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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1358799920' post='1945344'] well as some reinforcement to the other comments I've just dug out the old fat beams and they look exactly the same, the ball ends are identical, the windings look right and from your description of the sound and feel i'm 99.9999999% sure they're fatbeams. they are expensive but they're fantastic strings, i'm tempted to order a set for one of my 5er's but i'm on a flatwound kick at the moment. Matt [/quote] Thank you, Matt! Well, I ordered a set. Everything looked right about them. Every description, the unusual gauge set... now you added more evidence... You are right, not cheap (£35, ouch!). But they do sound good, and it looks like I would change them once a year, or less. If I used D'Addarios, at around half the price, I would feel like changing them probably after 6 months... so there really isn't that much difference. I have a set of pretty new Ernie Ball Cobalts on my Stingray. It would be interesting to compare the new FatBeams to those, as I got the Cobalts mostly because of the midrange. I hope these are the ones. They made my SUB sound amazing, and I miss it already!!!
  2. Thanks to all! and especially Dingus, who found the Marcus Miller in the right gauge! Done!!! I ordered a set of DR Fat Beams MMS45, 45-65-80-105... same gauge as I have on the SUB already. That alone is a pretty good push in the Fat Beams direction, as it's a very unusual gauge mix. I should have them before the weekend, I'll report back.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1358790886' post='1945096'] well the zing has gone and they lasted a long time..... let me put it this way, the fatbeams I had on my P outlasted the coated strings you sold me.... by a long long time [/quote] so, another vote for Fat Beams...
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358790772' post='1945092'] I too heartily recommend Fatbeams . Or Sunbeams if you prefer nickel . Both sound great and last ages . [/quote] "last ages" also fits the description. Like I said, I bought the bass a year ago, and quickly it became my favourite. I have played it a lot more than any of the others... and it did keep the tone barely changing for a long time. Even now, although clearly having lost a lot of the brightness, they still don't sound "dead" like D'Addarios would have felt months ago already. That's it. I'm going to order a set and find out for sure. Even if they are not the same strings, it sounds like the kind of string I'm interested in.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358790596' post='1945088'] No problem. Even if yours aren't Fat Beams I would certainly recommend them. I spent decades looking for the ultimate roundwound strings, then when I found them (Fat Beams), I promptly changed to flats and am now looking for the ultimate flatwound strings... [/quote] The neverending quest! There is always something, isn't it?
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358790385' post='1945084'] Fatbeams are essentially Hi Beams wound at a slower speed than Hi Beams to give a bigger bottom end and more pronounced mids ( allegedly) . The tension feels the same to me , although some people think they are very slightly taughter - feeling than the regular Hi Beams , but all those DR round core strings should feel much more elastic and less tension than the same gauge of DAddario XL strings . [/quote] Bigger bottom end and more pronounced mids could very well describe these strings! The higher tension of whatever is on my L2000 (105/85 gauge, allegedly HiBeams) compared to D'Addario XL (100/80 gauge) is not a problem at all. It's noticeable when switching... but if soon feels very normal. The L2000 strings (HiBeams, possibly, 105/85) do feel VERY MUCH like those on the SUB (105/80), now that I had a quick test unplugged. They also look very similar. Do HiBeams and FatBeams look any different from eachother? I think I have to buy a set of these Fat Beams, too much BC love for them.
  7. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1358790214' post='1945076'] i've got an old set of fatbeams at home, i'll compare them to your pics when i get in, i used to use them exclusively when i just had a 5er, i'll probably go back to them one day when i wnat a change from flats (which is all i use at the moment) Matt [/quote] Thanks, I'd appreciate that!
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358789814' post='1945059'] Hi Beams / Fatbeams higher tension that DAddario ? Surely some mistake . Those round core DRs all feel very low tension . Could you have got mixed up with DR LO Riders ( very stiff feeling ) ? The Fatbeams are basically the same tension as the Hi Beams . [/quote] If I haven't been lied to... and those on the G&L are HiBeams, then yes, I feel they are higher tension. Not lots and lots, but noticeable. I say if they haven't lied to me, because I asked and I was told Hi Beams. I have a new set of Hi Beams, but I have not replaced the ones on the L2000 yet as they still sound good. I have not used this bass a lot as I ripped the preamp out early on and it took me months until I fitted the MMSR preamp in there. oh, wait!!! Scratch that. The gauge of the D'Addarios is 100-80 on the E and A strings, compared to 105-85 of the ones on the L2000. So the D'Addario 100/80 feel clearly more elastic than "likely HiBeams" 105/85... I was not comparing like with like. Sorry.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358789702' post='1945052'] DR Fat Beams. [/quote] Hmmm. The winding looks a bit coarser than on mine, or is that my imagination? I can't see the taper from this angle on the E string, so I can't judge that. Thanks for posting that!
