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Posts posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1117571' date='Feb 6 2011, 12:47 PM']I have a John East U-Retro in another bass and it's immensely versatile. I love it.

    I bought a Jazz yesterday, it's sounds fantastic, really snarly and growly, but it does lack that low end power that my active Warwicks had. I am seriously considering a J-Retro now.[/quote]

    do it do it do it do it.

    there, not very articulate but my message is clear :)

  2. [quote name='cocco' post='1117611' date='Feb 6 2011, 01:11 PM']I'd go Warwick probably, aim for a $$ but failing that anything active. Trace T-basses are great too if you can find one. Unless you want a trad looking bass in which case I'd aim for a p or an active j of some discription. There are better playing basses than fenders out there though. Ooh I almost forgot the almighty and cheap t-40, or an aria SB from the 80s? Both are very versatile.[/quote]

    where do you see cheap T-40s?
    The minute I see one I will not be able to resist it, so best if I don't see it but... :)

  3. [quote name='Bankai' post='1117203' date='Feb 5 2011, 11:39 PM']Can I get some string suggestions:

    Need a set for the P-Bass. Wanting a nice powerful tone.
    A set for one of their strats. Wanting a kind of bluesy rock tone.
    And a set for the tele. Wanting a nu metal kind of tone.
    And another set for a tele. John Mayer tonage?

    Any ideas?

    P.S YES, I did go overboard on the ryders...[/quote]

    and here I was thinking I was overdoing it by buying another bass :)

    I decided the white one with rotosound tru-bass flats should stay as is. Too nice to modify... So I need a recipient for the maple board neck that's on its way to me! :) A navy blue should be on its way shortly, and this one will be heavily modified:
    - stripped body, and if nice I'll leave it natural. If not, refinish in white/sonic blue/surf green/black (as you can see, I haven't decided). Maybe even trans green to complement my Jazz.
    - maple board neck
    - Wizard thumper pickups
    - maybe even a preamp one day.

    but that's nothing compared to the plans of some other people who love scientific calculators... :lol:

  4. Rotosound Tru-bass black nylon flatwounds arrived this morning:

    Very UB-like indeed, as others said (I had never tried these strings before).
    The nut slots are a bit small so the strings are a tiny bit higher than they should and overall the action has gone from perfectly low and smooth to slightly high, but I'm not changing anything yet as I'm waiting for a maple board neck a fellow BCer removed from his Ryder, and I will decide then which neck stays. :)

  5. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1116292' date='Feb 5 2011, 10:32 AM']I have a cream pearloid pickguard courtesy of Old Horse Murphy (Thank You Sir, donation to Basschat will be done this weekend) and an MM-style pickup courtesy of Moos3h to go on. Plus a set of flats if I can find a set in The Pile, otherwise it's used Black Beauties.[/quote]

    that sounds interesting! pictures, pictures! :)

  6. Right... so I spent a bit more time with it... and like it even more!

    Aesthetics: my neck is not as pretty as others posted here, but the rosewood has very closed grain and it feels and looks great. Slim for a p-bass, I think. The pickguard has some rough edges where it meets the neck, and on the "R", but it's minor. Body is perfect.

    Bridge alignment is a *tiny* bit off. I've seen worse in Fenders! The string-through holes were drilled in theright place but the bridge was mounted ever-so-slightly towards one side. It has no effect on the stringing and the strings pass over the polepieces *roughly* ok. Again, I've seen much worse in other more expensive brands, and it does not affect the sound.

    Nut is slightly angled too, but not enough for concern.

    Everything works well: tuners, pickups, controls... The pickup needs some minor adjustment to balance strings, but I will wait till I get a new set. Intonation is close enough, but again I'll wait to set it until I get new strings.

    Action... all I did was lower the saddles a bit. It was ok, but slightly high. I lowered them a fraction, and I had to do nothing else. Lowish action, no unwanted buzzes, comfortable... I expected more work! I haven't found any problems with uneven frets or anything. Nice surprise.

    Yes the strings are truly dreadful and uninspiring. But even then, the noises are promising. I've been playing mostly fingerstyle, and it sounds quite deep. The E-string is particularly bad on this set 'though, I can't wait to restring it. But despite the bad strings, I could get some good sounds. The slap tone was also quite good. Slapping the E was rubbish, but the A string sounded great. And pops on the G string sound powerful, with lots of body and not harsh even with the tone control fully open. I went through a whole lot of RHCP stuff with it and I really liked it, especially "Tell me baby" and "Can't stop".

