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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1365631821' post='2042251'] Soften it a bit? Funk-U very much.. [/quote]
  2. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1365619517' post='2041990'] Pussyfunk [/quote] THAT has to be the name for a song. I am so going to steal that!!!
  3. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1365619487' post='2041988'] Spank the kitten ? Kitty litter kings ? Mafeking Cat ? [/quote] The feline reference is not necessary, but you get bonus points for perseverance
  4. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1365618652' post='2041969'] Funk-u [/quote] It has certain appeal despite the use of "funk", although I suspect we'd probably use another name to avoid problems with oversensitive funky souls...
  5. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1365618020' post='2041949'] Any of the above, or funky kitten [/quote] fluffy
  6. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1365617892' post='2041944'] MalFunktion. [/quote] at our last rehearsal, there was a moment when this would have been a very appropriate name
  7. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1365616060' post='2041904'] Fe-Fi-Fo-Funk! [/quote] I was trying to avoid the inclusion of the word funk... but this one has got something, nice one!
  8. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1365615772' post='2041900'] i would stick with Funkula's Cat [/quote] Too many references to Count Funkula already online... although not so much to his cat, and even less to his cat's castle
  9. ha ha some really interesting names! keep them coming!
  10. Clearly down to personal preference, as I find the Pitchblack the best in terms of display. The Polytune for me is not whether it's easy to use (it is) or accurate (it is) etc... it's purely the display. A symbol/letter made out of many individual dots does not work so well for me.
  11. We started a new band a couple of months ago, and we initially called ourselves Dr Funkula's Cat Castle, for fun... but we're starting to think we need to sort out a name soon, as a number of songs are being made and we start thinking about gigs in a not too distant future. Any suggestions?
  12. I just got a Polytune mini as space was an issue in my funk band pedalboard, where I had a great but huge Korg GT10 tuner. The Polytune works well, and it's much smaller, I love that. But I really don't like the display, made up of lots of small leds. It's not very nice to look at and even hard to read at times... I'll keep it because that does not mean I cannot use it, and I love the size. But it's not pleasant to my eyes. Anybody else find that? I wish Korg came up with a Pitchblack mini...
  13. I suppose it's not as scary as it sounds... If it gives you a better mobility, I guess it's worth it, plus think of the stories you can then tell down at the pub! still... double ouch.
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1365558433' post='2041145'] Lies. I've heard that album, and it's all old Chic covers [/quote]
  15. Tried the Octamizer at rehearsal last night. Very Fat. I liked it a lot. I should have taken the OC-2 as well... I still like the OC-2's sound better. The octamizer is more versatile, but I am sure I am always going to try to make it sound a bit like the OC-2. Hmm. The Octamizer sounds better than the OC-2, though, when playing low notes. I don't normally do that, but I did last night as the Octamizer can cope better, and it was a bit too heavy, but the pitch remained firm unlike the OC-2 in those instances.
  16. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1365532478' post='2040857'] Incidentally McNach, if you're new to all this [url="http://www.bemuso.com"]Bemuso.com[/url] has a very simple checklist (with some explanation) on DIY releases that has an emphasis on getting the job done without getting bogged down in an avalanche of info. [/quote] oh, thanks! I just quickly browsed a little and it does look like something I need to read. I wish I had asked these questions a couple of months ago! Our album launch gig has been booked for some time now and it seems we were all totally clueless as to what it involves... We need the CDs and we need them now (27th of April is our party/gig)... I'll read as much as I can tonight, thank you!
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1365530079' post='2040811'] The license is actually on the side of the musicians - it gives some protection making sure you get paid if it gets covered by someone else and money is collected every time it gets airplay. Can seem like red tape at the time but comes in very handy like when Curtiss Muldoon's Seraphim got reworked as Maddonna's Ray of Light - as the original had been registered they ended up earning a small fortune. If it hadn't been registered they would have had a very hard time proving the track existed. [/quote] That's what it seems it is, to register the work and credit it appropriately, and on further conversation with the printing company guy he said that we could get away with not doing all that but that he recommends it to all the bands that they do business with. My initial scare was due to a poorly worded checklist I was sent by someone else in the company and my initial confusion arriving at the wrong type of license... A lot of red tape, but it does look reasonable now.
