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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. A few hours later (dinner, rehearsal, get back...) I fine sanded it (1200 grit). Smooth. Dusty! I then tried grit 600 on a couple of small areas that were uneven, with a run, at the bottom of the bass. argh! 600 grit goes through the finish much faster, so the gold started to show! another coat of primer then, after removing all the dust. The can is almost finished by now.
  2. Well... it´s happening!!! girlfriend is away for a long weekend, and I convinced her to let me use her place to do the deed (it makes it easier to ventilate if you dont have to stay there cold all day). So, a suitable corner in the kitchen was chosen. Removed table and chairs, and proceeded to prepare the area, Dexter-style. I covered the walls and floor with cut bin bags held with masking tape. I covered two chairs too, and used a broom stick between them to hold the bass body. For this I inserted a hook into one of the neck screw holes, which happened to be the sam thread, and used a little bit of rope to hang it. I found I could turn it a few times, and let it spin one way and the other while I spray... cool! I´m on my fourth thin coat of white primer. It seems the trick is to lay it thin, as many times as needed, but thin, to avoid having runs and paint it uniformly. I did nothing to prepare the body. It was in really good condition, so I just cleaned it a bit, dissolving any possible finger grease with a bit of alcohol soaked in a paper towel. I did not even sand the bit of orange lacquer I had test-sprayed on the back... if it looks bad, well, it´s at the back. Pictures to follow. I´m starting to think that it´s not going to look too bad...
  3. I found myself with a bit of extra cash in my pocket and at the same Mik time I am finding the Squier Mike Dirnt P-bass quite attractive. I might try one tomorrow, although it means travelling a bit. I was wondering if anybody here has one and what they think about it. Is there any routing under that pickguard? I can´t imagine there would be any, which would be nice as I like the pickguardless look... [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/squier-mike-dirnt-p-bass"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/squier-mike-dirnt-p-bass[/url] The reviews seem to go from "awesome" to "crap", with most of them seemingly written by 15 year olds who may not be best equipped to judge whether they like or hate a bass because what they like is the set up of that particular instrument... any comments welcome.
  4. [quote name='lazzer' timestamp='1354118352' post='1882289'] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrZTl2Vztw8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrZTl2ztw8[/url] Recent you tube clip of Moore Lizzy.... find us on facebook too Thanks. Ben sorry cant fathom how to put the screen shot in doh! [/quote] Really liked that. Come to play in Edinburgh!!!!
  5. Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder. That unison run took some effort and repetition to get right... but it's a lot of fun once copied into the hard drive in the brain. Still need to work a little to make it run more smoothly though. [url="http://youtu.be/hmKshpLXnxE"]http://youtu.be/hmKshpLXnxE[/url]
  6. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1358197859' post='1934794'] Way ahead of you buddy. Already compiled a list and constantly adding to it. At the moment it's only name, screen name and location. Just before it kicks off I'll be adding handover details and contact numbers. Once this preliminary list is completed, it will be sent to every member that has "officially" signed up. *whilst touching nose with one hand and pointing at you with the other* "You knows it" [/quote] You guys! I tell you to keep it quiet at the weekend because I was going to be busy, and when I come back... two hours just trying to catch up!!! Found the sign up thread, and signed up.
  7. Jose McNach - Edinburgh (happy to travel to neighbouring towns, including Glasgow)
  8. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1358075891' post='1932572'] postage wouldnt really be an issue surely would it? there are enough peeps on here to be able to pass it on at a gig or post gig with members being local-ish enough to be able to meet up and pass it on? id happily give it a go if it comes over anywhere around the garden of england and from scanning the boards here there must be at least a dozen members who are well within a 20 minute drive so easy to pass it around [/quote] If postage is an issue for someone, then they should make it clear before taking possession of the bass, and figure out who they're going to pass it on to beforehand. I suggest me make a list with participants and: 1) Location 1a) if applicable, would they drive to collect/deliver? How far? 2) agree to post if necessary? 2a) are they "hand in locally only"? ... it's doable, come on, let's do it!
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1358070938' post='1932486'] Sorted re the strings then mate, cool. What about anyone that uses it puts a pound in a jar (paypal or similar)? [/quote] That's a cool idea too. It would be a nice way to raise some more money for BC.
