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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. That's just one of many sounds of a 2-pickup bass, 'though. I would not call it the default. I certainly never go for a "all knobs maxed" configuration on a twin pickup bass, but tweak by ear to find the sound that I like/fits... and it's almost never an "all knobs maxed" config.
  2. I recently wanted to return something and it was exactly that. I was given an address in China. I said no. I pointed out they stated a UK location, and I would return to a UK location... then they gave me a UK location, some unit in an industrial estate. I sent it there and got refunded quickly...
  3. NYE gig went well with my originals band Sea Bass Kid... no plopping. People didn't leave to watch the fireworks, staying with us for the countdown and shooting confetti cannons from stage (they're loud too!) and it turns out you can turn Auld Lang Syne into a ska tune very effectively I don't know if anybody filmed that one, but I got this (I think youtube compressed the stinky poo out of it... but you get the idea):
  4. NYE party in Edinburgh at a popular music bar (Stramash). We (Sea Bass Kid - originals, ska/funk/whatever) were meant to play from 10.30 to 12.30... we were worried that the fireworks at midnight would empty the venue (just 200m down the road there's a square where people congregate to watch them). However... the place was full and stayed full. The venue gave us a few confetti cannons to shoot from stage, so we kept an eye on the clock, stopped 2 minutes before time... made a bit of noise, counted down, shot the cannons... it was actually a lot of fun. Then we played Auld Lang Syne, of course... started slow as expected but after a few rounds we changed to a fast ska beat and it worked really well. Bombskare played after us... it was a great night. I love those guys and a wee video someone took during one of our new songs:
  5. It's a fun little video, to me. Not exactly a 'lesson' but I found it fun to watch. Hey, some love Michael McIntyre and I can't stand the guy...
  6. I have a gig tonight... We're doing a ska/reggae version of a Star Wars medley, and also Auld Lang Syne (since we play through midnight) starting slow as usual and then speeding it up ska style... I was away for the past 2 weeks, just landed last night... I suppose right about now I should be making sure I know the structures of the songs and what to play,instead of being in BC... I have some rough notes.... I will be ok... will I? 😛
  7. I guess it is a matter of: do you want to make it easy? (lazy) or do you want to make it right? (where right may well be a Precision in many cases, after all many players/bands do use a Precision first and foremost, but right may be other basses too)
  8. That would be my view, yes. Use whatever bass gives the sound required. Not just a Precision for everything. I think those wanting a P for everything they just want to make things sound in a particular way they have in mind, which may well be good, but it's not necessarily the only way it can sound good. It's just their personal vision. Hence my inertia comment.
  9. ... to get it to sound like the idea of a bass they have in mind, not necessarily the bass the band goes for. Funny you could play vastly different sounding guitars and that's not a problem
  10. If you read the article, it appears the singer took matters in his own hands, successfully, which is why he may have chosen to not press charges... Well done him.
  11. Sometimes BC feels like a support group for GAS sufferers...
  12. Enjoy it while it lasts! In my experience it's short lived... although you seem to be one of the most sensible types around here, hopefully the blissful periodwill last longer with you.
  13. I love the description of the pickup... and
  14. Then... welcome! And I wish you good luck controlling GAS (gear acquisition syndrome)... I spent more money in the first two years after joining BassChat than in the previous 20 together 😛
  15. No worries... I was really confused I thought it had some hidden meaning I could not figure out... But then I haven't had lunch yet and I'm starving so my brain is not at its brightest... It's all good
  16. I see, then it must look more attractive than to me. I find the SR5 too narrow. The nicest 5-string I found was a Lakland 55-02, not just the profile, but the wide neck (19mm string spacing at the bridge), followed by a Squier Jazz V DeLuxe, a bit chunkier and also 19mm. I guess I could play any 5 string just as badly with a tiny bit of practice
  17. Uff, I don't know. The natural/black one that TimC is playing looks extremely sexy...
  18. I was asking about the high pass filter in the 3-band EBMM preamp.
  19. I haven't tried one, but the strings look really close together
  20. If you are going to change what I actually typed, at least add some note to indicate what you really mean... otherwise it's utterly pointless and confusing edit: and the smiley
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