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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1365763300' post='2044039'] No way!! The 30 mile cycle back will sober you up ready for the evening [/quote] I'm calling a taxi...
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365764651' post='2044068'] Ha! It's genuinely funny that this guy was such a Lemmy fan, that he thought you had to have Lemmy gear, but didn't understand any of the reasoning behind it. Why would you use distortion because it cuts all the low end? why not just EQ it out? and then why also use 18 inch speakers, which will just make it more bassy? I would choose any GK cab over any 18" cab any day of the week. [/quote] I'm not saying he is right in anything. But I would personally like to try 18" cabs, if I had someone carrying my stuff. I was surprised at how good a 2x15" cab sounded, and how powerful, with just a 150W amp. I imagine 18" speakers will not be very efficient, even less than your typical 15" ones, but I'm curious.
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365771257' post='2044242'] The funk brass monkeys! [/quote] any band with monkeys in their name or logo earns extra points, for me...
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365676258' post='2042632'] Some idiot on YouTube argued with me one day about bass tone. He basically said distortion was a good thing, because it cuts all the low end, but then said you [i]need [/i]to use 18inch speakers, and not some "4x10 gallien krueger POS". This was on a Lemmy video. I just decided the guy was clearly too stupid to even understand what he was saying. [/quote] youtube arguments: engage only for amusement purposes I had one guy, a couple of years ago or so, who took serious offense at something I said about a moronic post of his and he kept adding comments to my comment and then sending me messages. This was both in English and Spanish, both of very poor quality... I had a little bit of fun winding him up, but he was too easy a target and I got bored soon. He continued to send me messages for a while after I gave up...
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365678038' post='2042674'] What's the difference in timbre with your ProSteels compared to a cheaper alternative? And what gauge? I use D'Addario 9-42 on my Strat, it sounds great. I have also read from an expert on Gibsons that many players go for higher gauges on their Gibbos to get better tone, but if you have a great guitar in the first place it will sound great with even 8-40s, only poor guitars need heavier gauges. [/quote] Somehow the 9-42 has become "standard" on the typical Fender scale length instruments, and 10-46 on the Gibson shorter lengthe ones, which results in a comparable feeling of "tension" on the strings. I do feel that thicker strings sound meatier, and depending on what you want, this could be just the thing. I had a Yamaha AEX502 with P90s and it came with 11-48 or something like that. It was not as nice to play as my strat, but that thing sounded huge! I changed to 9-42 and it still sounded great but a bit of the "grit" and creaminess was not there anymore. Still great. But different. I don't think you can salvage a poor guitar with a heavy gauge string set... it would just be another flavour of poor, no?
  6. I am mostly involved with one originals band, called Sea Bass Kid. The style is a little hard to describe, as it has influences of various things, from funk to ska and lots more in between. We are a six piece band (soon seven, it seems) and we are all focused on this band.... but we have other projects on the side. Most notably, there is a ska band (rhythm guitarist and singer/guitarist are in it), and a funk band (the third guitarist, drummer, and me on bass are in this one). It has not been complicated, so far, so decide what songs get played where, because it's been mostly a collective effort. For the funk band, we came up with ideas when getting together as "the funk band", and whatever came up there we used in that band. I am not present when the ska band meets, but I get the feeling it's the same. The rhythm guitarist comes up with a lot of the "song scaffolds" for SBK... and lately many have had a strong ska component. It seems he gives priority to SBK. Cool. SBK's funky side is, however, a lot more subdued except in a couple of numbers. In fact, it's one of the reasons the funky band was formed... but sometimes we jam as SBK, and we come up with some interesting funky ideas. With three members of the funk band it's tempting to "grab them" for the funk band, especially as some you can tell that they will never make it into a SBK song... but it still feels a bit funny. It's working out alright, so far... but I wonder how other people manage in these situations. Do you take the "best" ones for the main band, and develop the class B songs on the side bands? Do you keep strictly to the "what starts in this band, stays in this band"? This would be the most logical way to go about it if you work in group... but it gets complicated when several members are shared between bands. What about when you write something by yourself? I have a few ideas of my own that I recorded on a Zoom H2, and I tend to just think that the "funkiest" ones I will present to the funk band, and the others not quite so funky to SBK. I can imagine a situation when some song starts to form, and we don't know which band should play it. Personally, I would love to share a couple of songs, if only to see how different bands -despite the overlap in members- can interprete a song in different ways and each band give it their own colour.
  7. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1365753862' post='2043811'] The only problem with funk in the band name, if you were to ever change direction musically, it could be a problem [/quote] we could always say that we use the word "ironically"
  8. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1365720879' post='2043632'] The Huggy Bears [/quote] I guess you met our drummer
  9. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1365754086' post='2043815'] Coolio Im way ahead of you - already planned the cycle route with a nice pub at the end for Sunday dinner A [/quote] and a tow truck for after the pub?
  10. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1365698994' post='2043208'] And to answer your question yes it must be a real pain since its fresh for everyone else but youve been over it and disected it a million times already and moved on. But hey its something in the bag and youve got your name on it. No one can take that away so good on yah! I would agree live you have more energy even in the pared down version I saw but live v record is always like that and the brass brings a different element to it all. But still you do have the musicality and querckyness to your sound which works for me A [/quote] So many things I wish we had done differently on that CD. Starting with... recording newer songs! BUt I guess it's the same for everybody: the new song is always better than the old one We have a sax player now too She just joined and it's still early days, she won't be playing live with us just yet, but it's looking very promising.
