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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1326193181' post='1493455'] I'm looking to get a small (15 to 30 watt) combo, for home recording and potential band use. I prefer british voiced amps, and I don't really need an overdrive channel, I figure I can use pedals if I want any serious dirt. I love the Fender Twin sound but a twin would be both too expensive and too loud. So far I've been thinking of something like a Vox AC15, Orange Dual Terror, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (or maybe Blues Junior?)... that's about all I have so far, anything else I should consider? My budget is probably £400 or so (looking at used amps). [/quote] Just saw this, maybe too late now, but... Laney LC30 gets my vote. It's small in size (single 12" speaker) but boy, is it loud? In addition, it has a beautiful clean sound (very fendery), and the overdrive is not bad at all either, Marshallesque... very portable, and more than enough for practice/gigs (anything beyond a small pub there will be a PA and you can mic it). Well within your budget. Alternatively the Laney VC30 (more vox like in sound) is pretty cool too.
  2. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1338848788' post='1680120'] The ability to blend a fat envelope filter with just a tiny bit of LFO (So you hear the wobble fade in when you sustain a note) is lovely. [url="http://www.wmdevices.com/superfatman.php"]http://www.wmdevices...superfatman.php[/url] I use a WMD Geiger Counter too. Amazing pedals. [/quote] pretty cool! I spent the last few minutes listening to all the samples. Very nice! I loved this one in particular (BassBigFatty): [media]http://www.wmdevices.com/sounds/sfm/BassBigFatty.mp3[/media]
  3. WMD Super FatMan??? the name alone makes me want one!!!
  4. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1338836588' post='1679887'] I have recently acquired a [b][size=5]Sterling by Music Man SUB14[/size][/b] and it has a 38mm wide at the nut neck, somewhat deeper than my 38mm at the nut Fenders. And very nice it is too. [/quote] my head is going to explode!!! MusicMan Sterling... ok Sterling by MusicMan... which can be a Stingray type, or a Sterling type... SUB14... now, they do a SUB as well!!! Of course, nothing to do with the previous SUB range from 2003-2006...
  5. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1338292640' post='1672182'] In my experience, Chromes sound nothing like round wound strings. They do feel nice though. [/quote] +1
  6. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1337839716' post='1666120'] I have an old set of Hotwires halfwounds on at the moment. I bought another set recently for another bass but they don't have nearly the same brightness. Must contact Status to ask if it's just a batch problem or if the 'formula' has changed. [/quote] I had that before. In fact in the same set, it seemed mixed. They replied to me without acknowledging any issue and was left with a crap set. Never bought Status since. I still use one set of flats, but not buying more new sets.
  7. I have to vote for the Soundblox BEF. It's a bit larger than I'd like... but god, does it sound good! It also seems to make a bit less of a tonal difference if you play fingerstyle or slap. Pedals like the DOD FX25 you have to set the sensitivity for each style, or you would get either too dark fingerstyle or too bright and lacking bottom slap. The BEF seems better in finding a compromise... plus it has a million tones. I end up just using a couple of them, and using the knobs to alter as needed... I use mine now with an OKKO Basstard for that Sir Psycho Sexy sound, and it's sounding great.
  8. Ciao topo! It's quite different actually. For very very low gain, the Joyo has a very nice tone. I like how the tone control works, so you can make it sound rounder or grittier if you cut treble or make it treblier. The BB covers the low gain area better, in that the range of gain that's still "low" is larger, and the 2-band EQ helps you getting the right sound better. The higher gain department I think it's covered better by the Joyo. The BB does a thicker sound, very mids rich, the Joyo has less mids and is a bit less "in your face". I control how "aggressive" I want it to sound with the tone control. Turn it down, and it sounds warmer and fatter, turn it it and it sounds grittier. It has a high/low switch which seems to work like a kind of treble boost. I generally prefer the low setting. The other thing about the Joyo is that it sounds really nice on guitar, for bluesy/rocky tones. My strat loves it. I'm definitely keeping one. I just don't need two of these. I'm incidentally selling the BB as well. I just put the (other) Joyo in my board together with the OKKO Basstard and it covers a good range of dirt meaning that I could let the BB go. I would still keep it as I think it's a great pedal, but I want to get one of those Soundblox-2 Bass Multiwave Distortion boxes for funky bass goodness, so something else will have to go.
  9. Great condition. Bought in this forum a few months ago, selling it for what I paid for it. Great pedal, excellent low to mid gain sounds, great presence... and tiny pedal. Impending GAS forces sale. £100 delivered.
  10. you know the one: the swiss army knife of pedals £50 delivered. I no longer need two of them, so selling the one that's sitting in a corner looking at my board with envy.
  11. Bought here just a few days ago for £65. Asking for the same I paid: £65, delivered. I decided I really want the bigger version with EQ and presets...
