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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1352113186' post='1858761'] Hey all, does anyone have off days / weeks / months? Like, practicing just makes everything worse and you just get frustrated? I feel like Ive been in this rut for a couple of months now, I thought I was just not practicing enough but practice just doesnt help. Got no control over the strings, my quarter notes are all different lengths, cant seem to hit the strings with the same velocity each note, the ghost notes dont sound, and I keep forgetting what section of the song comes next. Its like my muscle memory has gone to pot. Someone please tell me it'll pass some time soon cos Im really not enjoying it right now! [/quote] is this you? [url="http://youtu.be/9DbUPjEbIvA"]http://youtu.be/9DbUPjEbIvA[/url]
  2. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1352139059' post='1859262'] Take the plunge and grin benz. [/quote] did you get a discount in exchange for this? I really must try GB... I like what I have, but I am not "in love", if you know what I mean... and the more I look around, the more it looks like GB would make me smile
  3. oh, another one like a million before it, goody!
  4. I already bought "Rage"... loving it.
  5. This is an excellent bass, and I can vouch for 'wildman' as a great guy to deal with. That bass and I had a lot of great times together. I hope it finds another good home soon. It deserves to be played
  6. very nice!!! Thanks, I didn't know these guys!!!
  7. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1352054116' post='1858231'] Thanks to everyone for their input here. Despite this I have decided not to go with Behringer. I went with Genz Benz and it has been the best decision I have made since selling the whole stable and buying a Dingwall ABII. Played first gig with it and it is unbelievable how easy it is to be very loud and overbearing with very little on the volume control. Not sure if it's the amp and cab alone, or because it's teamed with a fantastic bass; but nevertheless - money very well spent. Certainly not my sleek tickling of the (Ernie) balls. . . . . . . . but it sounds incredible. [/quote] Which Genz Benz did you go for in the end? I have my eyes on a couple of things in the GB stable.
  8. I read great things about the Sterling SUB but haven't managed to try one yet... For me the Jazz-like neck is a bit of a negative point. ONly a bit, I have a couple of Jazz basses and it's fine... but I do prefer something a bit more meaty, neck-wise. If you consider Stingray-type basses, don't ignore the original US SUB ones. There was a beautiful all black one here a few days ago for £320, and you often see them for £350 or thereabouts, and that's a superb bass. Or get a CV50, and add a Stingray pickup to it with a MMSR preamp
  9. [quote name='buff' timestamp='1351991033' post='1857714'] I love my 50's CV as well, but found it lacking a little. In the end i put two bartolini pick ups meant for a rickenbacker. Will at some point get another one. [/quote] At one point I thought of putting an MM pickup on mine. But then I thought I had already enough Stingray-territory basses
  10. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1351683343' post='1854065'] I used to agree with this until someone pointed out that if a drunken punter caught your lead and yanked it - might be better to have the plug just pull out of the socket (jack) that throw your stack across the room with a locked connector (Speakon). This happened to me once, so it definitely gave me food for thought.... [/quote] I have a special "look" I save for people coming too close to my gear. It seems to deter them.
  11. I think you get this issue sometimes when the pole pieces are ground together with the ground of the pickup... so when installing the preamp one should separate those and only feed the preamp with the negative (from the pickup) and not the ground from the polepieces...
  12. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1351886516' post='1856697'] I don't know to be honest. How can i tell the difference ? [/quote] The telecaster bass has a single cutaway, like a telecaster guitar. The telebass is... well, this one. Yeah, a bit confusing. Just be thankful you are not in MusicMan territory!
  13. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1351939889' post='1857052'] Yo mama plus three balloons. [/quote]
  14. optimistic price, very optimistic... even unrealistic although nice looking. Well, it would be nice looking if that logo had not been placed so wrongly!!!
