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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I'm not sure I follow... I've got a 9V supply, I need it to go down to 5V (I mention USB because it's the most common alternative, and the clock works if powered that way). It's not so much to find a specific type of connector, but to get the right voltage. I looked for similar clocks but didn't find the right one working at 9V, which would make my life easier. If I find one that's an alternative too, I don't need to stick to the one I found.
  2. Brilliant! Bonus points for thinking outside the box I can probably use one of those power banks they sell to charge mobile phones while on the move, and there are some pretty small ones that would have plenty of juice to power a clock for an evening. Not only they're about £10-25 depending on the charge they can hold, but I may have already one (I have a biggish one, a bit bigger than a modern phone, and 2-3x as thick, that holds a lot of charge... but I also have somewhere a much smaller one that can charge my phone entirely a couple of times, it might just work!) Thank you for the idea I'd still prefer something that is powered together with my pedals (the clock has a battery just to keep the time internally when main power is off), as this would be one more thing to remember (to charge it), but it's not terrible.
  3. eeek! > £200!!! But it's a good call, I didn't think of power supplies that come with a USB outlet... Hopefully there will be something simpler around. The DC7 looks like a great unit with LOTS of power on tap, but it's way over-spec'd for my needs and I don't want to spend £200 to replace my power supplies just so that I can power a digital clock... when a £5 travel analog alarm clock will probably do the job just as well. edit: hmmm, my Voodoo Labs power supply has a 'sag' control on one or two of the outputs, allowing me to reduce the output (supposedly to simulate the effect that well-used batteries have on some effects) and I'm pretty sure it goes down to 4V... It's on my big board which doesn't get as much use (well, since March zero :D) but... yeah, that can work there. I still would like to find a suitable alternative for my other smaller boards
  4. To ensure we stick to the times etc. A clock discreetly bundled in the pedalboard looks better than us looking at our watches or even a phone, but in general I thought it'd be good to be able to tell the time discreetly. I'll probably just use something like this (simple, cheap, batteries last long), but if I can find a simple way to power a digital unit it might be nicer:
  5. Nice! But isn't that USB only to transmit data (firmware updates and the like... although I'm not sure what kind of updates a tuner needs, hmmm)
  6. well, I missed that, so I'm glad it was mentioned here again. It's an important detail, for me especially, as I tend to put away any power supplies that come with any pedals etc and use a separate multi power supply for everything.
  7. Does it exist? I've seen many pedals, typically tuners, that give you an additional (or several) 9V DC outputs so you can power other pedals from it. I would like to power a little clock that can live on my board, which requires a typical USB 5V connection. I'd like to avoid having a separate power supply, has anybody seen some FX unit that provide a USB out for powering other gear? Or a 9V->5V converter if that's small enough that I can maybe put it under the board next to the supply? I'll probably end up using one of those basic 'analog' little alarm clocks running on batteries, but I'm curious to see if other alternatives might be possible.
  8. It just feels like the body template slipped and when they realised it, they had 1427 of these bodies... "ah, sod it, we'll say we meant it all along"
  9. my thoughts exactly... It's a difficult time for journalists of all kinds, I suppose.
  10. well, it's Phoebe Bridgers after all... "who?" exactly
  11. Only if one string were between poles and the others were on the poles, surely Having all between the poles doesn't really tell you that there's a difference between aligned and not aligned strings over the poles. (not that it worries me, but if that's the point they're trying to make, this does not address it)
  12. I hear that, and understand why you say it... I just don't hear any effect when I try to move the strings off centre until I am very far off, that's all.
  13. I'm not sure, personally: when I bend strings, I have to bend really far before I notice a change in output (shrug). I haven't noticed a weak G myself, but with such widely reported 'complaints', I can't simply dismiss them. But I have no idea what the issue really is, let alone a cure.
  14. I would consider a TCE BAM200. It's only £130, it sounds good, it's good enough at home, and powerful enough should they need a bit more oomph down the line. And it's tiny tiny tiny. It has a headphone out but not aux in, but at the price, I'd consider buying a small mixer (even one of those Yamaha SoundCake units) so you can put an mp3 player through it (which could easily be bluetooth). Although the BH250 is not much bigger, not much more expensive, and it has the aux in plus a built-in tuner which it's bound to come handy especially as a beginner.
  15. I was a young kid, in the times before internet (but just after dinosaurs were extinct so we never overlapped) and the only way I had to find out about various bands out there was listening to the radio (very few dedicated rock shows), and sharing among friends... and sometimes just taking a punt on something. I was at the local record store looking for I can't remember what, which they didn't have, and I could not go home empty-handed. I knew of Michael Schenker and was curious... but the MSG section was empty. Then I remembered UFO. They had only Force It (1975) and Strangers in the night (1979). I bought Force It because it was cheaper. Getting home, putting the album on... Let it roll starts... and I was hooked before we got to the first solo. I wore out that album. Then I bought Strangers in the night, and I was a UFO fan ever since. I don't listen to them a lot these days, but they're always going to be up there for me. True no nonsense rock and roll band.
  16. 2020 can go do one already, quite frankly
  17. Same here. I've enjoyed watching him with Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, but I never listen to his solo stuff. However I enjoy these sessions he does with an audience, talking about various aspects of music/bass.
  18. I'm not a huge fan of his double thumb and slap style, but I've got a lot of time for him when he talks about music. This short video below may seem a bit surprising coming from him, as he's best known for his technical playing, and he's playing a Precision with flats! but listen, the guy makes a lot of sense.
  19. Ah, I wish I had known! (this was back in... 2013 or 2014) It was like that but not as dark, beautiful grain.
  20. I had one of those... lovely even if it weighed a ton. Eventually I sold it to a guy who travelled from The Netherlands to Edinburgh just to pick it up (and have a few beers in the process )
  21. If you're that close... go see them! They're not the cheapest option, but they will build exactly whatever you want, which then puts them actually cheaper than most other builders. They don't seem to advertise the fact clearly enough, but you can customise everything. My first one I went with a stock Jake except I wanted the neck of a certain profile/dimensions and lacquered. The next two I spec'd pickup position and orientation, neck profile and finish, same with body, hardware, all sorts of little things. I'm glad I don't live that close... I'd have to ask for a job with them just to pay for the instruments I'd be buying from them!
  22. You will not lose that guitar in a dark stage, that's for sure! (and I love it!)
  23. Yes, it does get warm pretty fast, and then it stays, however long I use it for. I even asked around because I worried that mine was not cooling properly, but it seems normal (I hope!) I do like that little amp.
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