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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I find it much nicer to have it at my fingertips. Just my preference. I set the amp for the 'general' sound, and then use the onboard controls as required. I'm also one of the people who use passive tone controls a lot, while others just leave them open. I also favour single pickup basses while others keep playing with different pickups and combinations... Are you really suggesting I should ask the guy at the desk to change my mids for monitor and FOH as the gig progresses? As for 3 band over 2 band... funny, I don't care for bass/treble controls, so give me the 3-band purely for mids. But I want mids where I can select the centre frequency between as low as 100Hz to 1000 or 2000 Hz. That one single control is very intuitive and powerful. I like it. My preference. Possibly not on the bible, 'though but there you go.
  2. Oh there's a few for bass preamps. John East make a stand alone mids module... out of stock right now, temporarily, but it's part of the 3-band MMSR, so not difficult to obtain. Selectable sweep between 100-1000 or 200-2000 Hz As the Model T is EMG equipped, I looked at EMG, and they have a stand alone module, the VMC, which is very similar although only 100-1000. I've seen others by Noll, I think, and cheapies by ToneMonster.
  3. You show me a cannon when all I want is a newspaper to hit a mosquito A simple semiparametic (100-1000 Hz) with two controls, stacked, is all I want on the bass. I find that effective yet easy to tweak on the spot. Give me a passive tone plus a semiparametric like that one, and I'm happy. Resale value is not a factor for me. I really don't care. I find it odd to not modify an instrument the way I like it just in case I lose a few £ should I want to sell it in the future. Besides, it's easy to restore to stock, all I'm doing is changing two components and wires. And finally... this bass stays. I love it. This and the Stingray are the unsaleables
  4. Ah, it looks like they merged with the bar next door, and that's where the band plays now (which is the restaurant during the day). The other side is as you describe, and much smaller. The after gig parties still happen
  5. Yup, that's the one, next to a little SPAR (I think) shop, with a beer garden behind, and the walls painted a very interesting shade of... yellow/green? Hard to tell. They have a few rooms too. Restaurant on the left side, where bands play, and bar on the right. There's a fireplace right behind where the band sets up, and you MUST remember to ask them to put it down well in advance, or you'll have a toasted drummer. We've played there many times, and it's always been busy in the end... but sometimes it looked a bit sad to start. We had some 'fans' who would always be there from the start, but sets would be variable. We generally played 3 sets and had to time the breaks well because all it takes is one little group deciding to try the other bar up the road and suddenly you've lost 15-20 people, in a bar that holds maybe 100 at best? Although I'm sure sometimes we had more people there... It's one bar where we actually barricade ourselves in as the locals can get pretty... enthusiastic Last time there owner was a bit 'erratic' and we got a bit fed up with her attitude, and two of the guys don't seem keen to return. We'll see. Typically we'd play there at the beginning of the summer and then at the end, so if we go back I'll find out soon. It was a fun place to play, mostly.
  6. The stock preamp is EMG on the Model T. Not a bad preamp, and you can tweak it a bit (a couple of internal dip switches changes its mode of operation a bit)... but with most preamps I find it's mids I want to control easily: bass I set with my amp, treble... I haven't really found an active treble control I like as much as a passive treble-cut. Semiparametric mids is where it's at for me. Back to the stock 2EQ EMG, I don't think it's bad, just that it doesn't suit me. I worked hard at learning how the bass/treble controls interact, much like I did with the Stingray... but the Stingray is dialled in just right for my liking, while the EMG is just not quite right in combination with those pickups. I was going to replace the whole thing, put a set of DiMarzio Model P/J and passive controls... but I thought I'd try this passive tone + semiparametric mids trick first.
  7. about slacking the strings... I hear that from time to time but wouldn't that be worse? I mean, the neck is held at an equilibrium between the truss rod and the strings pulling in opposite directions. I wouldn't imagine that removing one would be any good. It clearly doesn't do any harm, as you can keep instruments like that for ages and they respond well once under tension again... but, I don't see what's being gained. Unless you loosen the truss rod as well.