  15. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1351960672' post='1857324'] How did you find them in relation to the Sue Ryders?? [/quote] The CV60 is a seriously good bass, regardless of the logo. The one I had, at any rate. Finish, sound, everything. Much better than the Sue Ryders. The SR ones... are ok. For the price they were great value, but nothing extraordinary. They work, I still have a couple... but teh Squier was a lot better. The reason I sold the Squier and kept the SR is that I'm not really into Precisions much... so it made sense to me to sell the one that would give me some money (I wanted to get a G&L L2000 at the time), as nobody would give me much for the Ryders.... and when I want a P bass I am happy to use the Ryders. Now the CV50... Quality wise, as good as the CV60. But different neck, etc, and of course the pickup. I much prefer the sound of the original single coil Precision bass pickup. It has less of that characteristic P-bass midrange bump, but I find it more pleasing. The midrange bump of a Precision is not exactly where I like it best... hence my feeling that a CV50 with a midsweep might help me tune into the sound I hear in my head. Or maybe I will discover I'm just looking for a Stingray sound in the CV50... it would not be the first time
  16. Those Squier CV series are really nice, all of them. I had both Precisions, the 60s and the 50s. I sold the 60s but I still have the 50s, which I like better. It has a chunky neck that feels great to me, it's beautiful (butterscotch one, tinted maple fingerboard)... and it sounds huge. I used it for rehearsal a couple of weeks ago after many months of neglect and I was amazed at the bottom end of this thing. I have it strung with fairly new Fender flats and low action and it's delicious. But I felt that the midrange wasn't were I wanted it to be. I'm very much a bridge pickup type of guy and although I love the "girth" of this bass I felt if it only had a a more controllable midrange... Yes, I used my amp to bring it to where I wanted... using veyr differnt settings from what I use with my Stingray and Jazz basses. But then I thought... hmmm, maybe I can put a midsweep module from John East here instead of a tone control. The stacked knob will detract from it's "vintage" look, and I will have to route a battery compartmemt on the back... but... the result could be immense!!! Or a total failure. I think I will try.
  17. vade retro! oh, this is so tempting... I was just thinking how I want to get back to playing more guitar and I barely have any guitar gear these days... I had the desktop version of this and as a recording tool it was very good (although I preferred the cheaper V-Amp).... but with a real amp the Vox was very sweet... hmmm
  18. The way the fretboard shines does indeed look like the ebanol fingerboards of the DeLuxe Squiers. Same with the position of the bridge pickup (a bit closer to the neck than usual.
  19. Another big fan of the MM SUB here. I have a white one and it's my #1 bass (even ahead of the Stingray ) £320 is a steal for a bass of this quality. But it'll get more interest in the "For sale" subforum
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1351638186' post='1853719'] Red - part of me has always wanted a red jazz bass. I think ideally with a maple neck. But on the negative- well red basses are a bit, you know... common. could always go for the dark aubergine colour! blue. Not sure I like blue guitars, Lake placid is nice but it's not a solid colour is it? ocean, rustic and Mediterranean blue are interesting colours and not normal fender colours. [/quote] orange, bright orange... a bright orange jazz... with rosewood fingerboard. yes... oh yes...
  21. I sold this to sk8 to get my L2000, which I love and is more "me" than a P-bass... but looking at the pictures, I could not avoid a slight "ah, isn't she pretty?"
  22. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1350900766' post='1844723'] It was installed by the previous owner of the bass [/quote] yup. I think only recently I got rid off the box!
  23. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1350558390' post='1840428'] Here we have the much respected CV P with a P Retro. Fantastic bass, right up there in build quality with my other fenders. Stock apart from the P Retro. A great Pre amp that charges through the jack socket which in passive mode is classic p but pull the knob and a whole world of tones are at your finer tips. Great condition. This was also the bass used for the photos on the Thomann website and comes with a photo to prove it from Thomann! I'm looking for £300 collected from the Bristol Bath area. I do have a box so could ship at buyers expense. [IMG]http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/spongebob_sqaurepants/DSCF5661.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/spongebob_sqaurepants/DSCF5662.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/spongebob_sqaurepants/DSCF5663.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/spongebob_sqaurepants/DSCF5664.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp287/spongebob_sqaurepants/DSCF5665.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] that's my old bass!!! a good one, it was.
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