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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. It reminds me of The Kinks' "I'm not like everybody else". The live version always made me smile, with the audience singing along
  2. What?? Hold my beer... (you clearly haven't heard me play 😛 )
  3. I am not sure!!! Are you talking about that guy who specialised in buying instruments and butch... I mean upgrading and otherwise modifying them? My question was genuine, 'though. Was there something specific that he does and others generally don't? I tend to do a lot of my own setups and attempt little jobs on my guitars, so I'm always keeping an ear alert for any hints and clues that might help me later on.
  4. How did others do it incorrectly, and what was the correct way?
  5. That seems to imply that other basses are more difficult to fit in the mix [1], which is not true... It's a matter of preference, taste, and the goal with respect to the kind of sound to be achieved. [1] as if all mixes were the same... (and of course: he/she who pays the bills, gets to choose)
  6. Since I seem to only split the humbucker when using the P alone... I think VVT + pickup switch and ignore coilsplit might be the thing to do...
  7. Everyone at works know about one of my bands at least. Some even regularly show up at our local gigs following us on facebook. For a time, our trumpet player was a colleague. Why would they laugh at me? The fact that I have the key to the poisons cabinet and access a wide range of acids and sharp implements has nothing to do with it 😛
  8. That is true. Maintaining them interested, however, generally is a good indication of some talent. Whether that's interesting to you or not is entirely another matter. I have come across some successful youtube channels talking about the most inane things... the one thing they undoubtedly had was an ability to present and be entertainers. Which is why they can often make a living out of it. You seem to dismiss that as non-talent. I really don't get what your beef is.
  9. Nice! It must have been a fun session (or at least it has great potential to be!)
  10. I can't believe Scott's talent, on bass and otherwise, is put in question here... what next? Is the Sun warm?
  11. hmmm... I have to look closely. If it can be used to bypass the pickup as well as remove itself from the circuit when set at 0... it could be useful, and no extra switches added to the front of the bass.
  12. I'm not concerned with the balance (although I do want to keep the ability, so VVT is still in my mind), but about removing the bridge pickup and its volume potentiometer from the circuit, as it affects the sound of the P pickup even when fully turned down.
  13. I have a Maruszczyk Jake, in P/JJ configuration, passive, with VVT controls. The JJ humbucker at the bridge can be coil-split, the switch is on the tone control (push/pull). The Precision sound is not quite there, although it gets a lot closer when I split the JJ. I am thinking it could be nice to isolate the P for 'maximum Precision' on this bass. At first I thought I would install a miniswitch to bypass the bridge pickup (pickup AND volume pot, of course). But then I started thinking that maybe a VVT *plus* a pickup switch would be a good option too. I'm sure I've seen that wiring before. What do you think would be the best option? A bypass seems like the simplest route to get the result I want: an easily selectable way to get just the precision pickup (with the usual V and T controls).
  14. That's how it starts... In a month you'd be wearing Threatin T-shirts and posters all over your bedroom...
  15. ??? I see quite a few pictures, and they look decent.
  16. Nope. My modern (2002) Stingray is nearly 43mm wide at the nut.
  17. Some good points here but there's a recurrent theme of "and the music is crap". Ok, you don't like it, we get it. But it's not very different from other stuff that is popular enough so there will be likely enough people who do like it. Calling it crap just makes you look a little... snobbish? I don't know what's the right word. No, I would not buy a ticket, but that's a separate matter.
  18. I have a passive Maruszczyk Jake, a P/JJ. The double J pickup can be split by pulling on the tone knob. The controls are VVT. With the P volume all the way open, and the JJ volume all the way off, splitting the JJ with the switch makes a very noticeable change to the sound, even if the JJ pickup is 'off'. I keep toying with the idea of installing a switch to isolate the bridge pickup entirely... it's a great bass, but I don't quite get the Precision sound I want out of it (it has other really good sounds ) Maybe I should just go ahead and do it..
  19. Yes, of course. How to do it will depend on the circuit you have... If the pickups are blended first and the signal fed into the preamp, a switch could do that. Some preamps already allow each pickup to be used independently... I have no idea how the Fender one is designed.
  20. Sure there will be a change... but if you take 1000 random Precisions, there will be enough variability there that cutting a bit of wood in one is not going to make it jump outside the "Precision population".
  21. The problem with a typical PJ is that the J pickup & potentiometer is in the circuit even when you turn it down entirely, and changes the way the "P"sounds. But one can rewire so that both pickups are isolated, and it'll sound more like a Precision... because it will be one. That's why I consider a P and a PJ distinct (somewhat similar, but distinct) and not because of the range of sounds that having two pickups give you.
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