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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I hated them too. Well, maybe hate is too strong, but I removed them quickly and tried a set of DR Pure Blues (never had those before) and the bass improved dramatically (for my liking).
  2. ... and I wish they all used that system We seem to be ok with bridges that offer all kinds of adjustability, yet we stick to 'hard-coded' nuts. It makes no sense to me. Just-A-Nut FTW!
  3. The thing is that unless it solves some kind of problem with existing designs or provides an obvious advantage, it's natural that people will be sceptical. Personally, I have no issues with any of the bridges on any of my instruments, so whatever 'improvements' are claimed, at the end of the day I am still "hmmm, but I am ok with what I've got". I'm not saying it's bad, I just don't see it as a significant improvement, just as another alternative, which is cool, although whether it's $158 cool... that I don't know. Certainly not for me. edit: and I really don't like the sharp corners. edit 2: I haven't tried it, but it looks to me like palm muting may not be so easy with this bridge... which is ok if you never palm mute I suppose.
  4. and you can keep your mid-gig snack warm on them
  5. If it's designed properly to be cooled passively, it should not matter.
  6. Little update, now the honeymoon period is over... Nah, who am I kidding? Still honey moon! I love this guitar. My Fender Stratocaster and the PRS look at it with envy, as I seem to just grab the SX Tele 9 out of... 9 times 😛 I took it to a local guy to get the frets level perfectly, and I haven't even changed the pickups. I love the bridge one, the neck one is not the best, but I don't want to change anything in it, I can't believe just what a great guitar is for £129 plus £50 for the fret levelling (it was only on the region around the 12th and 15th fret a bit, nothing major, but I do like to play guitar-hero a lot 😛)
  7. With the pedal engaged, it's a mute, there should be no sound coming off the speakers when you unplug the bass.
  8. Yup, bought from them a couple of times. Delivery takes just a few days longer than usual but nothing crazy.
  9. There was this song by a Spanish band where they sang something like "so many light years I've been waiting..." It makes my skin crawl everytime... a light year is a measure of distance not time!!!
  10. reply with a horrified face "oh my gawd!!! It's true!!! how did it happen???"
  11. Playing originals... a girl told me I didn't play it like in the record. . . . She was right too! That song was on our first album and I had since changed the bassline. It turned out she was learning to play bass and learning our songs! We've been together 5 years now
  12. Or introduce the next song as the one requested, but play something else. We got a group of guys asking for Wonderwall, we are a ska/reggae/funk band playing originals. Singer would nod, then introduce the next song as Wonderwall to the joy of those guys... and watching their disappointed faces was hilarious, because he did that at least 4 times
  13. He was the previous bass player in the band...
  14. ... and 10 minutes later she's telling the same thing to the jukebox, yup, I know the type...
  15. Usually followed by "Yeah, I used to have a Fender" (pause... as that's supposed to be your cue to show admiration). I had one guy telling me all about his Fender and how I should really try them, because my little bass seems to sound ok, but you know, you need a Fender in order to be taken seriously. My little bass was a Stingray (shrug).
  16. Just tell them they're all tuners, one for each string and backups, just in case.
  17. "I only use the Fender when I have a good recording engineer" (no, I never said anything like that, but I'd love to see the reaction) (and no, nobody ever asked me that, but I'm not a session bassist, in all of my recording sessions we were the client so they do what we want them to)
  18. Bar manager: "the bass is too loud" Me: "... It's not switched on yet, I'm still setting up" BM: "yeah but it looks loud, that's a big speaker" Me: "luckily, I've brought a volume control with me tonight" (grin) BM: (stares blankly) ... and you realise you have another 4 hours before you can leave, FML.
  19. Ooh, that's intriguing and looks perfect! It's tiny, I can easily mount it into some tiny box and fix it next to the power supply on the board... for that price it's worth a punt, thank you!!!
  20. I was the same. Then I started liking Precisions ("Forget me nots" is largely to blame, that slapped Precision tone is deliiiiicious) and I've largely bent my Precisions to comply with my desires. Now, Precisions work for me too and no longer get lost like they used to. I think @drTStingray is probably right in that it's a combination of the inherent characteristics of the bass, plus everything else we do to achieve our sound, from preamps, pedals etc, to the way we actually play. Bottomline is, if I need to fight a bass in order to get the sound I want from it... that's not a bass for me. So I get that some people get frustrated with their Stingray and move on (many people, judging by the number of reports on threads like these). It is a real issue for many. It's probably like the "Jazz basses sound too mid-scooped and get lost". It is partially true: you *can* get that kind of sound out of a Jazz... but as many players illustrate, you don't necessarily have to have that issue. The difference is that, for some reason, Fender Jazz lovers don't seem to react so aggressively to that kind of comments, while MM Stingray lovers are more likely to act offended in some way... I don't know. PS: I am primarily a Stingray player. I love that bass, but I'm ok if someone else hates theirs.
  21. It depends entirely on the band and speaker cabs available. I've used 150-200W amplifiers very effectively. But watts are cheap these days, so I'd also prefer at least a 500W, just to be safe although it looks like we'd be increasing cost/complication when the OP is not even sure he'll have that need, and a 500W through a single small cab (I'm assuming, we haven't been told) may not be the best idea, because it can only output so much volume, and there will be the temptation to crank the amp beyond that which will only result in heating it up, not getting louder. I used the TCE BAM200 (the tiny, cheap, 200W one) with full band (8 piece) using an Orange 410 cab. It won't startle seismograph operators in the vicinity but it can do 'loud enough'. It's surprisingly ballsy. I'd probably choose the BH250 over it, for the OP, 'though. Not because of the additional 50W, which I doubt will make any significant difference, but because it's only £60 more (£189 vs £129) and it's only marginally larger, but it has an aux input, a mute switch, and a built-in tuner, which the BAM200 lack. Also, the BH250 is the amplifier at one of the local open mic places and I've heard it in action many times [*] and it's not bad at all. [*] It's an open mic, but the evening typically sees a couple of bands playing short sets (40 mins or so), so it's pretty varied. My band has played there many times, BH250 plus a 210 cab or sometimes a 410. It's a pretty cool little amp.
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