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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1344355889' post='1763272'] i like it too, but it has to make room, and im not in a band right now, so i cant really afford to have 3 basses kicking about (picking up another bass tomorow.) you interested Mcnach? [/quote] OLPs always tempt me. I've owned 4, three of them simultaneously, but at the moment my Stingray needs are covered by the Stingray, the SUB and one OLP... still, I think it looks yummy. With a good pickup on and a nice set up they are great basses.
  2. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1344266742' post='1761950'] I found swapping the 3 way switch to single/series/parallel to be much better [/quote] the question is... which single coil? I'm sure once I pick one, I will not miss the other, but they do sound different. However, having the midsweep onboard, I doubt it'll matter.
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1338495259' post='1675520'] Very impressed with this seller: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ernie-Ball-2736-Cobalt-Regular-Slinky-5-String-bass-strings-45-130-/370599422937?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5649726bd9#ht_2255wt_689"]http://www.ebay.co.u...9#ht_2255wt_689[/url] My set arrived very quickly and much cheaper than the shops. [/quote] I bought a set from him a couple of weeks ago, which arrived pretty quickly. Waiting to be installed in my Stingray anyday now.
  4. Hi Lucas, welcome to BC! Yeah, I'm liking that Cort GC74 a lot. I did a couple of gigs with it and tehre's pictures to prove it and it worked evry well. I find the light weight a bit disconcerting for a bit, but I soon get used to it and it's very very comfortable. I think the pickups can be improved, and I don't like the preamp... so I have a couple of modifications planned. I have all the "ingredients", just waiting for the right time when I have the right combination of time and will 1) replacing neck pickup (Jazz) with a Seymour Duncan SJB3 2) replacing bridge pickup (MM) with a Seymour Duncan SMB4A 3) removing preamp, and wire a passive tone control with a John East midsweep module. the only thing I have not yet decided is what to do with the switches. The single/series/single might give way to a single/series/parallel... or not. The other one... might not do anything at all, or maybe engage a fixed capacitor for "dark switch"... I don't know. very nice bass, for sure.
  5. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1344168456' post='1760608'] And as we all know the truth that TC amps only put out about three and a half watts, you will need as much speaker area as possible to be heard over a tweeting budgie. Actually, I'm probably just jealous. [/quote] (maybe a very loud budgie with a good PA could pose a problem )
  6. This question has been asked many times (not a dig at you, I ask questions that have been asked before many times just saying that you can find this info elsewhere from other people more reputable than myself, that's all ) So, yes... find the details on the TC website. But the short answer is: it's ok. Impedance is not a fixed number for all frequencies, so giving one number alone is an exercise on abstraction. An indication. TC knows the behaviour of their amps and of the speaker cabs they use with those amps, so they recommend to treat their "8 ohm" cabs as "8 ohm" cabs when using other amps, but if using TC amps, you can use up to three of them. The amp has a auto-shut down safety mechanism built in, so it's unlikely you'd damage it if you went lower than you should, but yes, 3 TC cabs are ok with TC amps. In fact it was one of their advertising points: "use up to three (TC) cabs for a ridiculously powerful rig", or something along those lines. Mixing brands? Treat the head as a minimum 4ohm and cabs as rated in the back. All TC? Then use the head with up to three "8ohm" cabs
  7. Well, I used Interparcel and it was all very smooth. Just under £40, insured, easy. I took it to the depot (UPS) myself to avoid the waiting game. I took it on Tuesday, the parcel left Edinburgh the day after... and on Friday it was collected in Germany by the new owner of my Fender Precision CIJ fretless... such a beautiful bass... So, thumbs up for Interparcel here. I guess when using them you really are at the mercy of whatever company they use for each particular delivery. I chose Interparcel Standard, which for Germany meant UPS. You can see that on their website before you book, so you can change different services if you want to avoid a particular carrier.
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1344022940' post='1758939'] Just tell me how old you are. Looking at your sig, I'll be any age required... Brother! best, lil bro [/quote] I forgot one thing: you need to speak Spanish edit: oh, so you have a Bongo! Hmmm, I'll teach you Spanish, don't worry
  9. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1343990347' post='1758231'] I also have the Line 6 G30 and am well pleased with it-although if honest, if I had the cash I probably would go for the G50-I believe the receiver unit is metal not plastic, and the G30 unit has a minor issue with the battery compartment door, which can be a bit of a sod to close with a set of batteries in. This is a known fault which has come up several times on the Line 6 support forums, I get the impression Line 6 deny the problem exists. It's only a minor niggle, it closes eventually with a bit of fiddling, and in use I have no complaints with the unit. One thing I will say is use decent batteries-when I first got mine it would eat a set of pound shop cheapo batteries in an hour-plus I was using a normal length lead between transmitter and amp. Switched to Duracells (also available at our local pound shop!) and bought a short patch lead, and battery life has improved enormously. I understand the receiver unit clip is more robust on the G50 too. [/quote] I hear about that door "problem". I don't get it. Yes, you have to press and slide the latch, hard. But it's not like you need to be the Hulk, and it actually ensures it does not come undone by itself. As for batteries, I never used anything other than Duracell. Packs of 36 at Costco for just over £10. Each pair lasts the advertised 8h of continuous use or more. I really like the battery life indicator. It warns you well in advance, and it is accurate. For me, the only negative is the transmitter clip. It looks very flimsy. For that reason I use a separate holder attached to my strap, and the transmitter goes inside it.
