quote] yeah, something like this, thanks!
  5. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1367917237' post='2070850'] i waited an agonising 4 and a half months for my midgets, it was painful but as soon as they arrived all the pain and agony was forgotton, these are fantastic cabs and definately worth the wait. i get to try them properly at a band practice tonight, i've packed spare earplugs for my bandmates! (and i'm only going to take one cab along) Matt [/quote] I'd be very interested to hear what your impressions were! We need a Barefaced Waiting Room Support Group
  6. Yeah, I had the impression it's typically around 3 months. I'm ok with that, it states clearly on the site that these cabs are pretty much made to order. Exciting
  7. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1367913250' post='2070806'] tbh, thats a bit offensive. I didnt misunderstand, nor miss the context. It was even demonstrated. For some reason that particular lecture stuck in my mind while most of the course was forgotten years ago. [/quote] I'm sorry, I did not mean to sound offensive at all. By context I meant that although polarity matters [u]not one single bit for a single speaker by itself[/u], it may be important to take into account *[b]if[/b]* it's likely to be used as a part of a multiple speaker system. That's the kind of context I meant, the context in which a speaker was going to be used. A practice combo is not typically used with an extension cab, and the OP's amp is not fitted with an extension speaker connector unless he added one himself. If he added one himself, then as long as he used the same polarity it does not matter which way around he wires the speakers. A single speaker does not care about the polarity. If you saw it "demonstrated" then it would be more useful if you explain to us how it was demonstrated, because its rather odd... I really don't mean to offend you But what you were saying was incorrect (at least in the way you said it, that's why "context" may be relevant). Please don't take it personally. Just trying to correct misinformation, that's all, without making personal judgement calls.
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1367862980' post='2070385'] It could [i]become [/i]important in a mono system if, later on, one added an extension cab (combos quite often have this option....). It's just a matter of convention, otherwise (early JBLs used the opposite cone movement convention, and can be a trap for the unwary...). For a home practice amp, no real matter, but I'd take the white to be the 'hot', or positive wire just the same. [/quote] Absolutely. That's why I was making the point about missing the "context" earlier, when I replied to BP.
  9. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1367857456' post='2070295'] How long have you been waiting so far? I ask because I still not to sort some finances around [/quote] oh, just a few hours. I only paid my deposit today. I emailed Alex last week as I was not quite sure whether to try a Compact or Midget, and he emailed back suggesting the Compact based on the info I gave him. I was already leaning towards that one... so I read his reply last night... and this morning placed the order. I haven't heard yet back so I have no clue how long it's going to take. It would be nice to receive it by my birthday in September, so I can say it was my present to myself
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367855598' post='2070270'] Who wants to hear the rest of the band! [/quote] This is proof that this man sometimes makes sense
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1367853590' post='2070238'] This was my error when I had a ray, I think I boosted both eqs too much and ended up with a scooped tone that I disliked and vanished in the mix. If only basschat had existed back then :-) [/quote] I don't need Basschat for that, I have a pair of ears Now seriously, I seem to recall a thread with a bunch of EQ curves at various positions of the knobs, and that illustrated the "mid-poor" situation you get by boosting both tone controls. But whatever works for you. I know I'm right
  12. A quick look in google can confirm the Earth is flat if you look for it Seriously, don't take my word or anybody's word for it. I don't know a whole lot about electronics or speakers... but I do know about what changing the polarity on a speaker does and why. It's simple, I am sure you can find a simple explanation too (I can't be bothered to google it for you, sorry). It makes no difference in a single speaker system. If they taught you it mattered, I suspect that either you misunderstood, or that there is something missing in the context. In our case: combo with a single speaker: it doesn't matter one bit how you wire it. For those who remain unconvinced and can't be bothered to figure out why, just try it.
  13. Hey!!! Stop ordering cabs! I just placed an order for a Compact and all your orders are just going to delay mine!
  14. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1367833249' post='2069855'] If you say so. Cant say I ever bothered to try it. [/quote] bremen is right. think about it: polarity just dictates when the speaker is moving forward or backwards. It's only when you have multiple speakers that it can be an issue when you have one moving forward and another backwards, resulting in some cancellations. It's important for wiring the speakers in your stereo. It does not matter whatsoever in a single speaker combo.
  15. same here, in order of preference for me: Octamizer > OC-2 > MXR I had briefly an OC-3 but I don't recall liking it.
  16. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1367684774' post='2068410'] I'd suggest you put it into series, try the EQ with the mids flat, the bass boosted a tiny bit and the treble boosted a tiny bit. [/quote] That would be my suggestion too. Tiny bass boost. Tiny. Don't listen to Pete In 2-band Stingrays especially boosting too much the bass can sound a bit muddy, and if you boost treble much, your mids will fall off the edge. Small bass boost.
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367806750' post='2069679'] Yes, but your demeanour more than makes up for it [/quote] I'm not that scary, come on... only if they piss me off!
  18. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367768556' post='2069215'] Evil Dr. Nacho. How's that? [/quote] That doesn't sound nearly as intimidating...
  19. I guess I did not do so bad... I was just told I made their shortlist and want to have another jam before they can decide among the various people they've met.
