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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I'm fighting the urge to do something like that. I don't need another Precision but... and I don't need another Stingray... BUT uufff... that looks amazing and it would be nice to have my Stingray with rounds as it is and another with flats... no, no, no, stay away!
  2. The thing is that unlike those appliances, in a guitar usually all of those things can be adjusted relatively easily in most cases... but you need some experience. Or help from someone with experience. I would expect a better setup than what you describe from the box, but the truth is I always end up setting instruments to my taste, so a setup is always factored in. It's very rare I find an instrument plays right for me from the start. Basic setups are something worth learning to do early on. It'll save you a lot of hassle down the line, plus you may find some bargains along the way too as sometimes people sell instruments they don't get along with simply because the setup is terrible (once I had a guy giving me £20 back after I had decided to buy his bass, because the action was too high - but everything worked, it was an OLP Stingray clone with the wheel at the body end, and easy to check on the spot, which I did when I noticed the crazy amount of relief...)
  3. Personally, if the sound and feel is really good, I can tolerate cosmetic issues. Especially if ordering online so you don't have a chance to try a few and choose the best... the next one might not be as nice to play, because instruments can vary a lot between them. However... it's you, not me, and what matters is if these things bug you enough. If the fact that it sounds and plays great is not enough for you to enjoy it without being annoyed at the look... then it should probably go.
  4. Some instrumental mariachi music or similar, quiet at first and creating a build up especially over the last minute or two, to make it clear that... it's coming. Then lights on, pyro, band comes in at once on a fast paced tune... (ska) I don't know, ask me tomorrow again for a different answer
  5. Oh, that Nigel, gotcha (shame he's not on BC anymore, he was one of the good ones). Yeah, I got confused... multitasking is not my forte I just had another look at the posts above and it was pretty obvious who you were talking about, doh. Sorry about spreading my confusion around!
  6. Guitar? I know he's been with Dare (on bass) for the past few years, but I have no idea whate else he's doing. (I'm not following him, I just happen to know the guitarist in Dare and I check them out from time to time).
  7. Maruszczyk used angled back headstocks, that's why they don't need string trees
  8. If you had a genuine Fender, would you sell it for less than a Squier? Hard pass.
  9. No, the watts rating of the cab mean nothing in this respect. A 400W cab just means it can *take* that much power before things go wrong (simplifying a bit). The wattage in a cab just states its limit (mechanical or thermal), that's why we tend to prefer cabs rated higher than the amplifier, but even that is not a hard and fast rule (even a 1000W amplifier has a level control ) What's the impedance of the cabs? That will change things a bit, but not the wattage rating of the cab. edit: doh, I read that as a 400W *cab*... so what I said was not what you asked. 🙈🙉🙊
  10. Nice. I liked #1 and #2 the best, and #5 too. Probably #2 for me. I didn't like #3 or #4, especially #4.
  11. what? miserly cheapskate? That's a bit harsh, @stewblack is a nice guy 😛
  12. @Frank Blank They're good, and if you take your time to decide EXACTLY what you want, it can be a great way to get a really custom instrument for not a lot more than a new US Fender, which is crazy. However... communication can be a bit tricky at times, and customer service after the sale could be smoother. In contrast, Sandberg just seem very responsive and easy to deal with. I'm not saying don't buy a Maruszczyk (I owned three and still own one that I love), not at all, but if what you want can be made by Sandberg at a price you're happy with, Sandberg is probably the safest bet. If you want an extensive list of non standard specs, Sandberg can also do it but Maruszczyk will be more competitive in price. If you want an aged finish... then Sandberg all the way. I'm not a fan of aged finishes but the Sandberg ones look great and very realistic.
  13. It's probably due to the finish. A glossy lacquered finish takes more time to do than a satin oil finish? When I was considering finishes for my VM4, I thought I'd try a non-aged version. That would put the price up a few hundred, apparently (it was a non-standard colour, so that might have also factored in), since small imperfections are ok in the aged versions, plus they don't need to buff them quite as thoroughly.
  14. I thought that was the model name! "Sandberg Disuasion - the bass you'll never buy." Hmm, probably not a great idea. Sandberg and Disuasion don't go well together: there are lots of reasons why a Sandberg TT4 sounds like a good move, and I can't think of a single one against it...
  15. Mint looks better, I think. Or black.
  16. Well well well... The Squier Bullet Telecaster was sold out, and they told me they'd have another shipment in September. In September they had the Stratocaster but not Tele. It's ok. I don't need ANOTHER Tele, loving my red SX. However.... this? Classic Vibe range? Nice tinted and lacquered neck? I just ordered one. Thanks for the heads up!
  17. You, sir, are my hero for the day
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't state the gender restriction on my ad, you never know (and I am very surprised at having such restriction to start with), same with age. Late last year I started a new project, 8 of us, all above 50 except one trumpet player who is 27. Then we needed a drummer. One guy that got in touch was 18. I was not really keen, I admit purely on prejudice... too young, likely flakey, likely no transport, etc etc... but I'm so glad we asked him to audition. Not only he's a really good drummer, he fits in personality-wise very well, and he's just a really decent, mature for his age, reliable and considerate human being. I feel terrible I considered not even giving him an audition based on his age.
  19. Of course I do not know this, but I suspect this originated from a couple of comments by somebody, not a general feeling. Or maybe the landlady didn't like the competition My personal experience (no statistical significance implied, just what I personally have seen) is that having females in the band does not get in the way, if anything the opposite: the band looks friendlier when it's mixed. Frankly, if I hear a pub has a rule against bands with female singers, I doubt it would be the kind of bar I'd enjoy.
  20. No, you're not alone. While it's not the best piece of engineering... it works fine for me. I like the saddles with the little grooves that allows you to set the string-to-string spacing. It's a very agricultural method, but it works for me. Maybe I'm easy to please
  21. You can find the date from the serial number here: https://www.music-man.com/serial-number-database edit: Boo! It doesn't work for preEB instruments
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