  10. [quote name='x_Morning_Star_x' timestamp='1343987839' post='1758189'] ive heard good things about both of these line 6 units, i may look into the G30 actually, i think i was being a little too specifc just saying rack, is there any latency issues with G30? [/quote] None. I have been using one for over two years one and it's a fantastic thing. No latency whatsoever, or sound degradation unlike the older radio units. I'd totally recommend it.
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1344013737' post='1758799'] Oh! My! God! We're brothers!!! My dad would have cogs left after repairing clocks, but the clocks would still work perfectly of course. Never ceased to amaze me. best, bert [/quote] If you are younger than me, but older than my brother, I'll ask my parents to adopt you. I always wanted to have a brother in between.
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1344003116' post='1758567'] That's quite pretty [/quote] Interestingly, Lindo=pretty in Spanish
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1343999152' post='1758463'] Fair point. I'm just a bit intimidated by things like that. I'm good at taking things apart.... less good at putting them back together again! [/quote] my dad would disassemble anything that stopped working at home, from TVs to washing machines. When he was done, tehre were always a few screws and washers left over... "and that?" I'd ask. "oh, that was not necessary, it works fine without it" Fortunately, he was a lot more careful with the car
  14. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1343998779' post='1758452'] There's not enough caves in the UK... [/quote] maybe that's what drove the British to invent so much over the years!
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1343998447' post='1758433'] Surely it's the sound that matters most? If you like the tone you get, is it important how the pickups are constructed? [/quote] Yes, if you are of a curious and inquisitive nature and like to know how things work etc. We'd still live in caves if there weren't a few people in every generation like that
  16. Well, after last night's rehearsal, we have at least 8 new original songs added to our setlist, so things are looking good. Five were already known by everybody except the drummer, and he's picking them up fast. We haven't played those at least in a year. Three were works in progress that were never gigged. We are probably going to be able to include a couple more... so it looks like we will be doing only two covers, and three mini jams (one per set). One of them worked beautifully last time and people just continued dancing even when we were wanting to move on, so the initial 3min turned to 5-6min... cool What this is doing to us is make us realise we have TONS of material half baked, and some of it is really good (even if I say so [1]) so we are going to use the momentum to work on new stuff over the following months. [1] I was a fan of the band before I joined. The core of the band are the three guitarists (yes, three... but don't worry, they understand space ) and they've known eachother since school. Together they have hours and hours of home recordings which we sometimes listen back and discover songs in... so some of the material that I think is great has nothing to do with me (although, of course, my basslines take them to a new dimension ) I simply just like a lot this music. I also have hours of recordings on tape and the computer... but 99% is pretty uninteresting when I listen to it again a few weeks later.
  17. sorry. no... I decided to keep it in the end and now it's going to go in my Cort GB74, I should have updated the post.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1343829382' post='1755902'] Play "Comfortably Numb". "Freebird" is an acceptable alternative. I know this is a bit of a radical suggestion, but have you thought of writing a few more songs? [/quote] I like the Freebird suggestion although it does not really fit in our style (we're doing already one cover, possibly another one or two more max). you radical suggestion is a mighty fine one. There are MANY songs written, just not polished, we're going to be drawing heavily from those, but it depends on what our already quite busy drummer can manage. I'd be happy getting 12 or so new songs up to giggable level in two weeks. In our *to do* list there's already 7 of them, easy, and hopefully more... so it's not as bad as I made it look, it's not like we're going to stand tehre just jamming for hours... this is not the 70s anymore, or so they tell me
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1343760809' post='1754860'] I said the same about the video we did, there are better songs on the old album. I enjoyed it all the same, I'm going to have another watch! [/quote] Glad you did Yeah, filming was so much fun! I cna't wait for teh next one.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1343755003' post='1754718'] Difficult..but I think you are either set-up or you aren't and lashing together sets to make up time is a risky business. Keep the standard up and the times down.... I think 3 hr type gigs are fine if they just happen...but painful if instilled on an audience.. The last thing you should be doing is time-filling.for the sake of it.. IMO. [/quote] I agree, but when it is a choice between you do the gig, or you don't... A little pressure never hurt anybody It'll be alright.
  21. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1343757638' post='1754779'] Where is the next Sea Bass Kid gig, out of interest? The place that starts with W? [/quote] indeedy, at the corner of SB with the RM (whose real name now escapes me, HS?) Thursday 16th August. It's going to be a late one... so Friday morning is going to be tough.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1343751481' post='1754635'] Nice one Jose! Catchy tune that There should be more love for anything with white pickup covers these days too [/quote] Thanks we really should have done another (it's not exactly the best) but I think the idea of doing a video around Edinburgh seemed fun. White pickup covers... hmmm I have a set of Thumpers, black covers, for that bass, just waiting for the right time
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