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Posts posted by mcnach

  1. what's your budget?

    For less than the price of a new Ray34, and around teh same price of a used Ray34, you can get a MusicMan SUB4.

    The SUB4 may not be as pretty as some of the Ray34s (some are trully stunning, I must admit). But you get the correct pickup and the correct (2-band EQ) preamp. In other words, you get a Stingray. The body is not contoured, and the paint job is peculiar: textured, matt. Colour choices are just black, dark red, blue, and a couple of very rare others. I have a SUB5 (5 string) in black and I do love the finish. The pickguard is weird... it's metallic, like the floor of buses, that sort of pattern... I don't like it. I replaced mine with a black one. [see picture below, mine had a SD Basslines pickup when I bought it, but I put the original back in it and I prefer it]

    They come up frequently here in the forum and on eBay.

  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1096854' date='Jan 20 2011, 09:34 PM']The SBMM website has now been updated with the new models.

    [url="http://www.sterlingbymusicman.com/ray34ca"]Ray34 CA[/url][/quote]

    damn you, that green one looks sooooo tasty.
    Like someone else said... one almost feels like buying both to swap the necks over. Yum, surf green and maple.

  3. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1096320' date='Jan 20 2011, 01:43 PM']Mine STILL hasnt arrived from Dawsons!

    My local shop in Cardiff - Cranes has just had two in and I was twanging one of them not an hour ago.

    Likes: [list]
    [/list]Brass nut, helps get that 'punchy' sound and rare on a mid price Bass these days.
    [/list]Wide neck profile. Nice amount of room between the strings.
    [/list]SDQP PUP's nice fat warm sound.
    [/list]Finish looks and feels good.

    [/list]There is a rather 'garish' brick in the wall logo on the scratchplate film - very cheesy
    [/list]PUP's are missing the 'basslines' logo????. Just look like standard PUP's to me.

    Feels nice and plays well, can't wait for mine to 'effing turn up!


    dislike the missing "basslines" logo? It's one of the "plus" points to me! :)
    the film can be removed, I take it...

  4. [quote name='AsterL' post='1096253' date='Jan 20 2011, 12:49 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJWtEIcDeo&feature=feedu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJWtEIcDeo&feature=feedu[/url]

    Sounds pretty damn good. Looks discustingly pretentious IMO

    What do you guys think of it?[/quote]

    It looks like I could devour it. What a beauty!
    If I ever have a P-bass... this would be it.

  5. [quote name='bkman42' post='1095320' date='Jan 19 2011, 04:12 PM']I know it ain't much money but whats the best 4 string active bass out there for a budget of £250?


    Best best... not sure it's the best, but I have an old style Ibanez SR400 (PJ configuration with covered polepieces, powerful 3 band EQ), black with black hardware, rosewood fingerboard on a very slim neck and for strings... DR Black Beauties. Can't get much blacker than that! ;-)
    edit: not DR Black Beauties, my mistake, on this one it's Rotosound Nexus (also black coated).

    I barely use it, as Stingray type basses took over my life a couple of years ago, and have been thinking of selling it for a while but never got around to.
    Let me know if you want to know more and I'll post pictures etc. I'd be looking to get about £150 for it (plus postage if it applies).

  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1094501' date='Jan 18 2011, 09:38 PM']It's nothing to worry about mate and a lot of people would set it all up how they wanted and put it back at the same time. Sorry if I have worried you bud you could put a topic up in bass discussion and see what everyone else says (i could be wrong like i said im not an expert but its not how any i have seen are) there might even be someone local who would do it if it needs it for a pint. :)[/quote]

    Yeah, looking at the picture I'm almost certain the intonation will be off, unless he's using some very unusual combination of string gauge/action.
    Still, it's not a big issue. Almost like saying "the bass is not in tune". The adjustment is simple and minor. Very nice bass.

  7. [quote name='simon1964' post='1094237' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:14 PM']Jose - reading this thread, I'm missing it already!!

    Definitely gig it before changing the pre-amp. I'm a huge fan of the passive / parallel / bridge pickup combination too. Absolutely fantastic tone live, and covers pretty much everything. Just whack in the active electronics when the drummer and lead guitarist are getting over enthusiastic at the end of the night and you need to cut through![/quote]

    Hey Simon!

    loving this bass, I'll let it wave at you but it stays with me!!! :)
    How's your L2000?

