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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. well, replacement pickup ordered from Bass Direct. If someone wants to have a go at rewinding the faulty one...
  2. Nah. Well and truly dead. I can't find where the break is, so this is the end of the pickup for me. How very disappointing
  3. Finally I sat down to work on this and... the pickup is dead No continuity between start and finish of the bobbins. I located which of the two bobbins is bad, but that's not much use, as one bobbin alone would be too low output, and only covers two strings anyway And these are not cheap! Warming up the iron, to see if the old "remelt the solder at the eyelets" trick works...
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1346610030' post='1791188'] your own brand headphones? or is it a B not a J? [/quote] we had a slideshow as backdrop with band images etc, but from time to time there had to be sponsorship messages... pity this picture was during one of them!
  5. [quote name='sime17' timestamp='1346588456' post='1790830'] Dammit good point - I could edit but bin quoted twice now tho so in for a penny... Anyway made it thru the night, cold turkey wearing off, I think I'm past the worst of the GAS now as long as JOSE DOESN'T POST A PIC WHEN IT ARRIVES. [/quote] tic... tac... tic... tac...
  6. [quote name='buff' timestamp='1346582616' post='1790724'] They need a rosewood board and block inlays to look the part really or at least a tinted neck, liked the green one though [/quote] I love maple boards, but you are right, if the maple one were yellow tinted... it would earn some serious extra sexy points.
  7. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1346580092' post='1790678'] I'd post pictures of mine,but I don't want the site to get in trouble...The only flaw I found was the selector switch,easily replaced. [/quote] Yeah, I don't expect it to be flawless. They rarely are at this price range... although I've had some great non-expensive instruments that can be a lot of fun. I would not be surprised for it to require some mild fretwork, and then switches/pots/output sockets... are hit or miss. They me absolutely fine, but sometimes you get the odd malfunctioning one. Still, easy to replace. I think this kind of instruments is not always what I'd recommend someone who is not happy getting "dirty" with set ups and working on the bass. But if you know your way around a guitar... they can be a lot of fun.
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1346578179' post='1790646'] It's a shame the five-string only comes in black, otherwise I'd be a bit tempted. They'd be a great candidate for a DIY stingray/sabre type preamp too, [/quote] I like the way your mind thinks... I happen to have a DIY Stingray, (2-band) and a 3-band Seymour Duncan Stingray type preamp too... The 2-band is meant to go into my OLP, but the other...
  9. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1346575042' post='1790608'] I had the RV4. It looked like a rickenbacker with music man pickups. It was an excellent bass. I used it in a Jam tribute band while I was depping for them. Sold it recently. Very hard to sell as that annoying bloke ( I won't bother to name check him, he doesn't deserve it) from rickenbacker kept getting my ad pulled from ebay. But the new ones do look interesting. Familiar but different [/quote] I liked the look of the RV4. I've been looking at the RetroVibes since they first arrived with the nice looking Jazz types. But I think I like this one better as it's got that odd "it's very familiar, but not quite the same" vibe about it. And I think that bright red and maple with black hardware is just If I don't like it enough to play it much... I'll still use it for our next music video
  10. [quote name='sime17' timestamp='1346538847' post='1790456'] Original post at 3:34pm + deed done by 6:22pm= TART! Nice tho, liking the whole RickenFenderRay melting pot thing, starting to really like the look of the black 5 string. Don't expect a post at 2:20am saying done deal though [/quote] so... nothing yet?
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1346535120' post='1790412'] Not convinced by the red... ...but I still fancy a shot when it arrives [/quote] you got it!
  12. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1346531381' post='1790373'] It took 3 hours to decide? Surely everyone knows it's at max 3 seconds for a decision When's it due to arrive? [/quote] I know, I'm ashamed. I haven't heard from them, other than the automatic email "payment received, thanks". I imagine I'll hear more on Monday, so sometime during the week it should be in my hands.
  13. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1346525743' post='1790299'] Jose Still have VM Jazz for sale ? Cheers JF [/quote] Hi John, it's actually on hold for a drummer friend of mine who announced on Friday that she wants to take up bass now. I'm letting her have it for a couple of weeks to see whether she wants it. If she decides not to go for it I'll let you know.
  14. and here's a picture to prove it! (bit small, but it's the first one I received from the night)
  15. I was also tempted by this (also only 1!!!): and this: but I chose this one: as I realised red basses look good on me
  16. [quote name='BassHavoc' timestamp='1346482413' post='1789675'] Thanks guys, for all your support and input, I was already in the process of losing the weight but now I have the added incentive to do it just to piss them off! [/quote] I hope you end up in a band where they open for you. You can step to the microphone at some point during the concert and say "and I'd like to dedicate our next song to our support... this next song is called: Backstabbing Bastards, Traitors and other types of C*nts"
  17. And this bass featured last night at Sea Bass Kid's gig last night at the Voodoo Rooms. Not the best Jazz I ever played, but not bad either. It was fun. My first gig with my very first bass
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1346513366' post='1790129'] Only another drummer but they would need a lift to and from the venue, then forget something like the crowbar anyway! [/quote]
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1346427516' post='1789158'] I won't leave any gear there Jose, it's not worth it plus I can carry my 1x12, bag and an SR5 in one go [/quote] Ultra portable, nice. IN that case security is a non-issue. For you at least, and who would steal a drum kit?
  20. http://www.probass.co.uk/Vantage4.html The red one is making eyes at me... I always buy myself a bass or guitar for my birthday... hmmm. What to do, what to do????
  21. Many of these gigs could be a real pain. I don't mind doing some time one of these for free (drinks + transport)... but I would prefer that initially there is always a fee. Then if things are smooth and fun, you can talk among yourselves and when payment time comes then you can tell them to just give you half, or nothing, or whatever. In my experience, a situation where people expect to pay, and in the end you waive it, works better than when they don't expect to pay from the start.
  22. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1346363925' post='1788510'] run a wedding and function band of my own and we do 2 or 3 pub gigs per year as showcases for potential clients and couples we play for pub money (£50 each) the pub gets a very good 7pc band with a big following for pub money and the clients get to see the band perform before they book us so maybe that could be a possible use for your 3 free gigs a year in this pub? just so your getting something from the gigs. Generally a free place to rehearse is never a bad thing so sounds like a good deal to me [/quote] That's a GREAT idea.
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1346356045' post='1788339'] We are just getting a fresh band together, pub set and wedding set yet to decide and learn but we have all been around the block so started by having a meeting without instruments first to discuss it all, pa situation undecided but at least out in the open right from the start, practice venue was discussed and we have got a function room above a pub right in the middle of us all every Thursday night for as long as we want as long as we do three free gigs a year for them? I think that's a fair deal, what do you lot think? [/quote] sounds like a nice deal, I'd take it if the location is not very inconvenient and access to the practice room is reasonable + secure. Having been already in a position where we got ALL of our gear stolen one night from a practice room, I would not want to be there again.
  24. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1346345250' post='1788132'] Good Times @ 1:25 White guy comment @ 2:28 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_3Jc54k1Es&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/media] [/quote] Brilliant!
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