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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I think split between CR and BC would be fair. What propprtion? I don't know. BUt I think BC should definitely receive part of it.
  2. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1359591236' post='1957376'] Yes dude, it really is. [/quote] I must think now what clothes to wear when it finally gets here!!!
  3. Fat Beams arrived today. VIsually they look very much like the ones in the bass... this could be a winner!
  4. wow, is it really purple??? It must get to Scotland so that I can play it and have lots of pictures taken with it!!!
  5. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1359543152' post='1956254'] Funny enough, I've just come off the phone from the lead guitarist! I said that we had decided they weren't for us, and he basically said they were planning on looking for another bassist and drummer that was "nearer their skills so they could gig sooner".... LOL!!! It has in equal parts cracked me up (with their own delusions of talent) and pissed me off that he was such a patronising bastard!!! Gosh, my drummer has been playing semi-professionally for 40 years, he's played the Cavern club, he has another band where they do corporate gigs playing £800-£1000 a pop! The man is awesome, and set up our band for some fun, as his corporate band had become too serious with the big bucks and he wanted to get back to doing easy going, fun pub gigs. I'd text my drummer, he has had me in tears laughing, saying how he's now determined to get our old band on the road before they get their band on the road. He said he's come across some egos in 40 years of playing, but that this is the first time he's seen such a wide difference between talent and ego! LOL! I love my drummer I do! [/quote] and even better: steal their keyboard player!!!
  6. I bought this one when it came out, and liked it so much I bought a second one! That was for guitar, but then I found it works very well on bass too. Heres a bump for a nice pedal
  7. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1359468720' post='1955181'] Again, been jipped. Spent 1800 notes on that brand new, probably not a BC'er or TBer so has no idea you can get mint Wicks of all types for £600 notes second hand. Probably is honestly confused why noone is bidding when he has knocked £550 off what he paid! [/quote] 1800??? They are about 1300 new! (this is the bolt-on model, isn't it?)
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1359228231' post='1951982'] Was it the type with conductive adhesive? It saves you having to solder across joints. [/quote] I'm looking for some of this... any idea where to get it from? Most places do not indicate whether the adhesive is conductive or not...
  9. I bought one for my CIJ 75RI back in September or so, perfect fit... trouble is I can't recall where I bought it from! I think it may have been pickguard heaven... http://www.pickguardheaven.com/ I'll try to find out where I got it from.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1359417004' post='1954607'] Thanks mate, sir duke has been dropped for now from the set ! [/quote] it's ok, it's just been added to mine so I'll keep it running I will give it back as soon as you recover. Not if, but when sending you good vibes and stuff
  11. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1359316625' post='1953035'] Line 6 G-30 if that's your budget [/quote] +1 another happy user here
  12. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1359218111' post='1951780'] MB1 sirrah... don't you mean if it IS for sale don't post it here.....? If it isn't for sale and he(...[i]he?[/i] Who knows?) just wants an appraisal then here is the right slot, [i]no[/i]? Having said that, if he does just want an appraisal then maybe he should have been a bit clearer, eh? Actually, I'm really confused, so I'm going to take a diazpam and go back to bed. Night-night. [/quote] It was originally posted in the "Basses for sale" subforum, that's why you see those replies. It appears it's now been moved to an appropriate section for a bass that is NOT for sale. A bit confusing, yup. The OP could write a couple of lines and maybe post some pictures (even a link to another forum where he was able to upload pictures - I did that a few posts earlier now) and then maybe there's something people can contribute. However, the way it started... it looked pretty pointless.
  13. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1359197390' post='1951343'] The old ones were DiMarzio. The bit this thing is missing is the old BC Rich how-many-switches?!? pre-amp. [/quote] I'm happy about the lack of switches... I am attracted to them like a moth to a lightbulb, I can't stop fiddling with them if I have them. I'd rather have a couple of basic options and an EQ, taht's all
  14. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1359156749' post='1951073'] Yes, but one bass player for 4 of them. Bass trumps drums. [/quote] how do you know I don't play the didgeridoo in two of them? nah, ok, yeah just bass. and the fourth band's drummer? He plays guitar in two of the bands. There's a degree of overlap among the bands: once you find a group of people who are good musicians, reliable, with good personalities that are fun to be around... I stick with them. It also makes band scheduling easier. ON the other hand, sometimes if one person is unavailable it means it takes down a couple of bands with him.
  15. It looks like it's the same that was on eBay, and you can see more of it here. It looks nice for sure: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/slab66-p-bass-952024/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/slab66-p-bass-952024/[/url]
  16. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1359128711' post='1950350'] Or if it sounds rubbish! There are some pretty good sounding ply basses out there but somehow they never seem to resonate like a solid wood body. Too gluey, probably. [/quote] my nicest sounding strat was, you guessed it, plywood... too much dogma about this.