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1358069741' post='1932462'] Make sure you get good contact details of whoever has the bass next. We did this on another forum only with a shirt. Everyone had to wear the shirt at a gig and put something in a memory box that travelled with the shirt. The contents of the box were kept secret and there was some interesting stuff in it. The shirt and the box are now with a bass player who hasn't answered any correspondence and hasn't passed it on... I'll see if I can find the website. [/quote] we will form a BC hit squad to deal with those situations and the perpetrators.
  11. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1358104756' post='1933238'] and that piccy shows it's proper binding too [/quote] it had! until apa got his hands on it
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1358015507' post='1931932'] Or do you have to go to another BC'ers gig to collect it? Could be an idea - and we'd get to see some more music! [/quote] Brilliant idea! If it ever makes it to Scotland, count me in!!!
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357972072' post='1931163'] ERDAGAHAAA! *dead*. ...PM sent. [/quote] PM'd back. You shall have RHCP multitracks.
  14. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1357904059' post='1930235'] Why buy it then if you know you're not going to keep it? I go to my local music shop "to try" stuff out. [/quote] In a shop you try it in an environment very different from the one you will use it in, for a limited amount of time. If you buy it, you can truly give it a good try. I also have bought stuff second hand because I wanted to try... and sell them on if I didn't want to. IN particular, at one point I bought maybe 7-8 overdrive pedals. Tried them all side by side, and chose to keep two. I did something similar with octave and envelope filters. Shops are ok for some things. But nothing beats trying equipment in my own environment, in "real life". Also, shops tend to have a limited range. Many things I am interested in I just cannot go to one shop and try. I would have to find which shops have it, and it would require me to travel to X for one thing, to Y for another... nah, it's not worth it. I go to a shop when I want something specific and it's convenient for me to go (otherwise, online), or because I want to browse and see what they have and what temps me. Sometimes I have also bought new when I was not entirely sure I would want to keep something... Sometimes I don't keep it, but I'm sure I gave it a fair try. It works for me.
  15. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1357862616' post='1929886'] My recently acquired VM Squier 5 String ( and my old 4 String) has the black "inlays", but they are definitely a transfer and not a proper inlay. [/quote] there was a lot of this argument early on "they are inlays" "no they are painted!". It turns out they ARE inlays, not painted on, despite appearances. Google search, you will find pictures demonstrating this.
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357841641' post='1929435'] I love going on to YouTube and finding the bass master tracks, but the problem is, they are always terrible quality. Listen to any BSSM song, then find the bass master track on YouTube, and you would think they compressed the crap out of it and had it at a lower bit rate. I love the totally guttural sound of the Wal Mach 2 in BSSM, but on YouTube, it just sounds like a plank with an output socket. [/quote] I have a bunch of RHCP songs in multi track format, including the whole of BSSM. Not "youtubified". They could sound better, but they are not bad at all. Very good for learning and generally getting a good feel for Flea's style. If interested PM me. I'm sure I can find a way to get them to you. I also have Stevie Wonder's Superstition in 24 tracks... hours of fun
  17. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1357839274' post='1929393'] I've just put a set of Fender 9050 Flats on my P bass. Sounds great. [/quote] +1 Lovely strings. My favourite flats. They remind me a little of D'Addario chromes, but I prefer the Fenders. I have them currently on my Squier Precision CV 50s and on a Jazz.
  18. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1357740950' post='1927565'] I haven't played the youtube bit yet but. I'd have thought that would have required remixing or dubbing to get any bass audible. The bass was originally mixed so low I doubt remastering would be able to do much. Now Metallica own their back catalogue I hope they do remix it. Although I doubt it as it was James' and Lars' desicion to basically remove the bass. [/quote] click on "watch on youtube", it explains how it was done. Essentially, it's one of the tracks available as multitracks of some sort for a video game. From that, a guy isolated the bass track the best he could and mixed it together with the original album audio, ensuring the bass was loud enough in the mix.
