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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. and you read it here first, ladies and gentlemen!
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360801454' post='1976911'] These songs bloody rock man! If you want to be touring through NI (or ballymena) around, oh, i dunno, january 5th 2014, i can for sure get you a gig [/quote] Thank you and... NI sounds as good a place as any other to start the SBK world domination tour Our calendar is still reasonably free around that date
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360800859' post='1976901'] Listening to your songs... On the one with the envelope filter at the start. I laughed That intro bit is just brilliant, but a bit funny. [/quote] You know what? It was supposed to be a silly melody once during a practice... but one of the guys said "oh! oh! oh! play that again!" and... they incorporated it into a new song. Lesson: only play it if you mean it! I utterly dislike that song. I hate it. We have much better than that and this one was chosen to be recorded...
  4. Ha! Great! Although I really like the very low gain sound on the Ultimate Drive. It's just that the gain knob is too sensitive, and a little turn can be a lot. I was hoping a lower gain pedal would be a bit more "tame" in that respect. If it's nice on guitar I'd still keep it.
  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360751846' post='1975727'] Thanks for allowing me to hi-jack this sales thread. No, he doesn't want it. I, however, will pay double price for one that AS haven't had their [s]filthy[/s] clean hands on. Is it like this? PM'ed best, bert [/quote] wow, a bass that's part bongo and part accordion!
  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360771943' post='1976232'] just saw this in your sig. Do you know the URL of the other forum, the one God posts on? be good to ask him something [/quote] He told me he doesn't post there anymore. He got into an argument with a turnip and decided to go away before he got too tempted to send a swarm of locusts or something.
  7. fantastic bass, blemishes and all... hmmm, do I need a second SUB?
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360784095' post='1976541'] HANG ON! that series/parallel switch, will that work without the polarity of one of the pickups being reversed? [/quote] Yes Do it already!
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360452802' post='1970819'] But being out of phase would just mean they sound slightly out of phase? it sounded like that already. [/quote] like lettsguitars said... if they are out of phase, you WILL know. It would sound extremely thin and weedy and no bottom end at all, compared to each pickup by itself. If that happened... just swap the two wires (on one of the pickups only, obviously )
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360448584' post='1970757'] So yeah, i've just got my OLP (Which shall be known as a MiltyMan from now on) all wired up and screwed together. So since my jazz bass was sitting in several bits already, i decided while i was at it, i'll stick some new pots on (500k CTS, instead of the 250k unbranded ones that came with it)... and then i also decided to wire it in series. It's wired and all. But the pot change was awkward, more on that in a little minute. Have any of you ever wired you jazz bass in series? what do you think? Oh sh*t, i just thought... one of the pickups is reverse wound, isn't it? will that affect things? Anyway, the pots. It turns out that the control plate had mini pots (GRRR)... and the pots that i had were regular sized ones. Ah well, they should still fit in the cavity. So i tore on. Took off the old volume pots, wire the - and + together, put the new pots on and... they didn't fit in the holes of the original pots. I drilled them out. Top job. Screwed the pots in, and once again, the control knobs didn't fit! Why do you do this to me, God, why!? Anyway, here's what i'm thinking now- since the control plate is all scratched up anyway, i want to put a black one on. Not just black... MATTE black And of course that then means that ALL the hardware has to be matte black (including the pick guard), so now this has gone from a simple upgrade, to a full blown project. I should also be getting another neck for it soon. This bass will be the epitome of cool when it's done, just wait [/quote] Black is the new black, do it! I have tried the series combo in my Jazz. It's a pretty fat tone that one. I find it more useable than the usual parallel configuration, but the output is noticeably higher, so that might be a problem. Or not.
  11. Yummy! I have recently acquired a dual-P Thunder II and I am amazed at how good these basses are!
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1360584446' post='1972595'] Brilliant! I'm about to do exactly the same myself inspired by Mcnash's (and now your own) excellent results. Trouble is, I can't get away from that Capri orange colour either! Trying to convince myself that I should pick a different shade, but I keep coming back to the orange... [/quote] Yeah, it's like a boomerang... I used to discard the idea of orange, but it always came back Next may be... shell pink. Or surf green...
  13. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1360581448' post='1972531'] Like McNach (in other words blatant copy) I've painted my sunburst Squier body in Capri Orange and this is the result: Basically flat down with some 150, then 400 then 800 (2 pieces of 400 rubbed together ) the about 6 coats of white primer and then a good flat off followed by 1x can of orange. This was painted in a cold garage and as a result there is some orange peel. I have flatted some of it out and it looks good to me.. The paint was £35 from the manchester guitar geezer but car aerosols are the same stuff and much cheaper. Now what can I paint next? [/quote] ooh! very nice!!!! and I had the same feeling afterwards: "what can I paint now???"
  14. [quote name='Lifer' timestamp='1360768511' post='1976157'] I'm want to combine 3 signals; clean, OD1 and OD2 rather than switch between loops... [/quote] With the LS-2 you can combine clean and something else (OD1 or OD2), but not all three separately... so no good in this case. Two LS-2???
