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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1359843190' post='1961184'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-PICKUP-COPPER-FOIL-30mm-x-4m-SHIELDING-SCREENING-TAPE-CONDUCTIVE-ADHESIVE-/271136702875?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Other&hash=item3f2101c19b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f2101c19b[/url] I've used this seller a few times. [/quote] That looks good, thanks!
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1359811507' post='1960608'] I felt warm and fuzzy when I met you McNach [/quote] It's only because Cameron Toll feels very dry and cold.
  3. [quote name='Dmanlamius' timestamp='1359810448' post='1960591'] Its weird, because of all the people I've chatted to, most stay away from here because of negative experiences they have had, and move over to Talkbass. Probably a coincidence. It does some to be quite a high ratio of people, though? I don't post here that much, but you seem like a friendly bunch. [/quote] seriously? I am, like many others here, in both Talkbass and Basschat. In Basschat since 2010 and in Talkbass since 2007. By far this is the friendliest of the two. There are great people over at TB, but there is more of a sycophantic attitude when it comes to "respected long standing members", and a more aggressive discussion where opinion and fact are often treated as one and the same. I can only think that if someone starts here and as a newbie has "bad experiences" it's probably down to their attitude. Some people come here guns blazing (inti, where are you? ) and then get upset that people here don't like their attitude. My observation here is that if you are cool and treat people respectfully here, you get treated the same way. Oh, and mods are not some kind of power hungry wanna be policemen over here. Like I said, I am still on TB, but I only check it once in a while. I don't really like it there that much, but it's big and it can be a good source of information, if you are well equipped to filter the crap (like in any other forum, really).
  4. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1359815971' post='1960683'] Brand new bass with brand new strings and the action is quite low......! [/quote] the brand new strings may be not very good... try your favourite se first. I know it sounds strange, but I have experienced very weird intonation issues that came down to the strings, nothing else, even ones that looked pretty new.
  5. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' timestamp='1358552870' post='1941480'] here; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USA-Mex-JAZZ-BASS-SCRATCH-PLATE-Pick-Guard-in-8-Colours-/190776157063?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&var=&hash=item2c6b252387"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2c6b252387[/url] or here; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jazz-bass-std-pickguard-3ply-mint-green-fits-fender-/110555401948?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item19bd9d8edc"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item19bd9d8edc[/url] sorry didn't realise that you wanted a gen Fender? [/quote] That second link is the same guy I bought mine from. Happy with mine!
  6. [quote name='WishIcouldplay' timestamp='1358450826' post='1939515'] Can anyone recommend where I can get a mint green Fender Jazz Pick guard?? thanks [/quote] I got a good one for £12 from an eBay seller based in the Netherlands... I forget his name
  7. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1359822684' post='1960801'] Well you're lucky - you've got to kiss a lot of frogs to find a princess! [/quote] Indeed! Nice find there. I like OLPs, I used to be very vocal about it But you need to be selective, some are truly bad. It looks like the OP got one of the better ones.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359809371' post='1960576'] That's not contrition, it's perversion. Why should being in a band mean you can't be in a relationship? What kind of management style is this, anyway? Surely it's a breach of human rights! [/quote] I'm sure she was not forced to be part of that "band". If those were the conditions, ridiculous as they may be, and she agreed... then so be it. I would not personally agree to such conditions, but the "band" she was in is not your traditional "band", and it seems that one of the things they sell is some (weird to me) idea of childlike cuteness, and seeing publicly dating seems to be against it. It's all terribly silly, in my opinion... but if one of the conditions to be in a "band" is to abjure the colour yellow, and the idea is to portrait yellow as a terrible colour and extend the band life to the personal life... then if you accept and you are seeing wearing an all yellow suit, don't be surprised if they telll you you are no longer suitable Not a big deal, is it? So she was some kind of "celebrity" in Japan, and?
  9. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1359805655' post='1960494'] All things considered, yes. But as I noted earlier there does appear to have been a shift in opinion on this matter, and in other threads others have commented that the forum seems to be less supportive than before. All inevitable as the forum grows I suppose. I can't help but think of talkbass, where there is a community of long standing members with high post counts. There are also a seemingly endless amount of newer members who like to disparage and deride others over the internet. The mods to their credit do try to keep on top of things, but inevitably this has led to a lot of rules and an outright banning of certain topics. I know this has exercised the minds of the mods on here, but I can't help but wonder if BC will end up going the same route. [/quote] I doubt it, as long as it remains UK-centric. I observed something similar with usenet newsgroups back in the day... the US-centric ones seemed more competitive and aggressive, while the UK ones were mellower. There are great people and horrible people in either, but the trend was that. It may be a reflection of society in general.