  19. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1357736967' post='1927458'] Not so much the bassline as tone - a snippet of the 80's hit 'party fears 2' or whatever it was called came up on the radio this morning. I'd forgotten hown strongly the bass cuts through in that song and what a great tone it is (sounds very P bass to me but could have been something different) Edit : Now I've found it I realise it's actually a good bassline as well, forget the histrionic singing though! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPsdRUHiCAE[/media] [/quote] not for me, I don't like the bass tone at all, too boomy and poorly defined. But I was probably predisposed to dislike it after hearing that voice... urgh!!!
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357816676' post='1928774'] 1) Other band members' problems aren't your problems. Harsh, but you want to play bass, not be a carer. 2) If you haven't gigged after six months, it's unlikely you ever will. I know this from experience! 3) If you procrastinate your initial enthusiasm for being in a band and playing the bass will be compromised. 4) If a band is interested in YOU then you really should at least give them a chance to see what you're about. 5) Playing original material is a lot more fun and is more challenging and rewarding than playing covers (IMHO). 6) Playing in a band you think are way ahead of you skill-wise is excellent - you will play up to their level and improve quickly. 7) A band is prepared to be supportive and allow you to develop your own basslines? [color=#ffffff]7)[/color] If this is indeed the case, then go for it, quick! [/quote] I agree with this man. If you feel bad about leaving a group of people who have become friends in the lurch, maybe you can stay in that band and also do something else in another band. It sounds like the original band won't be very demanding anyway... Don't be afraid to play in more than one band. It keeps it interesting!
  21. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1357772144' post='1928334'] I was using DR Black Beauties and got on quite well with them. Recently moved on to Rotosound Nexus and won't be changing back. The Nexus' are fantastic, perfect sound and feel for me. They also for my bass' colour scheme which is ways a plus. [/quote] I was into coated coloured strings a while ago, and like you used Black Beauties until I discovered the Nexus. Really nice strings! Hmmm... I might still have an old pair stored somewhere!
  22. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1357747136' post='1927734'] Just curious to see what preferences people have for strings out there. I started on Rotosounds SM66 but found they lost their brightness fairly quickly and felt horrible on the fingers, very rough sort of wind on them. Moved on to D'Addario's EXL170s quite a light gauge just like the SM66s but a much nicer feel and I've found a better life span. I did try their EPS170s and they were quite nice, a lot more twang to them I thought. So what do you guys use and what do you hate? [/quote] another fan of EXL170 here. When I don't have any other particular string in mind, those are my default. Often I try others... and I end up removing them and going back to these. They are a bit brighter than I'd like initially, but not crazy bright - it can be tamed. Within a month of use they are just perfect for me and I keep them on for several months.
  23. I think there's a problem still when adding attachments (the way you'd upload a picture directly from your hard drive). The best way, always, is to host the images elsewhere (flickr and similar services allow you to do that for free, you just have to set up an account) and then display them here using the image link you describe, where you insert the URL. Try that. If you have problems with that, PM me, I'll give you my email address and you can just mail me the pictures, I will host them for you and give you the links to use as you please. edit: ah, I got there too late, I see
  24. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1357682336' post='1926820'] Interesting thread. I have a Qsiure too! [/quote] someone had to... if not you, I would have!!! [size=1]It's SQUIER, damn it![/size]
  25. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1357668054' post='1926389'] This is the USA made SUB: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/194883-usa-made-musicman-sub-in-teal/page__p__1914100__hl__sub__fromsearch__1#entry1914100"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1914100[/url] Not much more money, but used. [/quote] oooh! sexy! and I really like it in that colour too! If I were remotely after another Stingray, I'd take it off your hands so fast!!! I know what you mean about the neck looking not so neat. My current 4 string SUB is ok, but I had a SUB5 previously and looked worse than yours. It's just easy to mark, and flash photography make it look worse than it is, mostly you don't feel it at all. There are some gouges where the black finish is gone, same as my SUB5... again, in mine it was not a big deal. In any case, it is very easy to remove the black finish and leave a beautiful naked maple neck. Just oil it, and you are done. Simple and beautiful. I'd but this over a Sterling By MusicMan any day, despite the SBMM being nice and good looking... these original SUBs are amazing basses.
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