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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357326116' post='1921189'] That explains why I have been waving my hand at my bass for the last three days with nothing happening . [/quote]
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1357319158' post='1921019'] Source Audio also do a unit to convert the Hot Hand's output to MIDI data, so you can use it with any unit capable of taking MIDI input. Edit: Turns out it's got an output for expression pedal sockets too, so you can use it with pretty much anything. [/quote] really? I did not know. That´s pretty clever of them!
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1357156457' post='1918393'] That's an old video. Still good! I believe he just used a Boss SYB-3 & a multi fx unit (if my memory serves me right). [/quote] He is wearing a "Hot Hand" controller, so that means a Source Audio pedal of some sort was involved: envelope filter more likely.
  4. I don't understand how so many people like cucumber, when they just taste of unripe melon.
  5. I only recently "discovered" them. I knew Cissy Strut and a couple of other tracks that did not really grab me... but when my guitarist was talking about some Meters track a while ago I decided to investigate properly... I could not believe I had not paid attention to them for so many years!
  6. I'm starting a new funky project and was listening to some old stuff to decide on a couple of covers to mix with our original stuff... and came across this jewel. I just had to share it... enjoy! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKnr9sWivsI&feature=share&list=AL94UKMTqg-9AfLZyZKTNa916x_sQD3Sjk[/media]
  7. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1356990634' post='1916218'] I have a nineties Jap Squier 'Silver Series' P bass... is it a JV? [/quote] if the serial number starts with JV, it´s a JV... full stop. if it starts with E, it´s and E series SQ SQ series, etc etc. really...
  8. [quote name='herman' timestamp='1356788351' post='1913593'] hello all, ive got a 2008 ebmm stingray 2eq, maple neck, up until now ive always used roundwounds on all basses that ive owned, so i have not got any idea which flatwounds to try? i find now that i dont want a bright, zing, clanky, sounding bass! playing mostly fingerstyle now, so any help on which strings to go for would be much appreciated!! gauge im using is 45 - 105 many thanks, herman. [/quote] I would try Fender flats. They feel and sound nice... If you want really thuddy and dull but big sounding, try Status Hotwires. I find Stingrays with flats a bit... "emasculated". But the Fender flats seemed a decent compromise when I used them. They can have enough brightness and bit if you want them to, but they have that warmth that flats are known for, and work well for all your Chic tunes
  9. I know Steve Robinson, he´d be my choice if I were in Manchester too.
  10. [quote name='umph' timestamp='1356793304' post='1913678'] THAT SINGERS A BIT NICE ISN'T SHE [/quote] yessss
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1356869779' post='1914428'] Funnily enough, I encountered some quite strong five string prejudice last night at the pub, just in conversation. A friend, who has always been quite strongly in the punk/alternative rock camp, commented that he'd seen a pic of me on Facebook, and that I was playing a bass which had "one too many strings". The others (one an alt rock drummer, and a Drum n Bass producer) all agreed that a five string is "not a proper bass". [/quote] not a proper bass? it´s MORE bass!!! (I don´t play 5 strings, but just because the need has not appeared and love my 4 strings... it seems extremely silly to put down someone for playing a bass with an extra string or two beyond what you expect traditionally)
  12. I'm confused. One picture is of the guitar version, blue, the other is the bass one (silver), yet you say gold faced... which is it?
  13. [quote name='Bassmurf' timestamp='1356621005' post='1911704'] [media]http://vimeo.com/53136987[/media] Catchy tune! [/quote] nice one, looks fun! but the special congratulations go for getting the camera on you (Lozz) while the guitar was doing his solo... how did you manage that???
  14. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1356289723' post='1908873'] Found it. It's the song 'so long so wrong' I recorded this around 1999 using my blue fretted jazz bass plugged into a zoom 506 and set as above. It's not perfect, I was just going for a 'fretless feel'. [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/myriadsonix"]http://www.reverbnat...com/myriadsonix[/url] Tbh I didn't even know there was a reverb nation with that stuff on!! Gonna have a listen through now, I remember really liking the sounds I used on those songs. The best songs for bass sounds are the ones that start with an 'R' ...odd!! I was channelling Billy Gould in 'Redemption' Glimmer and sit and stare are ok too. What a nice find lol. And the singer is the guy that recently shot burglars with his shotgun and was let off thank goodness ( he's a better shot than singer tho;) [/quote] I would have really thought you played a fretless there if I hadn't read this, very smooth!
  15. True, it´s overpriced... but it´s up to the seller to ask for whetever they want to, surely? They are not misrepresenting it. If you buy something, it´s also up to you to find the best deal... or not. In short: cheeky seller, but not a reportable offence, in my opinion.
  16. thank you. I loved those OLPs. Some are horrible, but some are really nice, worth looking around a bit. I now only own the black one, which I fitted with a Stingray 2EQ preamp clone. It cost me 100GBP, plus the Basslines pickup (SMB4A) and the very cheap homemade preamp... that´s a hell of a bass.
  17. For example... my black OLP... this is with the pickguard just resting on it, not screwed yet. You can see the bottom touches the bridge and there's a 4mm gap at the top. The gap was reduced by moving the pickup upwards a little. I did not bother with a chisel at the time similar situation here... and here so, not horrible... but there is a gap. If it's important, the gap can be eliminated by moving the pickup towards the neck a little.
  18. They have slightly different shapes, and the pickup on the OLPs is placed something like 5mm closer to the bridge than on a Stingray, which means that you always get a small gap between the pickguard and the neck. Not huge, especially if you move the pickup neckwards a little (easy, as the OLP routing is huge, all you need is to unscrew the pickup, fit the pickguard as close as you can whilst leaving enough room for the pickup, and reinstall pickup. If you have a chisel, you could make it fit perfectly in a few minutes.
  19. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1355935306' post='1904747'] The question still remains do I need an MM Pre to get close to an MM sound? Subthumper seems to suggest so. Anyone else? A [/quote] No. It helps, but no. A MM pickup without a preamp already sounds very Stingray. A Jazz pickup at the MM position... can do a Stingray-passable tone in the mix. A MM pickup outside the MM position does not sound like a Stingray no matter what you do to it. My G&L L2000 with a Stingray preamp does not sound at all like a Stingray... etc Position is the most important part. You are not going to nail the sound using two J pickups... but if at the right place, it's going to to sound nicely Stingrayish. Use whatever preamp you wish. I'd prefer the John East MMSR, of course
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355913096' post='1904233'] dont forget the pickup placement [/quote] that's the most important part. The Squier Jazz V DeLuxe has the bridge pickup at the MM spot, and... no, it does not sound like a Stingray, but it definitely has some of the vibe there.
  21. Google calendars. Set up one band calendar plus individual ones. Easy to check/modify from your computer or phone... Been using it for years. Of course, it's only as good as the information you put in, so people must use it/update it. Even if not fully up to date, it's a great tool when booking gigs, as it gives you some dates you can already say no to, even if you still need to confirm "manually". It works for us: juggling three-four bands.
  22. oh, is it just something to do with an "ecological" packaging?
  23. I was looking for some D'Addario EXL170 strings, and I found some labelled as "E series", but still EXL170... does anybody know what the E series means?
  24. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1356162843' post='1907479'] either are fine, be happy with one or 'tother .....go for it, everyone should own a Stingray (and an Alfa!) at some point [/quote] I have the Stingray, my girlfriend drives an Alfa...
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1356121256' post='1907243'] Musicman20 is a bit shy with his bass control I too run bass flat out on all four of my rays [/quote] That sounds scary!!! I rarely turn above half way on mine... hmmm,, I think we had this conversation before... shall we copy paste the next few posts?
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