    I still like my Stingray a lot more, no doubt :) but these P-basses are pretty decent, definitely.

    Oh, and the best of all???
    It colour-coordinates with my new wah pedal! :)

  7. [quote name='setekh' post='1115583' date='Feb 4 2011, 04:53 PM']Because I just don't get that attached to instruments. They're tools, as far as I'm concerned. As so, it will problably see a new owner if (when?) I decide I want something different, and I am not looking forward to having the value of the components depreciate that much (I have seen a few basses here shift for about a third of the street price of the individual components, which is something that puzzles me).

    Besides, I try to spend as little as possible doing what are, in the grand scheme of things, small changes.[/quote]

    ah, gotcha!

    so you're already thinking of the day you'll let it go, eh? hmmm... what colour is yours? :)

    I had a wee play on mine when I got home, and now I'm torn... I meant to put flats on it... but now I like the sound of roundwounds too... surely I need 2. Or three, and make one a fretless! :)

    (no, let's be sane, I don't even like P-basses... although I'm starting to wonder now...)

  8. [quote name='setekh' post='1115372' date='Feb 4 2011, 02:45 PM']I see we thought of the same thing :) Mine's on the way, too (though it's a Highway1 pup, which I'm not sure is exactly the same as the am standard).

    EDIT: And I definitely didn't pay more than the bass for it. That's something I couldn't make sense of.[/quote]

    why not?

    it's the *total* that matters surely.
    If the total cost results in a good instrument for teh money invested... why not?

    I paid £40 for a used Westfield Jazz that felt and sounded great. I was amazed by how good it was. I eventually spent £135 on a used J-Retro01 preamp for it... and it's a killer bass. £175 sounds like a bargain for the amount of bass I got in teh end. No?

  9. [quote name='ras52' post='1115265' date='Feb 4 2011, 01:46 PM']"Damn you Basschatters!" Or, "I've just made a charitable donation".

    The website only had Navy Blue ones left, so that made the choice easier! However it's being delivered to my home address, so it'll probably languish in a delivery depot for quite some time before I get my hands on it.

    The masterplan is to put flats and foam on it. I've got TI Jazz Flats on my fretless, but they cost more that 1/2 the price of the bass![/quote]

    Mine was left at my local Post Office rather than an out of town depot... you may be lucky too :)

  10. well, I got my bass this morning:

    and look at that, there's a bag too, cool:

    I like the handle. I'm unlikely to use this bag, but I'm touched by the fact someone thought of making the handle comfortable:

    Another useless accessory: cable and strap included. The keys would be handy, although I have I don't know how many sets by now.

    And here's the baby. Plastic sheet still on. The finsih is pretty good. Not as creamy as I thought, definitely white. Very white. Pickguard has a slight blue tinge. Less than this picture suggests, but it's there.

    Full body. I think it's pretty. I enjoy the headstock shape and the logo, actually.

    I tuned it up and had a quick try. I like it.
    It has a good sound overall, although I have to adjust the pickups. The neck is slimmer than I expected, really smooth, no sharp fret ends or anything. The rosewood has a close grain and it's beautiful. I will have to set it up properly but first impressions are really very good. I would not be surprised to get this for £199... so I'm happy (so far) for £60.

    The only negative point I found so far is the nut. It's been inadvertently "buzzfeitenised": :)

    But hey, £60.

    I actually *liked* playing this. More than any P-bass I've tried. Played it with my thumb whilst palm muting and that was a righteous deep thud I was getting.

    The strings are way too thin 'though. And a bit rubbish.

    This weekend is going to be an interesting one. Watch this space :)

  11. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='1114980' date='Feb 4 2011, 09:49 AM']I can't get my E and A strings to intonate. The open string will be perfectly in tune, I'll then fret the 12th fret and it's far too high. Not sure how much further back i can move the saddles back so this could be a problem! :)[/quote]

    try new strings, seriously.