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1359803905' post='1960454'] BC has what, 20,000 members? Out of those, you cant expect everyone to play the game. Given that, I think BC has a pretty good community feel all things considered. [/quote] I agree. The point about the numbers is a very good one. I think that there is certainly a good community here, but that's made from a very tiny proportion of the total: it's the ones you see contributing the most etc etc, the ones that you end up naturally exchanging a few PMs with, some you end up meeting in person... You cannot expect that the whole membership will feel as warm and fuzzy. There will be some nasty individuals for sure. Out of 20000... there may even be a murderer or two! But their existence does not spoil the "community feeling", since they are not really the ones that are normally contributing to make this forum what it is. I have noticed that in the past year there seems to have been a large influx of new blood. Some have become part of that "community" fast. Others not so much. The Sales forum is going to attract people who may just want to sell stuff. I say let them. It's easy to ignore what I don't like, and enjoy what I like about the forum.
  11. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1359746509' post='1959892'] Just got a new very cheap Bass and it sounds out of tune (sharp) as you get higher up the neck. Winding the saddles back as far as they will go towards the back edge of the body still does not make the open string and octave come up the same on the Tuner, on any string ( it's 5'er) although it reduces the disparity. Measuring from the nut to the middle of the contact point of the D saddle, I'm on 33 and 3/4 of an inch ( even with the saddles screwed right back). My immediate thought is the bridge is not correctly sited and from looking under it when I first unpacked the bass ( it was loose) there is no reason not to move it back the errant 1/4 ". Before I drill new holes ( will obviously mark it up and check parallels etc) is there anything I may have missed? Any thoughts would be useful please as I don't want to damage the shiny new finish with holes if I've missed something obvious ! [/quote] Try new strings first! I experienced this once... and a new set of strings sorted it. Same gauge and all. If you have a very high action... sort that first, as higher action results in a need for more compensation at the bridge.
  12. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1357302863' post='1920590'] Hi folks. As a relative newbie here please forgive me if this subject has previously been debated. On virtually every Fender bass I have ever owned since the early 80's I have installed a Leo Quan Badass bridge, believing it to significantly improve the overall dynamic response & tone of the instrument. Over the years however this has become an increasingly expensive mod. I believe now you are now looking on average at about £100 for one of these "bad boys" - almost a 1/4 of the price of a whole mex precision in some dealers! I recently decided to buck my trend and after much deliberation fitted a Gotoh 201 bridge on a cheap Yamaha Attitude (P style bass)...with great success. For a princely fee of £30 I reckon the Gotoh made every bit as much of an improvement as the Badass. Slightly less "brightness" (to my ear) but every bit as good in every other respect. My question is this...has my historical faith in the Badass as the ultimate replacement bridge simply been a kind of placebo affect? And is the Badass therefore really worth the value of 3 Gotoh 201's???? Bearing in mind the possability of a placebo its also got me wondering....is the badass even an improvement on stock pressed metal Fender bridges???? [/quote] I don't think they make much difference, and when it makes a difference I am not sure the difference is necessarily for the better. Not a fan, myself.
  13. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1359794806' post='1960317'] Just curious, which pickup positions do you think works best? Both individually and together. [/quote] The differences are there, but they are not huge. I think the biggest difference is on the bridge pickup. The one on the Mockingbird is VERY close to the bridge, while the Thunder is nearly an inch farther. This makes the Mockingbird treblier and the DG strings brighter. I prefer the arrangement on the Westone, but in a metal setting maybe the Mockingbird's is preferred. Still, if you roll down the volume a little it fattens up the sound quite a bit and it does not sound unbalanced. Jeremy Preston's BC Rich has the pickup in the same location and his sounds wonderful I still think a reverse P at the "closer to the bridge" position might be my ideal configuration. I really like the P at the bridge. The neck pickup... it's again a bit closer to the bridge on the Mockingbird. As a result, the Mockingbird's neck pickup is only a little farther from the bridge than a normal P, and it retains a lot of the P bass sound, just a bit deeper. It sounds mighty. That's a really good sound. The Westone's pickup is farther still from the bridge, and farther from the Precision's position. It still has a Precision vibe about it, but it's even fatter and rounder and a bit les P-bass like than the Mockingbird. With both pickups on, I think the Mockingbird wins. It is a very deep and beautiful sound. The Westone is not as deep, but the controls on this bass can more than compensate for that. I have not tried either in a band situation yet, so it may be that the MOckingbird's beautiful tone alone might not sound defined enough with the band, and the Westone might be better. But I am not a "both pickups on" player anyway. I very much favour the bridge, and sometimes swicth to neck. It's tough, I now like both basses, but they are distinct enough that I have not put the Mockingbird for sale yet... and even the looks are growing on me!
  14. Oh dear, so now I also own a Westone Thunder II! This bass is more the sort I was after, looks wise, and the bridge pickup is a bit farther from the bridge... It's supposed to replace the Mockingbird, but... I like both!
