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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. yes! there's a little cinema in there... pretty cool place actually
  2. Banshee Labyrinth. A bit on the small side, 'though, but I like playing there.
  3. i used to badly want one of those but my student finances didn't allow it...
  4. I would not worry about your amplifier being 10 years old. My LMIII was made in 2009 and it sounds just as good as it ever did @Phil Starr mentioned using an HPF. It's not a bad suggestion at all. I didn't really know about HPFs when I was struggling with my LMIII+BB2, and eventually got a second BB2. Later, I 'discovered' HPFs. I found that using an adjustable one, even when set pretty low (~40Hz) I felt I had to push the amp a bit less in order to get the same volume, I also felt it sounded a bit clearer, and felt cooler after playing for 2-3 hours. I wonder if that could do the trick for you, while keeping your existing gear. The LMII/III doesn't sound great when your input gain is too high. Maybe using an HPF you'll get that little extra oomph that could allow you to push the amp a little less to get the volume you need, and souding clearer.
  5. I was also keen to keep to a 1-cab solution, just like the OP. With the same amp essentially and a not very different cab (if anything the BB2 is a bit louder). Moving to an 800W version didn't really do the job for me. That's why I mentioned two cabs, not because I can't read . I felt I was where the OP is, and I tried and failed, wasting money in the process. I thought the OP might find my experience something to consider too. A cab may handle X watts, it doesn't mean it keeps getting louder as you feed it more power until that limit. BF do a good job designing their cabs and more recently their speakers, but while more efficient than many, they're still not magic.
  6. I like cocktail sticks as the wood is harder than matches, and have often used them like you, without glue. It generally works well enough, but if you have some wood glue, add a drop for extra safety, it's better.
  7. Not sure that you're going to get a huge increase in volume by putting more power through a single speaker like that. As efficient as BF cabs may be, they're not magic. I'd be worried about being tempted to push too hard. I was using a LMIII into a single BB2, and bought a LM800 because at times I needed more. I barely noticed the difference. Ended up with two BB2 for that reason. Adding another cab is the surest way to get a noticeable increase, I'm afraid.
  8. Sean bought a Hipshot BT-7 from me. Great guy, good communication and all round very pleasant transaction. Thank you!
  9. I didn't think I was ready the first time... but then I found I could do better than I had thought, and I improved MUCH MUCH MUCH faster once I was in a band. Do it!
  10. I had one and was noise-free too as far as I could tell, but I've read about others complaining about it, so it may be some units or that they're too sensitive to certain environments, not sure.
  11. The new EBS Octabass looks pretty interesting as well. I liked their previous incarnation. Very good tracking on that one. The new one has different controls, including a tone control which could be cool:
  12. Close enough that if you really like the OC-2, you will probably not miss it after playing the OC-10. I haven't played both side by side and it's been a few years since I last had an OC-2, but the OC-10 reminds me a lot of one, down to the glitch-prone response below A on the 4th string, and the videos I've seen comparing them confirmed to me that there was not much between them. It feels reassuringly solid too.
  13. A drummer friend of mine and myself were getting together to jam, and we realised we both liked the RHCP. So we started learning some of their songs and that led to "let's start a RHCP tribute!". We needed a guitarist and a singer. We got a so-so singer, and a guitarist, to show up once. The guitarist cancelled his next session due to illness, he said, and after that he said that his band was taking more his attention now and was not sure he'd have time for the new band too. We still needed a singer too, and he suggested the drummer in his main band, who could sing a bit. We found a great guitarist soon enough, and we tried that drummer singer. Not good enough. Tried others, and eventually we found the one and we went on to play a lot of gigs over the next few years. However, that's THAT band. My main band is that initial's guitarist main band, actually. A few months after starting the RHCP I wanted to get busier and was looking at local ads and I saw the name of his band. There were a few audio clips. I liked what I heard. They were looking for a bass player. I wrote to them. Three weeks passed. Nothing. Then I see the ad again. I thought... drummer probably hates me because we didn't take him on as a singer, and guitarist probably didn't like me that much either. But I decided to write again just in case. It turned out they were just disorganised and they had all read the email but they all thought somebody else was taking care of it. Which, knowing them, makes perfect sense Anyway, I got an audition and left having been offered the slot, as they had tried a string of very unsuitable bass players and at least I seemed normal on first contact. That was 9 years and 3 months ago, when I joined Sea Bass Kid. edit: oh, and the RHCP band? drummer quit. So we auditioned for new drummers. The two we selected for a first try came in... both were great. We picked one, Neil. While the other, Tristan, ended up SBK's drummer when ours moved away a year later. Then he moved to Canada... and Neil came on board. It's the RHCP's fault.
  14. I wouldn't say the tracking is great, much like the OC2... but it does sound great. Like most octavers, it sounds better if you play the higher registers.
  15. Probably thinking of Bannermans. It's at the bottom of the street, in the corner with Cowgate, just another 100m away from Stramash. Bannermans is mostly geared to rock bands (not only, 'though). It's not huge, but yeah, definitely another place to check. They also have a flat upstairs that out of town bands may use (you need to agree that, of course), which can be quite handy.
  16. Interesting! I have their previous octave (now discontinued) and it's pretty good, great tracking. Meanwhile, I've also have a Valeton OC-10 in my small board and I've been using that today... I forgot how cool sounding this is.
  17. Paul bought a Hipshot BT-2 from me. Nice, easy, efficient, quick... a pleasure to deal with. Thank you!
  18. That's what I was afraid of at that stage, that her annoying behaviour was part of some sort of misguided mating ritual... Unfortunately (for her) we might as well belong to different species. I don't do stupid. I have enough with my own stupidity
  19. In Edinburgh you have Stramash. That would be my first choice. There's also Voodoo Rooms that would work pretty well.
  20. Indeed. I keep telling our singer to tone it down with the "check us out on Spotify" while we have boxes of CDs to sell at the gig (the times we remember to bring them )
  21. Another one I just remembered... In a popular music bar in town, with my RATM band. There was this guy wanting to come onstage to jump about with us. He eventually managed, and the singer had a hard time keeping him in a controlled area without bumping into everyone else and making a mess... Guy eventually comes down. He is right in front of the stage, back towards us. Suddenly the people in front of him move away. He was peeing. On the floor. At least he didn't do it onstage. I think I'd have murdered him if he whizzed on my board.
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