    I just expected active tone controls, so I was surprised to find they were passive on the G&L. But after the initial surprise, yep, they are growing on me. The whole thing is just beautiful.
    Playing a party on the 12th and I'm thinking I'll unleash the RH450 amp with 6x10" :) and the G&L... I only ever go sub-E with this band in one song, for which I use a D-tuner on my Stingray... but itll be a good set up to try it :lol:

  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1093580' date='Jan 18 2011, 10:29 AM']Ooh that looks nasty. I'm more than willing to alleviate you of your problem mate. :)[/quote]

    I think this is a problem I'll suffer by myself :)

    It is the first 5-string bass that I don't feel I have to work to hard to adjust to. Yup, even the SUB5 was harder work. The G&L just seems so easy to play and it has a very un-stingray tone, but lovely nevertheless.
    The controls were taking me some time to get used to... but it's all falling into place now:

    pickup selector: mostly stuck on bridge pickup alone. Occasional forays into neck pickup (fat P-bass like, but not exactly P-bass) and both pickups (huge and bassy).

    series/parallel: stuck on parallel. Not a fan of series it seems.

    passive/active/active with treble boost: mostly passive. It's nice to add zing and volume by switching to teh active modes, but I really like it passive.

    tone controls: both nearly open. The treble one is a good one to play with... cut it entirely and you have a prominent mids-rich sound. Open it up to reduce the perceived dominance of the mids.

    I was initially tempted to install a more conventional preamp (like a JE), preamp-crazy as I am. But... I think not. I'll leave it as is at least until I have gigged with it a few times and I can judge better what I'd change, if anything.

  9. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='1092496' date='Jan 17 2011, 01:56 PM']I'm also thinking about making the same transition - considering a G&L 2500 Tribute, wonderful bass![/quote]

    I just bought one... al I can say is...

    DO IT DO IT DO IT DO TI DO IT!!!!! :)

  10. Just bought a 4x10 cab from Andy.

    Very friendly and helpful. He even came to pick me up at work to take me to the rehearsal space to try the cab and then dropped me in town. Can't get better service than that! Not from a guy, anyway :)
    Easy transaction, and a real pleasure to meet you, Andy.


  11. I just bought Simon's G&L L2500 Tribute.

    Fantastic bass. The communication was always friendly and interesting, and he showed a great deal of patience when after senting payment, Paypal decided to withdraw it and limit my account while thy subjected me to a number of ID verifications to make sure I was indeed myself and that I really wanted that bass. FOUR days it took to sort everything out!!! But Simon held there like a champ and when it was all clear he sent me that lovely G&L.
    I can only imagine someone here works at Paypal and wanted to put a stop to the transaction so they could buy it instead :)

    Again, many thanks for your patience and understanding. Really appreciated.

    (ah, bass says hi :lol:)


  12. [quote name='senshis' post='1091180' date='Jan 16 2011, 11:01 AM']I can get one of these musima basses really cheap(around 75 pounds):

    but they look pretty worn to me, i wonder if the hardware isn't rusted etc.
    Another person has offered me a jolana galaxis bass ridiculously cheap and he says it plays good and there's nothing wrong with it, even though it's pretty old (only around 50 pounds)

    or should i buy a new budget bass like some encore,cort,vintage or hohner bass? or maybe i should be saving money for like a squire or something? :)

    THANK YOU! :)[/quote]

    If you find a Westfield, used, go for it.
    They seem to be pretty good. Personally I have experience with two and both are really good.
    One of my main basses is a Westfield B4000 (Fender Jazz copy) and I paid £50 for it including delivery on eBay (used).

    But I'd stay away from the ones in the picture.

  13. [quote name='machinehead' post='1089910' date='Jan 14 2011, 09:59 PM']Haha. I already have too many basses. I've been selling gear recently to raise some cash and then you come along and tell me to buy a Stingray as well as the L2000 I bought last year.

    Get thee behind me Satan. :)


    I'l tell you a story:

    I had a SUB5, and a Warwick Corvette $$ among other basses.
    I decided that since I rarely used the Warwick, I might as well sell it and liberate cash for toys. Then I saw a G&L L2500 Tribute in lovely natural/maple.
    I figured: I compare the SUB5 and the L2500 side by side, choose the one I prefer and sell the other. The net effect is the loss of TWO basses. Sounds good, eh?

    I sold the Warwick.
    I bought the G&L.
    Now I'm keeping both SUB5 and G&L.


  14. [quote name='WalMan' post='1090180' date='Jan 15 2011, 10:03 AM']Fine for me. Used 4's for the first 25+ years bass playing and the switch to a 5'er was very easy with just one exception, that being I use a Hipshot D-Tuner on the 4 and was used to the shifted positions. Got the 5, took it to a gig without a r/h and had a bit of a 'mare as the positions & muscle memory on songs where I used the D-Tuner were all out. Otherwise, great and I've not looked back, to the extent that I added the Fretless L2500 to the Fretted one I have.

    As well as a 'Ray you should also try a G&L (if you can find one) IMO. Great basses.[/quote]

    +1 on the hipshot d-tuner.
    I use them a lot... and when trying to play songs that I normally detune in with the 5-string, I get lost easily as I'm used to different positions.
    I even considered installing a d-tuner on a 5 string, for the E string, but I find there isn't enough room.
    Ah well, it's just a matter of getting used to it, like everything.