  12. Got two of these, greedy me, but I don't really need two after all. £23 delivered for the last one I bought just a week ago, with box
  13. Great condition, with box. 3-knob version: includes blend control very nice earthy envelope filter. Put a dirt box in front of it and play RHCP's Sir Psycho Sexy until the neighbours call the police! £45 delivered, 1st class recorded
  14. £40 delivered, excellent condition. various envelope, octave and synth effects dual output (dry/effect) for those parallel output freaks out there
  15. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1337939873' post='1667615'] Hi all, I currently use a Boss ODB-3 for distortion but never have really managed to find the high-gain grunch I want for solo parts (think Jeordie White/Twiggy when he played with Nine Inch Nails a few years ago). I was thinking of getting the MXR M80 but as I use a SansAmp BDDI already, I'd only be using it for the distortion. So, would this be a complete waste of money as I wouldn't be utilising half of the pedal? And while I'm at it, if anyone can recommend an alternative, please do so [/quote] The distortion on the M80 is thicker than an OBD-3, but I don't think it offers much of a tonal difference to make it worthwhile if you're not interested in the DI/preamp side of it. I recently got an OKKO Basstard and if thick fat distortion is your thing, this one can do it (with the aded bonus that very low gain is great too). It also has two switches, one for an extra "oomph" (the gain of this extra "channel" is adjusted separately), which I find pretty cool.
  16. [quote name='Mark_Andertons' timestamp='1338719672' post='1678325'] Argh will someone buy that BEF and remove my temptation please? [/quote] First gig with mine tonight. Man up and get it!!! (before I do, although I really want the Pro version now for my other board, to be able to save presets)
  17. INdeed! I just edited it.. it does NOT leave any residue. Thank you! That piece of ebony... is HARD! That's all I can say. In fact I thought of trying to use it for this (since it was meant to make a thumbrest to start with, just a simpler style one)... but I started playing with another lump of wood and the results were pretty disappointing so I'm not destroying that lovely wood you gave me erm, you know what I mean!
  18. This one is made of some sort of metal. Probably not "made" as such, but rather a piece of metal that the previous owner of one of my OLPs saw and thought "hey, I can use that!". He used it as a thumbrest at the P position in the OLP. Whilst if I rest my thumb, I tend to like going closer to the bridge, around the MM or even bridge J position. I put this one on a P-bass a while ago, and I really like playing using it, on P-basses. It's merely attached with double-sided tape (thanks apa! ), it holds really well and leaves *no* residue afterwards. (Edit: I left the "no" out before, woops!) The problem is, I only have this one. I would like 2-3 more. Metal like this one works well. Wood would do too. My woodworking skills are too poor... does anybody know where I could get this thing replicated? or maybe even someone here can?
  19. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1338663562' post='1677843'] Or go the whole hog and shave a bit of the neck width, contour the body a bit, maybe to on side, slip 2 single coil pups in it and have individual volumes for each one then you'll have a decent bass A [/quote] x 1000
  20. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1338644604' post='1677573'] I think the Model J would match well to a 'typical' P in terms of levels. But if looks rule it out... actually the stock ceramic P/Js in my now fretless aerodyne sound great IMO, the bridge pup in particular has a nice meaty tone despite being single coil. Since you're in Edinburgh you could come and check it out sometime. If you do add the bridge pickup I'd suggest thinking carefully about placement in relation to the tones you want, the P pickup position means that with a 60s style J bridge the spacing doesn't give quite such a 'jazz' tone as if you move the j bridge-wards, OTOH if you're not really using the blended sound as much then you might prioritise the solo tone. [/quote] I'm not trying to replicate a Jazz bass, at least not when it comes to both pickups on. It's just that the bridge J on its own is something I use a lot. I would probably place it right where it is on my Jazz, or perhaps a *tiny* bit farther from the bridge, to try to get it a bit more "round". Because I'd be using it solo most of the time, I prefer to find a humbucking J-type. But it's not a deal breaker, since I'm ok with pretty much any Jazz I have played. Oooh, your fretless PJ sounds interesting. If I could come round at some point I'd love that. Although I'm afraid it could just make me want this mod a lot more.
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1338571080' post='1676665'] If only I could make the g/f let me go - we're supposed to be going camping. Besides I've been laid up with buggered back all week - I don't think a funky gig will be conducive to my recovery. Cheers for the offer though Jose... I will eventually take you up on it. Don't sweat it man. If there's one thing I've learned from doing this it's that out of the 20 enquiries you get a week maybe only 1 of them comes to anything - I think it just goes with the territory. And someone is going to want a Pingray rout done at some point - [url="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d67/ou7shined/Osprey%20Guitars/workshop-wall.jpg"]here's[/url] the proof that you nearly had one. [/quote] No, no no, you got it all wrong, it was LAST weekend you should have gone camping!!! Well, I hope you let me know next time you're down in Embra. I hope your back get better soon. More pictures of your workshop, please?
  22. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1338560111' post='1676377'] for me it's more that the bass in question seems to be such a nice example of a fretless P-bass, and CIJ seems to be a byword for quality, seems a shame to take a router to such a nice example of a (relatively) rare bass, have you considered having the j-pup added to the other fretless and not sending it to live with your brother? i don't think anyone will get too upset at you taking a router to a sue ryder. and i'll have to remember to pack the '77 next time i head up, the frets are so worn it's virtually fretless anyway! Matt [/quote] Yes, I thought of doing that to the Ryder... in fact I have a post in the "wanted" section for a particular pickup, as I was reluctant to modify the Fender... but it's nowhere near as nice a bass. The Fender is the one I'd want to play... Hey, if it's rare now, imagine after the modification!!!
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