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1358789170' post='1945036'] My guess.... DR strings of some kind - thats judging by look and how you describe them. [/quote] Hmmm, you think so too? I have to say... Fatbeams are the only ones I have been able to locate with a 45-65-80-105 gauge...
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1358788572' post='1945020'] I would have guessed Ernie Ball. Definitelty not Warwicks as the headstock end look kind of like springs on those... IE much less winding. [/quote] you are right! I forgot about the springy part at the headstock of the Warwicks. Pity, as they are really cheap.
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358787406' post='1944988'] Dr Fatbeams Marcus Miller Signature set are 45-65-80-105 and dont have silk on the ends . It could be however , that someone repaced a 85 A string with an 80 from another set before you got the bass . Do the strings feel very flexible and elastic for the given gauge ? If they do that would be in keeping with round core DRs such as the Fatbeams . [/quote] Oooh... Fatbeams already suggested by someone else... and these ones, the gauge matches! Yes, I thought that the A string could have been changed... but it would have had to be done when all the strings were new, as they are all similarly aged. Of course, the previous owner could have just bought singles... My strings do feel pretty flexible and elastic for the gauge!!! Yes!!! The HiBeams do not, however... and they are round core. They feel much less elastic than D'Addarios, for instance. DR fatbeams are not cheap... Happy to buy them if they are the right thing, and they look like they could be... are Fat Beams a bit more "elastic" feeling than HiBeams?
  13. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1358787161' post='1944982'] Are the cores hex or round? It's hard to be sure from the pics....might narrow down things down a bit. I find D'Addarios very bright, DR Highbeams / Fatbeams sound fat and clangy and unmistakeably stainless steel. Ernie Ball Slinkys have a more balanced tone but less character, Status Hotwires have lots more fundamental plus some top end zing. Never had one break though. I'd suggest trying a set of Status Hotwires first as they're cheap, and then some Fatbeams as they're probably closest to the sound your describing. [/quote] D'Addarios are indeed very bright, but after a month of moderate use they are quite nice, and stay that way for months. DR Highbeams... I have those on my G&L L2000. Just because it came with those when I bought it and I liked them on that bass, but they have noticeably higher tension than the D'Addarios for a similar gauge. Fatbeams... I have never tried those. Hmm, what are these like? The HiBeams have a nice tone, just a bit higher tension than I'd like (although I'm talking not-critical differences) Ernie Ball... I used lots of guitar sets, but no bass. I was looking at pictures online and decided that they do look very similar, looking at the taper at the headstock end, the way the other end is wound... so I ordered a set of 45-65-80-100. That's not what I have, as I bring down the E string to 100, but the SUB has tons of bottom end, and I find more important to keep the 45/65 at the other end. So I will try these and see... But I'm not convinced these are the same ones because of the gauge discrepancy. Hotwires, eh? are they silk-free? I have some of the flatwound ones. Nice strings.
  14. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1358786977' post='1944980'] I have a set of silk free GHS bass boomers, could be those? [/quote] I have never tried or even seen GHS strings close enough to tell
  15. I see Ernie Balls are also silk-free... But I can't find any string set anywhere with an 80 on the A and 105 on the E... Maybe these did not come as a set, hmm.
  16. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1358783672' post='1944896'] I'm guessing you didn't buy on BC otherwise I doubt you'd be asking. [/quote] No, I bought it outside BC I'm afraid. I did ask the previous owner when I bought it, and he did not know!
  17. Thanks for the suggestions! Warwicks came to mind, as I had them on my first Corvette and they did have the same type of texture... only I thought they had red silks. But I could be mistaken... It's going to be difficult, such a plain looking string! Thanks for all the suggestions!