  15. Well, and now I have a Westone Thunder II. That's more like the kind of bass I was after, looks and all. Pity the pickups are not in reverse configuration.
  16. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1359756364' post='1960071'] I'm one of those Luddites who does not have a mobile phone ( shock horror ) I stay in touch with band members by landline and our weekly rehearsal and now even by that new e-mail thingy . All the bands in the 60's 70's and 80's. seemed to survive just fine without a mobile phone . When I have to endure some other person having a conversation on a mobile phone , the majority seem to be entirely without fact or substance , so I'm quite happy as I am . PS , never missed a gig or a rehearsal , I use a calendar . [/quote] whatever works for you, but having a mobile phone does not mean you have to "miss out" on anything you already do. It just gives you other options (if you wanted them). Not every mobile phone user is a slave to it. I have wasted a lot less time waiting for people doing nothing since the advent of mobile phones, as people can keep eachother informed of last minute changes. Nah, I'm not going back to 1970! Not me!
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1359752343' post='1959993'] Yes, I can see how that would be irritating - and it is certainly a bit cheeky - but he is within his rights to try to do it. Guys like yourself will always spot this type of thing and either bring it to the attention of others or offer him what you deem to be a "fair" price knowing what he paid. That is also fair! [/quote] I disagree. I don't think it's fair. If I advertised a... Boss OC2 for £100 when I paid £20 for it (making this up, I am not selling and I wish I had found one for £20), who are you or anybody else to interfere and start saying to others that I should price it lower? If you don't like it, don't buy it. Full stop. In fact, one of the rules in the Sales forum is precisely not to interfere with pricing etc.
  18. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1359751846' post='1959983'] OK, so I'm in the wrong about flipping, I have a choice not to buy, I'm not going to get an original 53 P for the £150 or whatever it cost in 1953. My bugbear is somebody buying a P on FEEBay for £665 and putting it on here the next day at £1000. His 7th such move in a year. That is tantamount to trading and sorry, I find it a bloody insult. [/quote] Why is it insulting? I don't know the person you are talking about, but if I noticed the pattern you mention, I would probably feel a bit less warmer towards him/her. Why? Because I like the "atmosphere" in this forum, and pure profit seeking activity without being a contributor in other ways is not what makes me feel warm about someone here. But I would not find it insulting. They are not doing anything wrong.
  19. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1359673343' post='1958788'] I don't really see why thats a problem. You buy something, its yours. A seller can ask for as much as they want for something---its buyers who will decide if that price is appropriate or not. Is selling a 50s precision bass for a lot more than its original purchase price a no-no? [/quote] I agree. Anybody can ask for anything they want to. I always have the option of not being interested in their price, and move on. Some people are more motivated than others to make a profit. So what? I don't have to buy from anybody. If I find something I like, for a price I agree with, I don't care whether the seller is going to make a profit of £20 or £200... all I know is the price is ok for me. To expect that others should price things the way I want them to... is, quite frankly, a little arrogant.
  20. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1359661347' post='1958507'] it seems to be the norm for sellers to request paypal gift or BACS on basschat, or ask the buyer to pay extra to cover fees. i didn't realise the 'gift' had no comeback via paypal so maybe the mods should put some advice as a sticky? personally i think if you take paypal payment you should take the fees as the seller, not the buyer. [/quote] they are all private transactions, there are no "shoulds". Both parties agree to whatever they want to, and that's what you do. In addition, it's certainly YOUR responsibility to know what you are doing. If you use Paypal, find out what it is that you are doing and the rules involved, fees etc. I'm not against having a sticky bringing these issues to the attention of people easily.... but I do not understand how anybody would start sending payments etc without having read the conditions first If they do something wrong because they did not bother... that's only their fault.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1359644968' post='1958156'] No - it's great. But when all you need is a 'yes' or 'no' from six or seven people, and you have a life to get on with, a group text message wins every time. [/quote] exactly, plus it leaves a trail, and details can be rechecked later without having to call someone or be called for the third time "so, are we meeting at 8 or 9?"
  22. I just bought Chay's Westone Thunder II. Absolute pleasure to deal with, great communication, and the bass arrived almost before I said "I'll take it". Almost Thank you! I'm loving this bass!
  23. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1359737312' post='1959669'] Don't worry, I plan to make sure some goes back into BC. A larger portion to CRUK will gain more interest and a larger following. It's harder to set up a donation thing for BC. Originally I set up a PayPal account which everything could go into and split it from there. A justgiving page got requested so I set one of those up for CRUK, but you can't set up one for BC. One way to go about it, would be to leave all the text and justgiving donations to CRUK (no question about it, once it's done it's theirs) and any cash donations "on the nights" are split 50/50. Also, when its auctioned at the end, then it'll be split with the larger portion going to BC. That sound logical? [/quote] That sounds simple and fair to me
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