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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1347445906' post='1800807'] Did someone mention pick guards!!! It is quit a bit of work to cover the front but not too difficult. Cut a ledge around the cavity you want to fill and plug with 4mm ply. Either fill with grain filler and respray or veneer the whole front for a guaranteed no gap finish. One advantage you have is that black binding. Mask up to that and paint the front a different colour. That Ray PG looks way better than the other options. OR You could do a 'Burns' style and have two or three seperate PG sections to cover all the bits!!! You also have the added bonus of incorperating another marque into the mix [b][i]Rayburnfenderbacker [/i][/b] A [/quote] oh, I'm so glad I live so far from you!!!
  2. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1347441590' post='1800723'] Some people don't like the idea of publishing their address on a public forum for the world to see, it is understandable. I don't suffer this particular paranoia myself, but I can understand the logic I guess. [/quote] nobody asked for an address, or a name. A town, an area is enough. I find it strange, amusing and a little sad at the same time. It must be terrible to live with so much fear of... of I can't imagine what, really.
  3. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1347438028' post='1800673'] I know thats just a trace but I think it looks much better with that creamy/white pickguard.... [/quote] NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNO!!! just not a big fan of white guards on red guitars.
  4. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1347398778' post='1800404'] Then you would have one even more unique bass! [/quote] at this rate I'd need a new house to keep them all! at first it was "it's ok, as long as they all fit in my 7-space guitar rack". Then it was "ok, and there may be a bit of overflow, in the corners". Now it's "as long as they all fit in my music room". It's getting dangerously crowded already! edit: besides... I'm not great at doing these involved projects. I start things all too easily but have difficulty finishing them. I just want to play, not work so much on them!
  5. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1347389734' post='1800194'] It really does work. Just add a Sterling or G&L control layout, and it'd be the king of mind**** basses. [/quote] Ha ha brilliant!!! Now I want to buy another to transform it this way! (not really... but.. hmmm... I like that!. plug the hole, refinish... )
  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1347258157' post='1798466'] I wanted to buy a bass from Thomann, they wanted bank transfer. Our bank this end wanted £24 for £509 changed to however many Euros. They said the bank at the other end would charge but they couldn't tell me how much . I didn't buy the bass. [/quote] bank transfer with Thomann? why not a credit/debit card, buying in pounds through their "in-sterling-pounds" site? I bought many times from Thomann, never did a bank transfer.
  7. Well, my modified trace would work: so it's time to get it done. Just for fun... I thought this would be nice, if the control cavity were at the back That's an OLP pickguard, which doesn't quite match the Stingray regarding pickup placement, but it doesn't work too bad here... in case you are curious.
  8. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1347380302' post='1800015'] Why don't you want to tell us wich town you live in? There's a lot of members trying to see if they can pass near you to help you out FOR FREE!!! What the hell are you waiting for?!! [/quote] nah, why make life easier, eh?
  9. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1347279043' post='1798698'] Good to know they are being helpful, any news yet on if your scratch plate can be made? [/quote] Very helpful. I really have no reservations about dealing with them. the Bass Doc says it's doable provided I can give the right instructions etc. He very rightfully said that if the new plate was not going to fit perfectly, it would defeat the reason why I want it made in the first place. So last night I traced the plate, made a few measurements and annotations and drew what the new one should be like. I want to make a photocopy and use it to verify my measurements are all good before sending the plans away... but I forgot about it this morning. If I don't forget again, I will make the copy tomorrow and use it to verify fit in the evening. If all good, I'll send away the original pickguard plus the new plans. If it's not quite right, I'll modify the plans and repeat. Until I get it just right. I thought it would be much better to be able to provide a trace of what the final one should be like, rather than just give measurements etc. So it should be doable. Single ply black, like the original.
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1347275177' post='1798609'] I don't like the extended pickguard at all---the stock version is much better... ...but then, its not my bass [/quote] what do you know, anyway? You let go a wonderful black Jazz bass!!!
  11. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1347218288' post='1798204'] See, this is the trouble with forums like this. I've been slimming down my arsenal and was looking at the seven left (still trying to slim due to getting a Variax) and realised they were all rosewood necks, I was quietly thinking to myself 'do I need a maple neck', almost to the point of starting a thread to find out others preferences for maple or rosewood, and then I read this thread. That green one is as sexy as they come and I'm getting strong urges and finding it hard to resist. Help! [/quote] "Resistance is futile" just embrace the GAS
  12. Result! David says that if I am happy with keeping the bass, he'll treat it as a "second" and issue a partial refund accordingly, which will more than cover the cost of the pickguard. So it looks like this is my bass Still haven't heard from the 'Doc'... hopefully he will make the pickguard.