  11. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1365695955' post='2043126'] Yay! Bring it on I do believe my 'preorder' was through your good self! But if I have to que up with the rest of the hoi palloi then so be it!! [/quote] ok, that makes more sense... I thought you were just being overenthusiastic and could not wait etc etc I had already told you that a copy would be making your way as soon as it's official (28th April nearly there!) I thought the only thing that was not quite clear yet is whether I would post it or I might be able to deliver in person I'll email soon
  12. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1365694916' post='2043095'] Stonking album and even better live. Ive pre ordered mine already. Go buy it. Good luck with the launch Jose [/quote] oh, have you? thank you!!! I had no idea you could preorder it yet! Is that through bandcamp? If so, that will be the electronic version. Once we have the physical CD in our hands we will enable the physical CD sales thingy. The band wanted to enable it already, but killjoy that I am I vetoed it and said that until we have it in our hands we should not do it... just in case. The CD is good... but it already feels dated to me, I'm sick of it and it has not come out yet! I wonder if every band feels the same way about their albums. I also don't think it really captures what we do live. Part of it is because the songs we recorded were part of our older set, which did not even have trumpet. Dima, the trumpet player joined at the right time and he quickly added trumpet to the songs... but in the past year and something we have written a lot of songs and we have already "evolved" a little and sound much better (in my opinion). Can't wait for the second album!
  13. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1365687159' post='2042909'] The MCPS license is really important to me as I write a lot of music in the dance industry. With every release about 4 or 5 official remixes of my song is released by other producers at the same time. But, I recently had a dispute with a DJ in Japan that remixed and released a song that I jointly own with the producer onto a compilation album for digital download without our consent. He was pocketing the sales and airplay royalties. It has taken a few months to resolve, but it has been settled without having to use lawyers, the label are now channeling the royalties to the copyright owners and the DJ in question has apologised for causing the fuss. We're happy, even though sales haven't been great anyway! MCPS helped us all the way and it didn't cost us a penny in legal fees. The MCPS as a body are very good at protecting you both as a songwriter and performer and they give very good advice when you need it. Anyone that wants to make a few quid in this very legally complicated industry needs to be registered with MCPS. PRS doesn't give you much legal protection. PRS pays you the money...MCPS makes sure that you get what should rightly come to you by law. Also, it helps to stop folks illegally selling or broadcasting your live performances. Even if you don't own the copyright to a piece of music but have performed on it you still have some legal protection too. I encourage anyone who wants to earn a few quid releasing their own music to sign up the MCPS. Once someone has a copy of your music and whatever their intentions are for it is beyond your control. If you don't have any legal protection over it you could lose money that should rightly be yours. [/quote] Good post. As I found out more about the MCPS business and it became clearer what its function is, it does seem to be a good thing to join at some point. For us, this very minute, it would add expense when we are already broke, as we have had far too many expenses lately what with the recording etc. Once we recover through playing gigs (and hopefully selling a CD or two at gigs) in the next few months, we think we should join. It's extremely unlikely our music will get very far for anybody to try to use it illegally, we are but a small band and largely unknown outside Edinburgh... but who knows
  14. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1365686074' post='2042882'] Is this your band? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOISxzHHIGk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=fOISxzHHIGk[/url] [/quote] yup, that's the one
  15. I have to say that "Fe Fi Fo Funk" has been received with applause by a few of the band members already edit: oh, there's already a band called that
  16. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1365685007' post='2042857'] Unwashed sock [/quote] oh, that's funky!!! it reminds me of: [url="http://youtu.be/0RncmkHhg34"]http://youtu.be/0RncmkHhg34[/url]
  17. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1365682390' post='2042769'] You dont need any licence to record, produce, distribute or sell your own creations or CD's . You own the intellectual rights and copyright, same with artwork, if it is your Ceations. Other people need a licence to broadcast, sell, distribute your copyright material. These organisations should be ashamed of themselves for trying to extract licencing rights to use your own material as you wish. They are there to collect royalities on behalf of creators and they dont even have exclusive rights to this. Nothing stops you doing it yourself. As longs as this is your own creations and artwork, find another printer. many would be glad of the work. [/quote] You are right, it was a misunderstanding... it's all sorted now
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1365684409' post='2042836'] Three Brides For Three Brothers [/quote] I lied, 4 guys and 3 girls... I forgot to count myself I suppose... nobody notices the bass player, eh?
  19. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1365666111' post='2042450'] Wanna do a straight swap for a new Korg pitchblack poly - big display! Great tuner, I just need more space on board? [/quote] Ha! That's why I bought the mini: space! I don't care about the poly side of things. Don't get me wrong, the polytune is readable and all, just not a fan of the display. On dark stages it's probably not so bad. I was checking it out last night at home with the lights dimmed and at a distance it was better
  20. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1365662213' post='2042403'] Deep Funk 9 (or any other number, for that matter) [/quote] I like the idea of putting a random number there. 2.7182 or something
  21. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1365682479' post='2042774'] The Mangetout Experience [/quote] Ha! I like that! By the way, we are three guys and three girls, if that changes anything...
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365683752' post='2042814'] effervescent precipitation. [/quote] That's a prog rock band name
  23. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1365658992' post='2042368'] On the basis of Pussyfunk you could drop in some of early Parliaments 'They call my baby pussycat'...great raw funk tune Another band name that could follow the trend 'The Feline Funk Consortiuum' ...think that's groovy? 😄 [/quote] I like that too! I feel you, man, I feel you... (at a distance )
  24. I have a Polytune mini and a Pitchblack. I don't like the display on the Polytune much, but both are good.
  25. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365631401' post='2042235'] The shiny shoe brigade. [/quote] can't do that, our singer lisps. No he doesn't
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