  17. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1359136521' post='1950602'] Just got involved with starting up a six piece band in SouthWest london (function band doing soul/motown/rnb/pop covers) - great line up, great set list...super excited!!! But we're missing a drummer and so far its proving really difficult to fill the seat. Are drummers a dying breed? I guess its one of the hardest instruments to pick up given the amount of kit needed and practice. Anyone got any ideas for where to look? Is there an equivalent to Basschat out there for drummers? [/quote] I am in 4 bands, two covers and two originals. There is one drummer for three of the bands... so yeah, I think good ones are hard to find!
  18. [quote name='John Schoen' timestamp='1359134574' post='1950552'] The lightweight Gotoh tuners that I ordered arrived today. It is a very easy swap, they drop straight in. The stock tuners weighed 61 grammes each and the Gotohs only 40 grammes (including bushings). The weight saving has not cured the neckdiving completely but it has definitely improved. [/quote] they would have to be made of helium to fully cure it I suppose Glad they resulted in a noticeable improvement 'though!
  19. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1359131534' post='1950448'] Really? I guess this is the brilliant, and totally subjective, thing about Basschat - I found my Mock a little awkward, but returned to my Eagles every time I used to have the exact bass, and you'll have noted the same thing as me - it does dive. It's fixable, however, with a little tinkering. No worse than any Thunderbird owner has encountered, and I got a sense that the neck on this could be used as a weapon with any ill-effects to its playability; much unlike the Gibson Thunderbird, at least. The pick-ups, tuners and bridge are your likely points of upgrade. [/quote] I'm planning on putting two cream Model P in there. I already have one, I have an post in the wanted section, and someone just replied today Eventually I will find an Eagle with the reverse P configuration. I hope. But the stock pickups aren't bad at all, I have to say. I am quite impressed with the bass (apart from the shape). I love that neck.
  20. Incidentally, I liked the Jim Deacon P/J bass I used to have, and a guitarist friend of mine makes a Jim Deacon stratocaster truly sing, fully stock.
  21. [quote name='bassix' timestamp='1357762542' post='1928094'] As some may know they are made out of the same factory as the SX brand so quality is much higher than the price you pay. [/quote] I hear people saying that, but do we have any evidence that the SX factory make basses that are branded Jim Deacon too? I see similarities, but I'm not convinced. Also, a while ago, someone from the family who owns SX contacted me (long story, I had an SX guitar that was amazing and sang its praises everywhere) and gave me some more information etc, and the impression I got was that -at least at the time- they were very much focused in developing their own brand, SX.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1359072119' post='1949644'] ...and what about all those rivers, eh..? Chucking millions of litres into the sea ever since time began..! No wonder the sea level is rising. You can't beat basic, known, facts. I've seen it myself, so it must be (probably...) true. [/quote]
  23. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1359068452' post='1949565'] I don't get the reference. No, it's because putting something into the sea displaces the volume of that object. Put enough 5000 room ocean cruisers in it, and obviously the sea levels will rise. [/quote] the fraction of water that 10000 huge boats displace is very small compared to the rest of the seas, and even underwater ice... so I doubt that water rising is even measurable.
  24. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1359063677' post='1949436'] I don't mind dying, and i don't mind life ceasing to exist, but one thing i hope, if life DID return, i genuinely hope that religion never becomes a thing again. Think of the amount of wars that would be avoided! [/quote] but humans just fight, regardless. it can be about religion... or anything else that can be used to make a group of "us" versus a group of "them". humans are fundamentally stupid when they group and stop thinking as an individual. but I agree about religion being one of the worst evils: the hypocrisy in it is powerfully emetic. (talking mostly about the catholic church, as that's the one I have observed the closest)
  25. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1359061847' post='1949393'] The Ice caps melting... aren't they essentially ice cubes in a drink? they displace as much volume as they contain, so when they melt, there will be no increase or decrease in the sea level. [/quote] two things: take 1ml of water. Freeze it. It's now more than 1ml. Ice occupies more space than liquid water. So the ice under water will take up less space as it melts. But the ice above water, that will all be added to it. I can't remember exactly what's the proportion of surface/under sea (one and two thirds respectively?) and I can't remember exactly how much water expands as it freezes... but I think there is a substantially larger amount of water over the sea level than what can be absorbed after the under-sea ice melts. I'm also sceptical about many "facts" thrown around regarding climate change... but that's another subject.
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