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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Yeah, Vintage is a crap name. But they do make some nice instruments.
  2. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1362633659' post='2002430'] I very much doubt that this 'knot' is causing the problem. The wood isn't growing any more but could - even though dried out at time of assembly - still be losing moisture through the finish. As others have stated, this shouldn't require a new neck and that a combo of neck, fret and nut work should solve this. [/quote] Like others said, I would be extremely surprised if that grain pattern was the casuse of any trouble, and even more surprised if your issues coudl not be fixed by a competent tech. Really, take your bass somewhere else for a second opinion. Find a reputable guy, not just someone who happens to say they know what they are doing. Many so-called guitar techs are pretty clueless.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362663684' post='2002951'] The only person who will give a sh*t is you. Be prepared for the empty feeling inside screaming FAKE! every time you look at it. If you like the bass, be proud of its maker. [/quote] This! I personally get a kick out of getting a good performance out of a "lesser" bass.
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1362648108' post='2002549'] One thing I thought of doing was snapping the sliders off so I could stack BMSs on top of eachother. Then all you need is a loop selector. [/quote] Ha! There was another one of those for sale locally and it did tempt me to get a second one (although not sure I'd go as "punk" as your idea... but bonus points for imagination! )
  5. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1362645094' post='2002491'] I didn't think you could get analogue gear with presets (other than ones with motorised controls), but it seems I'm wrong. The new [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/t5/News/Tech-21-s-Private-Stock-Division-Introduces-Blonde-Deluxe/ba-p/34719499"]Blonde Deluxe[/url] from Tech21 has digital recall on an otherwise analogue pedal, and I presume the Sansamp Deluxe works the same way. So there's hope for you yet! [/quote] I'll send a link to EHX with a note saying "well, guys, coffee break is over!"
  6. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362694468' post='2003631'] Why bother? there's millions of the things. Might as well just buy one of those. [/quote] I love Jazz basses, but... yes.
  7. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1362693574' post='2003607'] + lots on that, strings are important too. [/quote] oh yes, I will definitely have those! Not just one, but FOUR of them!!!
  8. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1362606515' post='2002180'] LEDs are only worth putting along the top edge side dots. Number of strings is irrelevant. [/quote] This. Side dots are useful, I cannot see the front of my fingerboard when I play. Can you? Side dots are the same no matter the number of strings.
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1362590778' post='2001825'] To be fair the old big one sounds WAY better. Much smoother sub octave and all-round more phat analog synth sounding, but the new version is still a cool little pedal. [/quote] Is it? I wish I could remember it... it's been 4 years. I like the smaller version and it just about fits in my board, so I'll try to avoid trying the older version again, just in case
  10. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1362602514' post='2002083'] Isn't the micro synth analogue? You'll just have to buy 3 of them if you want presets. [/quote] I don't care!!! I want presets!!! I want I want I want!!!
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1362432197' post='1999796'] Whenever I see footage of early RHCP gigs I always wonder "how did a band who looked so stupid ever make it so big?" [/quote] it was the 80s, don't forget
  12. what a fun pedal this is!!! I had one, the big 24V one, a few years ago, but I was starting on bass and did not really find much use for it. I have just bought one, the smaller version, for a new funk band I joined... and I'm having so much fun with it! First rehearsal last night... brilliant! I just wish it had 2-3 presets that I could select with a footswitch. EHX should really work on this pedal a bit. Add a bit of control to the distortion, an exprtession pedal connection, and 3 presets... for £299? Unbeatable! Ah, I wish...
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362501211' post='2000275'] I've come to think that the wood choice makes very little difference in electric instruments. Rosewood doesn't sound warmer than maple on a fretboard, they sound the same. The most important parts of an electric instrument are the pickups, the bridge and the nut. Tonewoods are a bunch of flim-flam i think. [/quote] You should start a separate thread with that... and stand back with a bowl of popcorn to watch the fireworks
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362363726' post='1999024'] I'm actually not so sure now that it is a Warwick. [/quote] The big S on the top of the headstock suggests it's a Sarwick. Or a Spector...