  8. There's something about the wide neck on the 5-string, it makes it look even better than the 4 string... My 4-string is being modified. It's lovely to play but that EMG 2-band EQ is really not for me and I finally had enough. After a little research, I bought some different EMG components and I received them yesterday. It's going to be: 1) stacked volume and tone control (passive tone). 2) blend 3) VMC module: semiparametric mids module Now... wait until I have the time...
  9. Hell of an entrance, my friend, hell of an entrance...
  10. It was just the metal cover that didn't fit too tightly. The handle was attached alright. I lifted the cap, put a little bit of felt in there, and put the cap back on. No rattling anymore. I had a similar style handle, only the plastic version rather than the metal one fitted on BF cabs, nearly fail on my old MarkBass CMD121P combo. I hadn't noticed anything unusual, but the rubber grip had frayed with use within a year (I used it a lot), and bought a replacement. When I removed the plastic cover I saw that the metal blade inside the handle was sawing away at the plastic post where the screw goes through. It was almost broken off. The thought of seeing my amp tumbling down a staircase made me very nervous and I installed an all metal handle. Ever since I'm a little cautious about handles. Fortunately, in this case, it was just the metal cover rattling.
  11. I'm actually an owner myself. A very happy owner of 2 of those Two10 cabs. Fortunately mine didn't seem to suffer from tolex issues (or feet, but one handle did vibrate a bit for a while 😛). I just don't like blanket defending a company (or attacking it ) as a matter of principle.
  12. It's not negative sniping when it's factually correct.
  13. Best 29 minutes in the last two decades
  14. Or maybe your message disappeared in the limbo of their email account...
  15. People, and musicians in particular are unreliable. I'll tell you a story, a true story: Back in 2008 I started a new project with a drummer friend of mine. One guitarist joined us, but quit 2 weeks later as he figured he couldn't afford the time/money for two start up bands. I asked about his other band... and forgot about it. Then the drummer for that band auditioned for us as a vocalist, and we didn't take him. New paragraph. Move forward 2 years, it's Summer 2010, I'm looking for another project to join... and I find an ad in Gumtree for that band. I checked some recordings they had in a MySpace page, liked it, and emailed them. No answer. I was a bit older than them, and I started thinking that maybe that was a factor. Or maybe the guitarist really didn't like me and that's why he really quit after only 2 weeks. Or the drummer was offended we didn't offer him the singer position... Then I see the advert reposted. I think "yup, they just don't want me". But I wrote again. It turned out they were very disorganised and everybody thought someone else would deal with it (edit: when I say everybody it turns out only two read my message). This time I got an answer. Auditioned, and got the part. It became my main band and I've been with them for nearly 8 and a half years. Moral of the story: if you want it, go for it. Sometimes there are very innocent reasons people don't act they way we'd like them to and it doesn't make them evil.
  16. same misunderstanding with a bit of slap too... (I can HEAR some people wince, it's that strong of an emotion)
  17. Of course not. I remember a Thursday in 2003, it was rather pleasant that day.
  18. Or... as I did once when I couldn't be bothered... I coated the top of the poles with clear nail varnish, the quick drying one. Not the most elegant, but invisible a over 1 metre and it works
  19. If it buzzes when touching the poles it means the poles are not grounded. You can get some copper tape running along the underside of the poles, and connected to ground, and they'll stop buzzing.
  20. I started out on Jazz basses and thin neck Ibanez... over the years I find them less comfortable and I've developed a taste for wider necks (not necessarily chunkier, although I prefer chunky to slim). I don't know why. I have no issues with my hands. The bass with the slimmest neck I own is a Jazz copy by Vintage, and my hands dont exactly hurt, but don't feel good if I have to play a long session with it. On a wider neck? No problems.
  21. Tuner, cables, stands... I actually didn't leave any of those behind (well, the tuner I did)... the rest were lent to someone and then never seen again.
  22. 8-3-0-0 7-1-0-0 4-1-0-0 There was a band that went from 4-2-0-0 to 4-2-0-1, and then I killed the band (it was my project). I don't think I can be in a band where I actively dislike anyone... (it's not my job... at work I do dislike actively a few people ) edit: the definition of 'friends' is important, 'though. I don't call many people 'a friend', to me that's someone with whom I have a special connection. I suspect that others may be a bit more... accommodating in their definitions, and from their perspective I'd easily be 8-6-0-0, 7-5-0-0, etc...
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