  18. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1358719002' post='1944112'] does indeed! I had the first album(particularly What You Know) in mind, very different tone, and very trebley compared to Sun and other recordings with a low-end-heavy tone, say Simonon on Guns Of Brixton. [/quote] ah! I haven't listened to that album, I only just recently "discovered" them.
  19. I broke my G string last night playing Black Eyed Blonde... No, I did not have a back up this time (first time ever breaking a string, and one of the times I do not have a back up!), but I did have a set of strings. I fitted the new one while the rest of the band launched into a RHCP-esque jam with improvised lyrics around the "he bust a G string" subject. Now... about strings. I bought this MM SUB a year ago, used, and I left the strings it came on as I really liked them. No idea what they are 'though. Steel? NIckel? Who knows. They sounded great at first, and although they lost the zing, they still sounded great now, I just turned up the treble when I needed bright sounds. They had a very powerful low midrange, lots of bottom end, and my SUB still sounded great. The G string I used last night was a D'Addario, nickel, gauge 45, from an EXL170 set. I use these strings a lot and I like them... but this G string was very imbalanced. Very wimpy sounding next to the three remaining strings. What strings do I have? I want more of them! I measured the gauges: 105, 80, 65... and presumably 45 (I threw the old string away). NO silks, brass ends... no particular distinctive features... Here are some pictures... Bridge end. A bit coarser winding than the G string (D'Addario): Brass ends: No silk at the headstock end. You can see the taper on the E string... maybe that helps? full headstock... excuse poor winding job on the G... it was a rushed job and I did not have wire cutters so had to wind the whole length: any ideas??? I would love to string this bass with the same strings. It was my favourite bass, and I think these strings contributed significantly to why I loved it so much.
  20. I don't know what Andrew's plans are yet. He is arriving on Thursday, and my gig is on Thursday night, so that night is sure for beverages. Friday I'm busy, but Saturday is likely to incorporate some beer and bass. It depends on what he and his gf do regarding sightseeing etc. I can keep you informed and if you can, great! hmmm... and I would move further communication to PM, I suppose
  21. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1358709558' post='1943838'] I just got them out and checked as it could have been that They all report A=440 (Apart from the one built into my Orange practice amp as that has no other option). They are all slightly different. Two of them are Korg units and one is a cheapy I got from eBay (the forth being the one in the amp). [/quote] INteresting. I would have thought they are all accurate enough, otherwise we'd be hearing mayhem from half of the bands we see live. Oh, wait!!!
  22. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1358708678' post='1943804'] That looks really, really good. Definitely go with the white. I'm really impressed with the job so far---I really want an orange bass, suspect at somepoint I may ask for a "tutorial" [/quote] Thanks! Yeah, I think the white one is probably the best... and it's teh best fit, as it's the original pickguard! I can tell you all the mistakes I made, then you will discover new ones I'm not an expert, this is the first time I attempt anything like this! I suspect getting the right spray helps a lot. I don't know others, but these cans produce a very fine mist, which can be a pain in that the dust gets everywhere! But it makes getting thin uniform coats very easy.
  23. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1358708804' post='1943810'] Looks great. Can I call "dibs" if you sell it? [/quote] You can indeed But it's unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon Are you in Edinburgh at all this week? Andrew (aka 'apa') is visiting (coming to a Sea Bass Kid gig on the 24th too ) and we will be sharing a few beers and checking basses out etc... if you want to join?
  24. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1358692399' post='1943404'] I think I'm secretly a lead guitarist in a bassists body, I like plenty of mid/treble so I can kid myself my jazz sounds like Geddy Lee and every now and then do sick lead fills that don't turn into mush. More generally speaking, most music these days is mixed for those tinny phone speakers you hear kids playing music through on the bus, so for the bass to be heard it has to be pretty trebley to cut through... especially for the likes of all this bass-lead indie-ish stuff, Two Door Cinema Club spring to mind... [/quote] eh? this bass sounds pretty deep to me [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKyK1Mme9Sc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKyK1Mme9Sc[/url]
  25. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1358692214' post='1943400'] So, my suggestion: [i]'Why not spend the money that you [i]would[/i] spend on gear on decent lessons. You may find that the problem isn't your gear afterall.'[/i] wasn't really what you wanted to hear. Okay, so you're more interested in spending money than furthering yourself as a bass player. I must admit that there is something in your posts that doesn't sit very well with me. [/quote] bit harsh?
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