  13. Indeed I think I'll leave the neck pickup where it is. Less hassle. It's easy to adapt the slap technique to having a pickup in the way. I just contacted our Bass Doc with views to getting the pickguard made, and also David at ProBass to see whether he'd be willing to contribute (it'll save both of us hassle shipping basses, it will ensure I do keep the bass rather than returning it, and he does not have a bass in stock that he'd have to take care of before selling it again). It was hard to refrain myself from installing the SD preamp already!!! But I need to wait until the basics are sorted. That bridge pickup is one loud mother... humbucker! Just being adjusting its height and once again I'm amazed at how much of a difference it makes when you alter it. I brought the whole pickup down, and then angled it to get the E-string side a bit lower still, and it has improved the general tone noticeably. No, it's not going to be my #1 bass, but this is going to be a sweet one.
  14. [quote name='luke Ray-Von' timestamp='1347153904' post='1797543'] Get a set up the will cost around 60 to £100 to level your frets stone the, etc which will help with the intonation etc will feel so much better [/quote] +1 this just seems the most reasonable way to proceed at this point. Much cheaper than a new bass, which may still need a proper set up anyway. I'm out.
  15. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1347114524' post='1797116'] I have no problem with front mounted jacks, just thought this one looks a bit close to two of the controls, especially if you're going to put active stuff in there. [/quote] oh, I see! You are right, it does look a little bit too close, but it has not been a problem when I've been playing with it. I'm ok with that. Now I'm thinking that if I make a new pickguard, I might as well bring the neck pickup down a bit, towards "Jazz neck" territory, which also makes it easier for me to slap/pop. So much entertainment from one bass... and that's before I even take it out to gigs!!!
  16. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1347121240' post='1797199'] Yeah. We traded them a while back. No worries though. I sold the 5'er soapbar/p style ones I got from you as I don't think I'd ever get a fiver to stick them into. [/quote] I am terrible to remember names! [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1347121240' post='1797199'] Good lick with the sale dude. [/quote] they are good pickups, but not good enough to lick!
  17. [quote name='rallyeluke' timestamp='1347123788' post='1797229'] I love my GB74 I have owned it a long time and never really felt the need to replace it, I love the versatility of it and the way neck feels when playing. The electronics in active mode are not the greatest, especially the mid boost function and it all sounds a little fake but switch it to passive mode and it growls away and responds very nicely to different playing styles How long have you owned yours for? and what colour?? Blue is best but natural looks lush aswell I am interested in the pickups and eagerly await a picture. Many thanks Lucas [/quote] I totally agree about the GB74! I am a fan of active electronics, but I dislike the preamp in this bass and always play it in passive mode. I feel the pickups can be better, but I have gigged this bass a couple of times already and I have to say it's done very very well. My plan is to replace the pickups and remove the preamp. I already had a Seymour Duncan SMB4A for the bridge, which is a great pickup, and I have various Jazz pickups for the neck. Probably a Nordstrand NJ4SE. I was not going to spend that much cash on a pickup... but I had one of them die in my Jazz, and bought a replacement. Then, after mentioning this issue in TB, someone from Nordstrand contacted me and they say they will send me a replacement... I already bought the other one, so this could work really well in the GB74, making it an even better bass. I plan to remove the preamp, leaving a passive tone control and install a midsweep module from John East (which I already have). But I have to say it's a remarkable bass as it is... as long as you ignore the preamp. I bought it maybe a couple of months ago. I never had the chance to try one but seemed nice. Then one appeared locally, on gumtree, at a good price (£150), so I had to go and see it. It needed a bit of adjusting to get the action just right, but nothing else. New set of strings, and I did two gigs with it the week after. Mine is the natural one: as for the Wilkinson pickups, I just took a couple of pictures. The cream covers fit the pickups. If the buyer wants them, I'm happy to include them.
  18. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1347107454' post='1797003'] New guard idea looks much, much better. If it were me, and I was going the whole yards hot rodding it, I'd probably side mount the jack too, looks to be in a somewhat annoying spot. [/quote] I considered it, but I got used to front-mounted jacks after playing 2-band Stingrays/OLPs for a few years... and I kind of like it there now. I think the extended pickguard looks more "balanced".
  19. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1347107199' post='1797000'] Why not run the new pickguard around the entirety of the bridge pick-up? Sorry, just musing out loud if you wanted to mask the imperfections with the routing. Might be tight on screw positions near the bridge, mind. [/quote] That was an idea, but it seemed too much black plastic on the face of the bass. In the end I like better just extending it towards the pickup until it touches it, and continuing the curve at the bottom. David, from ProBass emailed me saying he agrees that it's not a very nice job and he apologised he didn't check it before sending it. He'll get back to me on Monday to see if he has a better example to offer. But to be honest, the more I play it the less it bothers me. A pickguard would be cheap.
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347105682' post='1796986'] Unbelievable what a slight change to a pg will do! Body looks bigger, scale larger and even the headstock seems to grow. [/quote]
  21. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1347102957' post='1796952'] shucks! At least thats some good customer service. Are you still getting the new one you ordered? [/quote] I ordered one before Nordstrand offered... so yes, I got the one I ordered. That one is going this weekend into the 75RI Jazz, to bring it back to life. The other one will probably go in the Cort GB74. Its high output will probably go well with the MM style pickup at the bridge. Pickups everywhere!!!! aaaaahhhh!!!!
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