  18. I spoke to the printing company (the guy I had been dealing with in the past to sort quotes etc was away the past few days but was back today)... and it turns out what we need is license AP2 and that it should be free if it's our music (which it is)... now that's starting to sound reasonable... This is using Dischromatix. We saw their work and we liked it, so we went with them.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1365502668' post='2040317'] Until mcnach comes back and tells us what is on the CD and who wrote it, any further speculation is useless. [/quote] It's 10 original tracks by my band Sea Bass Kid. No covers at all.
  20. [quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1365500633' post='2040279'] sounds rather strange. I have had albums released through record labels etc that have never needed MCPS/PRS unless they have cover songs on(which mine never have done). If yours does have covers on it, i would forget getting CD's pressed and do it all through iTunes etc as they deal with all that themselves and you get your little tiny slice of the pie at the end of each sale. forgot to say, all my releases have been done by my band using proper pressing companies as well. give these a look see. very good [url="http://www.breedmedia.co.uk/"]http://www.breedmedia.co.uk/[/url] [/quote] No covers whatsoever, it's all our own material. It looks like I need to call the printing company to make sure. Maybe they just gave me the MCPS requirement as a general rule in case we have some non-original songs.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1365495851' post='2040192'] Are you sure? I've done loads of self-released CDs and vinyl and the only time I've ever needed an MCPS licence is when there were cover versions involved. The rest of the time all you have to do is to sign a release saying that you own the copyright on all the songs being reproduced. [/quote] I'm sure the printing company asks us for a MCPS license, in addition to a form stating the music is ours and only ours...
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1365496402' post='2040198'] Is this any help..? [url="http://www.ineedmedia.co.uk/important_replication_information/mcps_licence_mcps_license/mcps_licence_mcps_license.html"]http://www.ineedmedi...ps_license.html[/url] [/quote] yeah, I had seen that, but that's the only place I have seen where it says it's free for your own music. The link they provide is broken. When you go to the MCPS/PRS site it specifies their limited manufacture (LM) license as being the one for bands of amateur musicians releasing their own CD themselves to sell during performances etc. Anything up to 1000 CDs. [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/users/recordedmedia/cdsandvinyl/Pages/LimitedManufactureLicence%28LM%29.aspx"]http://www.prsformusic.com/users/recordedmedia/cdsandvinyl/Pages/LimitedManufactureLicence%28LM%29.aspx[/url] it does not say anything about whether it's your music or not... I read it as assuming that it *is* your music... hmmm. Actually, reading further, it seems it's for using music by others [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/users/recordedmedia/cdsandvinyl/Pages/LimitedManufactureLicence%28LM%29.aspx"]http://www.prsformusic.com/users/recordedmedia/cdsandvinyl/Pages/LimitedManufactureLicence%28LM%29.aspx[/url] it looks like I need to search more... They don't make it easy, do they?
  23. [quote name='Lynottfan' timestamp='1365436793' post='2039607'] That has gone up a shed load, it was a £100 not that long ago, not good, it is worth having though, we did all right out of it for awhile, sadly not as long as we would have liked, but it was better than nothing. [/quote] worth having? not like we have a choice. Printing companies ask for you to have a license. I'm still not sure what we get out of it. It seems to me that a small band will not get anything at all.
  24. So Sea Bass Kid finally recorded the album, we have the launch gig booked, all looks good... now artwork is finished, we had the quotes to get a bunch of CDs printed... "oh, you need to show that you at least applied for a PRS/MCPS license". Erm... ok. We are doing it all ourselves, and it's the first time... so we're finding out things as we go along. What at first looked like a very complicated maze of rules and uses, "license for music while in the toilet does not apply if wearing a red cardigan..." sort of divisions and subdivisions... finally it becomes clear that for a band of amateur musicians doing it all themselves the "LM" license applies. Ok... cool. How much? £326 for up to a 1000 copies if the CD has more than 25min of music. seriously? for a small band that will just sell CDs at gigs and will probably still have copies laying around when we retire??? it seems a tad disproportionate...
  25. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1365424364' post='2039300'] If it's an analogue unit then octave up will always have an element of distortion to it, it's impossible (as far as I know) to separate the two. Shame it's bad at low octave too, as the tracking on the video you posted is brilliant. "Romantic"? [/quote] The tracking is exceptionally good. Not sure I'd call it romantic , but it's really really really good. Pity the sound is so "meh". Unless you want a very subtle octave... if you want a very subtle octave down, then the metallic character can be disguised. Not for me 'though.
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