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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Well, the purple Squier Bullet Telecaster will be back in stock in September...
  2. "wonderwall!!!" said the little group of football fans.. we're an originals band playing a mix of ska/reggae/funk. The following four songs were introduced as "Wonderwall".
  3. Find a purple one and I'll do you a favour and buy it first :p
  4. I think one of the most attractive points of the more expensive guitars is the (perceived?) better QC. A lot of the cheaper instruments seem to required some minor work to turn them into real nice players, and while I am ok with that not everybody feels comfortable with that. I played OLP Stingray basses for a while, and I owned two that were very nice, but my 2002 EBMM Stingray just felt *quality* from the minute I had it in my hands and ended up selling the OLPs. Most 'good' instruments I've had were like that. I think where it gets really interesting is in the mid-priced instruments... £400-700. My PRS SE, or the Schecter Model T bass, felt very good, and if you told me they cost £1200 I'd have believed it. Same with a couple of newer MIM Fenders. The PRS in particular has a beautiful roasted maple neck and fingerboard and it's fantastic.
  5. If I see one I'm buying it, no question! It seems silly, it's just a colour but...
  6. oh, not at all! (banging on about it) Thank you for your thoughts and contributing to this thread I'm going to have to take a break from the computer or I'll end up with one or two Harley Bentons, another SX, a Squier and probably a Stagg. At least It's terrible not having band business these days, when I'm busy with gigs etc I don't get tempted nearly as much!
  7. what??? I'm a big fan of purple and maple!!! where did you find that? I love it!!!
  8. Yamaha seem to manage to make decent instruments regardless the price point, that's true. I was selling a cheap strat once. It was not bad but it was far from being amazing and I never gelled with it. This guy came to try it... I almost kicked him out and kept the guitar! In his hands it sounded fantastic, nothing like what it sounded with me
  9. J&Ds are great value. One think I loved was that they made a few instruments with a lacquered neck which is my preference and you don't find them often in the cheapest ranges. In addition, the Jazz neck was narrow as you'd expect but a bit deeper than usual, which suited me nicely (I don't like slim necks)... it was great! As always, with the cheaper instruments it is worth being able to set it up yourself and do a few minor adjustments. If you are handy with setups, you can't go wrong with these... and your Tele looks fantastic too. Differences between the J&D and the Tokai... very small differences, but enough to make me think they're made from a different 'template'? The scratchplate looks very close but the curves are ever so slightly different in places (such as a sharper corner on the top right of the bridge), and position of the screws. The first one I noticed was the ones flanking the tone control, they look pretty much aligned with the middle of the tone control on the Tokai, but a bit higher on the J&D. There's also the bottom of the neck, it's a bit longer and squarer on the Tokai. Different strap buttons... I thought I noticed more differences but I am looking at them now and I'm really struggling Some of those things (curves) could be the different angles in the pictures but the screw alignment and bottom of the neck looks real to me... I don't know, it's very very close indeed but I'm not sure they represent the same instrument. Even Tokai have different takes of the same instrument at different price points. I saw a nice black/maple Tokai at just over £200 which sounded good (last one I saw was more like £500) but it turned out to be one of the cheaper ones. If I'm buying 'bottom end' I might as well go with J&D or SX then
  10. Ugh... what a terrible demo! That distortion pedal direct into desk sound and a P90 *humbucker*? I could do a better demo playing a broom plugged into a dustbin.
  11. I'm no longer looking to buy, but I still look and came across this interesting variant by Stagg. Now, every bass (never tried Stagg guitars) I tried by Stagg was ok, it worked, but I never really like them... but this thing has a very interesting design and if I see it in the flesh I will have to give it a try. That P90 on the neck is an interesting take too. It may just make it sound distinctly enough to justify buying one if I see them around 😛 Around £150-160 (also in sonic blue, natural...)
  12. I heard some once referred to Jimmy Page as the guy who sold most Les Pauls while using a Tele
  13. I had a J&D bass, it needed some minor work (unsurprisingly for the price point: sharp fret ends, one tall fret and nut slots a little low on a couple of strings), but it was pretty good considering the cost. It took me all of 20 minutes to get it playing nicely (took it to rehearsals straight away and played a few gigs with it), and a bit longer to permanently deal with those issues. I'm not sure the Tokai is the same bass, I can see a few small differences. There are a lot of similar guitars out there, and you are right 'though, some of those must be made in the same factory. It doesn't mean they're built to the same specs, however. Hmm, so many guitars, so little time.
  14. It's supposed to be a bit like candy apple red... I was going for black/maple or natural/maple but this caught my eye Let's see how it works out. For £139 I'm ready to do some minor fret levelling and nut work etc.
  15. I've just ordered a SX Telecaster. Let's see if it is similar in quality to other SX guitars I've played (and the one I've got)...
  16. Of course, I still use my P90 equipped guitar, you learn to find the best angles in the room to use it I was just adding the Variax comment as a 'curiosity'. It was a great sound! Shame the guitar was nothing special, and ugly too.
  17. On the subject of hum... I used to have a Variax guitar. Their P90 emulation was very good and completely silent (when you want it to be!). I've often thought of getting another JUST for that sound.
  18. P90s downside is how much they can pickup hum... but their sound is righteous. Sorry, I cannot recommend any particular pickups for your purposes, I just wanted to encourage you in the direction you are taking
  19. Oh yeah, Farida make some decent instruments too, one more to consider, thank you! I've been considering SX too. I was a big fan. When I sold most of my stuff, the two guitars that survive the 'purge' were my Fender Sambora Stratocaster and a SX Les Paul style with P90s... the SX was surprisingly good. Just a couple of tiny cosmetic marks, a couple of sharp frets, and that was it. Even the nut, despite being cheap, was cut adequately. I did nothing to it and was compared favourably to a Gibson Les Paul Junior one time I took it to a guitar bash type of event.
  20. Thank you It looks like it sold already, but thank you for the offer, it's very kind of you!
  21. It looks like it sold already, but thanks! I have actually played a Fenix Tele and a Strat, they were pretty decent.
  22. I'm more than happy second hand. I used to own a Japanese Squier, black/maple, and it was just superb. Like an idiot I sold it a few years ago... it was the best Tele I've ever played. Previous owner(s) had used and abused it, it had lots of dings on the body and some on the neck,, but nothing affecting playability. In fact, it was so nice to play... ugh. I wish I could buy it back. One instrument I really regret selling. My favourite Jazz is a Korean one with plywood body. I replaced the pretty bad pickups with something decent and it's been a fantastic bass. The Tele is pretty much going to be a home use only, for recording demos and ideas etc, it doesn't need to be the best. As long as it's a decent build, I'll make it play nice.
  23. That's the HB I would go for, if I go HB.
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