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1367747314' post='2068906'] My story is the same. I have been playing for years professionally and semi professionally, and I reckon 99% of the bands I've played with I've joined after they've seen me play. I don't think I'm bad at auditions but I just never seem to get many of them. That's why I think [i]networking[/i] is a critical skill for a musician. On the other hand I was never nervous at job interviews and I can't remember being turned down for any job the I went for and really wanted. I always used to get those. [/quote] INdeed!!! Networking is the best way. KNow people, get people to know you... saves hassle, and when you call someone to join you you have an idea of what he is like... unlike a guy who answers your gumtree advert. Some people are psychos but hide it very well at audition! I'm like you. I have never been turned down at any job I really wanted/needed, and my current job... I got it without an interview: my contract was ending in my lab, my then boss knew my current boss and he just showed up one day "I hear you might be looking for a new job soon and that you have experience about x, y and z, your boss said to me"... so I joined him for a short 4-month project and now I have a much longer contract. CV is important, but networking is just as important. Same with music, so far I have never been turned down at an audition. I haven't been to many, but got them all. Ok, one of them... they took a while to get back to me, so I think I may not have been their first choice but they never told me that. The one yesterday... it was a style a bit out of my usual thing, so I am not sure they'd see me as a suitable fit, and I know there are many really good bassists around that may be seen as a better fit. I'm not worried either way. I went to audition because I really like the band and I figured at least I get to meet them all and... "network". Knowing people is important. I would like to get them and my originals band to play the same shows at some point, as it's a different yet very compatible style, oddly enough. Now they know me, know my face... even if they did not like me as their bass player, it's already positive
  21. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1367744226' post='2068853'] You're kidding right? This week we're auditioning a couple of singers and I'm right keyed up about it, because I picked them out, I arranged it all, I've wasted everyone's time if they turn out to be no good and it'll be me who's got to tell one (or both) of 'em that they didn't get the gig. Doesn't sound like fun to me [/quote] That's true, telling people no is not fun. ESpecially when you do like them but there's just something missing. For the RHCP band, after our initial drummer quit, we looked for drummers and tried a bunch, none of them "the one"... then, one day, we had two trying on the same day. The first one comes in... and everything about him seemed right. He had moved here from Canada without a kit, so he had not practiced in a couple of months but was working and planning to buy some gear... ok... he was a tiny bit rusty... but he was good, he had a flair, and he was a massive RHCP fan, he knew every song! Then the next guy comes in. He was solid, really good drummer. He was a bit nervous, quite visibly (the Canadian was just so calm and relaxed)... a couple of timing issues that the guitarist pointed out... but really good drummer too. Either would have been fine. What are the odds? two in one day! I voted for the Canadian. Singer and Guitarist voted for the other one. So I had to tell the Canadian one "sorry, you did not get the gig" when inside I was yelling "but I wanted YOU YOU YOU!!!!" The drummer we went for... turned out to be a fantastic drummer and a really outstanding guy. Love him. The Canadian... well, he ended up playing drums with my originals band Sea Bass Kid, and we had a lot of fun. When he left... the other guy above joined us. A bit incestuous, but when you find a good drummer you don't just let them go
  22. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1367743256' post='2068844'] And now they'll all be sitting there saying "pity, I was hoping he'd be able to slap in the funky numbers, he would have been ideal" [/quote] I hope not!
  23. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367719928' post='2068748'] You EVIL man! [/quote] That's Dr Evil to you.
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1367746064' post='2068887'] Nice one. In a band setting is where the CMD121 shines. On its own, and especially at low home-type volume it sounds ok, not that great, but once up & running, that`s when it hits. So don`t be too disappointed in the "at home" sound. [/quote] That sounds like my Stingray moment. I tried them at shops and other than the build quality, I didn't get what the fuss was about. My modified OLP was easily as good. Until I got one (it was natural and maple, in great condition... and I am a sucker for natural ash and maple), and I was underwhelmed at home. Then I took it to a rehearsal and... wham! That was truly something else!!! Even the singer, who does not normally pay attention asked me what I was doing that day, because it sounded so damn good. I was undecided about trying an amp at the shop, as it is not representative of what it can do... even if you manage to play it loud in some places. At times you can already say "nah, not for me", which is useful. But I can never be sure I like it until I take it along to a rehearsal and try it in the proper environment. So I'm looking forward to our Wednesday's practice. Rather than the RH450 head and the Ampeg 410 cab they have at the room, it'll be the MarkBass, initially by itself, and see how it goes. I will bring my cabs too so that I can try it coupled to each and see what I think. It's going to look ridiculous, but I have to be sure I like it! £800 is a lot of cash to not be sure about! If I did not like it... I guess I will have to be looking at the AER, probably. I nearly ordered one (not from a local shop, this time) too, so I could try them side by side... The woman on the phone was amused when I gave her my details... "oh, I did not realise you were in Edinburgh. Don't you want to come round and do this in the shop?" I told her I had been looking for the moment to visit the shop for 2 weeks already, and if I left it I might be waiting another two weeks... It's a good shop, and open on Sundays even... But lately, I'm just not finding the time during opening hours. I will report back about the amp.
  25. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367633312' post='2067845'] I thought the worry would have set in when you offered to let me play at one of your gigs? Or the fact that you might actually meet me! [/quote] I'm sure that would be a pleasure! I just hope you don't stop playing halfway through and enter review mode talking about my bass and it looked nice but it plays like sh*t and it needs new strings and the preamp is unnecessary and this and that
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