  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1089948' date='Jan 14 2011, 10:35 PM']On advice from EBS_freak I gigged my MM5 the day I got it, There was a few (more) bum notes than normal but it was a good confidence booster and I did a mates wedding the week after that I wouldn't of dreamt of only a few weeks earlier. Slap has to be done mainly on the 4 I agree although I do a bit on the five in both bands I use it in. I did a little slap for someone the other day in a studio and the pre EB just shines I don't care what the doubters say it was incredible![/quote]

    I'm surprised so many people go with "nah, slap on a 4-string" comment. Well, actually it's been two people, but if you read them one after the other it gives you the impresion of a generalised statement :)

    I want to be able to slap fine on a 5er... many people manage just fine. It'll just take a bit of effort to get there, and it seems like a step back at first which I think puts people off (it puts ME off for sure).

    As for your pre-EB... ah, you just haven't heard my OLP :)

  16. [quote name='gub' post='1089834' date='Jan 14 2011, 08:54 PM']I was having a ponder what it would be like playing a 5 string after being used to 4 for so many years , never actualy tried one but was wondering what you guys think who have gone from 4 to 5 ? is it really strange or does it come pretty natural? what ya think?[/quote]

    I've come and gone several times.
    First I got a wide-spacing 5 stringer... but sold it to get a very narrow spacing 5-stringer, which was easy to play with a pick, but not so much fingerstyle, and slap forget it.
    I'm just coming round to 5-string basses myself... and what I find is that some basses I can't stand, and others feel much more natural. So my advice is to try everything you can get your hands onto.
    I find slap style harder to adjust to. Muting that low B takes a lot of concentration and doesn't come so natural to me. Playing fingerstyle however is relatively simple and after a weekend you'll feel confident to gig with one. Or I do. But slap still makes me sound crap. I am a mediocre slapper when I am at my best, and on the 5-string bass I sound so much worse. But finger style is not hard.

    The nice thing is to play the 5-string continuously... and then get the 4-string again. Suddenly it feels as though you could fly :)

    The best about the 5-string is not so much the lower notes, but the ability to play higher on the fretboard which can make many things a lot easier to play.
    On most of my 4-stringers I have a Hipshot D-tuner, which allows me to get the E string down to D at the flick of a switch. So if you just need to get a few lower notes occasionally, a D-tuner may be an option that requires a lot less effort.

  17. I use an EHX micro Q-tron. The volume boost annoyed me, so I put it in a loop with a Boss LS2 pedal, which allows me to adjust the volume. Much better. In addition, it allows you to blend dry/effect, and totally revitalised the micro Q-tron for me.

  18. [quote name='machinehead' post='752718' date='Feb 21 2010, 12:33 PM']I've never been struck by any Stingray I've tried until yesterday...

    I tried a new 2EQ and I was very impressed by everything about this bass. It felt unbreakable and really well put together, flawless finish, lovely blue body colour and a tight focussed sound. (I find describing a sound very difficult, it's the best I can muster) I almost got the credit card out there and then.

    But then I took my own advice which I've tried to keep to for nearly 40 years. Always wait for two weeks and then, if you still want to buy something, go ahead. Avoid rash decisions. (I haven't always kept to this advice and made some horrible and expensive mistakes)

    Anyway, I got thinking about the price and it seems cheap at £999 for a brand new Stingray. Am I right?? (They have a black one at the same price BTW, PM me if you're interested. They are an online shop but don't update their website with current stock.)

    Then I got to thinking about alternatives and remembered a member here saying that after years of playing Stingrays he now prefers the G&L L2000. I think he said it did everything the Stingray did and more. And at around half the price! I've liked all three G&Ls I tried in recent years.

    So, I'm asking about the price and how the two instruments compare for sound, quality, playability etc.

    I've done the search on the subjects but I would appreciate anyones experience and opinions.



    I'm a Stingray fan.
    I have a SUB5 (more Stingray than a Stingray5 according to some :)) and just got a G&L 2500 Tribute.

    The G&L is lovely. But it does *NOT* sound like a Stingray. Nope. Not at all.

    If you like the G&L get that. If you want a Stingray sound, get a... Stingray.
    Or get both! :)

  19. [quote name='apa' post='1089769' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:49 PM']HA! read 'em and weep boys. The Epitame of Reverse Polish Notation :) The 'Precision', The 'Jazz', The 'Insert your all time classic Bass here'. The HP41-CX....................


    OK this isnt a pic of mine. Thats still in work! If anyone wants pics as proof just PM me :)

    Erm am I On Topic or not? Not sure but hey Im sure your all GASing for one :lol:


    Ah, the HP41... wanted one badly at school. But the HP28 series was superior, I'm sorry to tell you :P
    As I said, not a big fan of P-bass :D

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