  15. I'm weak. Today in my inbox I have an email from amazon showing me a bunch of things I might like based on previous purchases. There it was, a low gain overdrive at the right price and... of the right colour! (orange!)... So I bit. I wonder if it's any good on bass. I have not seen any reviews about that. Anybody? I have a Joyo Ultimate Overdrive that I quite like on both bass and guitar, although I use it for low gain stuff and I'm hoping the Sweet Baby will have a range that will suit be better. It's orange! Did I mention that? If the led were blue, it would be perfect
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1360664706' post='1974083'] I've just been directed to this thread by a certain spanish/scottish friend of ours. Could i suggest that people involved in the relay record themselves with the bass. So that would mean setting up with the bass, a few words about who/what/where/when and then gig footage. I would be happy to edit it all together in a montage sort of thing. [/quote] nice! I'll certainly do that when it gets here!
  17. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1360604225' post='1973197'] Might just be because they're super fresh out of the packet, they might sound more hefty when they lose their initial zing. As mentioned before, I find Status Hotwires have the strongest fundamental, plus a little top end zingyness. And they're cheap too, maybe give them a try next.. [/quote] It is possible that as they get more use they turn more into what I like. Actually, I don't think I really like ANY string fresh from the packet, I need to "grease them up" a bit first. I have to say they feel and sound good, and maybe upping up the gauge on the G may be more to my liking... and that way I'll get away from the Marcus Miller shadow On another slightly related note... the "boring" Ernie Ball strings are a bit of a revelation. I put them on a Jazz, and they are pretty nice too. And it makes me wonder... because they look a LOT like the old strings I had on the SUB. A lot. I said they were not the ones on the SUB... but I don't know what I was looking at, as the string ends are identical and so is the winding wire... There is a difference in the way the E string tapers at the headstock end... but then the old E was a 105 and the one I have here on the Jazz is a 100, so that can account for the difference. I know it's a different bass... but I'm taking this one to rehearsal tonight... let's see. Status Hotwires. I keep hearing about them. I guess I should try them at some point too. This is one thing I miss about guitar... strings were so cheap, and you even get extra strings on some sets! Experimenting on strings for bass it's expensive!
  18. Well, I played the Fat Beams last night. They are good strings... but they did not have that punch the other strings had... They sounded "hefty" in the house, but once in "real life", they were nice, but lacked a bit of body compared to the ones I had on. Hmmmm. So, yeah, pretty nice strings, I have to say I like their tone and I'm quite likely to buy them again at some point. But I don't think they are the same ones I had. Ah well...
  19. Ok ok... so I changed strings at last. The Fat Beams look a bit less shiny than the old ones The windings on the E and A strings look identical, but the wire around the D string looks a bit thinner on the Fat Beams... so unless they have changed, perhaps my strings were not Fat Beams after all. Also, the E string's taper starts a bit later on the Fat Beams than on my old strings... but only by about 8mm or so... As they claim their operation is very "manual" then maybe it's normal to have this string to string variation. Conclusion through visual clues: very close, but I am not certain they are the same strings I had. However... I first just replaced the G string. That's the one that broke in the slapfest that is Blackeyed Blonde, and was replaced onstage by a G string from a D'addario XL170 set, and found to be noticeably wimpier on the lower midrange... So I put the new G string on... and besides extra brightness (it's new!) it sounded very well balanced compared to the EAD from the old set. The string felt a bit stiffer than I remembered... but can't be sure. What I know is that it's not wimpy sounding, I liked what I heard. So I replaced the other three. They feel good. They don't feel much different from my old strings, if at all. The sound is glorious. Very full. They are bright, but not clanky, and the treble control on the SUB takes care of it very nicely. They sound fat, but well defined. Strong midrange, as several people said. If my old strings were not Fat Beams, they were very similar tonally, that's for sure. So, I guess I will use this bass tomorrow (and take the Stingray as backup, with the Ernie Ball Cobalts on, which I'm starting to like after the ultra bright zing started to die off)... That will be the proper test. If it sounds as clear and powerful as I'm used to, using the same rig, at the same place, with the same band... then I won't care whether my old strings were Fat Beams or not, and I'll know that my future strings will be Fat Beams. Thanks to everybody who participated in this (fascinating ) thread and helped me find the Fat Beams. They sound great, at least the the volumes I was allowed at this time at night
  20. Thanks to those who suggested the Ernie Ball strings. No, they are not the strings in my SUB, but I put them in a Jazz and they feel and sound great. I think I like them better than my usual D'Addario ones, as they are not as bright and seem to have stronger low mids... Still haven't tried the Fat Beams... maybe later today!
  21. Well, I just painted a body and I didn't even sand the original poly finish, as it was clean and in nice condition... more info here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179199-refinishing-amateurishly-a-jazz-bass-body-capri-orange/page__hl__refinish%20jazz__st__60"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179199-refinishing-amateurishly-a-jazz-bass-body-capri-orange/page__hl__refinish%20jazz__st__60[/url]
  22. Is this what you asked? I wasn't sure from your description. That's a J-Retro plate I removed as I wanted a black plate instead, and I just drilled the extra holes in the black plate.
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