  12. [quote name='simon1964' post='1115004' date='Feb 4 2011, 10:18 AM']Or back again - we cover By The Way in my covers band, which is drop D, and I always forget to retune until I'm a couple of bars into the next song. With the Hipshot, one flick of the lever, and I'm back in E before the guitarist has noticed :)[/quote]

    and THAT is the song I bought my first one for :)
    We start our RHCP set with that, and at the end of the song, the little bit without bass I'd be retuning quickly... but sometimes I'd forget. Hipshot to the rescue! :lol:
    Since then I had so many other ocassions to enjoy it.

  13. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='1114538' date='Feb 3 2011, 09:15 PM']Guys

    The strings are totally awful. Change the strings and it will make a HUGE difference believe me.

    With respect to the action. I had real problems with a neck that had no stability and a trussrod that rather than reduce the relief to address the action issue actually started to come out of the back of the neck :)

    Maybe I was unlucky (try applying pressure to the headstock and see how much the strings move away from the fretboard) but personally I found the neck to be the weak point of the bass and then again anyone can make a body and fit bits to it but making a decent neck takes a lot more skill.



    yum! :)

  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1114741' date='Feb 3 2011, 11:56 PM']Less than 40 quid [b]delivered[/b] from the states. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Hipshot-BT-1-Bass-Xtender-Key-CHROME-fender-MM-BT1-/270653540406?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3f04354836"]link[/url][/quote]

    THAT is the very seller I got mine from! They're even cheaper than what I remember! And they arrived quickly too.

  15. [quote name='chilievans' post='1114299' date='Feb 3 2011, 06:42 PM']Hello all.

    I'm thinking about buying a hipshot bass xtender but don't really know much about them in terms of performance and reliability? Are they worth the money and which one do I need? I'm also having trouble finding a black one

    Thanks again[/quote]

    I have them on several basses and love them. They work well, easily fitted and adjusted... If you want to easily change the tuning of your bottom string... this is a great tool.

    What bass is it for? There are many models, in various finishes.
    I bought my last two on eBay, from a US seller actually. It worked out at around £40-45, new, including delivery.

  16. [quote name='pikeman' post='1113734' date='Feb 3 2011, 12:26 PM']My navy blue (Dark Ryder) just arrived. Came with decent gig bag, strap, lead and Allen keys.
    I was surprised to find it had a maple fb as I hadn't given a preference and was expecting rosewood , which I prefer.
    Both pots work well and it sounds ok-ish with the supplied strings.
    The neck is nice and straight and I was amazed to find the intonation only needs a little adjustment.
    The neck is a little chunky for my taste, I plan to fit a JV Squier fretless neck, let's hope it fits.
    All in all, for the price of a couple of sets of strings, this really is a no brainer.
    Almost forgot, the dark see-through navy gloss stain looks amazing, you can just about see the wood grain through it.
    Worth the money for the body alone.


    I'll get your maple neck off you!!!!!!!!!! pleeeease :)

  17. [quote name='Bankai' post='1113733' date='Feb 3 2011, 12:25 PM']Nothing amazing, but based on what others had said I was expecting something usable.[/quote]

    I am sure it will be usable.
    Even if the fretwire is not the best, it will be usable. I think sometimes people look for exquisit details when it's a little out of place.
    The day back in '95 when I bought my 7 year old Fiat Uno I bought a perfectly useable and nice car, it served me well. But it didn't have ABS. The gearbox was clunky. The wheel rims were not fantastic. There were vibrations/noises in the car... It was a cheap car and I loved it

    That's what I was referring to.

    Of course I expect something that *works*. It's sold as a guitar, not decoration. But we can't expect £600-worth quality in £60, that's all :)

  18. [quote name='Bankai' post='1113573' date='Feb 3 2011, 10:28 AM']This upsets me. Generally the feedback has been good with only a couple of people reporting bad experiences.

    I was planning on a tele but I'm now worried it'll not be worth the £59, what to do...[/quote]

    what do you expect for £60???

    Of course it's going to be a gamble. If it works well stock... bonus! If not, for those of us who like tinkering, it's another excuse to indulge.
    As long as structurally is alright... I think it's worth it as a semi-blank canvas. But if I want a trouble free guaranteed good instrument, I'd be looking at a Squier or some other ceap but decent brand (Westfields are great value as far as I can tell, among others)

  19. [quote name='silentbob' post='1111898' date='Feb 2 2011, 01:08 AM']Does anybody have any experience of these bodies? Just wondeering what the quality is like.[/quote]

    erm... no idea... but you ask about bodies and I get distracted by your avatar... I can't function... :)

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