  15. I just bought Henry's EHX Bass microsynth, and would not hesitate buying anything else from him. He made sure the pedal was accurately described and did a superb job packing it. We exchanged a few messages back and forth, kept me updated and got the pedal posted very quickly. I wish all transactions were as easy and pleasant. Thanks Henry!
  16. [quote name='paulmcnamara' timestamp='1362062053' post='1995174'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Music-Man-Stingray-Bass-Guitar-and-case-/370766620063?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item565369a59f"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item565369a59f[/url] It seems this bass was for sale on BC last Summer for £750 ono......... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179016-musicman-stingray-2005-limited-edition/page__hl__buttercream+stingray__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [/quote] erm... he is allowed to ask for whatever he wants to for his bass, regardless of what he paid. But I doubt he will get that much. Very optimistic/unrealistic.
  17. as far as I know only from Japan, but it's not expensive to post as it's so light.
  18. If it makes it to Manchester for the weekend of the 31st, I could pick it up and bring it up to Scotland. My band, Sea Bass Kid, is having the first album launch party on the 27th of April and I'm sure we would get an interesting number of donations at the event. I'll have other gigs before that, but that would be the best for this, I think. Regardless... let's keep it travelling!
  19. active basses are not necessarily louder... so try that active bass alongside your other basses before worrying about this. I have a bunch of active and passive basses... and most are reasonably similar in output. The only one that's much hotter is a G&L L2000... and that one is very loud in passive configuration too.
  20. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' timestamp='1362253807' post='1997687'] I'm a member of Costco so I always get a 10 pack of Duracell there. Bargain compared to supermarket prices. [/quote] Yeah, Costco is a good place to buy Duracells. For active basses? Where the battery lasts months? Do yourself a favour and buy good batteries, not cheap questionable quality batteries.
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1362237099' post='1997384'] Ultimately he is a part-time agent (not paying taxes on this income etc.) who gets us a couple of gigs a few times a year. We can easily get by without his gigs, they are just easy diary filler dates in pubs that are no better or worse than the ones that we get ourselves. [/quote] in that case, I'd approach that pub personally to book my gigs with them and forget about the "agent" Has he got an Italian surname?
  22. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1362235992' post='1997365'] Sounds to me like the "agent" is the cock in this situation. He's screwing over the venue now, how long until he screws you? If you pull out on the venue that's going to tarnish your reputation with them (and consequently perhaps other venues). Just because the agent won't book you for any other venues he's associated with doesn't mean that those venues will think ill of you, so as soon as more of his antics have gone down and he's moved on from those venues too, you'll still be able to get the gigs. You need to keep your bands reputation as your priority. [/quote] +1 He does not sound like the type of guy who will lose sleep if he has to screw you over to get something he wants... Unless the gigs you get with him are really good and/or numerous... I'd say goodbye to said agent.
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362226488' post='1997195'] Don't get too hung up on the wood choices. For an acoustic instrument the woods used are incredibly important. For a solid electric one not so much. Also just because your favourite US-made bass uses particular woods doesn't mean that the same species of wood sourced by your luthier in the UK, most likely coming from a completely different source and the tree(s) having grown under very different environmental conditions, is going to have that much in common for either looks or sound. In the past when I've had solid electric instruments made where the woods used were going to be visible, I've left the choice mostly to the luthier. I told them how I wanted the finished instrument to sound and what colours and grain patterns I liked. They picked out some boards based on these criteria, I then chose the ones that I found visually most pleasing to use for my instrument. [/quote] Oh, I agree entirely! When I mention a specific wood (maple, ash) is because I like the look of it, nothing else. One of my favourite basses is made of plywood (my red Squier). I'm not precious about "tonewoods" in electric instruments.
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